How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 120

“We just need to find his Reincarnation.”


At the mention of it, Todd and Natu flapped their wings and started flying.

– “Is that really true?”
– “Where is Grauser now?”
– “I don’t know either. That’s why I’m seeking the help of that young lady.”

Aite grinned at me.

“As per your suggestion, I’ll leave the mountain with the believers. I’ll also return Brantley to you. However, using your foundation or whatever it is, find Grauser’s reincarnation for me.”

I accepted Aite’s conditions. Her believers became part of my charitable foundation to search for Grauser.

Aite obtained a safe haven. And Todd and Natu gained hope of being unsealed.

Everyone was happy.

“Hanelope! You look amazing today.”
“The graduation gown and cap suit you well!”

Even the Spigent twins, who graduated early with me, couldn’t hide their joy. I was the only one who didn’t get what I wanted.

I forced a bright smile.


Someone gently stroked my head then.

A large, warm hand. A touch so affectionate it brought tears to my eyes.


Overjoyed, I turned around and hugged him tightly. I hadn’t seen Dad in a long time. He came to congratulate me on my graduation and take me home.

“You’re hugging me without even saying hello. You’ve become more playful.”

He said so, but his face showed that he didn’t mind my antics. My dad was still so handsome that sometimes he didn’t seem to age at all. To me, my dad was always a marvel.

“When did you grow up this much?”

Dad gently pinched my cheek with his finger so it wouldn’t hurt.

My white cheeks were stretched like a rice cake.

“I couldn’t pinch you like this before because I was afraid to hurt you. I wanted to poke you so much when you were chubby and squishy.”

I pouted, “Daaaad!”

My pronunciation sounded somewhat stretched. Dad chuckled and released my cheek.

“Now I finally feel like I’m hugging a person.”
“I was human even when I was little.”
“I thought you’d break easily, like fragile glass. You seemed as light as a feather.”

Dad stroked my head.

“But now you’ve grown up healthy, it seems like you won’t disappear like a bubble anymore.”

He smiled proudly with a relieved expression.

‘Did Dad feel anxious while raising me?’

I never thought about it. I thought I was pretty reliable, but it was all a misconception!

“Dad, I’m sorry…”

Then, Dad’s red eyes widened unexpectedly, “Why are you apologizing?”

He soon seemed to read my mind and chuckled.

“It’s not your fault. It’s dad’s problem.”
“That’s because… ”

Dad said, seeing my sparkling eyes.

“That’s because you’re too precious to me, so I worried over trivial matters. Even if you just coughed, my heart would drop. So it’s all Dad’s fault.”

The pupils of Dad’s eyes looking at me shimmered with warm temperature.

The graduation ceremony ended quickly. Without boring stretchy ceremonies, it was Barbetz’s tradition for graduates and their families to congratulate each other.

“Next time, I’ll see you in the capital.”
“Let’s meet again over tea.”

Katherine and Fritzka greeted mechanically, then went to the carriage waiting for the Spigent family.

“Still the same.”

Dad looked at them as if he were tired of it.

“We should go too. Everyone’s waiting.”

Dad’s smiling face as he spoke faded.

“I want to go home quickly. Sherry must miss me a lot, right?”
“Not only Sherry. Everyone is waiting for you.”
“But it seems like there’s someone else you’re waiting for.”

Dad said with a sharp look.


‘How did he know?’

I didn’t answer and nodded my head.

“When was I not capable of reading your expression? And I heard it from Maxim too.”

Dad whispered, “You found Brantley.”

“The change from the scholarship foundation to the charity foundation was also because of that guy.”
“Are you waiting for that punk?”

The more we talked, the more aggressive Dad’s address to ‘Brantley’ became.

It seemed that Dad deeply resented Brantley.

‘Anyway, he probably won’t come.’

I looked at the entrance of Barbetz’ garden where the graduation ceremony was held. Only people leaving were seen, there were no new arrivals.

I felt dejected.


I heard Dad’s concerned voice and quickly put on a bright smile.

“Dad, weren’t you surprised? That I found Brantley.”
“Of course I was surprised.”

Dad said softly. But his concern was evident.

“Don’t worry. I won’t give you a hard time, Dad.”
“It’s okay to give me a hard time. I want to experience the trouble of dealing with my child’s mischief.”
“Dad, really? What if I cause trouble on purpose and it’s too much for you to handle? Trials might come your way because of me.”

I said mischievously.

“I already told you long ago. Now it’s Dad’s turn to protect you. Whatever problems come your way, I’ll handle them.”

Dad stroked my head.

Certainly, compared to a few years ago, Dad’s influence had increased rapidly. He was still a handsome man with gentle features, but he didn’t seem as fragile as before.

After all, he was the hero who protected the borderlands!

‘Dad was now too powerful for me to protect!’

Now, if only I could protect Brantley.

Even after trying so much, if he doesn’t have a change of mind… I won’t easily back down. Still, I couldn’t help feeling gloomy.

“But why is that guy so late?”

Dad seemed to read my thoughts.

I smiled weakly, “It seems like he won’t come today.”

Dad’s expression hardened.

“It’s surprising how quickly you gave up, considering how tough you are. That d*mned guy must have disappointed you a lot.”
“N-No. That’s not it! It’s just realistically…”

I desperately shook my head.

Dad narrowed his eyes, “Since earlier, that punl has been peeking at you from behind the wall.”


What is Dad talking about now?

I looked at Dad with a puzzled expression. Seeing my surprised expression, Dad chuckled as if finding it cute.

“Go behind the wall on the right. The guy who seems to have grown up well has been peeking at you from there.”


I looked toward the right wall, but I couldn’t see Brantley’s head.

‘Is Dad teasing me?’

With doubt, I cautiously walked behind the right wall. And unbelievably, I found Brantley leaning against the wall.

With an anxious expression, he was holding one hand over his chest, breathing heavily. He looked like a young man about to make an important confession.

‘He seems nervous. Will he run away if I pretend to notice him?’

I held my breath and stealthily approached him.



I accidentally stepped on dry leaves, making a loud noise.


Brantley turned his head and looked at me. His pupils dilated.

‘He’s going to run away again. I can’t let him go this time.’

But contrary to my expectations, Brantley, who spotted me, approached me without hesitation.

He had a determined expression.


He suddenly extended the hand he had hidden behind his back. It was a bouquet of Baby’s Breath.

“Congratulations on your graduation.”
“Ah… Th-thank you.”

My hand trembled as I received the flowers.

“You came here to…?”
“I came here to congratulate you.”
“Is that all?”

I was disappointed.

‘Wait, he used the past tense. So now…?’

Brantley gently lifted my chin. His silver eyes filled my vision.

“But I couldn’t leave.”
“Seeing you waiting for me like a lost puppy all this time, I couldn’t just leave you alone.”
“Let’s go together, to the capital. I want to go with you.”

I covered my mouth with my hand. It was the words I had been waiting for so long. Yet it was hard to believe.

Brantley smiled and said, “ I couldn’t live in peace while getting anxious about you getting in trouble.”
“Even if you don’t remember me now…”

I wrapped my arms around Brantley.

The gentle breeze set the baby’s breath buds afloat, scattering them like delicate snowflakes around us.

“Thank you, Brantley! I’m so grateful that you want to return to the capital!”

Brantley’s body stiffened.

“…Do you remember me?”

I vigorously nodded my head.

“I knew it was you from the beginning.”
“But… why didn’t you say anything?”

I slightly moved away and looked at Brantley’s flushed face. My vision was blurred with tears, making his features hazy.

“I waited until you opened your heart. There’s no way I could have forgotten Brantley. I never forgot you, not even for a moment. I kept searching for you. Continuously. Always.”

“Now I’ve really found you.”

Brantley slowly, but firmly, pulled me into a tight embrace.

From him, a suppressed sobbing sound flowed. I patted him with tears streaming down.

The wide shoulders of the man who had grown up in solitude over the years longed for a familiar embrace.


  1. Hime says:

    This seen is so warm and touching. It makes me feel like crying.
    Thank you for your hard work. Looking forward to next chapters. 😊

    1. Samona says:

      Thank you so much. Hope you enjoy the coming chapters as well!!

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