How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 54

Professor Munich felt guilty.

‘Above all, if His Highness Prince Hart finds out, I’ll be finished. A life once nearly lost, for him, I would gladly give it up.’

Professor Munich smiled bitterly and opened the door to the Chancellor’s office.

“Oh! Hanelope, you’re here!”

As soon as Hanelope entered, the Emperor welcomed her with a delighted expression.

Of course, to most people, he would appear as frightening as a raging lion.

Professor Munich glanced over at Hanelope.

“Your Majesty?”

Hanelope opened her rabbit-like eyes in surprise, not expecting the Emperor to be there.

But instead of fawning over the Emperor like most children would, she simply smiled.

‘Displaying the sincere wish to meet someone.’

As Hanelope smiled, she suddenly noticed the table. It was piled with sugary delicacies.

‘Those items were the ones the Emperor would never touch.’

He had prepared them all for his granddaughter.

Lately, the Emperor had been visiting the academy more often, even doing things he had never done before.

“Why are you just staring? Come and eat.”

The Emperor urged her. It seemed like he wanted to have his granddaughter by his side as soon as possible.

Hanelope walked over like a tiny fairy and sat down across from the Emperor.

It was an interesting sight, the Emperor as big as a mountain and a child no bigger than a handful sitting across.

Mmm.. It’s delicious!”

“Children don’t know what good food is. Hmph!

“Your Majesty say ‘ah ‘.”


Hanelope held out a cookie naturally.

The Emperor laughed in amusement, then, to her surprise, took the cookie.

He swallowed it in one gulp and frowned, but Professor Munich nearly fainted in surprise.

‘Has His Majesty lost his mind?’

The Emperor had never done such a thing, not even to his own children.

Of course, neither his children nor his kin dared to do such.

“I heard from Count Munich. You’re doing good in your studies and also in magic. You even answered difficult questions.”

“I just did it because it was fun.”

“Ho ho, is that so? When will you reach the sixth circle and help me?”

Hanelope’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Are you shocked at my words? I’ve been saying this for a while.”


Hanelope furrowed her brows.

The child was a good student, but she was a prodigy when it came to magic.

Hanelope would know that best herself.

And yet, whenever the subject of magic came up, she was so insecure.

“Do you hate me when I say such things?”

The Emperor asked playfully. Hanelope shook her head.


“Lies! Is there a reason for you to like me?”

“Because you’re His Majesty.”

The Emperor’s eyes sharpened at that answer.

He had heard this reply many times before.

“It is great, as you are the one who commands this great continent, Your Majesty!”

“His Majesty is the most noble person in the empire! We don’t have to give any other reason, we just honor you because of who you are.”

They had a lot of excuses, but they all came down to one thing.

Was she also like them? Did she like him because he wielded sovereign power?

“Do you like me because I’m an Emperor?”


Hanelope shook her head as the Emperor was mistaken.

“Then is it because I’m a bad Emperor but good to my people, again?”

The Emperor muttered despondently.

Hanelope, who had been watching him, spoke cautiously.

“I like His Majesty because.… you are my grandfather.”


The Emperor was at a loss for words and stared at Hanelope.

Hanelope buried her face in the palm of her hands, ashamed of what she had said.

The Emperor looked at her blankly for a moment, then burst out laughing.

“Hahaha, not for any other reason, just because I am your grandfather?”

The Emperor’s sudden laughter made Hanelope look up in surprise.

“Well, can’t I?”

“Of course you can. You’re this Emperor’s grand-daughter.”

The Emperor looked very pleased.

Professor Munich felt relieved.

‘Even an Emperor who commands a continent can melt at the antics of his granddaughter.’

Professor Munich said casually,

“The Princess is truly fond of you.”

At that, the Emperor’s eyes gleamed, but he kept smiling.

Hah… I’ve seen every one of them trying to aim for the throne just having a few drops of blood, but….”

The Emperor’s blood-red eyes turned back to Hanelope, and when she tilted her head in innocence, his eyes softened.

“They were all with ulterior motives. Obviously a normal child couldn’t like me. Hahahaha!”

The Emperor smiled triumphantly.

And Hanelope, not knowing his track of thoughts, laughed along with him.

When the Emperor saw this, he pinched her plump cheeks between his index finger and thumb.


“No, I didn’t realize…..”

The Emperor quickly released his grip, then turned back to her with a stern look.

“Since you’re so nice to me, Shouldn’t I be nice to you?”

“I like how His Majesty is to me. I just hope you can be a bit nicer to father.”

“Such a good daughter!”

“Then what about His Majesty’s behavior?”

Hanelope said sarcastically.

The Emperor replied sternly, “What’s with ‘His Majesty’, it should be ‘grandfather’.”

Professor Munich doubted his ears.

Hanelope was surprised too, and stared at the Emperor, her small mouth open.

“Can I call you that?”

“Why not? Do you dislike saying it?”

“N-no! I like it, grandfather!”

Hanelope beamed, then hugged the Emperor.

The small body of hers was buried in the Emperor’s massive frame.

The Emperor’s expression changed subtly as he enjoyed teasing Hanelope.

He looked at the child hugging him with a surprised and slightly flushed expression.

He felt his heart melt at the warmth of her body against his. He never experienced this feeling.

‘Someone hugging him, without any fear.’

Hanelope, who had just come to her senses, said, “Oh!” and pulled back in surprise.

“I-I’m sorry, I was so excited that I didn’t realize… Huh?”

The Emperor suddenly scooped Hanelope up. Never having held a child before, he carried her almost as if she were luggage.

“Maj-…. grandfather?”

Hanelope flailed her legs in the air.

“Hmm, I guess this is how Hart feels.”


“I always wondered why your father carried you around when you have working legs. But now I understand.”

Holding something warm and fuzzy, felt good. When she snuggled against him, his heart would flutter.

Professor Munich looked at the Emperor and the little Hanelope in his arms with delight.


The door burst open with a loud bang, and someone rushed in.

Hanelope’s pink eyes widened.


“What do you think you’re doing? Return my daughter!”

It was Hart, bursting through the door.

He had come to take Hanelope home, but no matter how long he waited, she never came.

Ever since he had been told by the academy staff that Hanelope was in the Chancellor’s office, he had been unable to control himself.

‘You forced her into the academy, why do you keep sneaking her away? What the hell are you trying to do to that little child!’

Moreover, seeing Hanelope in the Emperor’s arms, Hart’s cold eyes sharpened even more.

Even the Emperor’s gentle face became as fierce as a predator.

“This is a restricted area for outsiders. Leave immediately!”

“I have no desire to stay here any longer. I just came to take my daughter.”

The Emperor and Hart glared at each other.

The spring-like atmosphere in the Chancellor’s office turned icy like a snowy mountain in an instant.

In the midst of their confrontation, Hanelope’s face turned pale.

“How rude of you, Hart!”

“Please forgive me. But no matter how long I waited, my daughter never came. And I can’t help but wonder if someone else has kidnapped her and is forcing her to sign something again.”

Hart approached the Emperor, stepping closer and extending his hand toward his daughter.

“Come here.”

The moment Hanelope’s body moved, the Emperor tightened his hold on her and stepped back.

Professor Munich was shocked.

‘The majestic Emperor was retreating!’

It was an unprecedented event.

As, Hart took one step closer to the Emperor. They both said it at once,

“What are you doing?”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m just holding my grand-child!”

“I came to take my daughter home, please give her to me.”

Hart looked frostily at the Emperor, who was holding his daughter as tightly as if he wouldn’t give her away.

“And.… a child is not supposed to be held like that.”

“Wh-What.. How dare you lecture me?”

“You’ve never held a child before, including your own, so it’s no wonder you’re clumsy. But my daughter was raised with care, she must be feeling uncomfortable.”

Hart shook his head vigorously in disappointment.

When Hart hurt his pride, the Emperor’s face became flushed instantly.

“She’s perfectly fine! Hanelope is comfortable in my arms!”

Even though he said that, the Emperor awkwardly changed his posture.

He used his hands to support Hanelope’s bottom and tried to hold her more comfortably.

At this sight, one corner of Hart’s mouth twisted.

The Emperor’s breathing became harsh at the obvious mockery.

“Th-This insolent….!”

Hanelope couldn’t help but gape at the unfolding.

‘Wow, a nerve war between the Emperor and the Prince…… it’s so…. childish!’

She couldn’t help but find their pettiness amusing.

‘The Emperor and Prince of a country have no shame! Can they just put me down!’

But this was just the beginning.


  1. helloworld15 says:

    Aww, they’re all so cute with Hanelope…!

    1. Samona says:

      TY for reading ♡

  2. Astarte says:

    i like it very much, keep going like this

    1. Samona says:

      Thanks for reading ♡

  3. timehunter says:

    Ohh how i wish i was hanelope.
    Granpa and daddy just wants a cuddle baby 😂😂

    1. Samona says:

      Waiting for more scenes like this to share~

  4. P. Soumya says:

    Thank you so much for your hard work!!

    1. Samona says:

      Thank you for reading ♡

  5. Mimmo says:

    Someone held her in the distance and Hart’s Hanelope senses started tingling 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


  6. Lis says:

    So adorable, baby Hanelope just soo tiny between two lions 🤣🤣

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