How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 28

Hart’s voice, low and restrained, but with an undeniable heaviness.

Just listening to it sent shivers down the spine.

Lady Melanie was overwhelmed by fear and plunged into panic.

“Yo-Your Highness! Listen to me, Please, I’m……!”

“Drag her out.”

But there was no mercy.

Upon Hart’s command, Maxim appeared and forcibly lifted Lady Melanie.

She struggled and screamed.

“There’s a misunderstanding! You know my reputation! It’s too unjust to punish me for insulting the royal family!”

“You think you’ll be punished for such a merciful charge? To think you still have some leeway, quite impressive.”

Hart said with contempt.

Again, a cold sensation crept up.

Lady Melanie, who had been screaming, was now so terrified that she lost consciousness.

Maxim dragged the shaken woman out of the room in one swift motion.


Hart turned his head to look at me. His cold eyes softened in a moment.

“Are you hurt?”

I shook my head.

In response, Hart slightly narrowed his eyes and approached me. He took me from Sherry, held me up, and flipped me sideways to find any injury.

“I-I swear! I didn’t get hurt!”


Only after seeing it with his own eyes did Hart breathe a sigh of relief.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Duchess Moltke scowled at Hart.

“The nanny was feeding your daughter juice laced with sleeping pills. Were you aware?”

“I’ve been suspicious of her lately and have been quietly investigating, but I didn’t know she would stoop to this.”

Tsk, tsk… Your ignorance about your own daughter is not the only problem.”


Hart was taken aback as Duchess Moltke stared at me, her usual arrogant and cold face revealing a hint of sympathy for the young me.

“Why didn’t you tell Hart you were being bullied by the nanny? Was your father not good enough?”

Hart’s face darkened at the question.

I quickly shook my head.



“Dad’s busy, and if I cause trouble, it will only make things harder for him.”


“Besides, it’s not that difficult! I’m brave, so it doesn’t bother me at all.”

Hart’s arms tightened around me.

Duchess Moltke sighed heavily in disbelief.

“You fool!”

Then she spoke with a touch of sorrow.

“I’m not a fool, I’m smart.”


“So, please keep teaching me! I want to impress my grandfather for my dad. I want to be admired. Please help me.”

I pleaded desperately. No, I begged.

Duchess Moltke looked at me with a blank expression. For a moment, I thought a flicker of emotion passed over her face. But then she was back to her usual arrogant, cold self.

“I never had any intention of stopping my lessons with you. Don’t talk nonsense, and if anything happens to you in the future, be sure to tell your father or me. Do you understand?”

Duchess Moltke said sternly. I nodded, startled.

“As for you, Hart.”

“Yes, Aunt.”

“I have something to discuss with you separately.”

“What is it about?”

“It’s about Mount Paro.”

“Mount Paro?”

“Yes. It’s related to your daughter as well.”

“I understand.”

Hart handed me to Sherry and left the room with the Duchess Moltke.

Sherry held me tightly in her arms, as if waiting.

“My dear, you’ve been through so much, and it’s all my fault. I should have been there for you, no matter what.”

She sobbed.

‘But Sherry couldn’t help it either.’

Melanie had been tormenting Sherry and the maids directly under me.

Whenever she caught wind of my whereabouts, she would drive them away and give them absurd errands to run, often leading to punishment.

Despite being fellow employees, Melanie held a higher status than the maids and had close ties with the nobility.

Moreover, she was kind to the other servants, except my direct maids.

Sherry and her direct maids couldn’t go and complain.

‘So there was nothing Sherry could do. But she didn’t give up and kept coming for me.’

When Mrs. Melanie would give me dried up treats, Sherry would sneak in a sweet lollipop or something.

I stroked her face and smiled.

“I’m all right, Sherry!”

“Are you sure?”

“Actually, I was feeling a little sad.”

Sherry looked like she was going to break down at any moment.

I lightly poked her adorable face and smiled mischievously.

“I almost cried because of missing you!”

“Missing me?”

“Yes. I missed you, Sherry!”

“Me too. I won’t leave you alone again, Miss!”

Sherry hugged me tightly once more.

“Young Lady belongs to me! N-No. You’re my master.”

There was something incredibly possessive about her words.

Tilting my head and I buried my face in her arms.

It felt warm to be held by Sherry after such a long time.


* * *


As soon as we got off the carriage, an immense pressure enveloped me.

A golden palace that seemed to pierce the sky. This was the imperial palace where the Emperor resided.

‘The air seems different.’

Will I be able to do well?

My tiny hands trembled.

Then Hart, who got off the carriage with me, grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze.

“I see you’re afraid of things too,” he said. “When you first jumped in front of me, I thought you were a daredevil.”

Hart chuckled low, as if amused.

I glared at him.

Instead of being displeased, his smile only grew wider.

“No need to worry. You prepared diligently.”

Hart said that, fully aware of how hard I had worked for the imperial audience.

‘Duchess Moltke taught me very harshly.’

It was more of a drill than a study lesson.

And it was a special training from the strictest teacher in the empire.

Recalling those exhausting days made tears well up.

‘But Duchess Moltke taught me because she cared about me… But no matter how I think about it, it was too harsh! I’m only seven years old!’

‘The entrance examination in Korea can’t match this in harshness.’

‘I’ve been through Duchess Moltke’s lessons, so there’s nothing I can’t do now!  I’m sure I’ll do as great during the audience!’

I clenched my fists and my eyes widened.


I heard laughter as if mocking my determined appearance from beside me.

I looked up, and Hart was smirking.

‘Why are you laughing at me? And then pretending not to?’

These days Hart has been laughing and teasing, circling around me unnecessarily.

‘I don’t think I’ve ever done anything that deserves to be made fun of.’

Even if I just coughed, he would laugh. He’s my favourite, but at times like this, Hart is truly unpredictable. He was never like in the original.

‘Maybe he’s got some kind of illness? If so, I should be the one to cure him.’

I looked at Hart worriedly and walked into the Palace court.

“Wait here for a moment. I’ll greet the Emperor first, and then I’ll come to get you.”

Hart led me into the waiting room and said so.

Looks like the adults have something to discuss.

I nodded stiffly.

There were other kids my age in the room, so I knew I wouldn’t be alone.

‘I guess they’re here with their parents, too.’

After Hart left the waiting room, I wandered over to the corner and plopped down on the couch.

‘I was nervous.’

I looked at the kids, who were sitting in a clump to one side.

‘Maybe if I walked up to them and talked to them, I’d feel relaxed?

 I noticed a child standing alone by the window.

I was facing his dejected back.

‘Why is he alone?’

The child’s back was familiar.

‘Could it be… Brantley?’

I hope he’s been doing well. He even came to the Palace!

Overjoyed, I rushed over to Brantley.

“Young Master, how are you?”

Brantley’s eyes widened as a little girl appeared in front of him.

But when he recognized me, his expression… changed to one of horror.


Does he not like seeing me again?

I shook my head, and Brantley looked at me anxiously.

“Young Master, it’s good to see you again!”


“Are you here with your parents, too?”


As he continued to speak, Brantley averted his eyes more and more.

I got frustrated and asked.

“Does the Young Master have anything to tell me?”

“.. go…”


“Go away.”


Brantley’s words were a blow to me.  His next words were even more shocking.

“If you stay with me, you’ll get hurt.”

In hindsight, I could see the bruises under his sleeves.

“Young Master, how did you get hurt…..”

“Hey! What are you doing there?”

Just then, I heard a child’s squeaky voice behind my back.

The kids who had been huddled together on one side of the room were now staring at me.

‘What’s with these bullies?’

I stood with my back to Brantley, protectively.

“I was just saying hello to the Young Master.”

“Why are you greeting that bastard? If you don’t want to get his rotten smell on you, come to this side.”

Said the boy, who seemed the leader of the group.

Even though he has a grumpy face, he’s still a kid, but talking like that!


I said, clapping my hands in admiration, and he showed a smug smile.

“You finally recognized me? Yes, I am the heir to the Dukedom of Eisen, Jacob…..”

“How does a little brat swear so well? I thought you were a bandit!”

“Wh-what? Seriously, from where am I a ‘little kid’?”

You’re reacting to a ‘little brat’ and not a ‘bandit’?

What am I going to do with this little rascal?

I let out a sigh.

‘Jacob Eisen.’

The second son of the Duke of Eisen.

Brantley is only six months older than him.

In the original story, he became an heir at the expense of the illegitimate Brantley.

‘But Brantley is still the heir now, isn’t he?’

Judging by his grumpy face and vulgar language, I think I know what’s going on.

Jacob was the mastermind tormenting Brantley. That’s why Brantley told me to go away.

‘If I stay with him, he’ll bully me, too.’


    1. sarah says:

      Wait, I went back to read the previous chapters, it was said that Brantley was made the heir because the duke was childless for a long time and he had no other choice. But he’s only six months apart from his younger brother??? I thought they would be at least a few years apart for the duke to make that decision.
      Thanks for the TLs, though!!

      1. Samona says:

        I was thinking about that too. But author-nim went with six month difference. I guess we can only assume, the Duke was that much desperate for a heir. Thanks for the lovely comments Sarah ♡

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