How to Fix a Psychopath

Chapter 31


How to Fix a Psychopath Episode 31


Or maybe I’m crazy and hallucinating, it didn’t feel real enough. Someone died on the subway earlier. I don’t feel anything about that either, so maybe it was a dream? I was in class an hour ago, so maybe I fell asleep then?


I finally got up from my seat, patted my knees. Eunwoo Lee awkwardly put his outstretched hand away as he watched me get up on my own.


From the third year of high school, Lee Eun-woo’s face didn’t change much compared to the day we broke up. I don’t know much about it except that his hair got a little shorter. Did he gain some flesh on his face? No, I don’t know.


I raised my head to follow Eunwoo Lee, who was bending down to help me up. Foreigners were passing by us, but Eunwoo Lee was not small enough to make them feel uncomfortable.


Rather, his physique has become more muscular, as if he has prepared for something. His shoulders also seems to have become broader.


“… … What? is there something on my face?”


Eunwoo Lee smiled awkwardly and touched my cheek. It was definitely Eunwoo Lee, acting a little embarrassed.




I put my bag back on my shoulder and passed Eunwoo Lee. As I passed Eunwoo Lee without a care, I felt his gaze persistently attached to the back of my neck and my back.




I heard someone calling me from behind, but I never looked back. Crazy bastard. I cursed inwardly and kept tucking my innocent hair behind my ear. When we meet like this, it feels like Lee Eun-woo killed the drug dealer. I had a feeling that he had intentionally prevented me from using the subway.


I hugged my elbows in a bad mood.


“See you tomorrow!”


Lee Eun-woo shouted at me, who was still ignoring him, with a voice mixed with laughter. The surroundings were noisy, but Lee Eun-woo’s voice was clearly audible. I hated even this. The fact that I was automatically conscious of Lee Eun-woo. The fact that


all my nerves were on edge and reacting sensitively toward Lee Eun-woo.


I headed towards the road with a slow pace. I waved my hand a few times and a taxi stopped right in front of me. Still staring at me as if it was going to pierce my face, I opened the taxi door and got in.


I felt somewhat relieved after getting in the taxi, but now my knees, where I had fallen, and the back of my neck, where I had scratched my nails, were starting to hurt. I didn’t feel any resentment about the pain. I just felt a sense of emptiness and betrayal, thinking that this really wasn’t a dream.


As soon as I got in, I told him where I lived, and the taxi became quiet. The taxi driver only glanced at my white shirt and the redness around my neck, but he never said anything. It was fortunate for me.


And after a while, I turned around and looked behind me. There was no way he would be there, but Eunwoo Lee was really not there. I thought he would be running like crazy to drag me out of the taxi, or taking a taxi, or following me in the car he had already bought here with all that money.


Eunwoo Lee was nowhere to be seen. Although the dark tinted car was suspicious, those cars quickly moved into another lane


and left.


Eunwoo Lee just let me go.


The feeling of being bitten by a rabid dog changed into something strange and eerie.


How far did I go? I arrived at the place I had told me about, which was far from my house. When I passed by my house, I looked outside the window, but Eunwoo was still not there. Not even his shadow was there.


“We are here.”


“……Ah yes.”


When I arrived and there was no sign of giving him money, the taxi driver spoke first. I quickly took out my wallet and handed him the money. I said I would give him the change, and quickly opened the door and got out of the taxi.


And until I walked home, I didn’t see Lee Eun-woo’s hair or smell that distinctive soapy scent. Just, in this bland day that I’ve lived for two years, Lee Eun-woo just quietly barged in.


The day passed quietly.


* * *


My knees, which had been fine until I went to bed, were bruised and blue when I woke up in the morning. I thought it would be hard to wear long pants because the bruises would hurt even in the wind, but I ended up wearing long pants because I thought shorts would be more difficult with both my knees bruised. It would probably take a long time for the bruises to go away.


Is this the Lee Eun-woo effect?


I shook my head, frowning so much that I could almost see a clown. Don’t think about it. I had another nightmare, and it made me wake up early in the morning.


Yesterday was just, you know, a whole day of bullying, and I knew I was going to have nightmares because of it. People died, and even if Eunwoo hadn’t shown up, it would have been a day of total panic.


I left the house with my bag on my shoulder. Since I woke up early, I planned to take a walk in the morning and then catch the first subway train.


That is, until the moment I stepped out, my vision suddenly went black.


* * *


What’s going on…?


My body jerked. I was only aware of the movement, but my body didn’t move. Ahh… … Did I suddenly lose consciousness… … . I think so. Is that why I’m being rushed to the emergency room now?


But it was too quiet for that to be the case. If it was an ambulance, you should hear a siren… …. At least, there was no voice from the emergency medical technicians who should have said something to wake me up when I lost consciousness.


Instead, all I could hear was the swoosh, swoosh of my hair being brushed, the occasional thick finger touching my forehead, and the fact that the back of my head wasn’t on the pillow of an emergency cot.




Suddenly, a short, questioning voice was heard from above my head.


“I guess you came to your senses for a moment.”


Then, I fell into a deep sleep again.



* * *


The monster is crying.


It was growling and crying sadly, as if it was so sad. The distance between me and the monster, which was as big as a mountain, was the same as before, and it had never gotten closer.


Does that mean I did anything different with the monster in this dream? Not at all. I just watched the monster’s back as it cried like that.


But somehow I didn’t want to do that now. The sound of the crying that seemed to rip my eardrums was painful to listen to, like thunder in a subtle way. It had never been like this before, but the monster was crying quite loudly. I thought it was crying sadly, but it was crying like a child who had its toy taken away.


I covered my ears with both hands.




So I shouted.


Then, the monster’s cries, which had been shaking its shoulders, suddenly stopped as if it were a lie. Only then did I feel a sense


of urgency. I wondered if I had caught the monster’s attention for no reason. I turned my head and looked for a place to hide before the monster turned to look at me.


But like a monster, the world was completely dark.


How did I recognize the monster when the world and the monster were equally dark?


At that moment, the monster turned around with a groan, as if it was moving the ground. I couldn’t help but catch my breath. It was the monster that had been appearing to me for two years, with only its back to me. I was seeing the monster’s front.


Dddddd, the dream world vibrated and I stepped back. I was out of breath. My chest was rising and falling rapidly as I breathed. My eyes were fixed on the monster, as if someone had fixed them.


My eyes shot open as the monster turned towards me in full force.




Huh, huh, gasp.


I gasped for breath as if I had just finished a run, and raised my upper body. I pushed my flowing hair back and hugged my body with both arms. What was that? What on earth was it that was so scary and terrifying?


I shivered like a child who had heard the rumor that she would die if she saw the face of a monster. Sweat ran down the back of my neck. I kept closing my eyes tightly and opening them.


Goosebumps continued to run down my arms. It was as if I had woken up from a dream in extreme fear at the moment when I could see the monster’s frontal appearance.


By the way, what time is it now?


“did you sleep well?”


I paused, wiped the back of my neck that was glistening with sweat, and turned my head.


Eunwoo Lee ran towards me with a bright smile.


I felt like I was back in high school, when I was living with my boyfriend.


Eunwoo Lee approached me wearing a cute apron and touched my forehead. For a moment, I thought, “Did you have a fever?” However, Eunwoo Lee wiped away the sweat that was beading on my forehead. Even though I must have been quite excited and wet in the summer weather, Eunwoo Lee acted as if I wasn’t dirty at all.


Instead, he reached out to the back of her neck, rubbed it, and whispered softly.


“I was waiting for you to wake up. It was so hot, I’m sorry. I was going to turn on the air conditioner, but I was afraid you’d catch a cold if I turned it on while you were sleeping.”


Large, thick fingers caressed the back of my neck and then swept the nape of my neck. It was the place where my nails had scratched myself. It should have hurt, but it didn’t hurt at all. Was it already completely healed? Or was I really back in high school?


That can’t be true.


“Are you hungry? I cooked some porridge to eat as soon as you wake up. Do you want some?”


Eunwoo Lee spoke in a caring and considerate voice. I looked at Eunwoo Lee sitting next to me and then looked at my legs under the blanket. Like last time, I had a vague thought about whether there were shackles on my ankles or not.


My toes curled up on their own when I thought of those disgusting chains. I guess the restraints were tight enough that I couldn’t even spread my legs.


He would have just made it so that she couldn’t get out of bed, and that she had to stay in bed without moving.


Lee Eun-woo will still be there. It would be normal for the disgust towards Lee Eun-woo that had been dormant from the bottom to rise, but strangely, I didn’t feel anything, let alone anger. It was really strange.


Now, have I become numb to Lee Eun-woo, who has appeared in front of me as a matter of course? No, to be honest, I was touched in a different way.


I tried to kill Lee Eun-woo, and Lee Eun-woo’s eyes were shining so that he wouldn’t let me go at that moment. Yes, let’s say it was because I felt threatened that I might be locked up. However, I left Lee Eun-woo lying there in the snow, bleeding profusely.


I did the same thing as the man who ran away on the day I begged for help and life. At that moment, I felt a murderous intent towards that man that I would have torn him to pieces. I was blinded by the feeling of betrayal. But if it were me, I would have done the same thing.


So, yeah, so… … I thought Eunwoo Lee would hate me for leaving him to die.


But look at the expression on Eunwoo Lee’s face as he looks at me.

He had the face of a man who couldn’t help but love me more. Even if a stranger who didn’t know anything looked at Eunwoo Lee, then they would say that he was just an ordinary man looking at the person he loved.


Naturally, I opened my mouth while avoiding Eunwoo Lee’s face.


“… … How long did I sleep?”


Thinking that it would definitely be filled, I took off the blanket that was covering my body without hesitation. The blanket fluttered and cried, and Eunwoo Lee avoided my answer by saying, “Well… …”


Actually, I wasn’t curious about how much I slept. That was the question that was needed to be asked to get me moving. So Eunwoo Lee’s answer was never important.




  1. cowner says:

    She has Stockholm syndrome for sure

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