How to Fix a Psychopath

Chapter 33


How to Fix a Psychopath Episode 33


“Soyoung, wants to run to me… … ?”


“I’ve never thought about it before… … ” Lee Eun-woo mumbled, making an embarrassed childish expression. He quickly frowned as if he couldn’t imagine me like that. His beautiful eyebrows narrowed, and Lee Eun-woo looked at me, then turned his head and looked away from my eyes.


Then he lightly kissed the back of my hand.


“……I will think about it.”


“Eunwoo… … .”


Eunwoo Lee, who had deliberately avoided my gaze, left the room with an incomprehensible expression. Outside the door, there was a clanking sound of metal objects hitting each other. It made a few loud noises and then stopped.




I sighed deeply and looked at the door. Soon, I heard the sound of Eunwoo Lee’s footsteps. The sound was getting farther and


farther away, and my body tensed up involuntarily. I thought he was going to bring me some sleeping pills while thinking about it.


The only exit that seemed possible was carefully locked by Eunwoo Lee.


I stared at the door nervously for several minutes, but there was no sound of footsteps. Instead, I heard the sound of a car engine starting from beyond the building, so I looked out the window, which was tightly covered with blinds.


Is he already leaving? Let’s see. How long has it been since Eunwoo Lee left? I turned my head to where the clock was hanging, but it was in vain. I had completely forgotten that it was a dead clock, not connected to electricity.


Anyway, has it been 10 minutes since Lee Eun-woo left? If that’s how long it’s been… … . Does that mean it took about that long to walk from the garage to this building? Or what if Lee Eun-woo took care of business in this building and then went to the garage?


Ah, I had no idea what it was.


I could hear the exhaust note of an expensive car, and I quietly opened the blinds.


“……what’s this.”


I frowned. There were no windows. Of course, where the windows should have been, there was the same wallpaper as the other four walls.


There were no windows int his room in the first place.


I relaxed my grip on the blinds that were gently lifting them. The expensive-looking, soft velvet blinds slipped out of my hands and stood up against the wall again. I thought that I could at least see outside through the blinds that pretended there was a window, and that it wouldn’t be too stuffy.


It was a mistake.


But I still couldn’t believe it, so I pushed my hands over the blinds. All I could feel was the same hard, thick cement. I shook my head, letting out a small laugh at the hard feeling that was similar to reality.


It seems like he did this interior design because he was afraid that the windows will give her an insight about outside world so he made it like this. I would definitely go crazy. Since Eunwoo Lee was already out, I wanted to look outside the window, but Eunwoo Lee didn’t even give her the chance.


I had no choice but to stretch my legs out of bed to look around the room where I could freely walk. My knees were sore from the previous big fall that I got up. I wondered if there were any bruises left, so I lifted up the dress that went down to my knees.


Then, I furrowed my brows in a strange sense of discomfort.


“When did I ever wear a one-piece… …?”


Both my knees were covered with gauze, so I couldn’t see the bruises, but thanks to that, I could tell that her clothes had changed. It had to be Lee Eun-woo. Of course. It was so obvious that it would be strange if it weren’t Lee Eun-woo. If it weren’t Lee Eun-woo, it would be even a stranger.


… … Is it strange?


I pushed aside useless thoughts and walked straight to the door that Eunwoo had left through. It was a type of door that didn’t have a separate doorknob. So she couldn’t lock it from the inside, and you could just push it, but there was a separate handle. It seemed to have been installed to put a lock on it.




Of course it couldn’t open.



As I forced it open, there was a loud clank and the sound of the chain being pulled taut. I didn’t think it would open in the first place… … I took my hand off the handle and looked elsewhere.


I walked up to the door, which was shaped exactly like the entrance, and opened it wide.


“… …my clothes.”


As I had imagined, it was a closet like a built-in closet. Inside, clothes I had worn for the past two years were neatly hung on hangers. I knew without even opening the drawers. The underwear I had worn or new set of underwear was organized there.


It wasn’t that surprising anymore. If anything, I would have been curious if the closet had been completely empty.


I quietly closed the closet door and stood in front of the last door. It was probably the bathroom. I lightly turned the handle.


Kirik, the sound of rusty metals rubbing against each other was heard. Even though I could have just pulled my arm because of the rusty sound, I couldn’t easily put strength into my arm. Instead, my fingers that had been holding on tightly started to feel numb.



I stuck my tongue out again and licked my lips at the strangely cheap feeling. What could be worse then this? How bad could the bathroom be? I swallowed my saliva nonchalantly and opened the door.




What the heck is this?


What was spread out before my eyes was not a bathroom or anything like that. It was just a room with a bed.


“Why is there an operating table… … .”


There was an operating table and trays that looked like something you would see in a drama, all in the middle of the room. Why is this here? Why was she in the room right next to this one?


There were no separate medicines, but the operating table and the large lights above it were shocking.


And slowly my head dropped down.


The gauze was wrapped around her knees, even though they were just bruised. A sense of anxiety rose up from under her feet.


However, her actions were quick. She quickly lifted her skirt and removed the gauze that was stuck to her knees.


“Ugh… … .”


It was a mess. My knee was covered in bruises. I had never had surgery before, but this was clearly a sign that my knee had been opened and then closed. In an instant, the small stinging sensation that felt like a bruise turned into the pain of flesh being torn apart.


Without even asking, did they already try to cut the knee ligaments? Seeing that she was walking fine, they must have stopped the surgery.


I covered my knee, which was disgustingly deformed.


‘I want to make it so that you can’t even walk, but then you won’t be able to go to the bathroom when I’m not around… … so I’ll let you do that.’


I’m looking forward to it.


My stomach was rumbling and churning as if it was going to flip over. But how long had I slept and what had he put in it?


Suddenly, my stomach tightened, and instead of feeling


nauseous, I felt so dizzy that my vision went black, and I collapsed onto my seat.


‘I want to make it so that you can’t even walk… … .’


I felt dizzy. The room was spinning.


‘I’ll take care of it.’


Thud, my head hit the floor hard.


It was dark.


“Just as our bodies catch colds, our minds catch colds too. It’s just that the recovery process is much slower and it’s harder to treat. That’s called mental illness, and there are many different types of mental illness. Not being able to control your anger. Feeling depressed as if you’re in an endless abyss. Not being able to stay still. Constantly demanding affection, and even wanting to kill people.”


There were hundreds of students in the lecture room where a famous psychiatrist was invited.


“You will have to counsel, comfort, and treat such people in the future. Just like me. The most important thing here is not to memorize the names of their illnesses. When you meet them, you


will know that the most important thing is your attitude towards them. And also the precautions. I would like to hear what you think.”


Several hands were raised at the professor’s last words.


“Yeah, um, Jonathan.”


“It is the generosity to understand them.”


“That’s right, that’s true too. Anyone else?”


Generosity. I slowly wrote down the words in my notebook.


“Yes, Casey.”


“It’s an attitude of listening carefully and paying attention to their stories.”


“That’s right. We should always keep our ears open to help alleviate their illnesses, and we should also show them that we are listening to them. Also?”


I wrote that in the space that was moved to the second line.


“Yes, that’s fine. Amy?”


“It’s about acknowledging their existence.”


“Yes, there are patients who admit it themselves, but there are more patients who deny it. Now, I’ve heard this far, but everyone is only talking about how to treat them. Is there anyone who can tell me what to be careful about when dealing with them?”


Admit their existence. After writing down the last one, I raised my head again. The students who had raised their hands, regardless of whether they were sure or not, hesitated and lowered their hands again. In the end, when no one raised their hands, the professor smiled kindly.


“Now, the thing to note is that it’s a lot simpler than you think.”


The professor pressed the projector remote. The PPT quickly turned to the next page.


[Not to be aggressive.]


It was intentionally highlighted in red to make it stand out. The professor kept explaining related cases and why it had to be that way. But from then on, nothing really caught my ear.


Because the past that had been stuck in my head like a sudden lightning strike suddenly came back to me.


I always looked at Lee Eun-woo with eyes full of distrust and suspicion. I could have asked Lee Eun-woo’s opinion right before I got angry, but I always got angry at Lee Eun-woo. Didn’t I raise my voice first and ask what he was doing?


But Lee Eun-woo made me like that. I was also pushed to the cliff because of Lee Eun-woo, and in order to not fall off the cliff, I had to push Lee Eun-woo away and take even one step away from the cliff. Otherwise, I felt like I would throw myself off the cliff behind me.


Because I always felt antipathy towards Lee Eun-woo, who would tell me to hang on to him if I wanted to get away from the cliff with my eyes.


It’s so ridiculous that I can’t believe that everything I did was something I shouldn’t have done. I’m so shocked and astonished that I can’t believe that I keep having such negative reactions.


“The moment we raise our voices at them, they will feel wronged, even though they are wrong. Also, the fact that they are wrong will drive them into a deeper pit. The moment we show an aggressive attitude.”


Every joint of my fingers that held the pen was tense.


There was no way I could have known. I was normal from the


start, and they never told me how to deal with such a crazy guy.


I just thought that when a child does something wrong, you have to correct them and scold them. Lee Eun-woo was crazy, and his mental state towards me was like that of a child, he was not even an elementary school student.


“They are aware of it themselves. They are doing something wrong. But they think and act like that without even knowing it. It’s a different concept from a child.”


I clenched my jaw a little tighter at the professor’s words. My shoulders rose involuntarily as my back muscles tightened.


“So… … . The best thing is to comfort them. To take care of them in a stable manner so that they don’t behave like that again.”


At that moment, my eyes met with the professor’s. It was a gaze that seemed to be rebuking everything I had done so far. At that moment, I suppressed the emotion of wanting to shout, “Why are you looking at me like that?”


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