How Can You Pay Back The Kindness I Raised With Obsession?


“You were lucky.”


If the direction wasn’t right, she wouldn’t have been able to find her way even after wandering for a long time. But she guessed the luck ended there.


“Where on earth am I?”


It was an unfamiliar road she had never seen before. There was nothing that could serve as a milestone.


‘Which direction should I go?’


The sun disappeared behind the mountains. So she couldn’t figure out north, south, east and west. Actually, even if she knew it, it wouldn’t help. She didn’t know which direction the eagle flew from the cabin. With a sense of despair, she looked at the end of the forest path as dusk deepened.


‘I can’t do this. I have no choice but to spend the night here.’


She clenched her empty fists again and set out to find a place to sleep. Just a place where she could avoid the frost and hide herself, right? It was a time when she was wandering around looking for a hollowed-out old tree.


[Woah, this is my territory. Everyone, get out now!]


A very frightened cry was heard. She turned toward the sound and saw a brown rabbit sticking its head out from a burrow in the bushes. Strong caution and fear were visible in the black eyes.


[W-This is mine, my land?]


[I’m just passing by.]


[Well, then, please pass by quickly.]


[Oh, by the way.]


She looked around the surroundings, which was getting darker, and asked Mr. Rabbit.


[Is there a place to sleep overnight around here? I need a place to sleep since I’m far from home.]


[Not in my oyster.]


[No, I’m not asking you to invite me to your house.]


She also felt shame.


[Are there any empty caves or hollow old trees nearby? It just needs to be a place to avoid frost and wolves.]


The rabbit, which was looking at her with suspicious eyes and twitching its nose, cautiously emerged from its den.


[If that’s the case…]


That was when Mr. Rabbit came out and was about to show her the way.


[Who is this? Who?]


[Who is coming?]


She heard babies’ voices, and three baby rabbits rushed out of the den.


[Guys, it’s dangerous. Go in.]


Then the mother rabbit stuck her head out of the burrow and scolded her children.


[Hurry up and listen to mom and go in.]


[I’m not scared. It’s just a rabbit.]


Dad Rabbit tried to stop her, but the kids, who were so interested in the new ‘rabbit’, didn’t listen and jumped towards her and circled around. Curiosity sparkled in their dark eyes.




She waved her hand and said hello, and the babies’ ears perked up. So cute.


[You’re such a cool sister.]


[Is this all?]


A baby rabbit asked, chewing the hem of her dress with its teeth.


[This is clothes.]


[Dressed like a human.]


The mother rabbit, who had been watching me from afar, mumbled and a baby rabbit tilted her head.


[Are there all humans?]


It seemed like the babies had never seen anyone before.


[Okay, I’m going to leave now, so go ahead and do as your mom and dad say.]


For baby rabbits who do not yet know much about the world, sunset was a dangerous time when predators roam around. It was a time when she was waving to the babies and getting directions to a nearby empty hole from Papa Rabbit. Whistling, she heard the sound of the wind blowing above her head. Her hair stood on end with an ominous sense of déjà vu.


[It’s an eagle! Damage!]


Everyone, from fathers to babies, jumped up and ran away down the rabbit hole. This was when only the smallest baby rabbit remained. The baby, who was running towards the house, flopped and fell. Her feet had become entangled in the vines.






She quickly threw herself and wrapped the baby rabbit. At that moment, something sharp scratched her back and the hem of her clothes was pulled off. The eagle caught her. The moment the body flew upward, she released her arms that were wrapping around the baby rabbit. She was relieved when she saw the father and mother rabbit jumping out from under her feet, which was getting further and further away, and taking the baby safely to the den.


[Ah, he lived.]




The eagle looked down at her and clicked his tongue.


[Is it this fake rabbit again?]


[Are you this rude eagle again?]


[It’s annoying.]


[That’s what I have to say.]




The ill-tempered eagle suddenly opened the paw that was clutching her. She cried out as she fell down again.


[It’s the rabbit witch’s curse! From now on, I will appear every time you hunt a rabbit!]




“Oh my gosh…”


This time she fell into the bush. It was time to get up and shake off the leaves that were stuck here and there.




The bushes in front of her shook.


‘What again this time?’


Was there a predator like a wolf or weasel? A rabbit falling from the sky was an easy prey. She sighed and warned in advance.


[I’ll tell you in advance, I’m a rabbit that can’t be eaten!]


The animal stuck its head out through the bushes and shouted as if it was unfair.


[I also can’t eat rabbit.]


It was Papa Rabbit.


[Thank you for saving my child.]


She suddenly became a lifesaver. The rabbit couple invited her to their den. As if that wasn’t enough, they also gave her the grass they had saved, but she had to explain for a long time that she couldn’t eat it because she was really a ‘rabbit that couldn’t eat.’ The baby rabbits seemed to like her so much that they snuggled up to her and even groomed their fur. So she spent that night safely down the rabbit hole. She avoid frost, there were no wild beasts, and the baby rabbits in her arms were soft… It’s all good, though.


‘Elliot must be worried, right?’


She missed Elliot’s embrace.


The next morning.


[Good bye.]


[Please take care of yourself.]


[Thank you.]


[Sister, where are you going!]


[Don’t go!]


She had a hard time saying goodbye to the baby rabbits who were crying and told her not to go, and she set out. Fortunately, the rabbit couple knew the direction of the village. As she followed the forest path, she asked the birds she encountered along the way for directions. She had a good feeling that if things continued like this, a village would appear…


“As expected, it’s too much for these short legs.”


She hadn’t walked very far and the sun was already at the top of the sky. She sat on the side of the road for a while and weaved some grass. If she walked barefoot, Lulu would wear out, so she made shoes by weaving leaves and grass, put them on her feet, and walked. But how quickly did this wear out? It was already the third time. Since she didn’t have hands, she had to use magic power to make it, but the magic power was only as good as ant tears, so it was a struggle.


“It would have been easier if the legs had had wheels.”


It was the moment when she was complaining. She began to hear the sound of wheels rolling and hooves in the distance. And before long, a cart tied to a donkey appeared around the corner of the street.


‘Good. I’m going on that ride!’


She quickly lay down in the middle of the road.


‘Don’t just pass by.’


It’s impossible to chase and ride a cart with this short body, and she thought about climbing a tree and jumping onto a cart like she saw in movies, but she was not an action actor. So, she chose to just lie down on the road.


‘Take me with you. Take me to the village.’


As she lay down, looked at the sky, and anxiously memorized the same words, the sound of hooves got closer and closer.


‘Please don’t step on it. Don’t step on it.’


That was when her pleas were replaced by a terrifying sound that rang in her ears.


“What is that?”


A man’s voice was heard and the sound of hooves stopped. The sound of a cart clattering followed by footsteps came closer to her. As soon as the sound stopped, the face of a man wearing a straw hat and a bushy beard appeared.


“There’s a doll in the middle of this forest.”


The man looked around and extended his hand to her.


“I need to find its owner.”


‘Thank you, kind-hearted man!’


The man picked her up, placed her on the cart full of apples, and started driving the donkey again.


‘Phew, that’s a relief. I can just go to the village like this.’


As soon as she lay down on the apple, swayed, and took a breath, her next worry began.


‘How will I let you know that my master is at the Grand Duke’s residence?’


She couldn’t tell him.


‘I guess I should have put a name tag on Lulu.’


She never thought something like this would happen. She thought over and over again about the way to the village and how to get back to the Grand Duke’s residence, but it turns out there was no need to. The cart that arrived at the village suddenly stopped.


“Hey, where are you going?”


“I’m on my way back from the orchard.”


While the man was chatting with someone he knew, she slowly turned her head. The two men had their backs to us. She looked around again to make sure no one was watching me and got up.


‘Where am I?’


The appearance of the town center was unfamiliar. This was not the village closest to the cabin.


‘Once you know the name of the village…’


As she looked around, she almost screamed.


[!!!Found my lost rabbit doll!!!!

An old brown rabbit doll.

Wearing a light yellow dress.

It has black eyes, a pink nose, and pink markings on the soles of its feet.

Most likely to be found in the forest.

A very generous reward will be given to anyone who brings the Archduke’s rabbit doll.

Lucas Blaine]


There was a huge flyer stuck on the wall.


‘Have you already put it on? As expected, they are looking for me in every way possible.’


The tip of her nose wrinkled, but the moment she saw the amount written down as a reward, her eyes became dizzy.


‘Mister, look over there. That way.’


She looked intently at the man who was turning his back on her, as if through telepathy.


‘What? Did it really work?’


The man she was chatting with suddenly turned to her.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on March, 23.

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