How Can You Pay Back The Kindness I Raised With Obsession?


“Ah, I miss you… house?”


The witch who opened the cabin door and entered was astonished.


“That crazy woman, what on earth did you do to someone else’s house?”


When she returned home after a few years, it was a completely different place. Curtains with lace, fresh flowers in a cute vase, and even a tea set with a cute pattern. It was an overly cozy place.


“Ugh, that’s disgusting.”


The witch, who was looking around the cabin, grimaced as if she had bitten a bug.


“Hmph, it doesn’t matter. Now my home…”


The witch’s eyes glanced sharply at the door of the hut. Then her gaze stopped at the door of the living room storage room, and a smile as sharp as her eyes appeared on her face.


“It’s over there.”


She vaguely guessed that there must be a passageway to and from the Grand Duke’s residence, and she was right. The witch flung open the warehouse door.


[I have to stop it…] muttered Daisy as she watched the witch disappear into the grand duchy from behind the sofa. Her voice was shaking as much as her body.


[We can’t stop it. It would be nice if it didn’t turn into beef jerky.]


Lady, who was hiding behind the sofa with Daisy, had an unusually fearful tone in her voice. It was because I knew firsthand how cruel and evil that witch was. From the moment the witch opened the door and walked in, the two knew it wasn’t Hazel. Animal senses were so sensitive. Thanks to that, she safely hid behind the sofa without being noticed. Daisy, who was looking with her frightened eyes in the direction where her witch had disappeared, suddenly turned her head towards the forest outside her window and she asked:


[But what happened to Hazel?]






[It’s too early to judge. First of all, we must inform the Archduke before it is too late.]


Lady’s eyes were drawn to the wide open warehouse door. The two quietly headed towards the door. When she peeked inside, there was no one in the spacious nanny’s room. The witch seemed to have gone out into the hallway. She went into the room, opened the door, and looked out into the hallway, but all she could see were the guards, but ‘Hazel’ was nowhere to be seen. What on earth was the witch trying to do in the Grand Duke’s residence? The two of them ran out into the hallway and ran toward the office, thinking about something scary.




[Come this way!]


She had to find the Grand Duke before the witch.


“What the hell is going on?”


Elliot stopped looking at her papers and furrowed her brows.


Someone was scratching at the office door from outside. I kept my eyes on the papers spread out on the desk, thinking it would stop soon, but the annoying noise never seemed to stop.


“Who is it?”


She asked for more and more, but there was no answer. Eventually Elliot got up and she headed for the door.




As soon as she opened the door, my curiosity was resolved and another question arose. Why was he coming here scratching at the door? What came to visit him were Hazel’s dog and cat. They had only followed Hazel and her younger siblings around, but had never visited him.


“Hazel isn’t here. Of course, no beef jerky.”


She said that and waved her hand to tell them to go, but they sat there in front of the door and started talking loudly. Of course she couldn’t understand what people were saying. So, thinking she would hold on, Elliot opened the door wide.


“Now, look carefully. Hazel isn’t here, right?”


However, it seemed like Elliot was the one who couldn’t understand what she was saying.


“Why are you doing this? Is something wrong?”


They were not only barking at him, but even scratching his legs and clinging to him. It seemed very desperate.


“I’ll get Hazel.”


Because Hazel could communicate with them. But as soon as he said those words, they became more ferocious. He was trying to call the guard outside and tell him to bring Hazel, but he grabbed the hem of his pants and pulled him into the office. Then the force pulling him suddenly disappeared. The guys suddenly froze, their entire body hair standing up, and ran into the office crying. Then he went under the desk.


“This is not a playground.”


Elliot followed her and looked down at her desk and became curious.


“…Why are you doing this?”


In the corner under the desk, a dog and a cat were hiding, shivering, with their bodies close together. It was a moment when she was surprised to find that even the dog, who had always looked at everyone with the eyes of an old man who had lived the rest of the world, was scared.


“Hello, Miss Hazel.”




He heard Hazel greeting the guard outside the door. Her light footsteps got closer and he finally saw her.


“Your Highness.”


As soon as he saw her happy face, the corner of Elliot’s mouth stiffened.


‘…your Highness?’


[Run! Right now!]


“Huh? What? Run away?”


She should have listened when her words warned him.


“Where were you hurt?”


Or at least she should not have followed the old woman’s gesture and looked her in the eye.




It was the moment he met her eyes. It was clear that the old woman in front of her was not touching , but she vividly felt an invisible hand violently grabbing her wrist. Just like the moment she possessed that body. At that time, she was dragged into this body. But now she felt like she was being dragged away.


“It’s my body. I’m back in my body again!”


It was only when I heard the cheers that I realized it too late.


‘It’s that witch.’


As soon as she realized it, sadness came.


‘What happens to me now?’


She had no body anymore. So, would she, with only her soul remaining, be taken to the afterlife? She died once again. There were a lot of things she wanted to do last time but couldn’t, but she had no regrets left in the world. However, although there was nothing she couldn’t do now, she still had many regrets about the world. This may be because the more good memories you have, the more regrets you have.


Lady, Daisy, Chestnuts, Elliot.


The images of all the people she had come to love here glimmered. Was it goodbye again?


‘So what happens to everyone?’


The Wicked Witch was back and she needed to tell everyone. Furthermore…


‘I have to return Lulu too.’


But she didn’t have the strength to do that anymore. She prayed that everyone would be safe and that Lulu could return to her owner’s arms. She whispered an apology that she could not convey. One fortunate thing among all the misfortune was that death this time was not as painful as the last time. She felt like she was submerged in warm water. Could it be that she was immediately reborn? It was a time when she was saddened by the thought that she might soon forget all the memories of her past life and this life.




It smelled like the grandmother she missed. And also the unfamiliar scent of flowers.


“I want to twist that witch’s neck a little… Just one lap?”


As soon as she was startled by the sudden violent sound, she was struck by a strange sense of déjà vu. She heard that voice somewhere. Who could it be?


“The dead can’t help the living, so they just feel resentful.”




“Then should I go to the afterlife like this?”


What? It’s her grandmother. Grandma! But her grandmother didn’t answer, perhaps because she couldn’t hear her voice.


“Normally, when your body is taken away, you have to go to heaven or hell. However, even if I cannot do anything to those who have bodies, there is something I can do to those who only have souls.”


“All I need is a body,” the invisible woman muttered.


“This… There is nothing suitable.”


She heard a sigh and a woman spoke to her.


“It may be small and uncomfortable, but please bear with me for a moment.”


“Yes? What?”


At that moment, she felt like she was being sucked somewhere. A small laugh was heard, and the woman muttered in a voice mixed with laughter.


“In the end, my son is realizing his childhood dream of marrying a rabbit doll.”


Son? A rabbit doll? Could this be Elliot’s mother? She opened her eyes in surprise.




It was obviously dark just a moment ago, but now she could see the blue autumn sky. Then she lifted her hand, and instead of a hand, she saw a blunt cotton bat covered in brown fur. She entered Lulu’s body.


“Thank you day.”


“This is for my son, so please include the greeting. Then I’ll leave it to my children to regain their original body.”


With those words, the voices of the grandmother and the previous Grand Duchess disappeared.


‘I have to give Lulu back.’


She couldn’t believe it and was lying on the forest road in a daze. At some point, she came to her senses.


“Youngcha… Haa, tskcha…”


It was not easy to turn over because the plump and soft body had no bones. After struggling to see the sky dozens of times, she finally succeeded and got on the ground with all fours. She heard the sound of leaves crunching behind me. The sound of footsteps gets closer. Was she coming this way?


‘A moving doll. It will look like a cursed object, right?’


She was a doll. It’s just a doll with nothing suspicious. It was a time when she was frozen and motionless, waiting for someone to pass by. The footsteps stopped right behind her…




A large hand wrapped around her body.


‘I don’t know who it is, but please don’t pick it up. I have a master.’


It was lifted straight up, and then the body flipped over. At that moment, she faced young purple eyes filled with deep worry.




When she called him, Elliot let out her sigh of relief, then smiled and cracked that downright joke.


“How does it feel to be in your lover’s body?”


He already knew everything before she explained it to him. If Lulu had tear ducts, she would have cried.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on February, 17.

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  1. aryaanisha1 says:

    omg omg how cuteee finally Elliot can marry his first Girlfriend

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