How Can You Pay Back The Kindness I Raised With Obsession?


“I’m sorry, but I don’t think my answer will be any different from Elliot’s.”




“Miss Hazel has already proven her abilities as an excellent Grand Duchess.”




She couldn’t believe her ears for a moment.


“When did I?”


“Have you forgotten all that?”






He looked at her with disbelief and then spoke again.


Helping take care of the estate, actively preparing for war, taking care of and protecting the heirs of the Grand Duchy while the two were away, etc.


One by one, he recited past events that she had forgotten.


“This is just an example that comes to mind right now.”


“Is it really enough to be an Grand Duchess if you’re good at just those things?”


“That’s all. Isn’t running the estate and family the most important duty of a grand duchess, along with producing an heir?”


“But there will also be a role in the social world, so I…”


“You said you were a commoner and a witch.”


“Yes, that’s what I’m worried about.”


“I believe you have already resolved that as well.”


“Yes? When did I?”


Daniel’s eyes, staring at her, gradually narrowed. He even furrowed his brows.


“You know very well, don’t you? Never before have nobles viewed a commoner witch so warmly. Even the nobles who once looked down on Miss Hazel or were wary of her.”


Including him, of course. Sir added that. It meant that he was wary of her once, but not anymore.


“Thank god.”


“It’s all thanks to the good actions you’ve shown so far.”


Uncharacteristically for someone who never speaks loudly, the praise continued. She didn’t know what to do, but the Lord was so serious that she couldn’t stop him.


“If you had been that wicked witch, I would have thought it was all a clever ploy to become the Grand Duchess. But since it’s Miss Hazel, I know it’s selfless and good-natured.”


“Th, thank you.”


She didn’t know he thought of her as such a good person.


“Once upon a time, when Elliot made miss Hazel his lover, she said this. The identity may be suspicious, but the person is not. So he had no doubts.”


“Elliot said that?”


Her heart sank. And again, what Daniel added.


“Now I agree with that.”


She really didn’t know what to do with herself. She crossed her stubby arms.


“After hearing sir’s words, my heart became lighter.”


Err, she didn’t know. It was a time when she was trying to honestly express her joy to Sir.


“I actually wondered if sir Daniel was against our marriage…”


“Ah, I am against it.”




“A rabbit doll can’t become an Grand Duchess.”




It was a joke. She thought she wasn’t one to joke around. She continues to see unexpected appearances from Today Sir. She felt as if her once strong wall had been torn down.


“So I hope you get her body back as soon as possible.”


“Thank you.”


After her pleasant conversation, she cheered herself up and looked through the remaining books. But there were no sharp numbers here either.


“It’s already so late.”


When she came up to the ground without much success, her outside was dyed red by the sunset.


“Elliot must be looking for his missing doll. She must go back to her mansion.”


“Oh, let me check the garden for a moment.”


The chestnuts have been taking care of the garden for a while, but she wanted to see it with her own eyes. It’s going to get cold soon, so she had to clean up the crops outside… Anyway, she couldn’t believe she was deprived of her body at a time when she had a lot of work to do. She was so so sad.


“Then I’ll just look out from here just in case.”


sir Daniel opened the front door of the cabin, keeping an eye on the warehouse door leading to the mansion. After checking to see if anyone was passing through the forest path, she ran outside.


“Are you still growing well?”


The crops were fresh, as if the day wasn’t too cold. There were even a few half-red ripe peppers hanging from the stems.


“The chestnuts took good care of you.”


It was time to quickly finish checking and run back inside.




She thought the sound of large wings flapping came from overhead, followed by the sound of wind whistling through the air… 




Sharp claws dug into her shoulder. Before she could understand what had happened to her, her body floated upward. When she looked up, she was shocked.


‘It’s an eagle, right?’


The eagle thought she was a real rabbit and wanted to eat her.


“Ugh, let me go!”




Sir Daniel’s astonished face grew smaller and smaller until he was no longer visible. The dense forest stretched out endlessly beneath his feet. The edge of the forest where the sun was setting was colored with a golden sunset. She couldn’t enjoy that spectacle at all.


“Ugh, I’m scared!”


Would it hurt if she fell? But seeing as her toenails didn’t hurt, she didn’t think it would hurt if she fell. Plus, there were no bones to break. Falling from a high place was scary, but she mustered up the courage to try to pull out the claws that were stuck in her shoulder. However, since she had no hands, it was difficult to hold it properly and she failed every time. She hit the top of the foot, but the eagle didn’t even flinch, as it felt like a cotton bat. As she shook her body, the eagle grabbed her even harder.


‘If this continues, Lulu will be torn apart.’


She stopped struggling as the claws dug deeper.


‘I’m in big trouble.’


It’s not a real rabbit, so she didn’t have to worry about it being eaten, but it’s too far from the cabin.


‘How does it work?’


She looked back, but she couldn’t see the cabin anymore. It was difficult to tell which direction it was in. It was a moment when her ears drooped.




The eagle suddenly began to descend steeply. The top of the tree, which seemed far away, came closer, and the jagged branches passed before her eyes. Before long, her body fell somewhere. The chirping sound was loud. When she looked up, she was lying face down in a large nest built between tree branches. It was when I sat up. The eagle that dropped her sat on the edge of the nest and stabbed her head with its beak.


“Oh! Don’t do it!”


The two fluffy cubs followed their mother and started poking he.


“No. I’m torn.”


When she held out her hand, they attacked her even more tenaciously, as if she was a living rabbit.


[Go away. I’m not edible.]


She spoke using what little mana she had. The baby birds seemed to be unable to speak yet, so they only chirped and made no response.


[What? This rabbit, do you speak our language?]


Fortunately, the mother bird understood what she said.


[I am not a rabbit. It’s a doll. Look Carefully.]


She held up her shoulder, which had holes from her claws, as if to take a good look. White cotton was sticking out of the hole.


[Ha… I just wasted my energy, right?]


The mother bird, who eventually realized that it wasn’t a real rabbit, grumbled for a moment and stopped the baby birds who were still pecking at her.


[Guys, don’t eat. Don’t eat it. It’s a rabbit that can’t be eaten.]


She was relieved and frustrated at the same time.


‘We should have had a conversation a long time ago.’


The moment she was caught, she was so embarrassed that she couldn’t even think.


[So take me back home.]


She asked the mother bird to send it back, but what came back was not an apology or promise, but kicking and beaking.


“Ugh, stop!”


[Get out! Get out now!]


The mother bird tried to push her out of her nest, saying that an inedible rabbit was just taking up space. She felt dizzy as she looked down with her body half over the edge. The nest was so high up that it was dark below.


“No! I’ll take care of it, so stop pushing!”


She was not asking her to take her there or let her spend a night here. She shouted that she would get out on her own, but the mother bird had no mercy.


‘I’m sad. I never thought it would be so sad to have a body that is nothing more than a ball of cotton.’


In the end, she fell out due to the force.


“Ugh, I’m scared!”


Fortunately or unfortunately, it didn’t fall right away. Her body bounced and bounced against the thick tree branches. It briefly reminded her of the trampoline she used to ride when she was young, but it wasn’t as fun. Then, when it almost reached the ground, the tree branch disappeared… 


Clap and flutter.


The body fell down on a pile of soft dirt.




She raised her head, shook off the dirt that covered her eyes, and stood up.


‘I’m glad there are no bones.’


There was no pain or injury. It just got a little dirtier.


“What should we do when our Lulu gets dirty?”


She brushed off the dust and leaves from her body and looked around.


“Where am I?”


She looked everywhere, but there were only dense trees and bushes. Of course, there were no people in sight, and there were no buildings like hunters’ huts or ruins at all. But it might look familiar if you see it on the street. She set out to find her way.


“Ha… I’d rather be rolling around in droves.”


There were limits to how hard she could walk with her short legs. She thought she must have come quite far, so she looked back and she still felt like she could see the spot where she fell…


“Still, be brave. Hurry, fast, like a Korean.”


As she clenched her fists and went through the bushes and climbed over the rocks, she found a path.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released tomorrow.

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