How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 127

We didn’t actually have any particular conversation in front of Mahach. We simply empathized with him and listened to what he had to say.

Yet, Viscount Munich managed to obtain more information than he desired.

I, too, found it helpful to receive information about the envoy through Maxim’s Information Guild after my encounter with Gallota yesterday.

‘Rumors have spread widely across the continent that the Crown Prince was assassinated.’

Mahach disclosed more facts than that.

“I never thought the deaths of the Crown Prince and the third Prince’s mother were assassinations.”

Viscount Munich recounted Mahach’s words.

“It’s only Mahach’s suspicions, but still…”

“It’s not just suspicion, considering how intense the succession competition is in the Eastern Continent, with the emperor having several wives and children. It might not be mere speculation.”

He added, “Since the third Prince lost his mother and now his brother, he might be overwhelmed by shock.”

“But why would Mahach specifically suspect the fourth Prince? Does the fourth Prince have the capability to deploy assassins compared to the second Prince?”
“I’ll look into that. It turns out the situation with the Crown Prince wasn’t great either. He happened to encounter the assassin while out hunting with an injured leg. He couldn’t properly defend himself and fell to his death.”

Mahach shed tears, mentioning how skilled the Crown Prince was in martial arts and how even if he had been injured, he wouldn’t have died like that.

“I will escort the Princess.”

At that moment, Brantley, who had been following silently behind, suddenly grabbed my fingertips.

I glanced at him in confusion.

Brantley’s eyes looked like he had something to say behind his mask.

I quickly changed the subject.

“I forgot to mention that I had some business pending. Viscount, you can go first. I’ll hire a carriage and ride back.”
“Very well, then, I will return to the imperial palace and prepare to report to His Majesty.”

Viscount Munich climbed into the carriage. As he disappeared, Brantley took my hand and led me into a nearby alley.

“Brantley, why…”

Brantley clamped his hand over my mouth. Just then, I heard the sound of hurried footsteps beyond the wall we jumped over.

They vanished into the opposite alley.

I looked at Brantley with surprise.

He whispered with a serious expression, “Someone is tailing you.”

My heart raced.




Late at night,

Prince Palleta’s residence was bustling. He was reveling and drinking with the sl*ves he brought from the Eastern Continent all night.

Meanwhile, Prince Gallota’s room was quiet.

He was receiving a report from his advisor about today’s events.

“Emperor Berg sent someone to Mahach? What a pointless move. That old man wouldn’t have opened the door, did he?”
“What? He opened the door?”

The advisor nodded.

Gallota’s expression turned incredulous.

“You sure you didn’t mishear?”
“I’m sure. Mahach even had a lengthy conversation with the Princess.”
“The Princess of Berg? That woman again!”
“She came wearing traditional Eastern Continent mourning attire, saying she wanted to hear about the Crown Prince. She also spoke the Eastern Continent language fluently.”

Gallota looked dumbfounded for a moment, then burst into laughter.

“To think Mahach, the impenetrable, would fall for her. When did she even learn the Eastern language?!”

It was both unbelievable and amusing.

“Before we think about what to demand from Emperor Berg, let’s go through this.”
“Your Highness, there’s something you should see first.”

The advisor called for servants carrying a large box.

“What’s this?”
“It was sent secretly as a gift from the Grand Temple of Berg.”
“The temple?”

The Temple of Berg worshipped Prache, similar to the main deity of the Eastern Continent. So Gallota wondered if the two deities might be the same.

“The sender requested that Your Highness open it alone. But it might be dangerous, so I’ll accompany…”

Gallota became curious about the secret gift from the Great Temple.

He dismissed his staff and drew his sword. Then he knocked the box over with his foot.


An unexpected scream came from inside the box.

Gallota kicked the crate a few more times, and a dark-haired figure lifted the lid and crawled out in a panic.

Gallota held his sword to her throat.

“Arghh! Get this away from me!”
“Who are you?”

Gallota frowned and put the sword away.

The woman stood up in a hurry.

“I- I’m the Saint from the Temple.”

Gallota knew about the Saint of the Berg. A charming Saint with dark hair and eyes who had suddenly appeared from another world.

Her name was Lee Yenna.

But she appeared somewhat disappointing compared to expectations.

“For a Saint’s entrance, it’s quite mundane, isn’t it?”
“Were you expecting me to appear with glitters and sparkles?”
“That’s what I hoped for. I thought your entrance would be thrilling at least.”

It wasn’t an impressive first impression compared to the Princess.

Gallota swallowed his last retort.

Yenna lifted the corners of her mouth in a smirk, “Do you want me to show you something thrilling? Do you have any idea how I’m so good at speaking Eastern languages?”
“Is it some kind of god-given ability?”
“H-How do you know?”

Yenna asked in confusion.

It was thanks to Prache that Yenna could speak the Empire’s language as soon as she arrived here. Prache had also given Yenna the ability to speak the Eastern Continental languages.

But even in the face of God’s miracle, Gallota seemed unimpressed.

“Studying and mastering the Eastern Continent language on your own seems more impressive than relying on others for help.”
“What nonsense are you talking about…,” Yenna grumbled.
“There’s no way the Saint is my gift. I think you have something to say, or else why would you sneak in the guise of a gift.’
“Looks like you’re finally willing to listen to me.”
“I have been dying to hear it. Please say it, Saint.”

Gallota said, bowing to Yenna in the Berg style. It was a knight’s greeting to a lady.

Yenna smiled, “You are still thinking about what gift to ask the Emperor for, aren’t you?’
“Do you have any ideas, Saint?”
“I have something even better than the Second Prince’s first suggestion, and I think it will make not only His Majesty the Emperor of the Eastern Continent very happy, but also you.”
“And what might it be?”

Yenna approached Gallota slowly.

“You do realize that the status of the Berg and the Eastern Continent are completely different. Even the Eastern Continent’s imperials are envious of Berg.”

Gallota frowned.

The great continent to the south was a large, fertile, thriving land.

The Eastern Continent called it ‘paradise,’ and it was revered as such. And Berg was the master of that paradise.

The Eastern Continent felt inferior to Berg, the owner of the sacred paradise.

“Surely it is not the Saint’s intention to insult the Eastern Continent?”
“The late Crown Prince’s unnecessary warmongering was probably motivated by inferiority complexes, as was the second Prince’s desire to obtain a great ‘gift’ from Emperor Berg.’
“To be honest, I wouldn’t mind getting a piece of the action.”
“I have a better way.”

Approaching Gallota closely, Yenna stroked his thick neck with her slender finger.

“A woman who holds the highest position that even the high-ranking nobles of Berg dare not covet. If you ask that woman as a gift, not only will the Emperor of the Eastern Continent be pleased, but won’t you be satisfied too?”
“And who is that woman? You?”

Gallota raised his head to look at Yenna with suspicion. Facing his attractive face, even Yenna couldn’t help but admire him unknowingly.

“Are you suggesting I carry out your wishes?”
“I am…”
“But before making such an offer, wouldn’t it be wise to know what my reputation is like in the Eastern Continent?”

Gallota brushed off Yenna’s hand.

“Do you think I would take in a person with no origins like you?”

Gallota grabbed Yenna’s wrist firmly, making her whimper.

“Before you become my woman, it would be wise to prepare yourself to be torn apart, both physically and mentally.”

In the Eastern Continent, Gallota was a reputable Prince. He was handsome and seemingly upstanding.

But his s3xual tastes were very lewd.

To protect his reputation, he only had sadistic relationships with slaves.

But what if a woman from Berg became his wife and traveled to the East to join him?

“Do you think the Saint can survive in the East with no backing?”

Gallota pushed away Yenna’s hand with force.

Yenna staggered back.

“You’re a Saint in the Berg, not in the East. I’ll pretend this never happened, so leave.”

Gallota was annoyed.

His research before coming to Berg had shown that the Saint of Berg was not the kind of person who would be of any help to him.

“I’m not talking about myself.”

Gallota, who lost interest, turned to her again.

Yenna whispered to him, looking as if she were about to start an amusing prank.

“The Prince’s gift I speak of is none other than Princess Hanelope.”


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