How to Fix a Psychopath

Chapter 37



How to Fix a Psychopath Episode 37



I looked up at the clearly visible peak of the ceiling. My head rang as if someone had struck a gong. Eunwoo Lee kissed my cheek as if he had a crush on a still statue.


Even though I was out of my mind, a question about that thing hanging from the ceiling lingered in a corner of my head.


What is that? Is it a smoke detector? If so, why is it hanging in the corner of the ceiling? Every time I blinked to identify it, my blurry vision became clearer. Is this what it feels like to meet a one-eyed person?


The moment I realized that it was staring at me with its eyes still fixed on me, I felt as if cold water had been sprinkled all over my body. I felt as if my dazed mind had suddenly come to its senses.


“Okay, wait, wait a minute.”




I grabbed Eunwoo Lee’s shoulder and pushed him away as he


raised his upper body and tried to cover his lips.


Eunwoo Lee stepped back obediently with a languid expression on his face. At that moment, his lower body, which had been tightly attached to mine, parted a little, and I blushed. Seeing that, Eunwoo Lee also smiled with a satisfied smile like a full predator.


I adjusted my skirt, which had risen to my thighs, again at the sound of a snarling laugh that seemed to scratch my neck. Then I pointed with my finger at something occupying a corner of the ceiling.


“What is that?”


Eunwoo Lee immediately turned his head in the direction my finger was pointing.


And then he came back with a dry expression.


“Oh that?”


A sigh escaped from me automatically at Eunwoo Lee’s reaction.


“Is that a CCTV?”


Eunwoo Lee stubbornly kept his mouth shut, then answered.







I was amazed.


I almost rolled around with Lee Eun-woo in front of the CCTV. No, even that similar act… … .


“Why? Why is that here?”


“Why? Are you uncomfortable?”


Another question followed the question.


“I asked you first.”


Eunwoo Lee let out a sigh as I answered calmly. The atmosphere that had been so hot that it felt like my body was melting just a moment ago had turned cold. Eunwoo Lee’s lips were hard, as if I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.


“I’m afraid you will commit suicide.”




“I’m afraid you’ll kill yourself. I’m afraid you’ll kill yourself without me knowing when I’m out.”


I was speechless.


Are you afraid I’ll commit suicide? Like your mother?


“Because if I find you just before you die, then I can bring you back to life.”


What power do Eunwoo Lee’s words have? Just before I died, while I was gasping for breath, I saw Eunwoo Lee open the door and run in, trying to save me somehow. As if he had already experienced it.


Then, she falls into the abyss in despair at the fact that she cannot escape from Eunwoo Lee.


Ah. I remembered the moment right before I fainted. That day when I found the room with the operating table and fainted. Was that why Eunwoo Lee came so quickly? What would have happened to me if there had been no CCTV on the day I suddenly collapsed?


My right knee, which had been crushed, might have been completely destroyed. If I had hit my head wrong because I had suddenly fainted, I would have died right away. Even without


saying anything, I thought I knew why Eunwoo Lee had come to this room.


Eunwoo Lee spoke with a hint of anger and stood up as if to leave.


“I will not.”


Eunwoo Lee stopped and looked back at me. His face looked like he didn’t understand what I was saying.


“I won’t commit suicide.”


I spoke forcefully, step by step.


Eunwoo Lee’s eyes briefly wavered at my words and he went out. He didn’t even forget to lock the door.


* * *


Eunwoo Lee came back soon.


After Eunwoo Lee left, I looked around the room, wondering if there was something else hidden inside.


The room was not much different from the one I had seen before. The only changes were that the condoms had been added to the


drawer of the nightstand near the bed, and the operating room, which used to open without any special device, no longer opened.


And Eunwoo Lee brought a beautiful piece of luggage.


“What’s this?”


“A gift.




“Yeah. I’ll make sure you don’t feel like dying.”


Eunwoo Lee took out the things he had bought one by one and handed them to me. There were expensive heels, clothes, and cosmetics that she couldn’t wear outside.


“How is it…? Do you like it?”


When I heard Eunwoo Lee’s words, my heart started to hurt as if I had swallowed a rock.


My eyes widened at the things I couldn’t have no matter how hard I worked. But that didn’t last long. I wonder if it’s right to say I got tired of them. I remembered the times when he bought and offered things in high school to win my heart.



I looked at the expensive things that Lee Eun-woo had spread out with a numb face.


I knew that Lee Eun-woo had a lot of money, but these things… … I picked up the heels in front of me without a second thought. It was a brand that I knew which costs well over a million won.


How can it be so simple?


When was the last time he said with his own mouth that he wouldn’t do the same thing as Lee Hyun-woo? No. If it was Lee Eun-woo, I had to reinterpret what he said again. Probably, it would mean that I would walk the same path as my father. Because he’s never treated me normally from before.


That means, I won’t let you commit suicide.


Is this so that I won’t be able to face my own death?


The sleek high heel shoes covered in expensive leather were placed back on the floor. Eunwoo Lee, who had been enjoying it with shining eyes for a moment, bit his lower lip again.


How much money is that? I looked up at Lee Eun-woo, and he had an expression on his face as he rolled his head at my reaction, which wasn’t very pleasing.



I thought Lee Eun-woo was surprisingly rich, but I didn’t know it would be like this. But is he really rich? What if Lee Eun-woo bought it with a loan? A person can’t be rich all his life. Money is something that comes and goes. What happens if he spends money like this and goes broke?


But that was Lee Eun-woo’s job. If he fails, then will I be released? No, he will act as if he can’t lose anything even if he loses everything. If there is something that can capture my heart, even if it means working day and night for him, he might offer it to me.


“Not really?”


Eunwoo Lee looked at me as I picked it up and asked with a slightly anxious look. None of these items had won my favor. I thought it would be better to connect something like a monitor in the room and watch videos.


“… … Not something like this.”


“Huh? Is there anything you want?”


Eunwoo Lee cleared away the objects that were blocking the gap between us at my words. The expensive things that were making a lot of noise were turned into passing stones because I didn’t like them.



“No. Just… … do you want to talk?”




I nodded and sat on the floor. Then Eunwoo Lee sat in front of me with a slightly displeased expression.


Come to think of it, have you ever had a conversation with Lee Eun-woo like this, face to face? I think I’ve gotten angry on my own while facing each other. Except for the conversation about his father earlier, I’ve never had a conversation with Lee Eun-woo in such a calm state.


Otherwise, it would be just a one-sided, sad confession of love from Eunwoo Lee.


“What have you been doing for two years?”


2 years. From the day I last ran away from Eunwoo Lee until now.


“Why are you curious about that?”


Eunwoo Lee suddenly asked sharply.


“You abandoned me and ran away.”


If speech had a form, wouldn’t it be the form of a wound festering and bleeding? Eunwoo Lee crumpled his handsome face as if he didn’t even want to think about it.


At that moment, I wanted to yell back at him, saying that you were the one who made me run away, but there was no spark that actually flew. I held back once more, firmly believing that there would come a day when I could talk about all of this with a smile.


Rather, seeing that Lee Eun-woo, who wasn’t even angry at me, when he raised his voice a little… … . I guess he must have been quite shocked at that time. Well, that’s true.


On a day so cold that my whole body froze. Two days after the college entrance exam, I ran around the snowy field at dawn. My soles were bleeding from the stones hidden under the snow, and Eunwoo Lee was chasing me from behind, looking like he was going to grab my neck by the scruff of the neck and tear it apart.


Luckily, I wasn’t caught, and Eunwoo Lee collapsed in the middle of the street, bleeding profusely.


“… … How could you ask that?”


Lee Eun-woo muttered as if he had experienced hell. It sounded like the sound of a carnivore scratching its neck after being


wounded during a hunt. The growl resonating from deep in his throat and her shocked gaze left him speechless and shut his mouth.


“If you still want to know, then I’ll tell you.”


After abandoning Lee Eun-woo in that snowy field, I luckily ran to a nearby police station. I ran away and reported about Lee Eun-woo. I was transferred to the hospital, and this damn Korea brought Lee Eun-woo, whom I had sued, to the hospital where I was.


In the bed right next to mine.


Eunwoo Lee was looking at me from the bed next to me with his lips turned blue. He was spouting nonsense at me like a person with a loose screw, saying that we would meet again after all. Eunwoo Lee laughed strangely and snickered as they sewed up the torn head I had hit him with.


And then the police came to the hospital and questioned us.


I don’t even remember what I said, but Lee Eun-woo didn’t receive any punishment. In reality, Lee Eun-woo didn’t commit any violence against me, and the main reason was that I ran away from him.


And then I ran away and got discharged from the hospital again. I couldn’t stay in Korea. Korea couldn’t protect me. I couldn’t save myself in this beggarly country that puts victims and perpetrators in the same hospital. I couldn’t completely escape from Lee Eun-woo in this one place that was the size of my palm.


I went abroad with that thought in mind. While Eunwoo Lee was hospitalized.


“The police contacted my father. When they asked me to come to the school for an interview, I didn’t come. They thought that I killed someone and sent me straight to the hospital.”


Eunwoo Lee started talking casually.


“So… … I got caught for not going to high school and living in the countryside without my father knowing. After hearing about it from the police, they looked at me like I was some crazy person and threw me in a mental hospital.”




Lee Eun-woo smiled affectionately at me, wondering what kind of expression I was making, and then kindly explained it again.


“Ah. I needed my father’s permission to transfer or drop out, but


there’s no way my father would allow it. Of course, I’d get beaten up again if I did that. Well, that guy doesn’t answer calls from school anyway so it was impossible to do it from the mental hospital as well. So, I just went down.”


I opened my mouth in shock at Eunwoo Lee’s words. You skipped Daeheon High School without permission and just came down to where I was? How… How… How… .


But wasn’t Lee Eun-woo wearing Yeojin Boys’ High School uniform the whole time?


Half of the vivid memories of Lee Eun-woo were of him in his neatly dressed school uniform.



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