How to Fix a Psychopath

Chapter 36 (R18)


How to Fix a Psychopath Episode 36



“Looking at you, it seems like you’ve completely given up on running away… … . You probably won’t be able to get out.”


The body that had been stiff with tension slowly relaxed at Lee Eun-woo’s words. And then, the weight of her shoulders became heavy.


“Also, if that happens… … . I’m afraid you’ll really hate me to death. I’m afraid you won’t have a chance.”


Do you think there’s a chance in this situation?


Eunwoo Lee’s simple words made me snort, but I never showed it. However, Eunwoo Lee, who acted as if it didn’t matter what kind of expression I made, didn’t stop talking.


“I don’t want to be like my father.”


Lee Eun-woo’s past.


My heart pounded and I felt like I was falling to the floor. Saliva gathered in my mouth without me realizing it.



“……your father?”


Until just a few years ago, I had known about Lee Eun-woo’s past, but my memory was as vague as if my teeth had fallen out. I swallowed and responded to hear what Lee Eun-woo had to say.


It was the first time that Lee Eun-woo himself had told his story like this.


“Yeah. Oh, didn’t I tell you?”


Eunwoo Lee asked me with a slightly awkward expression, and I nodded leisurely.


“Just, my father… … .”


Lee Eun-woo’s biological father, Lee Hyun-woo.


Eunwoo Lee frowned, then straightened it again as if nothing had happened, trailing off. As if he was thinking about it occasionally. Eunwoo Lee hated his father. Did he just hate him? Maybe it would be more accurate to say he detested him.


“I was born by mistake…”


My breathing stopped for a moment.


The words that Lee Eun-woo uttered next were shocking. However, the expression on Lee Eun-woo’s face as he nonchalantly uttered them was even more… .


“My father was following my mother all the time and he barely managed to date and get married to her.”


His father and mother.


“My mother  got married after my father begged her to pay off for the house, the dowry, and all of my mother’s debts. But after she got married, my father’s true nature showed up. He never let her go out, and even if she did go out secretly, he would catch my mother and beat her up.”


There was no ups and downs in Lee Eun-woo’s voice as he spoke, while he was also stirring the remaining rice cake soup in the bowl with a spoon.


“And then when he come home from work, he would buy her expensive and nice things that will make her dizzy and ask for her forgiveness. Then, Mom liked it. But… … Well, that only lasts for a day or two. How can you live next to a husband who beats you and locks you up? Since that didn’t work for over a month, he forced her to get pregnant in the hopes that she would stay


home forever along with him.”


That’s it.


Eunwoo Lee briefly made eye contact with me and smiled, while showing his teeth. For some reason, I felt a lump in my throat and my throat started to hurt.


“But, without knowing that it would make him even angrier, my mother didn’t give birth to me and raise me. She had no maternal love for me. Of course, he thought she would take care of their own child and stay home longer, but my mother didn’t do so, so then my father took his anger out on me. Then she became even colder towards him. He blamed me for everything. After that, my mother had three more abortions… … Anyway, I was raised by my grandmother without ever being able to be held in my mother’s arms. But my father liked me because I was the man who would continue the family line.”


The tip of my nose felt tingly.


“And now… … I know my identity. I have parents. I wanted to live with my grandmother, so I whined. But I listened to my father and grandmother well. So I moved into my parents’ house and started living there. My mother already hated my father but he thought that it was because of me, so my father got jealous and hit me all the time. I was always beaten up by my father until I


passed out. My mother was shocked to see a child being beaten, so she tried to stop him, but my father got angry at my mother and asked whom she loved more? Her husband or her son.”


“… … .”


“My mother didn’t stop him from beating because I was her son, but because… … I was a kid, so she stopped him out of morality. I liked it, so every time I got hit by my father, I would run to my mother and hug her. Then my father would try to get me away from her, trying to kill me.”


Eunwoo Lee laughed alone, “Phehehe,” wondering what was funny in that.


“Then, I almost got strangled to death by my father… … I don’t know, I don’t remember, but I survived. I was hospitalized for a few days, and I missed my mother. I was afraid to see my father. But… … .”


Eunwoo Lee’s eyes lit up. The way he looked at me with a grin on his face was like that of a beast that had found its prey, and it gave me goosebumps.


“My mother came to see me. She was rushed to the emergency room and had attempted suicide by jumping from the roof of the mansion. My father came to the hospital in a hurry. He took


care of my mother with all his heart and soul, then went to work. And as he did that, her appearance became increasingly worse. My father would visit my mother in the hospital room in the morning and evening, and I would visit her in broad daylight. That’s why… … My mother died less than a month later.”


The voice without any highs or lows spoke of his mother’s death as if nothing had happened. It was a tone of voice that seemed to be meaninglessly reminiscing about the past, but his fingers were still moving and his eyes rolled without being able to focus on one place, indicating otherwise.


“So, my father found a new woman and got married again. … … My new mother looked younger than my father and it made his mouth water. Every single day was disgusting. But when I entered middle school, there was someone who looked exactly like my mother.”


“It was You.”


The voice that called out as ‘you’ echoed like an echo. Then, Eunwoo Lee smiled briefly and continued speaking.


“Where would my father’s bloodline go after all… … . I don’t even about my mother who committed suicide. I just thought that I should take good care of you until we get married and then lock you up. If anyone even looked at you, if anyone even showed interest at you, I would get angry. Even though we weren’t close at all, I was already thinking about marrying you.”


“……But why…….”


“Why? Why? I didn’t even think that I should do this. I shouldn’t kill you. But… … Soyoung, you suddenly changed. You gave up on me and said I suffocated you and kept you from playing with other kids. … … You always showed me that face that seemed like it would embrace every aspect of me overnight.”




“So, the thought that you wouldn’t be doing the same completely changed me.”


A fire burned in Eunwoo Lee’s eyes. Even though I knew that if I got closer, I would lose my breath and get burned, I couldn’t avoid his eyes.


I just felt sorry for Lee Eun-woo, who seemed to have already been burned by the fire.


“… … It must have been hard.”


Eunwoo Lee blinked at my words.


He just did whatever his heart wanted, and the world of morality calls it a crime. No one told him not to do it, and no one would have pointed it out to him.


My eyes stung. I quietly opened my arms to Eunwoo Lee.


Eunwoo Lee dug into my arms with a slightly bewildered expression on his face.


“… … I won’t let you go.”


Eunwoo Lee closed his eyes in my arms and whispered. It seemed like he wasn’t going to let me go no matter what.


Strangely, I didn’t feel bad about putting down a threat before trying to appease him. It’s just that, this huge thing, how scary and fearful must it be to create a place like this… … It was like a magic castle that you couldn’t enter or leave without Eunwoo Lee’s permission.




I quietly answered Lee Eun-woo’s words.


Eunwoo Lee quietly lifted his head. Then, with his eyes closed, he kissed my chin. Once, twice, three times, he kissed me so hard that I could hear a licking sound. Eunwoo Lee hugged my waist


and lifted his upper body.


The body that had been curled up in small size to fit into my arms became huge again.


And then Lee Eun-woo’s face, which had gotten closer again, touched my cheek.


Peck, peck…


His lips that had left my cheek carefully touched mine and then pulled away. And then, as if checking my reaction, he tilted his head and looked into my eyes, and then pressed his lips against mine again.


Eunwoo Lee slowly opened his lips and sucked my lower lip. My body trembled.


“… … Ha, Soyoung.”


Eunwoo Lee let out a sigh and covered her lips again. His tongue swept across her lips, then he pushed it in between her lips, then he pulled it out, then he licked her lips again as if coaxing her, then he bit her lower lip and gasped.


“Mouth, huh? Open your mouth a little.”



Eunwoo Lee, who was fidgeting, brought his mouth close to my ear and whispered, pleading. His hot breath entered my ear and it felt like it was melting my brain.


The large body pressing down on me pulled my waist tightly to prevent me from completely collapsing onto the bed, and I, too, grabbed Eunwoo Lee’s arm to keep myself, from falling backwards, unable to come to my senses due to the hot heat.


The arm that wrapped around my cheek carefully pressed my chin tightly. When I opened my mouth like a clam on a stove, Eunwoo Lee pushed his tongue between my lips.




A thick, large tongue entered my mouth and smothered my tongue. I couldn’t breathe. The large tongue that was rubbing my mouth as if it were crushing it felt strange, as if it were alive. I was scared because I thought it would pierce my throat at any moment.


But the hot tongue quickly left my mouth and went down to the nape of my neck to rub.


Gasp, gasp, under my gasping breath, Eunwoo bit my nape with his teeth and sucked hard. I felt dizzy. I couldn’t breathe. I tilted


my head up towards the ceiling as Eunwoo bit and sucked my nape without thinking.


Then my body fell down onto the bed, and Eunwoo Lee came down as if tickling my waist and grabbed my buttocks. Eunwoo Lee’s hot, thick thighs touched my buttocks and my one-piece dress rode up.


“Pretty… so pretty.”


Lee Eun-woo rubbed his lips against my collarbone and bit my flesh while pushing his lower body a little further. I felt my lower stomach wiggle as Lee Eun-woo’s lower body completely touched my lower body. Ah, a groan escaped my mouth. Lee Eun-woo’s hand grabbed my waist a little more and pulled me down.


Despite the fact that there were two layers of clothing, I gasped at the weight that was clearly felt on my lower body.




Eunwoo Lee also breathed hot breath on the nape of my neck. My body twisted on its own.


Her toes curled up. Lee Eun-woo slowly turned her lower body. Her whole body trembled.



Her chest rose and fell repeatedly with the feeling of all her blood rushing to her lower body and the sensation of needing to urinate, but not the same.


“That, that’s enough… … .”


As I whispered in a new voice and hugged Eunwoo Lee’s head tightly, Eunwoo Lee raised his head and looked at me. Sweat dripped down Eunwoo Lee’s chin as he frowned as if he was going to cry.


“Soyoung… … .”


Eunwoo Lee called out to me with a blushing expression. At that moment, goosebumps ran down my entire body.


The tension in my lower body, which had been so tense, suddenly released as if a dam had burst, and in an instant, everything before my eyes flashed white.


My whole body stiffened, and Eunwoo Lee turned her waist and pushed his lower body.




With a thud, my head fell back onto the bed and tears flowed


down my temples. What is this? What is this feeling? My breathing was suffocating and my waist kept lifting off the bed.


At that moment, Lee Eun-woo’s lips returned to my temple and kissed me. I blinked. A low laugh echoed through the cave. My vision became blurry and clear like a camera refocusing.


“Good job, Soyoung. Good job… … .”


What did I even do well?


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