How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 155


An arrow sliced through the air and hit its target.

“Another bullseye!”

The attendants ran to retrieve the fallen target.

Hart, the one who shot the arrow, casually lowered his bow, looking unfazed.

“Your archery skills are as sharp as ever, brother. But I heard you only went fishing at the imperial hunting grounds. Why didn’t you show off your skills?” Hart’s younger brother, Patrick, approached and asked.

Hart was a beauty with a cold and stern demeanor, while Patrick, in contrast, had a soft and handsome appearance. Their personalities were also opposites.

Patrick had invited Hart to enjoy some archery.

When the Emperor asked Hart to keep an eye on Patrick’s activities, Patrick chose to invite his brother instead.

This was Patrick’s attempt to dispel rumors that he was becoming overly ambitious about the throne and to showcase the bond between the brothers.

Hart spoke dryly, “That day was meant for the new Duke of Eisen. Since many eyes were watching the young duke who had suddenly appeared, I stepped back to let him be the center of attention.”
“True. If you had shown up, your exceptional skills might have overshadowed the new Duke of Eisen.”
“Besides, I prefer boating with our Hanelope to archery.”

Hart spoke these affectionate words in his usual cold tone, which made Patrick burst into loud laughter.

“I envy your happy relationship, brother. I wish to get married soon too.”
“Is there already someone you have feelings for?”

Hart asked casually, hinting at Yenna.

Patrick’s cheeks reddened, “She has feelings for me too. But I’m waiting for the right time.”
“Is that so?”

It seemed Yenna had been deceiving Patrick well.

‘Would it be right to tell Patrick the truth now?’

While Hart was contemplating, Patrick spoke up, “The situation isn’t favorable currently. I’m sure you’ve heard about the missing people in the capital.”
“You mean the rumors about those who disappeared after losing a lot of money gambling on Morning Glories?”

Recently, rumors about missing persons had been circulating in the capital. Many had suddenly vanished without a trace.

As the rumors spread and people became anxious, the capital guards verified the list of missing persons. However, there were no indications that they had been kidnapped or involved in any crimes. All of them had participated in the speculation over the Morning Glory Flowers and lost a fortune.

“I heard the response from the capital guards only made the people more furious. They dismissed it, thinking those who ran away due to debt weren’t worth the effort.”
“Yes. So I am personally looking into the truth of the matter, to ease His Majesty’s worries.”

If he solved this problem, he could regain the Emperor’s trust.

“Why are you telling me this? Aren’t you worried I’ll take credit for it?”
“Haha. You wouldn’t do that, brother, would you? I wouldn’t mind sharing the credit if you’d like,” Patrick said sincerely.

This was the brother Hart knew. Sometimes, Hart worried about him because he trusted people too much and lacked a strong backbone. Like when he had been manipulated by Asta in the past.

However, it was also true that lately, Patrick had been showing ambition for the throne, enough to make the Emperor suspicious.

‘His actions don’t match up.’

Suddenly, Hart felt a sharp, ringing pain in his head.

A headache again.

Fortunately, the pain quickly subsided.

‘The medicine Hanelope made for me is definitely working.’

Since he started taking Hanelope’s medicine, both the frequency and intensity of his headaches have improved significantly.

‘Her skills must be like Laura’s.’

The only strange thing was that just when he thought he was completely cured, the headaches would occasionally flare up again, like today.

“Brother, you don’t look well.”

Patrick asked with concern.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“Maybe you’re tired from being so busy today. Why don’t you try some of this chocolate?”

Patrick offered him a round piece of chocolate.

“You’re still fond of snacks, I see.”

Hart said as he popped a piece of chocolate into his mouth.

Though Hart didn’t usually enjoy sweets, he never refused the chocolates Patrick always prepared for him. It was the most affectionate gesture Hart could muster.

“One can’t forget their childhood cravings. This one is particularly delicious, so do have more, brother.”

Patrick said with a warm smile.




After seeing Hart off, Patrick returned to his mansion. Passing through the garden, decorated with bright green grass and flowers just like him, he went to the backyard where a beautiful arched pergola housed a tea-time table.

There, Yenna was having tea.

As soon as Patrick saw her, his eyes lost their sparkle and appeared vacant. Instead, a dazed smile spread across his face.

Noticing his presence, Yenna asked with a bored expression, “Prince Patrick, did you have a good time?”
“No. I thought I was going to die from missing you.”

Patrick rushed to sit next to Yenna.

Yenna gestured to the dessert tray with a nonchalant expression, “Try some of this. It’s chocolate I made especially for you, Your Highness.”
“Thank you.”

Patrick, with a blank expression, picked up a piece of chocolate from the plate.

Yenna watched intently as the chocolate disappeared into his mouth.

“Did you share the chocolate I gave you with Hart, as well?”
“Of course. I do whatever you ask.”
“Then why isn’t it having any effect?”

Yenna muttered, irritated.

The chocolate contained a drug given by Prache.

‘A drug made with my blood.’

Anyone who consumed it would be brainwashed and compelled to obey Yenna.

Even if they appeared fine normally, Yenna’s commands would be etched into their subconscious, causing them to act according to her will.

This sometimes led to contradictory actions, as their true nature clashed with the commands.

‘And ultimately, it destroys their body and pushes them to death.’

Prache had a knack for making bizarre substances. From the Morning Glory hybrids to this drug. He was also said to have made drugs that control the blood’s owner.

‘I’m lucky he didn’t use my blood for that.’

Nevertheless, Yenna hadn’t planned to use this drug on Hart. But since the recent events at the temple, she had changed her mind.

‘I have to use it on him, even if it breaks Hart.’

The thought of that beautiful body gradually dying was disappointing. But if Hart could be brainwashed, at least he could leave behind wealth and honor for her.

‘But why is brainwashing taking so long?’

Patrick had been consistently administering the drug to Hart.

Yet, despite their constant meetings, Hart still remained distant towards Yenna.

Normally, he should have transformed into an empty-headed puppet like Patrick upon seeing her.

‘What could be going wrong? Was Patrick not doing his job properly?’

But until now, he had completed every task without issue. He was also smoothly following orders to compete for the throne.

In truth, Yenna wanted to issue those orders to become Hart’s empress, but it was Prache’s will. And the command to be given this time was agreed upon by both Prache and Yenna.

“Your Highness, there are rumors about the missing persons lately.”
“I was already investigating that. According to the latest information, the last place they were seen was the Temple…”
“Shut up, you fool.”

At Yenna’s command, Patrick fell silent with a blank expression. Yenna threw a piece of paper at him.

“The ones behind the abductions are remnants of the Demic Cult from Barbetz. Here’s the contact information for a witness. Go find him.”

Patrick picked up the paper.

“And expose everything. Reveal that those who abducted people are connected to Princess Hanelope’s foundation.”
“Understood. I’ll do as you say.”

By doing this, they could shift attention away from the temple before people started focusing on it.

‘It’s even better if it puts Hanelope in a tight spot.’

At that moment, Patrick whispered to Yenna, “I love you, Yenna. You’re the only one for me.”

Yenna looked at the brainwashed prince with disdain, “I don’t think so.”

Having completed her task, Yenna left Patrick behind and departed.




The Berg Empire celebrated the Emperor’s birthday with a festival every year. However, recent public sentiment in the capital was too grim for a celebration.

So, a month before the Emperor’s birthday, at a dinner where Grandfather, Dad, Patrick, and I were invited, Grandfather made an announcement.

“This year, we will quietly observe my birthday.”

I was surprised. Dad looked disappointed as well. Especially Patrick, who openly opposed the decision.

“No matter how turbulent the national situation is, we cannot let the Emperor’s birthday pass by unnoticed. I will prepare a modest festival. If we celebrate with enthusiasm, the people will forget their troubles.”
“Do you think the people will forget their concern?” Grandfather frowned and asked.
“Yes. That’s right,” Patrick answered confidently, with an air of conviction.
“Your Majesty knows that recently, the Temple’s reputation among the people is high. If we prepare the Emperor’s birthday celebration with the Temple, the people will willingly accept and enjoy it.”

The atmosphere immediately turned cold.

Even though the Temple had diminished in power and was lowering its profile, past grudges could not be forgotten.

However, Patrick stood his ground.

“I’ve visited the Temple frequently and seen it for myself. They have changed.”
“How can you be sure?” Dad asked.
“If they had ill intentions, they would be gathering power behind the scenes. But now, only poor and powerless people frequent the Temple.”

The Emperor had already given stern punishment to the capital guards for their hasty response.

Yet, public sentiment remained tense. Using the Temple’s influence might ease the unrest. But that was akin to taking rotten food to quench hunger.

“Then are you suggesting that we let the Emperor’s birthday pass without any celebration? Or do you have another solution?”

Patrick questioned Dad. He, who usually showed respect to Dad, seemed unusually confrontational today.

“I also don’t want to neglect the Emperor’s birthday,” Dad replied.

He feared that agreeing too quickly with Grandfather might make him appear unfilial as a son. But he also had no other concrete solution.

I anxiously watched Dad as he pondered. Then a thought suddenly occurred to me.

“Grandpa, I also think it would be better not to hold a festival this year.”


  1. Runa says:

    Thanks for translating! Gosh, from nobles to saints, no one ever seems to learn a damn thing. At least Hanalope stays ahead of things.

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