How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 45

“His Majesty’s visit, you say…?”

Professor Frank asked, looking dazed.

“While I have always reported to Your Majesty, it’s not enough. He has always expressed a desire to observe as well. But I had reservations about the students’ level being inadequate.”

“What do you mean, not good enough… Ulrich has always been good.”

“He’s the only one, isn’t he? Professor Frank should have taught the other children fairly.”

Professor Frank’s face contorted.

But Professor Munich was not the type to back down.

“Of course, there are still only two students who are capable. But at this level, they’ll be worthy of the Emperor’s attention, so he’ll be attending our next lecture.”

“But we can’t just invite His Majesty unprepared like this.”

“Let me assign a task to present to Your Majesty.”

Professor Munich handed Richter a piece of paper and left the room.

“Y-You’re just a Count! And I’m the vice-chancellor!”, Professor Franck yelled.

Richter silently read the paper Professor Munich had given him.

“He wants us to prepare for elemental magic.”

“What? How can we do such a high level magic all of a sudden!”

“His Majesty is coming, so how can we not? I’ll hand out mana stones to the students and have them practice.”

Mana stones act as boosters to help start your magic. The two of them brought mana stones hurriedly.

“We’ve scraped the bottom of the barrel”, Professor Frank sighed.

Just then, Ulrich sneaked up on him.

“Professor, I’ll help you hand out the mana stones!”, he said.

“Would you do that? After all, you’re the only one I can rely, Young Master.”

“Hehe. Don’t worry too much about His Majesty’s visit. I can do it!”

“Of course you do. I’m sure His Majesty will like you too.”

Ulrich began handing out the mana stones.

The mana stones were all different colors.

‘These mana stones were uneven in quality, as they were scraped together in a hurry.’

Ulrich tossed a faded mana stone in front of me.

“You’re not planning to cheat in front of the Emperor. Are you?”

He frowned.

“Cheating is something you’re good at, so why are you asking me?”

“Wh-what? You really think you have any say in this as an illegitimate child? The Emperor won’t treat his grand-daughter differently. If you’re useless, you’ll be disposed of without mercy. If you think about it, I have more imperial blood than you do.”

I tilted my head with an innocent expression.

“Does that mean you and your father could be Emperors?”

“Of course…!”

Ulrich, who had almost spoken his mind without realizing it, reigned himself and glared at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he sulked past me. I picked up a mana stone the size of a grown man’s fist. My hand tingled.

‘The quality might be poor, but the quantity of mana is sufficient.’

After distributing the mana stones, Ulrich took his share and returned to his seat.

His stone was the biggest and best looking one.

‘Truly annoying.’

No wonder the other kids gnashed their teeth at Ulrich.

“I’ll also show you how to train your mana, which will help you with practice.”

With Richter’s explanation, the class ended.

Interestingly, the mana cultivation steps were similar to the genetic therapy exercises in the pharmacy aid.

It helps to amplify the effects of the medicine.

I was practicing these steps while taking the genetic medicine.

‘The key to curing hereditary diseases is to protect the heart with mana, so I guess the exercises were similar.’

After the lecture, I ran to Professor Munich.

‘I had something to ask him!’

But Ulrich was already clinging to Professor Munich.

“Professor, your lecture today was great! I always look forward to your lectures the most!”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“Professor… you always report about us to His Majesty. Has His Majesty said something about me?”

“His Majesty’s words?”

“Yes. I’ve always been the top student! I’m sure His Majesty is curious about me…”

“Well, His Majesty is very discreet, so he didn’t say anything.”

“So, are you going to meet with the Emperor today?”

“His Majesty has summoned me and I will make my entrance.”

“Well, then, if you could tell His Majesty that I have great respect for him, and that I’m looking forward to his appearance at the next lecture…!”

“What about Princess Hanelope?”

Ulrich paused his chattering.

Professor Munich spotted me and adjusted his glasses.

Ulrich stared at me scornfully.

I pretended not to see him and went to Professor Munich.

“I was wondering about the history lecture we had today. May I ask you a question?”

“Why are you disturbing a busy man like Professor Munich?”

Ulrich said before I could finish my question.

Crossing his arms and giving me a sarcastic look, “If you want to know something, ask me. Don’t bother Professor Munich. I know everything, so I’ll help you instead.”

He didn’t want anyone else to even approach Professor Munich.

‘He has to make a name for himself and catch the Emperor’s eye!’

You greedy punk!

“I appreciate the kind words, but you probably won’t be able to help.”

“What? B-But…”

“I think I have a rough idea of what Princess Hanelope wants to ask me. It’s about the ‘Rebellion by the Remnants of the Monarchy’?”

Professor Munich was quick on the uptake. I nodded.

“Yes. About the hostages taken during that time.”

“It wasn’t considered important”

I was shocked. My clenched fists tightened, but I controlled myself.

I was the one who was disappointed.

‘I need to know what exactly happened to my father, and why the Emperor is treating it like such an insignificant issue.’

I made an effort to keep a bright expression and asked.

“But still, I’m curious. After all, unimportant facts today might become important tomorrow.”

“And what matters to you now is the story of the hostages?”

I nodded.

“I’m afraid I can’t help you with that at this moment.”


“I must go to the Imperial library and search through the relevant books.”

I wondered how much the Emperor had kept from me about my father being held hostage.

Did Professor Munich also not know? I was more puzzled than angry.

“I will take you to the imperial library, as I have to go to the palace at the Emperor’s behest. I’ll let the servants who escort you know”, Professor Munich said.

I was surprised.

‘He’s going to take me to the Imperial Library? Why is he suddenly so eager to help?’

Professor Munich had been so casual in class, deliberately ignoring the kids.

‘He ignored me, who was getting bullied by Wuli.’

I was suspicious of his sudden change in demeanor.

“Professor, please take me to the Imperial library, too. There are books I want to see!”

Ulrich said, casting a jealous glance at the two of us.

But Professor Munich cut him off.

“If you have any question, come to my office before the next lecture.”

“What if the professor doesn’t know either?”

“Then tell me now what you’re curious about. If it’s something I don’t know, I’ll research it before the next lecture.”

“U-Uh…. but I also want access to the Imperial Library….”

“Outsiders must ask permission to use the Library.”

Professor Munich cut him off like a knife. Ulrich’s face contorted.

“She didn’t ask permission before, but why can she go!”

Fueled by jealousy, he retorted without controlling his emotions.

Professor Munich gave an incredulous glance and said, “Princess Hanelope is a member of the imperial family and does not need to ask permission. Members of the Imperial family are among the insiders who have access to the imperial library at all times.”

“W-What? A member of the imperial family, but I’m…!”

“I’m sure you’re not unaware that the Princess made an audience with the Emperor not long ago. I must depart. The princess will follow me.”

Professor Munich turned on his heel.

As we left together, I heard a rough sound of Ulrich’s heavy breathing from behind.

At the front, I could hear Professor Munich muttering in a low voice.

“Ulrich’s parents must have taught him well. To desire the throne just because you have a drop of noble blood, it’s as if you’re a greedy criminal, or like someone with diluted royal lineage coveting the throne.”

Wuli was proud of his blood, but he also looked down on me.

He deliberately belittled me as an illegitimate child.

But no matter how much imperial blood you have in your veins, you can never be more authentic than the daughter of a prince who has been recognized by the Emperor.

Professor Munich had pinpointed that fact.

The Imperial Academy was in close proximity to the Imperial Palace.

Thanks to this, we arrived at the Imperial Library as soon as we boarded Professor Munich’s private carriage.

“The book you want is over there, in the history section.”

After guiding me to the library, Professor Munich gave me that much information and quickly left.

He had an appointment.

As he left, the library fell silent. I stared at the circular ceiling. Sunlight poured down from the translucent glass ceiling like magical dust. Below it was an expansive forest of books that seemed to stretch endlessly.

“Wow, it’s huge!”

I wandered over to the history section that Professor Munich had pointed out.

It was the innermost part of the shelves, arranged like a labyrinth.

“Ugh! It’s hard to even get in here.”

When I finally got there, I looked at the books and was puzzled.

“What? There are only books about animals here?

I was dumbfounded.

Was Professor Munich mistaken?

As I looked around, I spotted an unusually thick book among the shelves.


[ The Noble Legacies of the Imperial Family ]


What kind of heritage book is in the animal section? Curious, I reached for the thick book. As I grabbed the book with my heel lifted, ready to pull it out.


Suddenly, the bookshelf opened inward.

Losing my balance, I was sucked into the inside of the bookshelf.


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