How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 110

Brantley Eisen.

The child was the heir to the Duke of Eisen. A young man who was eventually abandoned by his father and fell into a cliff.

Looking at the girl before him, his face twisted strangely.

Sweet blonde hair, watery pink eyes, a lovely flushed face – ‘You haven’t changed a bit, Hanelope.’

His heart was beating wildly.

‘But I had changed too much.’

No wonder Hanelope didn’t recognize me.

Brantley recalled the past with bitterness.

“Then, until next time. I’ll definitely come back,” Brantley shouted confidently and leaped off the cliff.

His father, Duke Eisen, wanted to usurp his status. With his status plummeting, if he was driven far away, he would never get to see Hanelope again.

So, if he died as an ‘heir’ and planned for the future, he could return to Hanelope’s side.

‘…That’s what I thought. Foolishly.’

But the world was crueler compared to Brantley’s thoughts.

His plan to pretend to fall off the cliff first and then grab onto a branch failed. The branch he grabbed broke, and he tumbled down the cliff.

He barely survived, but he was severely injured to the point where he couldn’t use magic for a while.

An old man passing by rescued the injured Brantley. He took care of Brantley, who was barely conscious. And when Brantley could walk again, he sold him as a mercenary.

‘Although I could have escaped anytime using magic, I lived in disguise because I had nowhere else to go.’

Brantley wandered around, dreaming of the day he would gain power and return.

‘I’ll return in triumph and clear my name. And I’ll meet Hanelope again.’

That’s how he overcame his painful moments.

But as years passed, he realized the truth. He realized that he was no longer fit for her as a man who had rolled in the rough.

When he looked in the mirror, he saw piercing eyes wary of his enemies, a cruel face ready to choke the life out of his opponents.

His shoulders were broad, his body was tough like a beast, and his rough hands smelled of blood.

The leader who had grown his mercenary army thanks to Brantley, wanted to make him his successor.

His men were so impressed with Brantley’s character that they wanted to serve him.

But Brantley left the mercenaries and rushed to Cran Mountain. He was hired as a knight of the Demon Cult. He had a purpose, of course.

‘Hanelope was here.’

He had read in the papers that Prince Hart’s daughter had been accepted into the Barbetz Higher Academy.

Brantley did not have the qualification to stand by her side. Instead, he decided to protect her from behind.

‘I can no longer return as the noble Duke,’ he thought. So I’ll stay by her side in another way.’

From a distance, Hanelope looked still bright and cheerful. There was no sign of longing or sadness.

‘Thank God, she’s forgotten all about me.’

I did feel bitter, but I tried to keep it together.

Hanelope sometimes escaped from the dormitory. I was worried and followed her silently. One day I realized that she was looking for someone.

Could it be…?

Anticipation, excitement, and fear kept Brantley awake at night.

‘What if she’s looking for me? I don’t want her to see my pathetic self. Should I just leave?’

But I also longed to see her, just a bit longer.

As I was thinking about it, Hanelope appeared in front of me. I thought my heart would stop beating.

‘Why is she here?’

But when we finally came face to face, she said, “I want you to mark me. Whatever God you believe in, I’ll believe in it too!”

Something was wrong.

‘Hanelope was acting so strangely and refusing to leave.’

He didn’t know what strange thing (?) Hanelope might do if he ran away.

She might become a member of the Demonic Cult. I had to save her from the danger she was in.

Although it pained him to see her smile so brightly without recognizing him, he had to send her away. She can’t stay with him in the darkness, Hanelope belongs to the bright and beautiful world.

Brantley narrowed his eyes and spoke strictly, “Do you even understand? The god you worship here, Aite, is no ordinary god. She’s a very sinister and lascivious demon. She’s a lunatic who’s always trying to make pairs. Worshiping such a thing as a god is too dangerous and reckless.”

Hanelope listened to Brantley’s long explanation with sparkling eyes, and nodded. Brantley was relieved.

“Then get out of here and go to…”
“Umm.. but you serve Aite too, right? I’ll be fine too.”

Brantley looked at Hanelope in disbelief. She just smiled happily.

“Did you not hear what I said?”
“I know. You said that Aite is the demon of lust and he helps those with unattainable love.”
“Not only that, but her delusions are so severe that he would do anything to make it happen…”
“Really?! She sounds more like the god of love. So cool!”

Hanelope clasped her hands together and smiled softly. The long explanation was useless.

“You don’t understand… She doesn’t bring together people in love but matches people on a whim.”

A beautiful and lovely girl like Hanelope would be Aite’s prime target.

‘I can’t see her being forced to be a couple.’

Hanelope must return to the capital and live the noble life she deserves.

“I think I’ve said enough for an explanation. Leave right now. If you don’t leave on your own, I’ll kick you out,” Brantley said stubbornly.

Hanelope’s shoulders sagged in disappointment as she stared at him.

“I can’t force you to do something you don’t want to.”
“Good thinking. Now leave…”
“I’ll get someone else to carve the mark!”

Hanelope said cheerfully and started to walk. She was going to go outside and ask another devotee to mark her.


Brantley quickly grabbed Hanelope. He had been trying to push her away a moment ago.

Hanelope turned her head and locked eyes with Brantley. Then she slowly lowered her gaze.

“Oh! You’re holding my hand!”
“You’re telling me not to leave, right?”

Hanelope grinned mischievously.

Brantley realized, ‘Seems like I’ve been roped into something by her.’

But he couldn’t let go of her hand now.

‘She looks like she’s going to run out and scream for anyone to mark her.’

Brantley bit his dry lower lip.

Hanelope was observing him with her curious pink eyes. Brantley felt a pang of pain seeing her not recognize him.

“Did you forget…”
“..about me…”

Have you forgotten everything? Don’t you recognize me? Even if I’m reduced to this state, how could you…

Brantley turned his gaze away.

“Yes, you’re right.”

Hanelope spoke as if reading his mind. When Brantley looked back at her in surprise, Hanelope looked back at him with a look as sweet as cotton candy.

“Yes, that’s right… I really fell in love with you at first sight, Sir Knight.”

Hanelope smiled softly.

It wasn’t the answer he’d hoped for, but it melted Brantley’s sadness away like snow.

Feeling his face flush, he bowed his head.

“I’ll say it again, this place doesn’t suit you. The more you know, the more disgusting you’ll feel.”

“Then why are you here, Sir Knight?”

“I’m here because I belong to a place like this.”

Hanelope furrowed her brows as if she couldn’t understand.

“Whether it’s disgusting or not, I’ll decide for myself.”

“That’s not…!”

“But if it really is an unpleasant place, then I won’t ask to be a follower anymore.”


Brantley looked up and met Hanelope’s gaze. Her face was so composed that persisting seemed pointless. She wasn’t asking, but making an agreement with him.

She cornered him and left no way out.

‘Seems like I’ve truly fallen into Hanelope’s trap…’

“Well, in that case… I guess I’ll have to come here often and experience it firsthand…”


“Since you don’t seem to like it when I meet other followers, Sir Knight, you can just entertain me every time I come!”


“Would you allow that? If you don’t like it, then I’ll just have to go to someone else…”

“I’ll allow it.”

Brantley replied hastily.

Upon hearing that, Hanelope smiled like a girl who had received the gift she wanted.

Even though he knew he was being manipulated by her, there was nothing he could do.

It had always been like this since they were children.

‘I could never win against Hanelope.’

“If I don’t see you the next time I come here, I’ll become a devotee then and there!!”


Furthermore, the grown-up Hanelope seemed even more stubborn than when she was a child.


  1. Archont says:

    What a messed up situation. But in a sense, it’s cute.

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