How Can You Pay Back The Kindness I Raised With Obsession?




-No! He’s not dead yet!


-I didn’t say anything yet, but my sister confessed?




She could clearly hear the invisible Luna venting her anger. When she asked what was going on, they said Luna was trying to catch aphids on some pepper seedlings and broke off her stem.


-I put it back on. I will buy it. I’ll save you.


“There are a lot. It’s fine.”


She comforted the apologetic Luna and told her about her business.


“…So she became like that.”


Then they had to comfort the children who were worried about them.


-Do you need anything? Something to eat or something.


“There’s a lot of food here.”


She told the kids, who couldn’t see where she was, that this place was full of huge vegetables.


“I don’t know if it’s really edible, but…”


The Grand Duke picked a broccoli floret, smelled it, and muttered. She searched through the bag on her shoulder and took out a bottle containing pills for poison testing.


-Then what about blankets and seats? Is there any water?


The children were sullen when they realized that they couldn’t receive the goods at the Grand Duke’s residence because it was too far away.


-You must be safe.


“You’ll be safe. They will come to rescue you from above.”


“Tell them that there are three people with holy power and one person with magic power, and two of them know how to use a sword, so there’s nothing to worry about.”


The Grand Duke, who could not participate in the conversation between her and the children, came to the side and asked a favor. She passed on his words to the children.


“…So, let’s not worry, have a good dinner and sleep well. I’ll contact you again tomorrow.”


She said goodbye to the kids and ended the sensory transfer…




As soon as she did that, her stomach started crying.


“We’ll have dinner too.”


She rolled up her sleeves. From large broccoli to carrots and turnips, onions, mushrooms and even wild strawberries. They cut all the ingredients that live in oysters into small pieces and collected them. She collected the dew from the plant into the hollow petals, took a poison test pill, and put the ingredients there one by one, but there was no reaction. It all meant that there was no poison.




You need fire to cook. She snapped her fingers.




“What is that!”


If the Grand Duke had not quickly grabbed her and escaped, she would have been crushed under a log that fell from above. Fortunately, Sir Daniel and the Pope were safe. They brushed the dirt off our clothes and approached the log placed neatly in the middle of the cave.


“What kind of magic did you use?”


“No, I was just trying to get firewood from the fort. Why did a whole log appear?”


‘Oh my god, how did I hold something like that? I can’t bring a weight that I can’t lift.’


“This isn’t a log?”


When she approached the Grand Duke’s horse and looked closely, she saw that it was firewood that had been splintered. It was true that she brought firewood.


“But why is it so big?”


“Could it be that we have become smaller?”


No matter how much she asked into the air, no one could tell her what happened.


“We won’t run out of firewood.”


First, they started by making a bonfire. It wasn’t difficult to chop the firewood with a sword, pile it up, and then light it. From then on, they divided the work. While Sir Daniel and the Pope cleaned up the area around the fire and made places to sit, the Grand Duke and she cut and gathered dinner from the huge crop. As she was heading towards the wild strawberry vines, she stopped when she saw the crystal protruding from the dirt wall. Unlike other crystals, this one did not emit light. As she looked at the opaque crystal with a mixture of light acid red and white, a thought occurred to her and she lightly licked the tip.


“Hazel, what are you doing…”




“Why? What’s the matter?”






“This is really salt!”


This was pink salt, right? Pink salt for grilled dishes. She collected the salt by gently breaking it with the handle of a dagger.


“Now that we have the seasoning, it’s time to gather dessert.”


On a strawberry vine higher than her height, red ripe strawberries as big as her face were hanging in a row. As the sweet and fresh scent wafted everywhere, she couldn’t resist and took a big bite of the strawberry hanging on the vine.




A refreshing sweet taste exploded in her mouth.


“How can it be this sweet?”


As she was cutting down a vine with strawberries hanging on it with a dagger and draping it over her shoulder, the Grand Duke suddenly peeked out from behind her and said,


“Hazel, you look really happy right now.”


Oh, was she too oblivious? They were in a shipwreck right now. As soon as she stopped humming without realizing it, lips touched her forehead.


“If you are happy, I am happy too.”


She finally noticed that the corners of his mouth were turning up. She glanced behind her and saw that Sir Daniel and the Pope, who were standing next to the bonfire and chopping carrots the size of logs with a sword, looked cheerful as well. In that case, she decided to enjoy herself to her heart’s content.


They sat around the campfire using carrots cut like log stems as chairs. It’s really not appropriate to say this in this situation, but it felt like they were camping. She tore a mushroom the size of a child into long strips like chicken and rolled it around the long sword the Grand Duke had given her.


Grilling skewers with a sword.


She sighed deeply. She was able to bring the firewood because she saw it piled up on a wagon parked in the fort’s courtyard, but she couldn’t bring the cooking utensils because she didn’t know where they were.


“If I had let him help me prepare dinner, I would have known where the utensils were. Then we would have had our fill of stew. Yes? Isn’t that right?”


She complained to the Grand Duke sitting next to her as if to listen.


“It’s also a delicacy to eat it grilled.”


He cooled a piece of broccoli that was sizzling at the end of a dagger and fed it to her, then smiled slyly. She couldn’t refute that. The fresh vegetables and mushrooms grilled over a wood fire and sprinkled with salt were truly a delicacy. Even though they ate their fill of strawberries for dessert, there was no sign of them coming to rescue them from above. What time was it now? They continued to sit by the fire and warm themselves. Across from them, Sir Daniel and the Pope sat next to each other, whispering something and laughing softly. The hands were clasped the whole time. The two finally seemed completely free from the eyes of others. How hard was it for them to endure and hide those feelings? She felt like she could tell the depth of their love just by looking at each other.


“Hazel, aren’t you tired?”


She turned her head and met the same gaze. In the end, no one came to save them. There was no way to contact him through sensory transfer, so she couldn’t ask him. She had no choice but to spend the night here. She woven the stems sticking out of the carrot field and draped the blanket she had left on top of them. On the dirt floor, sliced mushrooms were laid out like a mattress. So they made a tent. Since it was dangerous for everyone to fall asleep in this unfamiliar place, two people each took turns to stand watch. We left Sir Daniel and the Pope, who had volunteered to be on watch for the first time, by the bonfire and entered the tent.


“What a mushroom bed.”


“It’s soft and bouncy. Isn’t it good?”


They lay side by side and looked up at the carrot stalks and laughed.


“Is this what it felt like when the chestnuts became as small as your thumb?”


Everything she was used to seemed different just because the size was reversed.


“It’s fun. Amazing…”


At that moment, there was a rumbling sound beneath her feet and something suddenly jumped out.


“It’s scary! Aaaah!”


Without realizing it, she reached out her hand to the snake-like monster that emerged from the dirt. As soon as sparks flew out of its hands, the monster whipped its thick-banded head back and slithered away into the dirt again… 


“It’s an earthworm, right?”


She drew her sword, but the Archduke, who was one step behind me, muttered in an incredulous tone.


How could an earthworm be the size of this man’s forearm? But when she thought about it carefully, there was nothing strange about it. If a vegetable is bigger than a person, then it would be right for an earthworm to be thicker than a person’s forearm.


‘Ugh, gross.’


No. Still, earthworms didn’t eat meat. She closed her eyes, saying she wouldn’t be eaten, but she couldn’t fall asleep.




In the end, she had to move her bed on top of the broccoli because she was scared of the earthworms that kept popping up here and there. There’s no sun or clock, so she didn’t know if it’s morning or not. They got hungry and woke up thinking it would be morning. For dinner, she ate fresh carrots and strawberries. While the men were looking up at the pit and talking seriously about something, she picked a campanula as big as her head. She cut off the stamens, shook them well to remove all the pollen, and collected the dew from the leaves and flowers, so there was no separate water jar.


“Oh, it’s cold.”


After drinking the dew and washing her face with the remaining water, she looked up and saw the Pope standing there, looking at me blankly.


“Your Holiness, would you like to take a shower too? Would you like me to make this for you?”


“I will do it. How did you do it?”


It wasn’t difficult for the Pope to make a pot of bellflowers, but he couldn’t stand it because it took too long to collect the dew, so he scooped up the dew from the leaf stems with his hands and washed his face. What could she say? The more she learned about the Pope, the further he became from the Pope she had imagined. The Pope wiped the moisture from her face with the handkerchief she gave her and smiled refreshingly.


“What kind of Pope do you think this is?”


Oh, did her thoughts show too much on her face?


“Rather than that. I think His Holiness would prefer a free job, but I was wondering if living as Pope would be oppressive.”


“You seem to be showing off. Actually, I can’t not fly.”


The Pope smiled as she handed her back her handkerchief.


“That’s right. It’s not a calling I chose because I liked it. However, it is the same for all of us who have to live by acting according to the roles we are given.”


As she took the handkerchief, the Pope patted her on the shoulder encouragingly. It meant that ‘all of us’ included her. The Pope knew her identity after hearing it from the Grand Duke. She had believed without question the absurd story that her soul came from another world, perhaps because she was a messenger of God and had personally experienced that there was a transcendent being in this world.


“Hazel, by the way, I have a question.”


“Ask anything.”


“I understand that the engagement is being postponed because of the issue of the heir, but wouldn’t this problem be resolved if Luna makes the child she has from marriage as the heir?”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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