How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 43

A chill ran down my spine.

Professor Munich was talking about my father. How the Emperor had abandoned him when he was kidnapped!

“It is because of His Majesty’s decision that we can live in peace now. Let us all be grateful for his kindness.”

When Professor Munich finished, the children clapped. Their faces were full of respect for the Emperor. But I was resentful.

‘No, my dad wasn’t at peace. How long has he been suffering….!’

There was only one line about him: ‘A kidnapped nobleman’.

No one remembered the sacrifices he had made: Fighting in the war of attrition, being kidnapped and tortured by the rebels, also being cursed during his escape. No one acknowledged the pain he endured, the agony of throbbing headaches from the curse.

‘My father was even kidnapped while trying to protect the knights under his command…….’

Forgotten like this.

How could this be? Is this the Emperor’s will? Am I trying to reconcile my father with such a person?

“Well, then…. Princess Hanelope, do you have questions?”

Professor Munich, who had been absent mindedly flicking through the books, narrowed his eyes when he saw me raise my hand.

I could feel Ulrich glaring at me, but I didn’t care.

“Yes, Sir. I have a question.”

Professor Munich pushed his glasses up slightly, as if in surprise.

“What happened to the nobles who were kidnapped by the rebels?”, My voice trembled slightly.

Professor Munich’s eyes widened, as he had heard no one ask such a question before.

Everyone was too concerned with the Emperor’s achievements to think of the victims. Besides, the academy is the Emperor’s favorite institution.

They would have no interest in anything but pleasing the Emperor.

Professor Munich paused, then answered.

“They’re all dead.”

“All of them..?”

“Except for one who managed to escape on his own.”

Professor Munich hesitated for a moment.

“That’s not very important, so let’s move on.”


“Don’t disrupt the lecture!”

Ulrich interrupted me.

As my words were cut off, Professor Munich resumed the lecture. It seemed he thought the Q&A session had concluded.

“It was expected of her to ask stupid questions.”

I could hear Jacob’s sarcasm. My fists clenched tightly.

Then someone tugged on my hand. It was Katherine, the sassy red-haired girl.

She held out a note.

[ You’re quite clever. ]

The emotions that had welled up, the ones that had been about to overwhelm me, dissipated, replaced by bewilderment.

As if seeing my confusion, Katherine quickly scribbled on the note.

[ You asked a question that no one else would have thought of, and you weren’t intimidated by those idiots glaring at you. Except for you and me, this classroom is full of cowards. ]

I wrote a question on the rest of the note.

[ Does Ulrich and Jacob not let others ask question? ] [ Ulrich doesn’t like someone else to be the center of attention. If someone else comes first, he’ll probably throw a fit and faint with rage, and if he tops, he will act like the next Crown Prince. ]

Katherine stifled her laughter.

[ Since you’re so smart, you’ll make those idiots Wuli and Jacob faint. ]

What does she mean?

As I picked up my pen to write a question, Professor Munich said, “This is the end of today’s lecture. I have a special test for you today. It’s a test to be reported to His Majesty, so I hope you all do your best.”

Professor Munich’s assistants came in and handed out test papers to the students.

‘A test on the first day? Seriously?’

I took the paper in disbelief. Fortunately, the questions were based on today’s lesson. Thanks to staying focused during the tense class, I was able to solve the problems easily.

Moreover, I applied the knowledge I learned from Duchess Moltke to formulate my answers.

The grading took place immediately in the classroom.

Assistant teachers quickly assessed the papers, while Professor Munich double-checked the results.

Everyone watched in suspense, holding their breath.

Everyone, that is, except Ulrich. He was grinning from ear to ear.

‘You’re so sure of getting the first position?’

Professor Munich said as he finished checking the test papers,

“Your answers are almost embarrassing to report to His Majesty.”

The children bowed their heads in response to the stern evaluation. Again, except Ulrich.

Professor Munich looked at Wuli, who raised his head arrogantly.

“Young Master Ulrich was excellent today as well. You answered all but two questions correctly.”

“As expected from Master Ulrich!”

“Ulrich took first place today as usual.”

The kids were impressed and envious.

Ulrich stood up, smug and proud.

“Thank you very much. It’s all because of the Professor’s informative lecture that I got first place again…”

“Ulrich, I didn’t say you got the first position.”

The once cheerful Ulrich turned to stone.Professor Munich’s eyes turned to me.

“Princess Hanelope is the first. Congratulations, A perfect score!”

“T-This is ridiculous! She just joined us today!”

Ulrich shouted. His polite tone was long gone. It did not surprise professor Munich to see Wuli’s ugly expression. He had expected this reaction.

He held out two test papers to the students.

“Check them out. You’ve all seen the evaluation process, so you know there was no ‘tampering’.”

Professor Munich emphasized the word ‘tampering’.

The reason for conducting the grading process openly in front of everyone was clear.

“Young Lady, you achieved a perfect score, but I personally found your answers the most impressive.”

Professor Munich pushed up his glasses.

For the first time, his expressionless face showed signs of life. After Professor Munich’s general lecture, the students moved to the lecture hall for magic. As I followed the others into the classroom, my eyes widened in surprise.

‘Wow. This is so much bigger than a regular lecture theater!’

The lecture hall was like an amphitheater. I was wondering where to sit when I heard a blunt voice.

“Where are you going?”

It was Katherine. She patted the seat next to her with a chilly look on her face. I shuffled over and sat down next to her.

“Katherine, umm…..”


“Do you want to sit together?”


Katherine turned her head away with a dismissive sound.

I chuckled at her reaction.

“If you want to sit with me, I’ll say yes. Hehe.”

“Don’t laugh. It’s annoying.”

Katherine grumbled. Her childish behavior was rather cute.

‘I like her.’

Besides, I almost got carried away during the lecture, and thanks to Kathrine, I was able to calm down.

‘I’ll look after her in the future.’

I may be shorter and taller than her, but I’m mentally older!

Just as I was saying this to myself, the door opened and three adults walked in.

Professors Frank, Professor Munich, and a young woman who appeared to be their assistant.As soon as I saw the woman’s face, I smiled in recognition.

‘That’s her. Anna Richter!’

The commoner-born prodigious magician who appeared in the original work. She was now an assistant to Professor Frank.

While Professor Frank and Richter took the lectern, Professor Munich took a seat at the top.

‘Is he here to observe the lecture? Is Professor Munich going to report their findings to the Emperor?’

I looked nervously at Professor Frank.

Unexpectedly, he was taken aback and exclaimed, “Young Master Ulrich, what’s wrong with your expression? Are you feeling unwell?”

“No… I’m just upset about something unfair.”

“Unfair? Who dares to…!”

I was baffled.

He stopped the lecture just to chat with Wuli like this?

But the other kids seemed to be used to this.

Next to a sulking Ulrich, Jacob spoke up.

“Ulrich came in second on the test to be reported to His Majesty. Do you know who came in first? It’s the new girl who just arrived today! It’s unbelievable.”

Professor Frank gazed up at the upper section of the classroom.

He was gauging Professor Munich’s reaction. Then, his gaze swiftly passed over me.

“Haha, don’t be so sad. When it comes to magic, you’ll be number one.”

“But there could be another unacceptable result!”

“That’s not possible. Magic requires you to be good at two things- magic formulas and magic initiation. You can cheat at magic formulas, but initiation is different. You have to be naturally good at magic to excel, and aren’t you brilliant at it, Master Wuli?”

Professor Frank asked, flattering Wuli with all his might.

“That’s right, because I’m the only one in the academy who can handle the third tier of magic.”

Ulrich immediately relaxed and laughed heartily. Then he suddenly turned around and sneered at me.

I smiled innocently and waved. Wuli blushed bright red and grunted.

‘I don’t mind a child’s squabble.’

I looked at Professor Frank.

‘Was it Professor Frank who took the Marquis of Fork’s bribe?

But being a third circle meant Wuli wasn’t lacking in skills.

‘Generally people who are at third tier are considered as ‘mages’.

Circle one or two is the basic trainee level. Without talent, one cannot exceed this level in their lifetime.

‘For someone to be in circle three at such a young age, he must have talent.’

The problem is being too ambitious and trying to achieve more than one’s ability.

‘For now, I need to focus on the magic formula.’

I have limitations when it comes to using mana. In other words, in terms of magic ignition, I’m a complete noob. Instead, I must research magic formulas that I can master through effort and get noticed by the Emperor.

Assistant Richter brought in three withered plants.

“While you all may want to learn offensive magic today, Richter insists on learning growth magic.”

Professor Frank sneered.

I was puzzled by the way the students seemed to want Miss Richter to be attacked.

Predictably, a few kids booed.

“Why should we learn growing magic that only commoner farmers need?”, Wuli grumbled loudly.

Richter’s face flushed.




  • The text between the third brackets [ ] are to convey the lines Hanelope and Katherine are exchanging through scribbling on notes, as they can’t talk during class.


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