How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 35

“De-De-Defeat.. Those are scary words…. And they outnumber the two of us.”

“Last time, I saw the Young Master. You were really good at fighting.”

“B-But I’ll get in trouble with adults.”

“Young Master, you should try mana training. Then even adults will not be able to do anything to you.”

Brantley was naturally well-built.

He was taller than his peers, and judging from the fight in the waiting room, he was strong and athletic.

‘One he gets a hold on mana, I’m sure he will become a great knight.’

Mana cultivation is one of the skills practised by the nobility.

‘The Emperor is also training mages to keep the temple in check.’

The Emperor was recruiting children with potential and providing them with education, including mana cultivation. It applied to both nobles and commoners.

“Nevertheless, people still believe holy power surpasses magic.”

Anyway, if Brantley shows potential in mana cultivation, he will have tremendous synergy with his strong physique. Then Duke Eisen will no longer be able to persecute him.

“I’ll help you.”

I whispered in Brantley’s ear, and the shoulders of the boy shook.


“Here, take this.”

I handed him the gold bracelet I was wearing.

“It’s a gift.”

Brantley took the bracelet with some trepidation.

“I-It looks really expensive.… Why are you giving me this instead?”

“Because the mage in Turenpol likes expensive bracelets.”

His eyes glimmered at my casual remark.

“You want me to give him this bracelet and ask him to teach me magic?”

He grasped the situation quick.

I was so excited that I couldn’t help but stroke Brantley’s head. Brantley’s eyes widened like a startled puppy.

I quickly withdrew my hand, embarrassed.

‘The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.’

I didn’t know what to say, but as if waiting for me, Hart stepped between us.

“You can go back, Master Brantley.”

“Thank you for your hospitality, Your Highness.”

Brantley bowed meekly and retreated.

As I watched his retreating figure with regret, Hart muttered under his breath.

“He’s handsome. Is that why you like him?”

He sounded very annoyed.

‘Of course, as the son of Duke Eisen, Brantley is not someone Hart would like.’

Just reconciling my grandfather and father is daunting enough, and now I have to pay attention to Hart and Brantley too.

I let out a small sigh, and Hart looked at me wondering.

Whose fault is this?




A few days later, the Emperor called me.


I was pleased, but also puzzled.

There was no reason for the Emperor to invite me again.

Hart was equally perplexed.

“Maxim, find out why the Emperor is calling for Hanelope.”

He investigated in every possible way to understand the emperor’s thoughts. But the day of the palace visit arrived without any significant findings.

As we reached the chamber, Hart grabbed my hand firmly and said, “Don’t be nervous, Hanelope.”

“Yes. Dad too!”

“I’m not nervous”, Hart said nonchalantly.

His other hand, the one not holding me, was poised for defence at any moment.

As we entered the realm, I could hear the Emperor talking to the person who had come first.

“I thought His Majesty would call me back. After all, the relationship between me and His Majesty is beyond normal. I’m the only link between the imperial family and the temple, and I didn’t think you’d turn me away.”

The excited voice was Asta’s.

She was so thrilled, she hadn’t even realized I and Hart had arrived.

‘It’s no wonder.’

Asta was banned from the palace for a while after Philen’s execution.

Of course, Philen had to die alone, taking all the blame.

He claimed that his sole action had worsened the Emperor’s health. So they couldn’t hold Asta accountable, but the Emperor still had doubts.

He was wary of Asta, a Saint, after all. Because of her ties to the temple and the public, he was forced to keep her around. But after the events of Philen, rumours spread among the people that Asta was an accomplice.

‘And that she had even accused the Prince’s daughter of being illegitimate.’

Maxim played a significant role in spreading those rumours.

Thanks to him, cracks were gradually forming in Asta’s image.

Suspicions are difficult to dispel once they arise, especially when they occur repeatedly. Moreover, when Asta was banned from entering the palace, the rumours gained strength.

Today’s audience with the Emperor was a ray of hope for Asta, who was cornered.

“I think we have some misunderstanding to clear, Saint.”

“I don’t mind, His Majesty has put his faith in me again. I knew you wouldn’t fall for a child’s accusations. But I advise you to stay away from her. His Highness the Prince has been acting strange ever since he brought her in…”

“Asta, be cautious with your words, as many ears are listening.”

Asta, who had been excitedly talking, stiffened her shoulders.

She turned her head and, upon spotting me and Hart, forced a smile.

“I knew you were coming,” she said, “and I gave you some sharp advice on purpose.”

As expected from a regressed character. She has excellent coping skills.

‘I’m guessing you didn’t know we were here and were surprised by Hart’s sudden voice..’

I bowed politely to the Emperor.

The Emperor nodded and said, “Apologize.”

At that, Asta’s face brightened up.

“Your Majesty, I will not accept an apology from a child, for children are always capable of making mistakes. But since the offence is grave, if you would send her to a monastery and put on probation in lieu of an apology…”

“Apologize to Hanelope, Saint.”

Asta’s smile froze on her face.


“I overlooked it that day, but this is a matter that must be addressed. You insulted the Prince’s daughter by calling her a bastard, and gave the other children an excuse to attack her.”

“Y-Your Majesty……!”

Asta was shocked.

“Since I recognized the child as a member of the royal family, the Saint is guilty of insulting the imperial family. I will not punish you for this, given the relationship with the temple. But you must apologize. Bow properly.”

Asta shuddered in disbelief.

“Your Majesty, I am…”

“Hanelope, come closer to me.”

The Emperor cut her off.

I was as surprised as Asta, and confused as to what to do.

‘Did he call me here to receive an apology from Asta?’

Why would the Emperor do that for me?

He was a cold-blooded man who showed no affection for his flesh and blood, except for his sister, Sofi. Was there some other calculation?

“Hanelope, go.”

I looked at Hart, and he nodded.

I approached Emperor in small steps. He made me sit on the small chair beside him. Asta looked bewildered, seeing me sitting beside the Emperor. The sight of her face brought me back to my senses.

After the regression, everything would have unfolded according to Asta’s plan.

She must have felt like a God of this world.

‘Which makes it all the more difficult to accept this situation for her.’

Her eyes, burning with anger, seemed to shout, ‘Why should I apologize to you? I didn’t sacrifice my soul to come back to apologize to something as insignificant as you!’

Despite her kind face, Asta’s true nature is arrogant. It would be hard for her to endure this situation now.

‘But she has to endure it to live.’

“Saint, do you not want to apologize?”


“If you choose to be punished for the crime of insulting the nobility instead of apologizing, I will respect your decision.”

The Emperor warned. Asta bit her trembling lower lip.

Then she plopped on the floor and bowed her head deeply.

“I’m sorry, Princess. I was naive to think you were foolish, I misunderstood and insulted you. I never meant to hurt you, I’m sorry. Please have mercy and forgive me.”

It was a grovelling apology.

It was hard to believe that the person bowing down in front of me was the revered Saint of the Empire.

“Hanelope, what do you want to do?”

The Emperor asked.

I replied cheerfully, “I like the Saint! I can’t imagine her doing something bad. Please get up. Your knees hurt, don’t they?”

My voice was so innocent that it crushed Asta’s pride.

Asta knelt down and apologized to this child who was this innocent.

“Hanelope has accepted your apology, so you may leave.”

The Emperor gave his orders coldly.

She would not be called upon again.

Asta staggered to her feet, clenching her fists so tightly that tendons sprouted on the backs of her hands. But her face was uncannily calm.

‘What’s going on her mind?’

It was the calm before the storm.

“There is one last thing I want to say, out of loyalty to Your Majesty.”

“Is it necessary to say?”

“Duke Moltke is… plotting a rebellion.”

A silent storm swept through the audience chamber.

Asta’s eyes smiled coldly at the three frozen individuals.

“When I went to the East to fetch the ‘Fountain of Life’ for His Majesty, I happened to pass by Mount Paro. Mount Paro is one of Duke Moltke’s estate, and he was secretly mining iron ore there.”


“Not only that, he was also supplying the iron ore to arms dealers in order to start a rebellion.”

“Does the Saint understand the weight of the words you’re saying?”

“I have proof. If you’ll give me the opportunity, I’ll show you the iron ore I procured from Paro. The men who accompanied me and the miners will testify.”

Asta’s eyes glowed with madness.

She was taking a gamble now.

If this succeeded, she would regain her position. She would become a hero who prevented a rebellion.

‘Originally, this incident raised Asta’s status.’

It was revealed in a more meticulous way.

‘But now, I caused the incident prematurely.’

However, Asta seemed confident.

There was a part of her that believed.

“The Saint’s statements could bring the Duke of Moltke into disrepute. The Duke of Moltke is an imperial loyalist, and the Duchess is my only sister. They could be sentenced to death”

“As a subject of the Empire, I care more about your safety than the Duke and Duchess of Moltke, and I will risk everything to protect you, even if it means sacrificing them”, Asta said resolutely.

The Emperor stared at her, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.

Then he spoke coldly.

“I already know everything.”


  1. sarah says:

    YASS WHEN HE TOLD ASTA TO APOLOGIZE !! And she had the audacity to think he was asking Hanelope to apologize 🙄 She’s arrogant AND slow-witted. Also, not smart slandering the emperor’s OWN SISTER in front of him. Should have collected the evidence first before making such bold claims.
    Thanks for the TLs!

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