How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 34

The next day.

Waking up groggily, I was immediately forced to re-enter the imperial court.

“Philen has been executed”, the Emperor said, looking very healthy.

My eyes shook at the sound of the word ‘execution’, and Hart hastily clasped his hands over my ears.

“The corpse will be fed to crows…”

“Your Majesty! My daughter is only seven years old!”

“You mean to tell me that, as a member of the imperial family, she can’t even bear to hear such news?”

“Please consider the child’s emotions.”

“You’re saying as if she is as fragile as glass.”

“Yes, she is.”

The two stared at each other in silence.

‘Wow! Their personalities really don’t match.’

They were already this bad. How worse it would have been with Asta in the middle?!

Anyway, it was a relief. The Emperor recovered, thanks to the medicine I gave him.

Philen had many enemies among the imperial physicians. This was because he used Asta’s backing to conduct misdeeds.

‘When Philen prescribed the Emperor’s medicine, he didn’t let anyone interfere.’

Having a grudge, the other physicians did their best to uncover his crimes. The medicines he prescribed were poison to the Emperor, and there was no way Philen could not have known that.

‘Furthermore, it was revealed, Asta’s so called ‘Fountain of Life’ was not more than regular water.’

The Emperor said, looking much better, “Not only my headache is gone, but also I feel light as a feather. I can see how crappy that quack’s prescription was, though I still threw up three more times after I retired to bed.”

“W-Was it hard for you?”

“Of course it was. I suffered a great deal because of you.”

The Emperor frowned.

My heart pounded with fear.

Hearing my gasp, the Emperor burst in a laughter.

“I’m going to punish you, so look forward to it.”

“A p-punishment?!”

I let out a chirping voice.

‘But I cured his headache!’

Looking at his serious face, he didn’t seem to be joking. Seeing Philen was sentenced and Asta made to leave, I thought everything was going well.

‘He’s so mean!’

The corner of the Emperor’s mouth twitched as I looked up tearfully.

Just then-

“Your Majesty, I’ll take that punishment on behalf of Hanelope.”


The Emperor’s jaw tightened at Hart’s words.

“If you insist on punishing a child for curing your disease, I’ll take it instead.”

“How is this an attitude on taking a punishment?”

I hastily tugged on Hart’s sleeve.

When he looked down, I shook my head desperately.

“Dad, please don’t!”


“Because Dad will get hurt if punished.”

“And will you be okay?”

“Umm…. It’ll hurt a little, but I’ll be fine!”

Just then, I heard the emperor’s hearty laugh.

“Hart, you’re breaking the mood.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s better than summoning you alone.”

“What is your intention in saying that….”

“I’ll call you again.”

The Emperor motioned for us to leave.

Hart embraced me as if waiting, and as he turned away, I saw the Emperor smiling wickedly at me. I was terrified and buried my head in my dad’s arms.

‘I’m more afraid of him when he smiles like that than when he’s coldly questioning me!’

My heart trembled at the thought of being called again next time.

Although my purpose was getting close to him. Would this fulfil that purpose?

I was at a loss.

On the way back, our carriage was followed by three new carriages.

They were loaded with gifts from the Emperor.

‘I thought he said he would punish me?’

I couldn’t understand the emperor’s mind.

After that.. some time later…

The news spread throughout the empire that the Emperor had met with Prince Hart’s daughter and bestowed her with large amount of gifts.

My existence was officially recognized.

An interesting incident happened-

The children who had bullied me in the waiting room visited me with their parents and apologized.

“We’re sorry for what happened that day. It was because my son lacks discipline. Please understand. Bow down and apologize to her!”

“I- I am sorry. I w-won’t do it again. I- I just did it because Jacob told me to…..”

Every single one of the kids had been scolded by their parents before coming, and their spirits were down.


“Is that what you call an apology? The Earl of Farrington needs to re-educate his children.”

“I- I’m sorry, Your Highness! Apologize properly, you rascal!”

“I’ve committed a great offense, Princess! Uwaaahh...”

Thanks to Hart standing beside me with piercing eyes, the children had to apologize profusely with their foreheads touching the ground.

‘They had sneered at me, calling me a bastard. After the Emperor recognized me, their attitude changed like unpredictable summer rain.’

It was just a brief greeting.

‘The power of the Emperor is indeed great.’

That’s why Hart was willing to go through the inconvenience of having me acknowledged.

After the kids left-

“What a load of insincere apologies!”

I looked up at Hart with a twinkle in my eye, expressing gratefulness.

“Next time, I’ll properly… What’s wrong with your eyes?”


“They’re weirdly sparkly, as if it was adorned with jewels.”

Was that an insult or a compliment?

I tilted my head, then decided it was a compliment, so I giggled.

“Thank you, Dad, for letting me meet Grandpa.”

“Did you like meeting the Emperor that much?”

“Ah, No. It’s not like that..!”

Hart seemed to have misunderstood. His eyes were shaded with sadness and he looked a little pouty.

‘How to solve this problem in a child-like way?!’

I was faced with an enormous conundrum.

[ Question: Thanks to dad got to meet the Emperor. And having his power on my back, I could make the snobbish aristocrats apologize. How to express gratitude like a normal seven-year-old? ]

It’s hard. So complicated.

As I pondered, Hart muttered to himself.

“I suppose even a child would prefer an Emperor to a Prince.”

“No! I like my dad better!”

I quickly exclaimed.

“Not the Emperor, nor the Prince, I just like my dad best!”

It was too simple an answer to clear up the misunderstanding.

But there was no time to think about it.

Hart looked down silently at his daughter, who clutched his hand tightly and rubbed her cheek against the back of his hand.

“Still, it’s better to have a father who is an Emperor, isn’t it?”


“It’s still complicated for a child like you.”

“Ah! I only like my dad!”

Hart showed a mysterious smile. I wondered if he was laughing at me.

‘Wait.. Was he really making fun of me!’

Just then, the butler knocked on the parlour door.

“Master, we have a visitor.”

“Who is it?”

Hart asked, wiping the smile from his face and returning to his usual cold expression.

“A visitor has come from the Duke of Eisen, it’s Young Master Brantley.”

“Brantley came to visit, not Jacob?”

“Yes. Master Jacob is unwell, so he came to visit.”

I jumped out of my seat.

‘Brantley came?’

That’s even better!

But Hart seemed to think otherwise.

“Sickness is an excuse, a coward who can’t even come to apologize in person! I will not accept apologies from an innocent. Send him back.”

Hart waved his hands as if there was nothing more to say.

‘If Brantley leaves without apologizing, he’ll get in trouble with Duke Eisen.’

“Dad, I want to see Young Master Brantley!”

“Why? It will just be a bother.”

“Young Master Brantley looked so cool when he protected me from those kids! I want to thank him.”

Hart showed a displeased expression.

“You don’t need to meet someone like the son of Duke Eisen.”

From when did Hart dislike Brantley?!

It was a bolt from the blue.

“But to save Brantley, I needed Hart’s help.’

It’s not unusual for Hart to hate Duke Eisen. That man didn’t have a single likeable quality.

‘But Brantley’s not a bad boy…’

I didn’t mean to go this far, but I didn’t have any other resort.

I bowed my head deeply.

“Okay. Young Master Brantley is the first friend I ever met, but I won’t meet him. I’ll just live as a loner. Sad and alone forever…”

I curled up in a ball and shivered.

Hart was taken aback.

“I’ll find you a new friend.”

“No, that’s not it. I’m just so lonely and desolated…”

“Then briefly thank him, and send him away.”


As soon as I got permission, I smiled brightly. Hart looked as if he were in high spirits.

Upon entering the parlour, Brantley’s confusion was palpable. There was a mountain of desserts on the table.

“Young Master! Long time no see!”

I waved my hand cheerfully, and behind me, Hart stood with his arms crossed, wearing his usual cold expression.

“W-What is this?”

“Nothing. It’s a snack for you!”

Hart gestured for Brantley to sit down.

Brantley shuddered and nervously sat down in front of me.

“I- I wanted to apologize on behalf of Jacob…..”

“Just say- ah

Brantley’s eyes widened at the sight of the piece of cake pressed against his lips.

“Hanelope, he can eat by himself.”

“But I want to feed him.”

Hart gave Brantley a sharp look.

Flinching, Brantley took the fork from me and shovelled into the cake.

“Have some pudding and macarons too. And also this…”

Brantley’s expression changed to one of wonder as he ate as quickly as I offered. Stars twinkled in his eyes as sweet desserts melted in his mouth.

“Is it good?”

“Yes. It’s so good. It’s my first time having something like this.”

“First time?”

Brantley nodded several times.

‘Even though he’s the successor of a duke, hasn’t Lord Eisen ever given his son desserts like these?’

Brantley ate the dessert without even thinking to wipe the cream off his lips.

After eating for a while, the boy belatedly regained his senses and blushed, perhaps feeling embarrassed.

“But why are you giving me these?”

Brantley asked shyly. There was a hint of wariness.

He looked like a frightened stray cat, and I resisted the urge to pat him on the head.

“You protected me in the palace, when the crazy boys tried to beat me, so I’m giving it to you as a thanks.”

“You don’t have to thank me, you almost got hurt because of me.”

Brantley looked at Hart, then whispered to me.

“In the future, whenever you see me, just pretend you don’t know me. If you get too close to me, it’ll be hard on you.”

“I don’t want to!”

I raised my voice, and Brantley flinched.

“If Young Master and I join forces, maybe we can defeat all the bad kids, don’t you think?”


  1. sarah says:

    AWWWW Brantley is adorable, must protect. Operation Kill Evil Dad begins now. Also I like the emperor haha. Regarding Asta, since her Fountain of Life was just water (gee what a powerful Saintess/s), so she was trying to trick the emperor, did she get punished too???
    Hart’s daddy instincts are tingling, he knows that Brantley is ML LOLOL
    Thanks for the TL!!

    1. Eternity4Ever says:

      about ML anyway

  2. Chaku says:

    That Asta is getting her mask pulled off really well! Soon all the ugly under it will be seen🤭

  3. Florentia says:

    Hehe Brantley is cute, and so pure. He’s the ml i assume, so let the ship sail!… When they became adult😆

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