How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

‘It was a thought-out scheme.’

The Emperor was trying to protect Brantley. While Duke Eisen brought Brantley for investigation before handing him over.

“Brantley cares for Princess Hanelope, so why would he help Asta who threatened her?”
“The guard overheard before he fainted, that Asta promised to give the Young Master whatever he wanted.”
“Archbishop, Brantley is the next Duke and a Royal Knight. He can have whatever he desires.”
“Asta told him she can give him something that his low-birth hindered.”
“What might that be?”
“It is Princess Hanelope.”
“That immature boy got into trouble because he wanted to have her all to himself.”

Duke Eisen even feigned pain and said with tears in his eyes, “Brantley did desire the Princess. His nature is peculiar. I scolded him saying ‘You and the Princess cannot be together due to differences in status,’ but to think he resorted to such actions…”
“Brantley is the son of a Duke. Why is there a difference in status?”
“His Majesty has recognised him as a duke, and so do I. But I only said that to scold my son, lest he should have dangerous thoughts…”
“Your Majesty, it’s all my fault! Please punish me instead and forgive Brantley by stripping him of his Prince status! Sob…”
“It’s all lies, lies!”

Brantley gritted his teeth.

‘It was the temple who let Asta escape, and it was Duke Eisen who deliberately sent a child who resembled me to frame me!’

The Emperor tried to defend Brantley, but suspicion grew.

Even Brantley’s trip to the Arel Harbor where Asta was found, people perceived that as a collusion between the two.

One day, Duke Eisen visited Brantley who was under the protection of the Imperial Palace.

“Brantley, give up!” he said.
“You know better than anyone that I was falsely accused, and His Majesty believes me.”
“His Majesty will not kill you out of mercy. But with the way public opinion has turned out, you can’t stop losing your status.”
“I don’t care about being a Prince.”
“The moment you lose your position, the temple will banish you far away. You’ll never return to the empire, wandering alone for life.”
“You’ll never see Princess Hanelope again either.”
“Even if you manage to come back, someone who lost noble status like you won’t be able to meet Princess Hanelope again.”

Duke was well aware of Brantley’s weakness. He saw Brantley in despair and went away satisfied.

He thought making Brantley despair would make things easier.

But something different happened from Eisen Duke’s expectations.

Brantley escaped from the palace. The Emperor dispatched knights to find him. The temple and the Duke of Eisen were also after Brantley.

Pant.. Pant..”

At the edge of the cliff, Brantley grabbed his knees and drew in a ragged breath. He looked up. Beyond the windswept cliffs, he could see an unusually grand mansion.

Even though it was late at night, the house was illuminated. It was Prince Hart’s mansion.


Brantley gazed tearfully at the mansion. There she was, Hanelope. His salvation still hadn’t regained consciousness.

‘I could give up anything, even the title of Duke.’

But if there was one thing I couldn’t give up, it was Hanelope.

He didn’t desire to possess her. Just being able to be by her side was enough for him. But Duke Eisen tried to take even that small happiness away.

“If I can’t see Hanelope again, death would be better.”

Duke Eisen shouted from behind. Brantley turned around. The Duke of Eisen was running panting, accompanied by several of his men.

Brantley smiled weakly. As he fled, he left a trail for Duke Eisen to find.

‘So that he can come after me.’

Chase me, and be a witness to my death!

“Brantley, give up! Running away will not make your sins go away!” Duke Eisen shouted.

When he was close enough to see his face, Brantley sobbed like a frightened child.

“I don’t want to get kicked out and go back to my old life! I don’t want to be so miserable!”
“Haah! You’re just returning to where you belong.”
“Then I’d rather be dead!”

Brantley stepped back towards the cliff. Duke Eisen paused as he understood his son’s meaning. Soon, a sinister expression crossed his face.

“As your father, I cannot pardon your sins. But if you would rather die, I’ll preserve your honor.”
“What? What do you mean…”
“If you die I’ll give you a grand funeral and forgive your sins!”

Duke Eisen said cruelly. But this was what Brantley aimed for. As long as he didn’t lose his status as the Duke, as long as he didn’t fall back to his former miserable status, he could always be reunited with Princess Hanelope.

Brantley lowered his head, “Then I shall die as the next Duke.”
“At least you’ll have your honor!”
Duke Eisen said sourly, “What will you do? Will you be executed as a witch’s accomplice, or will you die with honor as a successor?”
“I will defend my honor.”

Brantley answered without a moment’s hesitation.

Duke Eisen smiled grimly, “Well thought out!”

At that moment, Brantley lifted his head again. Unexpectedly, he was wearing a faint smile. It was a cold yet charming smile without a trace of fear.

“Then, until next time. I’ll definitely come back.”

With those words, Brantley jumped off the cliff without hesitation.


* * *




I gasped for breath and returned to reality.

“He’s coming back, he said he’s going to come back. Brantley’s coming back…”

As I muttered like a madman, I heard the passing harsh wind. Only then did I look around and was taken aback. I was standing on the cliff where Brantley fell. I could see my house in the distance.

“When did I get here?”
– “While we were showing you the vision, you ran like you were sleepwalking. All the while dodging people’s eyes.”
– “I couldn’t stop you,” said Uncle Rabbit.
– “We tried to stop you, but we couldn’t. It was an unexpected side effect.”
– “All we could do was show your father the vision of you running.”

I lowered my head. I was barefoot and covered in wounds. But I didn’t care about my feet. I looked down into the dark abyss below.

“Dad must have referred to Brantley’s funeral as ‘the Young Master’s funeral’.'”

Brantley died while maintaining the status of ‘prince.’ Just as he intended.

“He wanted to meet me again…”

It felt like my heart was being torn apart.

“If only I had been awake when Brantley was wrongly accused, I could have prevented this.”

Suddenly, I saw a vision of Brantley falling. He was smiling at me.


Unconsciously, I reached out beyond the cliff to save Brantley. My body lost balance and leaned forward. I was falling.

Just then, someone grabbed me urgently from behind. Familiar arms pulled me into a desperate embrace.


It was Dad. I lifted my head and looked at him. He looked as pained as I was.

“I didn’t mean to die,” I said.
“I know because you won’t leave me behind.”

Dad took off his robe and wrapped me. I was in my pajamas. Then he picked me up and headed down the cliff.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

Dad apologized profusely.

“It’s okay. I understand you were worried about me.”

Then he frowned, as if in pain, “Don’t talk like that.”
“Blame, cry, get angry. You’re sad because you lost a friend, and I’ll take it all.”

I was baffled. Dad hadn’t done anything wrong. Yet, he was willing to indulge me.

“Please. I beg you, Hanelope. Cling like a child, be indulgent.”
“And don’t think about protecting Dad anymore.”

My eyes widened.

‘Did Dad know?’

How? As I stared in shock, Dad looked at me with both torment and love.

“I know what you’re thinking. I know you want to protect me, but you don’t need to.”
“And don’t talk to Maxim in secret anymore.”
“D-Did you know that?!”

I was so surprised that I stuttered.

Dad smiled. But his eyes were watery.

“Why… Why did you let me cause trouble when you knew?”
“Because Dad trusts Hanelope.”

My heart fluttered seeing his unconditional trust in me.

Dad rested his forehead against mine.

“To think that this little thing is protecting me. With such small hands and feet, what can you do? All because you don’t have a good father.”
“N-No, dad is perfect!”

I shook my head desperately.

Dad’s expression turned resolute, “So I decided. To become the Emperor.”
“I need more power to protect you. So that I can make my daughter rely on me and feel safe. So that I can make you happy. I’m going to be Emperor for you, Hanelope.”

He kissed my forehead lightly. Like he was worshiping something very precious.

“From now on, I will be the one protecting you.”

The whisper was ironically so warm. I could feel his overflowing love. Tears rolled down my pink cheeks.


Being an Emperor is a difficult and dangerous job.

But right now, at this moment, I wanted to bask in my father’s love more than anything else.

He embraced me in a wide hug and patted my small back. I felt love flooding through my body.


‘I want to share this affection with Brantley too.’

Because Brantley is surely alive.

‘I’ll find Brantley again.’

I vowed.

As we descended the cliff, the harsh wind had toned down. Yet, Dad and I still clung tightly to each other as we returned to “our home.”

Time skip!


  1. Bernardette says:

    Thank you very much Samona, for the new chapters. I like really very much Hanelope. Now I am very worried for Brantley, poor child.
    Where is him now?

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