How Can You Pay Back The Kindness I Raised With Obsession?


The next day, the witch suddenly went to the cabin with Daniel to do some cleaning, and returned less than an hour later.


“What is that?”


In Daniel’s hands was a book he had never seen before.


“I think she’s the cog of a witch from back in the day.”


Her questions were asked to Daniel, and she was answered by a witch.


‘It’s suspicious.’


Elliot, who took her ledger and opened it, was left speechless. Her ledger was filled with details of the witch’s clients and the crimes they instigated. As if that wasn’t enough, it was recorded in detail, from the date, conversations, and list of evidence to the results and what was received in return.


‘You don’t look like someone who is extremely sloppy.’


The more he read the ledger, the more puzzled he became. The moment his eyes landed on a passage, his doubts were resolved. 


[When the Holy Knights come to arrest you, please contact this priest.]


The word contact should be read as a threat. Seeing that she also wrote down details of each crime and how and when they could be used to her advantage, the purpose of keeping her ledger became clear.


‘This is a ledger that records other people’s weaknesses.’


Of course, the weaknesses of the imperial family were also recorded. It was astounding that while other people had only two or three cases at most, Hwangga alone had more than a dozen cases.


[Cursed Person: Lucas Blaine of the Blaine House.]


Among them, there was one in which she instigated Luca’s assassination. Elliot tried to suppress the anger and sadness that rose up the moment he saw that his parents’ names were recorded instead of Luca as the name of the deceased in the results. This was conclusive evidence that the emperor murdered his parents.


There were also records of other crimes, which adds to the credibility. Since the witch’s records match several incidents known to the world but the culprit has not been identified, it was difficult to say that this ledger was fake. Elliot lifted his head and stared at the witch. She didn’t even know she had been discovered and she offered up evidence of her crime with her own hands.


‘He is quite an impatient person.’


She could only last a few days, so she put the whole thing in his hands. Now was the time to respond appropriately. Elliot asked the witch with a puzzled expression.


“Where did you find this?”


“Sir Daniel discovered it, not me.”


That’s a lie. It was clear that she had asked Daniel to help him clean up and led him to search in a hidden place because she felt that if she found it herself, it would arouse suspicion.


“Don’t you think this will do?”


“It would be a big help.”


In fact, it was not a ‘big help’ but a decisive help. But Elliot hid his excitement and he asked calmly.


“Just in case, can I ask Hazel to testify when the criminal is judged?”


“…yes? Me?”


The witch hesitated and did not readily answer. At one point, when the trial was held, she said without even asking that she would testify. Perhaps it was all just a lie to encourage him to make a move, but when the witch told her to step forward, she was reluctant.


“We need testimony in case the other party accuses this ledger of being fabricated and fake.”


“That was absolutely manipulation…”


The witch, who had been spitting out words in anger, hurriedly covered her mouth. This was Elliot’s chance to up the pressure on her.


“Everyone will believe what Hazel says, as she is trusted by the people of the empire.”


“Ah… Yes, I guess so.”


She asked as soon as the witch reluctantly agreed.


“But what if something goes wrong and the emperor tries to retaliate against me or someone tries to assassinate me? You could be accused of perjury and go to jail.”


It was something a person who lived in a hut with a strong security spell and kept a ledger to identify other people’s weaknesses would say. Because of this, Elliot was unable to see through the witch’s intentions right away.


“You have to protect me.”


“That’s natural. Don’t worry.”


Of course, the only thing he would protect was Hazel’s body.


“I’m still anxious. I want you to show it with actions, not just words. Then I will testify.”






“What action?”


The witch didn’t answer right away, but hesitated, and then she hinted at what he wanted.


“We’ve been lovers for a long time.”


‘Look at this.’


Elliot stared at the witch’s hands. Her right hand was blatantly rubbing her left ring finger, which had no ring on it. She was not begging because he was afraid of testifying in front of the emperor, but it was a ploy to bargain.


“Are you saying you want to get married?”


The witch nodded her head, pretending that she was a shy woman. Elliot furrowed his brows.


“You know I already proposed.”


“Yes, I want to get married too.”


Elliot’s eyes narrowed.




His voice was low and heavy. The witch sensed something unusual about him and nervously twisted the hem of her dress.


“Why are you doing this these days? You forget often. I’m worried. Should I call a doctor?”


“…yes? What did I forget?”




By this point, she thought the witch who was supposed to play Hazel would be scared and she would back off. But now she was stubborn, even risking her suspicion. Was it really necessary to know why she was not getting married?


Elliot stared blankly.


The witch and the account book spread out before her eyes. Hundreds of years worth of records contained within it.  That witch must have lived for a long time and experienced all her hardships. Although her personality was vicious, she was a witch whose abilities were unrivaled. Did she know a lot?


“I mean, I have holy powers.”


As soon as Elliot made the bold move, Danielle’s eyes widened as he stood behind the witch.


‘What are you doing now? Are you out of your mind?’


His eyes said so, but Elliot pretended not to see him.


“Can you feel it?”


Elliot put up a thin barrier between the witch and him.


“The Grand Duke, who inherited the blood of a prestigious family that produced countless saints and knights, only knows how to use defense. Is there all this humiliation?”


So that meant he had been keeping it a secret all along. Even if the witch spreads this fact, the emperor would not be able to catch him as she only has minimal defense power. Moreover, it was also a warning to him not to do anything foolish because he has defense power.


“Because of this useless ability, no child can be born between us.”


Elliot pretended that his emotions were heightened. He cupped his forehead with his hand, which roughly covered her ledger, and let out a long sigh.


‘Look Carefully. This is how acting is done.’


A few days later, the witch came back to find something else in the cabin. It was a piece of old parchment. To be exact, it was a piece of parchment that showed signs of effort to make it look like it was an old record. As expected, the witch behaved as he expected.


“I was looking through the witch’s bookshelf and found this. There’s nothing the witch doesn’t know.”


He had no choice but to partially agree with what she said. A potion recipe was scrawled on a piece of parchment the size of her palm. Of course, it was a potion that allowed seeds with holy power and seeds with magical power to mix.


‘A potion that allows me to see Hazel and my child.’


He was filled with as much joy as the moment he got her ledger. All the ways to end the past and weave the future were in his hands. It was truly a cruel contradiction that the enemy had given it to him.


‘First of all, if you want to deceive the perpetrator, you have to show that you are happy.’


The moment Elliot smiled without hiding his joy, the witch smiled quite sinisterly, as if she could not hide her desire.


Wait a moment. Then, since all the obstacles to marriage were gone, he should propose. To that witch? It was impossible.


“I’m so glad…”


Elliot said he was glad, but he looked unhappy.


“Snake legs?”


‘Please don’t have any.’


What the chef gave to Hazel was in the Grand Duke’s safe. But if she’s also a witch, he’ll have to find a better excuse to put off the proposal.


“Isn’t it in the Grand Duke’s residence? Or even ask magic merchants…”


That meant she hadn’t one. Elliot was relieved.


“Let’s try to save it.”


As soon as he came out with an excuse, he went straight to the bedroom.


“My lady.”


When he called out with the words he had endured over and over again, the Rabbit Grand Duchess, who was sitting on the bed and looking at the magic book, tilted her head. He placed a piece of parchment with the potion recipe on top of the magic book that Hazel was looking at.


“Do you remember our marriage contract?”




Hazel had no answer. The black eyes did not leave the piece of parchment.


“I arbitrarily changed the babysitting contract into a marriage contract. It was a contract that ended when the grand duchy no longer needed a nanny.”


“But now…”


“One day, our literal rabbit-like children will be born, and our contract…”


The silly noises he made out of fear that he might not be able to control his joy and do something unsightly stopped. Hazel suddenly ran up to him and hugged him.


“You had a lot of trouble, right?”


Elliot picked Hazel up and she patted her back. The shoulders of the rabbit doll that buried its head in the crook of his neck shook. If it had been possible, Hazel would have burst into tears. Could they be happy even if he forced her to give up what she loved just for him? He hesitated amid such doubts. They suffered without being able to speak because they were out of consideration for each other. He had to try hard to hide his depression and smile. He never thought that those sad times would accumulate and come back with even greater joy.




It was when Elliot was about to take out her ring box, which she always carried in her arms. Hazel stopped him.


“I don’t like this body. I don’t even have a finger to wear a ring on. I will receive it when I get my body back.”


“I will definitely find you again.”


‘You had a hard time. Thank you. I love you.’


The two people exchanged endless words of affection, pressing their lips together and rubbing their cheeks.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released tomorrow.

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  1. aryaanisha1 says:

    Duke ik currently u have the world happiness in ur hand and ik ur furst love was a rabbit doll but even if ur current gf us doll pls control its to cute for us readers

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