How to Fix a Psychopath

Chapter 22


How to Fix a Psychopath Episode 22


With a bang, the door opened and Lee Eun-woo came in. His hair was still wet from washing his face and stuck to his forehead. Lee Eun-woo came in with his eyebrows furrowed and when our eyes met, he smiled softly.


“It took a while. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting so long.”


You don’t have to feel sorry at all.


I just thought that to myself. On the contrary, different words came out of my mouth.


“Why are you so late?”


Eunwoo Lee took off his shoes and strode inside.




Eunwoo Lee scratched the back of his head and made a slightly annoyed face. It wasn’t me who asked the question that made him look annoyed. It was some other external factor that annoyed Eunwoo Lee.



“I guess someone reported it.”


Did the landlady report it?


When I heard the word report, my heart started beating fast as if I had become a criminal.


“Looking at it, they’re Soyoung’s friends.”


Those kids who fought among themselves because of Lee Eun-woo at school. My cheeks still felt stinging.


I think they reported it to the police on their way home. I said quickly.


“They are not my friends.”




“I don’t have any friends.”


Eunwoo Lee shut his mouth at my words. Then he stared at me and smiled brightly.




He said.


Eunwoo Lee lowered his body in front of my lap again. His gaze, which seemed to pierce through me, made me feel like I was being put on a lie detector. His eyes, which were neither sharp nor gentle, blinked slowly.


He read my expression, not understanding what I was saying, and then grabbed my hand that was on my lap. His hand was cold and clammy. I thought it was from fetching water from the street, but my body trembled because it was cold.


“Jeongyeon said she was closest to Soyoung.”




Lee Eun-woo’s voice overlapped with the faint sound from the past.


No, more than that, when? When did Lee Eun-woo and Lee Jeong-yeon meet? Did they already talk about me, even after they met?


“No one knows you better than I do. Why did she pretend to know you better then me? It’s annoying.”





It wasn’t a curious tone. The conclusion was Lee Eun-woo’s last words. Lee Jeong-yeon was annoying to Lee Eun-woo. Did she say that she knew me better than hedid?


Of course, Lee Jung-yeon, who pretended not to care about me at all but was proud of me, must have talked about me to Lee Eun-woo. I shook my head, looking down at Lee Eun-woo, who said with a smile that it was annoying.


“We’re not close.”






Eunwoo Lee glanced elsewhere at my stern expression, then smiled pleasantly and stood up from his seat.


“Okay, Soyoung, should we open the box now?”


That was fortunate.


Eunwoo Lee, who was certainly much more generous than the man before, quickly made a face of shame.


But what was still unbelievable was that it was Lee Eun-woo who


had pushed Kim Seung-chan down the stairs with that face.


I grabbed Lee Eun-woo’s sleeve as he was about to go get the box outside the studio. I have to make sure Lee Eun-woo can’t think about Lee Jung-yeon. No matter what I do, Lee Jung-yeon is not someone Lee Eun-woo should be wary of. Quickly, think about it.


The wet sleeve touched my fingers, feeling damp. It felt like I was touching a wet snake skin.


“I’m only close to you.”


The innocent face that had been excited like someone was about to open a toy box changed subtly.


“I don’t believe it.”




“You said that before too… … but you listened to Seungchan and ran away.”


Eunwoo Lee spoke in a tone that suggested he no longer cared much about that.


Eunwoo Lee’s words that he didn’t believe what I said were


shocking. It wasn’t a lie in the first place. It was true, and other students would have wanted that too.


It wasn’t Kim Seung-chan who made her run away, but Lee Eun-woo. In the first place, Kim Seung-chan’s words would have been useless if Lee Eun-woo hadn’t done something crazy! In an instant, I felt like I had become a liar. I felt like I had brazenly lied and become the laughing stock in front of him.




Eunwoo Lee let out a sigh at my angry words.


“Then prove it.”




“You can say anything with words. Make me believe it. Simple, right?”


“How can I prove that… … .”


How do you want me to prove that? I frowned deeply and then got up from the bed.


Don’t fall for it. This is Eunwoo Lee’s provocation to test me.


“… … Then you?”




“What can you do prove it to me?”






Without a second of hesitation, Lee Eun-woo answered dryly. I also opened my mouth to provoke Lee Eun-woo.


“If I tell you to die… … then will you do that too?”


Then Lee Eun-woo laughed brightly, saying, “Haha.” I don’t know if it was because the one-dimensional remark was so funny, or because I found it funny to say such a thing, but Lee Eun-woo laughed loudly and briefly.


Eunwoo Lee, who quickly stopped laughing, tilted his head.


The eyes filled with suspicion gleamed low.


“Why? Who will you become friends with when I die?”


Eunwoo Lee dug into my hand again, grabbing the end of my


sleeve, and intertwined them. I shook my head at Eunwoo Lee’s obsession, which was once again revealing its madness.


“No, I was just, I was just asking.”


Eunwoo Lee looked at my face with eyes still filled with suspicion, but had no choice, said, “Okay.”


“So… how will Soyoung prove it?”


Eunwoo Lee asked quietly and secretly, pressing himself against me again.


“What do you want?”


There was no room to hide behind the bed. I raised my head and asked Eunwoo Lee instead. Eunwoo Lee smiled leisurely at my words. Eunwoo Lee, who smiled beautifully, bent his large body again and brought his face closer.


My body naturally shrank.


“… … A kiss. I think that would make me feel like I’m the closest person to you in this world.”


After finishing speaking, Lee Eun-woo deliberately swallowed slowly. His throat moved up and down slowly, and I followed suit


and swallowed my dry saliva.


“Isn’t that just what you want to do… … ?”


“That’s right. I want to do it. I want to suck your lips like before.”


Let’s do it. Okay?


Eunwoo Lee whispered as if pleading. Eunwoo Lee, who pretends to be annoyingly weak only at times like this, lowered the corners of his eyes obediently.


His breath came out thin and rough.


Wouldn’t it be better than forcing it? Wouldn’t it be better than forcing it like before or in the original story?


I slowly closed my eyes, and Eunwoo Lee gently sucked my lower lip.


Chapter 3 –  2nd year of high school



“I want to see a movie.”


“Shall we see it then?”


Eunwoo Lee quickly responded to the vague remark made while passing by a large movie theater.


They were walking around the city with their arms around each other like any other couple. There was no other reason. It was the weekend, and they just didn’t want to be stuck in the studio apartment with Eunwoo Lee all weekend.


Eunwoo Lee had been steadily accumulating the necessities for the weekend during the week, so thanks to that, there was nothing else that was needed.


It seemed like Eunwoo Lee was using that studio apartment during the weekdays when I was away. Does that mean we sleep together on the weekends or something? That wasn’t the case.


As I expected, Eunwoo Lee had already signed contracts for the rooms next to me and in front of me.




“Yes, let’s see.”


It was unexpected.


It’s surprising that Lee Eun-woo, who already hates crowd, came out to the city like this, and now he’s even watching a movie.


Of course, I had dated before I left Eunwoo Lee in middle school, but it was a lot different back then. Eunwoo Lee would desperately look for places with few people beforehand and take me there, and I just followed him.


Eunwoo Lee led me into a large movie theater.


It seemed like a lie. Was he working hard on the bet? Or, had Lee Eun-woo really changed?


“Is seat G, 15 or 16 okay for the movie?”


“What about you, Soyoung?”


It was the weekend, so the movie theater was very noisy. In addition, there were no vending machines in this era, so I took a waiting ticket and waited for a long time. I nodded with a slightly tired face. Eunwoo Lee smiled and stroked my earlobe with his thumb, thinking that I was adorable.


I can’t believe I’m thinking of watching a movie with him, while squeezing in between people. It must be uncomfortable since there are no separate seats for couples. I was like that too, but I wonder if Lee Eun-woo has changed a lot.


Maybe it was because I was the one who suggested that we date normally, just like any other couple? Eunwoo Lee’s expression at that time was something to behold.


It was a subtle expression, like crying or laughing. The eyes looking at me were definitely different from what I had seen before. It was like water filling up a cup, something slowly filling up in Eunwoo Lee’s eyes.


It was really just a feeling though.


“There are four seats next to it, 13 and 14.”


“Yes, row G, seats 13 to 16, total of four seats, are you sure?”


The staff spoke kindly and looked back and forth between Eunwoo Lee and me, who were choosing our seats, and smiled. She seemed puzzled. I was also puzzled. I looked at Eunwoo Lee without saying anything, and Eunwoo Lee was busy paying.


Eunwoo Lee, who gave a simple answer to the employee, let go of my hand he was holding and took out his wallet to pay for the


movie ticket, saying, “Soyoung, just a moment.”


Even at first glance, it was a very expensive wallet brand for a teenager to own. Eunwoo Lee opened the wallet to give her some bills. The inside of the wallet was so obvious that it was hard to see without looking.


How thick it was. Since it was before the 50,000 won bill was introduced, Eunwoo Lee’s wallet was filled with seemingly countless 10,000 won bills.


Since you have so much money, you must be buying me presents all the time.


Eunwoo Lee immediately took out 20,000 won and handed it over.


I looked down at Eunwoo Lee’s wallet. The white sneakers with red dots were no longer there. The new, pure white sneakers were the same ones as Eunwoo Lee, who had just finished paying for the tickets next to me.


I wonder if he had always known my shoe size exactly. The sneakers that Lee Eun-woo happily opened himself for her and handed to me fit my feet perfectly. In addition, the T-shirt and pants were also the correct size.


“Soyoung, let’s go.”


Eunwoo Lee grabbed my hand again. He was holding a movie ticket in his hand. As I turned around and got out of the waiting line, many eyes were on us.


Eunwoo Lee lifted the hand holding the movie ticket and wallet and checked his watch.


“There are about 10 minutes left. Should we go up to the 5th floor and wait?”


“Why four seats?”


Eunwoo Lee quietly put his wallet in his pocket and responded lightly to what I said.


“… … What if someone sits next to Soyoung?”


Eunwoo Lee, with a genuinely worried expression on his face, pointed to a popcorn shop in front of the escalator leading to the 5th floor and asked, “Would you like some popcorn?” Eunwoo Lee, who was fumbling with his wallet again, made me feel thirsty for no reason.


The temperature between Eunwoo Lee and me was warm enough that I couldn’t feel it. But sometimes, the temperature


would drop so low that it would become chilly. But that would also pass quickly.


This is because Eunwoo Lee, who is becoming more and more worldly-savvy, is trying to prevent her from having other thoughts by directing her attention to other things.


  1. cowner says:

    He is too much

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