How To Divorce A Male Protagonist


“Episode 48”

“Hmm, because God ordained purity?” Anna asked hesitantly.
“Externally, yes. But more than that, it’s to prevent bastards from interfering with the inheritance rights of the heirs. Among nobles, it’s common for titles and estates to be passed down through generations.”
After saying that much, Yuliana paused to catch her breath before continuing.
“But bastards are different. They’re outsiders to inheritance rights. Back in the old days, when we were savages, we didn’t need titles or estates. We determined leadership through combat, without concepts like property rights or inheritance. Hmm… we’ve become too complicated as humans.”
Yuliana’s explanation prompted a thought in Anna’s mind.
“…So, if a noblewoman isn’t pure, does that mean she’s breaking the rules of noble society? But such accusations are just suspicions.”
“The purity trial for followers of the faith is straightforward. You just need witnesses to testify that they fornicated. And sadly, it seems there are plenty of men claiming to have had relations with me,” Yuliana said sarcastically, kicking the newspaper aside. Rolling across a corner of the rose garden, the crumpled newspaper caught Anna’s eye as she murmured.
“…Without evidence, it’s just speculation…”
“Right. The purity trial itself is tedious and essentially meaningless. It was introduced during the formation of the Empire, when we nobles wanted to distinguish ourselves from commoners, to ensure we were seen as different beings,” Yuliana explained, her bronze eyes dimming with sadness.
“We believed nobles should be entirely separate from commoners. We thought we needed something nobler than absolute measures like magical strength or weakness. Of course, those ideals have faded somewhat now. During times of stability like now, there have been instances where bastards have seized titles and estates from legitimate heirs. Look at Evan. He inherited the title after his older brother died, didn’t he?”
Yuliana crossed her arms and sighed deeply, lost in old memories. Thoughts of her somewhat overbearing father, Hilsen Count, who was now hiding in the countryside, brought nothing but unpleasant memories. As incompetent as her father was, and even cruel at times.
Just looking at the exorbitant taxes levied by her father on the estate peasants, one could tell. The Hilsen County, once a great noble house, derived all its honor, wealth, and title from their glorious past.
The Hilsen County had played a significant role in driving the savages away during the formation of the Empire and was one of the noble families that contributed to the establishment of the Empire.
However, three years ago, when news came that the scattered savages were uniting into one tribe and advancing towards the Empire’s borders, Count Hilsen retreated. To be precise, it was the decision of Evan’s father, Nielsen Hilsen.
What would happen if the one holding the imperial knight’s rights didn’t step forward? The Empire criticized Count Hilsen’s decision unanimously, and public opinion called for someone loyal, other than the Hilsen family, to take over the position of commander of the Imperial Knights. In hindsight, there may have been implicit approval from the Emperor at the center of that opinion.
Lucian Bu Ariaqne, who had just ascended to the throne, was wary of the Hilsen family’s power.
Meanwhile, while everyone was turning a blind eye to injustice and living in ignorance, the eldest son of the Count unexpectedly volunteered to go to war.
And the result was…
Yuliana naturally thought of Evan.
He had long awaited becoming a count, and he had a valid reason to succeed to the count’s position after his half-brother’s death. And he didn’t miss that opportunity.
Yuliana answered, lost in thought.
“In the eyes of the sinners who would interfere with the purity trial, women like me are not worthy of noble dignity and are not suitable according to the teachings of God. And a bastard count who takes such a woman as his wife is also unacceptable.”
“The noble families won’t fall to such slander!”
Anna shouted angrily. But Yuliana looked at the crumpled newspaper lying desolately on the ground.
Yes, the noble families wouldn’t collapse from such rumors. But a nobleman who was once hailed as the most powerful, arrogant, and perfect knight in the Empire, now smeared with dirty mud.
That was the nature of political games in the capital. If she stood idly by during the purity trial, becoming fodder for journalists, could she maintain dignity in front of the vassal families in the future?

Yuliana pursed her lips. She wanted to rid herself of those men, both physically and mentally, whom she had spent time with in the past. Where on earth did those men come from? Those nameless men she met at countless parties, who praised and desired the past Yuliana O’Brien, made her feel disgusted with herself.


“Lady Viscountess…”

Anna sat near the viscountess’s knees, looking up at her with a worried expression. How could she help the Viscountess? What could she do—

These questions were swirling around in her mind. But as a common servant girl, there was no way she could help.

It was when she was feeling crestfallen, lowering her head, that Butler Rayeth approached, walking through the rose garden.

Yuliana gestured for the butler to proceed, and Rayeth bowed politely before handing her a letter.

Anna, who checked the letter first, barely contained her anger as she pursed her lips. The royal seal was stamped on the envelope!

“Oh, how audacious. Sending a letter from the palace in such a manner! It’s clearly mocking the Viscountess!”

Yuliana examined the envelope closely, lost in thought. Then, she tore it open without hesitation, checked the contents of the letter, and smiled faintly.

“Well, Anna. It’s a letter from the palace, but it’s different when you look closely. This is a letter from the Empress Mother.”

After reading the letter, Yuliana quickly prepared for her audience. Thanks to that, she was able to arrive at the Empress’s Palace before noon, under the pretext of attending a modest tea party.

The first time she visited the Empress’s Palace, it was adorned with magnificent flowers suitable for a sunny spring day. Looking at the beautifully touched palace, Yuliana wished its owner would be as vibrant as this place.

Soon, upon arriving at the garden of the Empress’s Palace, Yuliana could see Elenia sitting at a white table.

She looked much thinner and smaller than when Yuliana last saw her. With brown hair half tied back with white ribbons, she wore a short-sleeved dress with a hint of pink. It was a simple dress worn solely for comfort, but Elenia even seemed uncomfortable, tightly pressing her back against the chair and barely sitting.

“Empress Mother.”

Yuliana approached Elenia slowly. The Empress raised her head blankly, looking at Yuliana.

A faint sense of relief passed over Elenia’s expressionless face.

“L-Lady Viscountess!”


Then, the maids standing behind her rushed forward to support her.

Through the maids’ attitudes, Yuliana realized once again how weak the Empress had become. But the Empress, as if bothered even by that, waved her hand impatiently and ordered,

“Now that the Viscountess is here, you may leave.”

“But, Your Empress Mother. You always said you were grateful to the Empress Mother.”

“You—you, servants! The—the one I, I serve—is me! Don’t interrupt even the time spent with friends.”

The Empress ordered firmly.

Perhaps it was because of her stubbornness. The maids looked at each other and left. Yuliana waited until they disappeared from sight before taking her seat. At the same time, Elenia also sank into her chair.

Offering her tea, Yuliana joked,

“You look quite disappointed, Empress Mother. I thought you would feel relieved now that you’ve finally chased away the swarm of flies.”

“The—the life of being followed around by servants is long, long gone. I’m tired of it already. It’s strange.”

Elenia took a sip of the tea provided by Yuliana, who was sitting opposite her. Frowning at the sight of the emaciated Empress, Yuliana wrinkled her brow.

“As your friend, I’ll be honest with you, Empress Mother. Are the palace meals not to your liking?”


At the question, Elenia chuckled and began to laugh out loud. Then, as if realizing the absurdity of her own joke, she shrugged her shoulders at the Viscountess.

“The palace meals always suit my taste. By the way, were we friends?”

“Weren’t we? I already know about the Empress Mother’s drinking habits.”

Yuliana replied casually as she sipped her tea. Seeing the shameless viscountess’s behavior, Elenia laughed, lifting the stiffness that had recently settled around her lips.

Having been in the capital for a year, Elenia Walter had never seen a high-ranking noble like Yuliana. Finally, Elenia admitted to herself. She was too modest to be suspected.

“In fact, even when the Viscountess showed kindness, I still couldn’t trust her. Among the high-ranking nobles who knew I admired Her Majesty, there wasn’t a single one who supported me. They just threatened my unassuming position.”

Elenia pursed her dry lips.

After Kendall’s death, her limbs became limp, her head often ached, or her chest burned like a pit of fire.



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