How to Fix a Psychopath

Chapter 29


How to Fix a Psychopath Episode 29



I released the fist I had clenched so tightly. But at that moment, Lee Eun-woo took off the chains on my ankles while thinking hard. The saliva that had gathered on its own went down my throat. Lee Eun-woo, who was so disgusting that he couldn’t even look at me, was looking through the envelopes while showing me his head.


What should I do? If I run away, I might be ruined.


Maybe a more horrible ending than the original awaits me. But now is my chance. But even if I run away, Lee Eun-woo will catch me right away.


My heart was pounding like a fish that was just caught in the water.


I quickly headed to the bookshelf where thick textbooks were placed. In addition, there were decorative snow globes that Lee Eun-woo had bought and heavy awards that Lee Eun-woo had received from school standing in a row.


Fortunately or unfortunately, they were all within my arm’s reach.



Do it? No let’s not do it?


Should I hit him with that?


No, Stop it?


But, what should I?


“I know, okay?”


Startled, I pulled my hand that was about to reach for the bookshelf back in front of my chest as if I was hiding it from his eyes. I looked down at Eunwoo Lee, wondering if he had caught me, but he was still staring at me with his head down.


“I can see what you’re trying to do with your shadows.”


Come to think of it, when did the sound of busily shuffling through envelopes stop?


When I rolled my eyes to check, Eunwoo Lee’s hand stopped, as if he was just pretending to check in the first place. When I thought about how he had stopped and stared intently at my shadow, the back of my neck felt cold.


“It seems like you’re thinking hard… … . Don’t do useless things.”



It was a tone that sounded like he was scolding a child who had done wrong. It also seemed like a warning. I let out a sigh of relief at Eunwoo Lee’s firmness in his harsh words. It was fortunate that he didn’t raise his head to check on me.


I felt a tremendous throbbing sound from the back of my hands that I had gathered in front of my chest. I quickly grabbed the small snow globe that I had hidden between my armpits.


My ears were ringing. I could only hear one sound. Gasp, gasp. It was just the sound of my own breathing, as if I had just finished running. My face was crumpled to the point where it could have been distorted.


Eunwoo Lee spat out the words as a warning and started to rummage through the envelope again. I took out the hard snow globe and held it with both hands.


If I do this, I will be no different from Lee Eun-woo. But Lee Eun-woo will do anything to catch me. How am I any different from Lee Eun-woo?


If there’s no medicine for a madman, you should at least hit him with a stick.


“Ah, I found it.”



Lee Eun-woo looked up at me with a bright smile. That was it. This was the only chance. If not now, it would be over forever.


It’s now.




I closed my eyes tightly.






Like a crazy bitch, I screamed. I hit Lee Eun-woo’s head with both hands with all my might. The feeling of hitting someone’s head hard was horrible. It was scary. Wasn’t his head going to break? Wasn’t he going to die?


How? I hit a person. I hit a person’s head with a rock. I hurt someone on purpose. What do I do? What do I do?


“Ahh… … . Ahhhh… … .”


A dull sound and a shrill scream rang in my head. I must have sobbed for so long. I cried so hard that I lost all my strength and collapsed on my seat.


Is he dead? Will he be soaked in blood like last time? Will I become an attempted murderer? Can I open my eyes? If I open my eyes, won’t I be in hell? Is Lee Eun-woo dead?


My adrenaline was pumping like crazy, and my heart was pounding so hard that it wouldn’t have been strange if it had burst through my ribs.


I slowly opened my eyes, which had been closed since the day I fell asleep. Tears that had been hanging on my eyelashes flowed down my cheeks.




The situation before my eyes was dire. I threw the snowball that was soaking wet with blood as if I was having a seizure. The small snowball that rolled around trembled all over my body as if it were Eunwoo Lee’s head.


The image of Eunwoo Lee was lying on the sink, powerless, just like that day when the back of his head was cracked.


I moved my body while leaning against the wall. Iron, I thought both of them had been removed, but a new leather shackle was already attached to my right ankle. I didn’t have time to admire Lee Eun-woo’s quick reflexes as he quickly put the shackle on. Just, I can never go outside in this condition.



I tried to run away, but instead I crouched down in front of Eunwoo Lee and started searching through his clothes.


Keys, give me the keys! Keys! As I searched through Lee Eun-woo’s outerwear but couldn’t find anything, I started to get more and more anxious. This was because I didn’t know when Lee Eun-woo, who was like a monster that wasn’t dead, would wake up.


“Ha, ah, please come out, please, please.”


Because Eunwoo Lee had collapsed, I laid him down properly in order to search the pocket on the other side.


“Ugh, please stay here… … .”


I turned Eunwoo Lee’s body with difficulty and put my hand in the opposite pocket and searched. The inside of the pocket was damp and hot. It was clearly soaked with blood from Eunwoo Lee’s head, but I didn’t have the presence of mind to do so.


I had to run away. If I run away, I will definitely go overseas. Let’s go to an island, yes, let’s go to an island so that Eunwoo Lee will never find me.


So, please, please!


At that moment, Eunwoo Lee’s eyes opened wide.




I jumped up from my seat, holding my breath.


“… … Ugh, … … Haa.”


I have to run away.


I gave up on finding my keys and ran to the front door. The chain hanging from my ankles made a loud noise because I ran so fast. I had to get out first. I had to get out and ask people for help.


If that doesn’t work, then scream. No, no. Let’s run straight to the landlady and ask her for help. Or should I scream inside the studio apartment right now?


“Soyoung, didn’t I tell you?”




Behind me, Lee Eun-woo spoke softly. He’s a monster. Lee Eun-woo is a monster!


“It’s nothing when compared to my father who beat me all day


long until I pass out. It doesn’t bother me to be hit.”


I opened the front door and covered my ears.


Behind her, there was a sound as if a disgusting, shapeless monster was being born, as if Eunwoo Lee was raising his large body.


“Stay still there, Soyoung.”


However, while Eunwoo Lee staggered as if the aftereffects were strong, I ran out into the hallway and ran down the stairs like a madman. The marble that touched my bare feet was eerily cold. The voice shouting “Kim Soyoung!” behind me was so sharp that it felt like it would snap my neck at any moment.


Lee Eun-woo is right behind you. Run away, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster!


The sound of bare feet rushing down the stairs and the clanking sound of chains hitting the stairway were incongruous. It felt like a lie. Was I being chased in a movie? Was this a dream?


My breath hitched to the tip of my throat, and I felt the cold air rushing into my throat, making my airway and lungs shrink.


There’s a huge, unmanageable monster behind me, drooling


and following me.




I unlocked the front door of my studio apartment and opened it.


It was full-blown winter outside.


The wind was howling and snow was falling, and the few streetlights were dimly lit. It was dawn. Originally, there were no shops in the alley, but the alley was even darker, and hope was fading away, and my heart was pounding.


“Gasp, gasp, gasp… … .”


My eyes rolled back and forth. Where should I go? What should I do? Will I be able to escape properly from the alley where snow has already started to pile up? No, move. You have to move. You can’t stop.


At that moment, I picked up the chain as I heard the loud footsteps that made the marble floor shake, thump, thump, thump.


And without looking back, I ran out onto the street again. First of all, a place with a lot of people. No, a 24-hour convenience store! Let’s ask the convenience store for help.



Ugh, something burst under my feet. Something wet and hot touched the cold floor. It didn’t hurt, but my damn legs were starting to give out, and my running speed was getting slower and slower.


All I could think was that my heart would burst and I would die, or my legs would break and I would die. Or maybe my head would burst and I would die. Ah, yes, that would be better than being caught and killed by Lee Eun-woo. Yes, that would be the case.


After running for a while, I couldn’t see the convenience store or the police station properly because of the snow, but I saw a man coming out holding a trash bag.


“Hey, hey! Hey, help me! Help me!”


Hearing this voice, Lee Eun-woo would obviously know where I went, but I survived. I survived. I can run away. Let’s report it to the police. Let’s just hand Lee Eun-woo over to the police, saying that he put chains on my feet.


The man started looking around at my scream-like sound.


“Help me! Help me, save me!”


The man stared blankly at me as I ran towards him, carrying a bundle of chains, with an expression that seemed to indicate that he had no idea what was going on. He looked at me with wide eyes, as if he had no idea what was going on, and his face was filled with wariness.


Seeing that sight made her anxious, she let go of the chain and grabbed the man’s arm to prevent him from running away.


“Please, please save me! I’m not a weird person. I, that, that weird guy, he was trying to lock me up… … Please save me!”


The man who saw my face, which seemed to be suffocating from fear, looked at me as if nothing had happened and scratched the back of his head.


“Then, I think I’ll have to go to the police station.”


My heart sank. At a moment when life and death were at stake, the man’s calm and plain words felt like they were pushing me into the pit of hell. I tightened my grip on the man’s arm.


I clung to the man, practically hanging on to him, and begged him. Not even a vagrant on the street would beg like this.


“Please, please save me. Could you hide me just a little bit? Huh, huh… … There’s a man behind me chasing me, trying to kill me.


Please, please. Help me, please.”


“Oh, wait a minute, okay? Calm down, okay? I didn’t bring my phone, did I? Hold on, I’ll go get my phone.”


“Ah, ah, no! I don’t need a cell phone! Just… … !!”


“Let go of that hand.”


The devil howled behind my back.


My breathing stopped.


“Can’t you hear me? Let go of that hand!”


The sound of Lee Eun-woo walking, thump, thump, seems to get louder and louder, amplified and lodged in my ears.


“Ah, that, ah… … !”


The man I thought was my lifeline shook off my hand that was being grabbed in a hurry. Then, I saw him run away into the alley he had come from. I stared blankly at the back of the man who was my rotten lifeline, and then turned around.


Eunwoo Lee, walking in with blood dripping down his face, was like a demon from hell. No, more than a demon, he was a


monster. A monster.


“How dare you touch him.”


Overwhelmed by jealousy, ahead of emotions, he was approaching me with eyes shining as if he was going to burn me to death. If death were right before my eyes, this is how it would feel. I felt like I was prey to a monster that would destroy the world.


No, how should I describe this feeling?


Is there a word to describe this feeling? It’s scary, it’s terrifying, it’s hopeless. I don’t know what to say.


The closer Lee Eun-woo came, the better it seemed to me that it would be better to bite my tongue and die.


I wanted to run away, but my legs wouldn’t move anymore. No, I couldn’t even feel the soles of my feet. I ran around like a crazy woman in this snow field, so I must have gotten frostbite, or at least close to it.


Ten steps forward.


Eunwoo Lee suddenly collapsed into the snow.


Like a trout miraculously escaping from a shark’s jaws, I turned around and ran again.


  1. Suckerforshipping says:

    RUN, GIRL, RUN!!!!!

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