How to Fix a Psychopath

Chapter 25


How to Fix a Psychopath Episode 25



There was no answer, but the puppy still wagged its tail.


“Okay, let’s go with Jiseon. You are Jiseon from now on.”


I felt more attached to the puppy when I called it by my name.


By the way, what was your last name?


“Who is Jiseon?”


I turned around. Lee Eun-woo leaned against the bathroom doorstep and asked. The door was clearly closed. I looked at the wide open bathroom door and opened my mouth.


“Someone I know.”


“Then I should know them too. Why wouldn’t I know about them?”


The persistently shining eyes were quickly engulfed in jealousy.






Eunwoo Lee’s large body entered the bathroom. She hesitated and stepped back. In the narrow bathroom, the toilet was soon at her heel. At that moment, Eunwoo Lee grabbed the puppy’s nape viciously.


What the hell!


Ji-seon barked as if she was about to suffocate at the rough touch.


“What are you doing!”


I ran straight to Eunwoo Lee. When I reached out to Jiseon, who was struggling and dangling in the air, Eunwoo Lee raised his hand a little higher.


“Let go of him! He is scared!”


“Then, you can tell me, Soyoung. I can let it go whenever you want.”


“It’s just, it’s the name of a friend I was close with in elementary school!”


Eunwoo Lee chuckled at my urgent words.





I was shocked. In the midst of all this, something like gender was important. I was getting more angry.


“No, It’s not a guy! She’s dead! She’s just too close to me, so I’m using her name instead… …!!”


Suddenly, there was a sound of bones cracking above my head.


The barking that made the toilet go away also stopped.


“Soyoung, the dead should be left as they are.”


Oh, oh, oh, a heavy breath escaped from my mouth. Eunwoo Lee slowly lowered his arm that he was raised so that my arm could not reach it. A small white puppy came down with its neck bent and hanging down.


Just a moment ago, it was wagging its tail. It was even breathing, and all… … The little puppy that was handed to me, saying ‘Here’, became a cold corpse with its tongue hanging out. The small life was crushed in his large hands.


“Jiseon, It’s are truly dead now. Do you understand?”


As if imprinting something, Lee Eun-woo said so.


“Soyoung, you keep thinking about it because you can’t forget it. So let’s forget about it quickly. Okay?”


Tears flowed down my cheeks. Eunwoo Lee kissed me on the cheek as he watched me cry.


“It was Soyoung’s fault. For bringing this here. Don’t do it again.”


Don’t do that again.


Was it really my fault? Was it my fault? I heard a beeping noise in my ears. When someone died in the hospital, I heard that mechanical sound. Then, as if nothing happened, I heard the sound of rain pouring down during the monsoon season.


As always, the anger didn’t last long before it flared up like madness.


I was so angry that my whole body felt hot. My whole body felt like it was boiling and my breathing became noticeably ragged. They say that when you get really angry, your whole body starts shaking, and it seemed to be true.


“… … What’s wrong?”



I should have just let it go, thinking that someone better would take it. Anger and frustration mixed with guilt that consumed my whole body.


As she gasped for breath and burst into tears, Eunwoo Lee reached out to wipe them away.




Her hand fell on his cheek before Eunwoo Lee’s hand reached her. He was slapped hard, and couldn’t even reach her. She glared at Eunwoo Lee, who was looking down at her slapped hand.


“Get out.”


Eunwoo Lee turned his gaze from her hand to mine. His expression seemed to be that of someone checking if what he had just heard was correct.


“Get out, get out! Get out of my room!!”




I grabbed whatever I could get my hands on and threw it at Eunwoo Lee. Eunwoo Lee raised his arm and frowned. None of


the objects she threw in a fit of excitement landed properly.


Eunwoo Lee nonchalantly placed the dead puppy on the sink and grabbed my shoulder at my excited appearance.


“Ahh! Don’t touch me with the hands that killed the puppy!”


“Soyoung, calm down.”


I twisted my body as if I had touched something that would kill me if he touched it.


“Why, why don’t you just kill me too! Just strangle me to death, you little punk!”


The bathroom was filled with screams from her. Eunwoo Lee, who seemed a little flustered, quickly bent down and met my eyes.


“You are getting too excited. Calm down, okay? I was wrong. I’m sorry.”


My eyes rolled back. What? You are sorry? Do you even mean that?


“Lies, you don’t feel sorry at all. Do you, a guy like you, have a conscience? Do you have anything that’s even slightly right? It’s creepy!”



I pushed Lee Eun-woo’s chest hard. She clearly shouldn’t have been pushed like a wall, but in an instant, Lee Eun-woo fell backwards.




The sink came crashing down.




Eunwoo Lee collapsed weakly on the bathroom floor.


My pupils shook wildly. A bright red liquid slowly crawled out from the back of Eunwoo Lee’s head, which was not moving at all. It flowed towards me as if it was alive and moving.


“Ugh… … !!”


I covered my mouth with both hands. The blood flowed towards me and split into several streams.


At that moment, a thunderous roar came down. I covered my ears and screamed. The blood splitting into pure white tiles looked like blood pouring into a spider web.


What should I do now?



Ha, haa, haa, the sound of heavy breathing lingered in my tightly plugged ears. I slowly lowered the hand that was covering my ears. All I could hear was the sound of heavy rain, as if it was still pouring down inside the bathroom.


Eunwoo Lee still didn’t move.


I took a step. The thick, slippery blood clung to the soles of my feet. Another step. As I got closer to Eunwoo Lee, my heart started pounding as if it was going to burst.


Someone once said that humans are the smartest animals in the world, but when something big happens, they become even dumber than animals.


I looked down at Eunwoo Lee, who was passed out with a pale, tired face near my feet.


I pushed him and it turned out like this.


Is he dead? Then does that mean I killed him?


I paused for a moment to breathe, as hard as my heartbeat. My whole body was still shaking. My face was wet with tears and snot.



I looked around. What was happening in this cramped place?


I sobbed and buried my face in my hands. My mind was like someone was forcing together mismatched parts, and no solution or idea came to mind. I just couldn’t do anything.


I don’t know what to do. Why did this happen?


I want to run away. To a place where there is no one.


She paused and lifted her head, which was buried in her palm.


Haa… … . With a long exhale, Eunwoo still had no intention of opening his eyes. I hesitated as I thought about it and turned my steps out of the bathroom. Before that, I quickly looked around the bathroom to see if there was anything I needed to take with me.


There was nothing. Originally, it was filled with things like Lee Eun-woo’s belongings and the little things that Lee Eun-woo had filled it with. Nothing. The small room that couldn’t even be called a living room would be the same.


After I finished making my decision, I quickly left the bathroom.








I tried to escape. If only someone hadn’t grabbed my ankle as I was running away. In an instant, the ground rose like a wave. No. I fell. My head throbbed.


“… … Ugh.”


I groaned and lifted my face from the floor. My elbows and knees groaned as they hit the floor hard. It hurt. I was still so unconscious that I thought I had tripped over the bathroom doorstep.




But it wasn’t.


Is this what it feels like when a water ghost grabs your ankle underwater? I instinctively looked down at what was grabbing my foot below my shoulder. It was a human hand. It was a large, pure white hand with thick blue veins.


My foot, caught by my ankle, slowly began to close. Likewise, it felt as if someone was squeezing my heart.



Eunwoo Lee, who had been unconscious until just a moment ago, was blinking his eyes, looking weakly at the ceiling.


But, but how? Wasn’t that the guy who just fainted after the sink hit him so hard that he almost fell over like a sand castle hit by a wave?


My mouth fell open in shock at the sight I could not believe even with my own eyes. If I blinked, I felt like I would be dragged into endless darkness.


“Hoo… … Soyoung… … .”


Eunwoo Lee exhaled deeply under my feet. Goosebumps ran down my back as if the dead were spitting out their cold souls. I felt uneasy. No, maybe I was nervous.


It felt like my thoughts of running away and abandoning Eunwoo Lee, who had passed out and turned pale as if he was on the verge of death, had all been caught.


I wondered what Eunwoo Lee would think and how he would deal with me if he read those thoughts. Even though Eunwoo Lee had no way of reading my thoughts, I was so anxious that I thought I would go crazy.



“Don’t go… … . It was my fault.”


The voice sounded weak and limp, as if sobbing.


Did I hear wrong? Is Eunwoo Lee trying to fool me again by pretending to be weak? His eyes were shaking wildly, unable to focus on one spot. He was holding onto my ankle with such a strong grip that I couldn’t shake it off, and his face was pale, as if he would faint again at any moment.


“Soyoung… … Don’t go… … . I can’t leave without you… … .”


Something that seemed to have calmed down suddenly surged up again. Is Eunwoo Lee’s head all about me? Is Eunwoo Lee’s head like a machine that can only input one thing? Did I get inputted incorrectly into that machine and he become this crazy?


Poor, pathetic and stupid.


Sob, tears flowed down my face again. It was like an old-fashioned machine that was made for that purpose from the beginning and couldn’t be changed. If you input something different, it would cause errors, run wild, or stop working.


“… …Why not?”



I don’t understand. Why did it have to be me? The words that came out as a sob were hard to understand.


“… … I don’t know. Now… … I feel like I’d die without you… … .”


Still, Eunwoo Lee managed to understand and spoke with difficulty. His words were interrupted and it seemed as if he was about to faint again.


“So, don’t go… … . I won’t do anything you don’t like anymore… … .”


Oh, I cried my eyes out. Why are you crazy? If only you were the perfect, cool, normal guy in any other novel. We wouldn’t have to go through this bloodshed, this tragedy, the life of a little puppy, Kim Seung-chan’s paralysis of the lower body, the transfer, the twisted love.


Why are you crazy? Why?




At that moment, the hand that was holding my ankle as heavy as an iron weight suddenly released. I immediately pulled my caught foot toward my body and crawled away from the bathroom. Only after crawling all the way to the bed did I turn towards the bathroom. Lee Eun-woo’s blood embedded footprints continued. The traces that seemed to have dragged the corpse bag were bizarre and terrifying.




  1. Haru says:

    Oh my goodness, I feel so bad for our protagonist and the puppy. Her mental health is already in such a bad place and the puppy was the one being that could have brought her joy in that situation.

  2. Kyiqq-12 says:


  3. Suckerforshipping says:


  4. cowner says:


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