How to Fix a Psychopath

Chapter 35


How to Fix a Psychopath Episode 35



Rather than that, Eunwoo Lee was more concerned about finding a way to keep me. But now I have completely lost my place to run away to, and it will be just the two of us for the rest of our lives.


The current environment is… … It’s just the best place for Lee Eun-woo.


The strongest carnivore in its habitat, with food to fill its stomach. It was a perfect situation for Eunwoo Lee.


I always thought that I would have a relationship with Lee Eun-woo someday, and I never thought that I would be able to avoid him.


I thought I was somewhat prepared, but when I met those lustful black eyes staring at me, I got even more scared. I didn’t think my relationship with Lee Eun-woo would be so violent. I wouldn’t have allowed such a relationship in the first place…


I held my lower abdomen quietly.


What I was worried about was an unwanted pregnancy. My body was shaking slightly. Just thinking about it was scary. If there was a way to hold me back, Eunwoo Lee would do anything. He tore my Achilles tendon, and even my knees.




I don’t know. I really don’t know… … .


I stood there blankly for a moment, then grabbed the underwear inside my one-piece dress and pulled it down.


Swish, swish, there was the sound of the hems of the one-piece dress moving and the sound of underwear being lowered to the knees. Every time there was a moving sound from my end, The knuckles of his fingers protruded, and the blue veins bulged out on the back of his hand. And he clenched his fists.


I quickly turned my head and sat on the toilet because everything felt strange. I lowered my head as much as possible to avoid looking at Eunwoo Lee. A long white one-piece dress was down to her ankles. Yes, I was originally trying to look at my knees. I lifted the one-piece dress with the fingertips that were resting on my knees.


The knees protruding from under the one-piece were revealed. They were no different than before she has removed the gauge. The knees were still wrapped tightly in gauze. When she fainted, one of her knees had hit the floor. The gauze on her right knee was soaked with a mixture of yellow fluid and blood.


It wasn’t too painful or anything, but it was ugly. Even after it healed, the marks of the knee opening and closing would never be erased. Not even in my memory.


“What are you doing?”


I shuddered and shook my body. I quickly pulled down the one-piece dress that had been pulled up to my knees. With a hasty gesture, the underwear that had been hanging on my knees fell down to my feet.




I looked up, hastily putting on my one-piece.


Eunwoo Lee slowly bent his knees in front of me as I sat on the toilet seat.


“Shh, aren’t you going to do it?”


My head went down, and Lee Eun-woo’s head went up. My knees, which had spread apart on their own, suddenly came together. My eyes rolled around, and I pushed my hands firmly over my knees, worried that Lee Eun-woo might lift up my skirt.


“Oh that…….”


When I couldn’t speak properly as if I had lost my mind, Eunwoo Lee put his hand over mine and smiled affectionately.


“You couldn’t do it because I was here. You should get used to it quickly… … .”


My wandering hands looked at Eunwoo Lee’s face, then at the white back of his hand covering mine. I kept worrying about the panties hanging down on my feet, and I was also very concerned about the lower part of my body that would be revealed if I just lifted up my one-piece dress.


More than anything, I was very worried about what Eunwoo Lee would do in front of me like this.


I should just… …honestly confess that I didn’t want him to see me peeing. But my lips weren’t moving and my mouth wouldn’t open easily.


“I will help you.”


Help me?






Lee Eun-woo pursed his lips and made a small sound. Like a parent helping a child who is having trouble peeing in an unfamiliar place. My hand fluttered wildly under Lee Eun-woo’s hand, as if it were a seizure. However, Lee Eun-woo put more strength into his grip, as if he were catching and holding on to a fleeing bird.


At that moment, as if it were a lie, I felt water rushing into me. And then, as my lower body slightly closed and opened its mouth, I was urinating … … .




Eunwoo Lee looked deeply into my eyes through his dilated pupils.


“Now, just a moment.”


I was squirming in embarrassment, but Eunwoo Lee firmly put his large body between my legs and prevented me from moving.


“Do it quickly. It’s okay.”


Could it be that Lee Eun-woo’s words were a spell? It really felt like it would come out at any moment, but I just didn’t want to do it in front of Lee Eun-woo. Blood rushed to my face, and tears welled up in my eyes.


(T/n – Trust me, it was so awkward for me to read this as well)


I was embarrassed. I wanted to die from embarrassment. I thought it would be better to bite my tongue than to urinate in front of Lee Eun-woo. I rolled my eyes and there was moisture under my eyes.


“Shhh, it’s okay. It’s okay… … .”


Eunwoo Lee looked into my eyes like a mother and kept telling me that it was okay. Eunwoo Lee’s large palm patted the back of my hand as if comforting me. Thump, thump, tears fell down my chin, and I curled my toes.


“You don’t have to be embarrassed. Okay? It’s okay… … .”


Eunwoo Lee slightly raised his body and kissed my cheek. His face lit up with loveliness, and Eunwoo Lee smiled. I sobbed at his flower-like smile.


“Hand, hand… … .”




Eunwoo Lee made a blank expression at the sight of him hanging on to me and lightly released his grip on my hand. I immediately brought my hand to Eunwoo Lee’s ear, which was nearby.


Eunwoo Lee, who realized the intention, smiled brightly.


“I can’t hear you, it’s okay.”


As I slowly released the strength I had been exerting, a small squelching sound was heard. I felt my face turn red enough that it wouldn’t have been strange if it had burst. Eunwoo Lee quietly looked into my eyes.


“Pretty. So cute, Soyoung.”


Eunwoo Lee also blushed and said the same thing again and again.


“My love, what should I do with you… … .”


Eunwoo Lee leaned his face against my hand that was covering his ears.



“You’re pretty, Soyoung. You’re so pretty… … .”


Unlike Eunwoo Lee, she was sobbing so hard that she was out of breath, but he was pouring out his love at me, who was panting to breath.


After seeing everything, Lee Eun-woo left the room for a moment to clean up. In that state, Lee Eun-woo looked deeply into my eyes and met my gaze. I had no idea whether he wanted to dig inside me or come inside, but Lee Eun-woo kept his eyes on me as I shed tears.


And as I opened the bathroom door and went out, I briefly glanced down the hallway.


The hallway was simple. One wall had several windows.


Oh, I see. I realized that the construction work that Eunwoo Lee had been talking about was to block the windows with cement. And when Eunwoo Lee turned around to close the door again, I lowered my head, pretending not to see anything.


It was just a completely blocked corridor on both sides. There must have been a window on the other wall as well. However, it was blocked by Lee Eun-woo’s body, so I couldn’t see that completely.



Still, I was grateful that I could see it, and as soon as the door closed with a thud, I slowly raised my head. I cleaned up, flushed the toilet, and lifted my dress again to look at my ankles.


It was fine.


I don’t know if Eunwoo Lee is still thinking about it or if he has completely given up on me, but my Achilles’ heel is still fine.


But I knew this for sure. The moment I tried to get away from Lee Eun-woo again, not to mention my Achilles tendon, my knee would be torn again.


You never know. He might break or cut off my leg.


“… … It’s terrible.”


It was terrifying to even think about it. Not only would I have to lose my legs, but I might have to live in a wheelchair until I die. Or maybe I would have to be carried by Eunwoo. No, no… … .


I’m going to be locked up anyway. Where would I have to go? I’ll just live locked up like a plant that can’t see the light, and then wither and die.


Just thinking about it made me suffocate. Without even knowing it, Lee Eun-woo would take good care of it. He would fertilize it, water it, whisper that he loved it, and hope that the flower would bloom 365 days a year and never wither.


I stood at the sink and looked at the mirror. The glass, which was supposed to be unbreakable, was fixed into the wall. It was blocked so that I wouldn’t commit suicide. The sink wasn’t something you could break even if you wanted to. It was made of stone or marble, and it was luxuriously designed.


There was no place where Lee Eun-woo’s meticulousness and attention to detail did not pass. The carpet laid in the bathroom was not only to prevent me from slipping, but also to prevent me from repeating the past. Like the day he fell limply on the sink. Like the day when his head hit the hard floor. It meant that Lee Eun-woo, who had fainted helplessly, would not make any more mistakes.


I looked at myself in the mirror.


Her face, which was full of exhaustion, had swollen eyes due to the tears shed earlier. However, the eyes that met mine were different from before.


“Are you done?”


Knock knock, Eunwoo Lee asked, knocking on the door while leaving it open. With his voice and eyes dripping with affection, I walked towards Eunwoo Lee.


Our relationship is like parallel lines with no intersections.


“Put your arms around my neck so you don’t fall. Yes, yes.”


Eunwoo Lee bent down with his large body and lifted me up in his arms.


I quickly buried my face in Lee Eun-woo’s chest. Lee Eun-woo’s body shook slightly. Lee Eun-woo’s hand didn’t press the back of my head. Lee Eun-woo just left the bathroom like that and walked down the hallway.


The sound of his heart pounding loudly and the slow gait of Lee Eun-woo, which was in stark contrast to my head, lingered in my mind.


I went back to my room and ate. Since I didn’t know how I was feeling, Eunwoo brought me some rice cake soup.


“You’re eating well. Next time, I can give you some porridge.”


Eunwoo Lee said that while looking at me, who was eating the side dishes that he offered without saying anything. He had the face of a parent watching his child eat well without complaining.

Since long ago, Lee Eun-woo was good at cooking. The reason why he was good was… … . What was it? I don’t remember anymore, but in any case, Lee Eun-woo was good at cooking.


“I thought about it… … .”


While eating a snack, I glanced at the room where the operating table was, and then looked at Eunwoo Lee. His face, slightly cautious, as if he was hesitating to say something, was slightly flushed. It was exactly the face of a boy before confessing his love.


On the contrary, my body quickly stiffened at the word ‘thought’. Lee Eun-woo’s words would determine the life or death of my feet. Regardless of my will. Will I be able to endure it? Will I be able to avoid despair when I see the traces of my Achilles tendon that were cruelly pierced?


Will I ever be able to avoid withering away and dying?




I looked at him as if demanding an answer, and he barely opened his mouth to answer.


“I think I’ll just leave it like Soyoung said.”


While slowly closing and opening his eyes, his eyes looking at me were innocent. Is this what a puppy that wants praise does? Eunwoo Lee’s behavior of being embarrassed and not being able to keep his hand still and fiddling with the spoon for no reason was a little shocking.


And you will leave my legs alone?




I couldn’t believe it, so I asked again.


Eunwoo Lee simply nodded in response to my words. I couldn’t believe it, so for a moment I almost asked, “Why?”, but fortunately, the words didn’t come out of my mouth.



  1. cowner says:

    I’am dying,it’s too emberassing to even read🫠😭

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