How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 105

The second palace of the Berg Empire, the Könihar palace.

Emperor Robert von Reinhardt looked at his kneeling son. His son, with dazzling golden hair, quietly stared at the floor with eyes colder than winter.

The Emperor drew a sharp sword, and he shouted, “By the authority of the Emperor, I hereby appoint you, Hart von Reinhardt, as Duke of Könihar, granting you the right to pledge allegiance to the Empire.”

Hart, who received the tip replied, “I, the Duke of Könihar, swear allegiance to the Empire.”

The crowd of nobles who had been watching with bated breath erupted in cheers and applause. I silently applauded my father and grandfather.

The Duchy of Könihar was the first Emperor’s birthland. The position of Duke Könihar was ‌considered equal to being the next Emperor.

My father, the Emperor’s eldest son, was also made Duke of Könihar as soon as he was born. However, for a long time, he was not officially appointed.

The Duke of Könihar was not just a title. It’s a symbolic position, designating the heir to the emperor. Only after a grand ceremony could the position be fully recognized.

Therefore, people thought that Hart, the Emperor’s son who was out of favor, would eventually have his ducal title revoked.

“Until a few years ago, that is.”.
But here he was today, attending his investiture. He hadn’t been crowned yet, but he was one step closer to being emperor.

And one more thing-

“Hanelope von Reinhardt.”

Grandfather looked at me nostalgically.

I had grown so much in the past few years. I was going to have my coming-of-age ceremony next year.
‘I’m going to be a grown-up. A real adult!’

Grandfather soon returned to his stern expression and continued, “Laura von Reinhardt is conferred the title of Duchess of Könihar, Hanelope von Reinhardt will receive her blessing on behalf of her mother.”

The moment I heard those words, my heart pounded like crazy.

‘I’ve already rehearsed this many times, let’s not be nervous!’

We had been preparing for this event for almost a year. It was already decided that my mum would receive the title of Duchess as my dad’s official wife. I squeezed the pendant with my mum’s picture on it.

‘Mum, are you seeing this?’

I stepped forward and knelt on her behalf.

“I, Hanelope von Reinhardt, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Könihar, pledge on behalf of my mother: ‘I, the Duchess of Könihar, will remain loyal to the Empire.'”

This was all for my mum.

A gift to my mum, who sacrificed everything for me.

This is how my mum became the Duchess of Könihar, the official wife of Prince Hart, and a full-fledged member of the imperial family.


Of course, some might say, what’s the point of giving a title to someone who’s already dead?

But not me, the daughter, who always wants to be the best for her mother, whether she’s around or not.

A few years ago, I graduated at the top of my class from the Imperial Academy. Then my grandfather asked me, “What would you like to receive as a graduation gift?”
“Would you grant me anything I want?”
“Since you’re asking, you have something on your mind already. I’ll give you anything, whether it’s an imperial treasure or a manor.”
“If it’s not in the empire, I’ll get it from another country, and if it’s under the sea, I’ll dive into the ocean to retrieve it.”
“About my mum… Let my mum be a duchess!”

I already talked with Dad about this. Last year, he commissioned a family portrait including my mum.

So I asked him, “Dad, do you still remember Mum?”
“I think about her all the time. I never forgot.”

At that time, Dad was under pressure from the nobility to marry. He was yet to receive the investiture.

“It’s only a matter of time before His Highness becomes the Crown Prince, and does it make sense that he still doesn’t have a partner?”
“Well, my daughter is of marriageable age…”
“I think my niece is suitable…”

Everyone was eager to link their daughters or relatives’ daughters to my dad. These were the same people who, until a few years ago, had ignored my father.

Now they’re acting all chummy.

Dad made his point known by including Mum in the family portrait.

‘Considering the circumstances, he naturally accepted my suggestion.’

He even insisted on having my mum granted the title at the ceremony. When the nobles heard the news, they went to their grandfather and fiercely opposed the idea.

“To appoint a woman of unknown origin as the official consort of His Highness is unsuitable!”
“Besides, she’s dead. His Highness, Prince Hart, should take a healthy noblewoman as his wife, such as my daughter, Arte…”
“My niece, Moriana, would be a fitting duchess. She would give you an heir with the perfect bloodline.”
“How can His Majesty declare Laura as the Duchess of Könihar?”

However, my grandfather unequivocally sided with us. Of course, his reason for approving was a bit different from my father’s.

“Then our Hanelope will become an outstanding daughter of the official consort, won’t she?”

It wasn’t particularly important to me or my father why he sided with us.


At the dinner party after the investiture:

Dad received the congratulations. His expression was different from his normal demeanor.

‘Perhaps he is happy regarding Mum’s title.’

He no longer looked as anxious and unsteady as he did when I first met him.

‘You’ve changed a lot too, Dad, in a good way!’

He had self-growth. Still, I was glad he remembered my mum as well as I did.

“Your Highness, it’s been a long time.”

Just then, a familiar woman appeared among the nobles. The charming saint with black hair and dark eyes, Yenna.

“I’m sorry, I arrived a bit late.”

Yenna bowed politely. Her face hadn’t aged a bit since I first saw her years ago. However, she was very polite, unlike her previous reckless behavior.

I was surprised to see her.

“Did you leave the monastery?”

“Yes, not long ago,” she replied, “I’ve been training my body and mind, and now I’m staying at the great temple.”

“I didn’t get to send you an invitation, but it’s nice of you to attend.”

“His Highness Prince Patrick asked me to accompany him, and I am honored to be here.”

Yenna glanced at Patrick across the table. Patrick blushed.

Dad was confused, “When did the saint and Patrick become so close?”

“When I was a novice in the monastery, I wrote a letter to Prince Patrick. After that, he came to visit me often. He was a great companion to me when I was lonely. I also wrote to His Highness Hart…”

“I see, now if you’ll excuse me.”

Dad left as if he had something urgent to do. Everyone’s eyes shone with curiosity at the protagonist’s departure.

Dad turned to me, “Hanelope, it’s too late, you should go back to your dorm.”


I couldn’t hide my disappointment.

After graduating from the Imperial Academy, I was now attending Barbetz Higher Academy.

‘The academy was really strict and located deep in the mountains!’

I’ve only been back in the capital for a short time, and I can’t believe I have to go back to the mountain so soon!

‘I know I have to go back today, but I want to stay with him for a few more hours. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Dad.’

Dad said apologetically to my sullen face, “I have to travel again. It would be better for you to return to your dormitory than to stay in the capital alone.”

Dad had been so busy that it was hard to see his face. It was like this ever since he had promised me years ago that he would become emperor. He started taking ambitious steps.

He first approached grandfather, the current emperor. Then, as if Grandfather had been waiting for this, he began to give Dad a huge amount of official duties. He gave him back his imperial library privileges and all sorts of administrative tasks.

After Dad completed those, Grandfather gave him military control of the borderlands, sending him out to patrol the frontiers and exterminate the Demonic Cult.

‘He made it harder for me to see Dad.’

Apparently, Dad was uneasy leaving me alone in the mansion. That’s why he sent me straight to the Academy.

‘I was so excited about my first boarding school!’

School is fun. It might be difficult, and a lot of work, but I still love attending there!

Maybe I secretly love toiling? Duchess Moltke had prepared me for it all. Besides, the school was always bustling with people, so I never got bored.

“Your Majesty, we will take our leave.”

“What!? As the main character, will you leave so soon?”

Grandfather frowned at Dad’s words.

“There’s a lot of work to be done in the borderlands. Some bandits are exploiting the people in the name of the Demonic Cult, and we need to clear them.”

“Well, it can’t be helped… Go.”

Grandfather waved his hand roughly. But he didn’t look much sorry.

Dad turned around quickly as if he’d been waiting for me. After greeting Grandfather, I followed Dad. Suddenly I heard an urgent call from behind me.

“Wait, wait! Hanelope, are you leaving already?”

Dad turned around in disbelief, “I just said that ‘we’ will take our leave.”

“Leave if you’re busy. But why are you taking her? Hanelope, why don’t you stay a little longer?”

Grandfather was disappointed.

‘I haven’t seen him for a long time, just like Dad.’

I was sad too, so I went back to my grandfather and said, “I’ll visit another time.”

“Do you really have to go back to the dorm?”

“Yes. I promised to go back today, and Barbetz is a strict place, so I’m not free to go out often.”

At my words, Grandfather glared fiercely at Dad.

“Why did you send her to that faraway place!”


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