The operation began that night. Elliot hid in the thick forest north of Villette Castle and watched the movements of the enemies. The castle was located on a high mountain in the middle of a plain. The castle walls were as bright as day with the torches and braziers lit by the guards, but the castle tower was dark as everyone was asleep. The field in front of it was immersed in darkness, with only the five or six torches of patrolling guards visible. Elliot, who was watching the torch moving in the distance, suddenly thought of Hazel. Thanks to this, the tip of his nose was able to withstand the freezing cold weather.
“Winter comes early and ends late there, right? I put a lot of stones in your luggage.”
When Hazel said something like that before the expedition, he just ignored it, but he couldn’t believe there were 100 ‘jo, jo, jo, jo, jo, jo’. You don’t know how much he laughed when he came to the northern garrison and took off his military uniform.
‘At this level, I wouldn’t freeze to death, but would just steam to death.’
Thanks to this, he had about ten stones left over, so he stuck them all over the inside of his armor and even the inside of his boots, so today them put them in his rocket. The rocket was hot against his chest without a single layer of cloth. Tonight, unfortunately, there will be no sense of magic here.
“I have work tomorrow night. You won’t be able to have a conversation.”
-Ah… Good luck!
He didn’t say what was going on, but he seemed to sense that it was dangerous and Hazel wished him good luck.
‘Okay, good luck.’
It was a moment when luck was needed more than ever. Elliot took out her locket, kissed her, and put it back under her shirt. He quietly took a deep breath and raised his hand. Sensing the holy power that rose like a flame from his fingertips, about 20 Holy Knights stood up silently and began to leave the forest. Because it was the end of the year, they quickly entered a dark field without even moonlight. As I approached the torch slowly circling in the darkness, the smell of rotting corpses became stronger. Elliot recalled the report from the scouts who had been secretly monitoring this place for the past few days.
“It seems like the wizards are staying inside the castle, leaving the monsters and corpses in the field.”
Even wizards did not have enough mana to control hundreds of monsters all day long, so they let the monsters sleep in the field when there was no battle. On cold, dark nights like now, only a few humans remained in the field to stand guard. As the torch got closer and closer, the figure of the person holding the torch began to appear. Eliot drew her dagger and ran to grab the head of the nearest bastard.
The guard’s breath stopped before he could even let out a deathly scream.
‘Walking around with a torch. Is this a signal to kill me because I’m here?’
It seemed as if they had not expected that the imperial army would launch a night attack against the monster army, and were completely caught off guard. While the guards protecting him were quickly eliminated, the monsters that had fallen asleep thanks to the power of the spell snored. Without knowing that the same fate would befall him. Holy power exploded from Elliot, who was standing in the middle of the camp, in the blink of an eye. The monsters didn’t even get a chance to scream. The explosive destructive power swept away hundreds of large and small monsters, leaving behind only unidentifiable debris. Daniel and Giselle, who watched this, were shocked. It is a destructive power that can conquer the world. He had only heard about it before, but this was his first time seeing it with his own eyes.
“We have to go quickly.”
Elliot came over, wiping the blood that had spattered from the monster with the back of his hand, and urged the two who were losing their minds. It was a holy power that could be felt even from afar. This meant that if there was an awake wizard in the castle, he might notice the raid. Because of this, the Holy Knights, except for the three, headed to the secret passage into the castle while Elliot was destroying the monsters. The three also belatedly rushed to the entrance of the passage.
“It’s spooky.”
Giselle muttered, her body trembling. The entrance to the secret passage to Villette Castle was hidden in the cemetery outside the castle. The area in the cemetery was lightly foggy, like a trap, so you had to be careful where you step. This was the place where the corpse that responded to the necromancer’s call escaped.
“This way.”
A paladin beckoned to them from an old mausoleum in the innermost part of the cemetery. The moment the three people ran into the small stone building, the driver closed the stone slab door. One of the sarcophagi in the mausoleum was open.
“It’s just as the Duke said.”
What was inside was not remains, but stairs leading to the basement. How long had it been since a group of twenty or so people walked along the dark and damp cave, relying on torches? At the end of the road, he saw a tightly closed iron gate. With the key they received from the Duke, the Holy Knights easily opened the door and infiltrated the castle. Beyond the door disguised as a stone wall was an underground warehouse. While one person was watching the hallway through a gap in the warehouse door, the others opened the map and went into an emergency meeting.
“About five people at the top of the western tower…”
The paladin in charge of the search closed his eyes and muttered as he sensed the presence of the necromancer and summoner.
“Three people on the northern wall, about a dozen on the central tower, and two on the southern wall.”
Since there were no enemies in the castle, it seemed like the wizards were walking around without conserving their magic power, so a large number of wizards were caught in a single search.
“One group in the west, north, and south, and two groups in the central tower. “Let’s divide into five groups.”
The moment Elliot proposed, Daniel pulled the hem of Giselle’s cloak towards him without anyone knowing. He assigned a large number of men to the central tower and a minimum number of men to the other sides. After forming a group that evenly mixed the classes of Holy Power, Elliot ended up in a group with Daniel and Giselle. As they left the warehouse and headed toward the northern wall, Elliot snorted quietly at her.
‘There are no guards in this tower.’
It meant that the Billund military had complete faith in the monster army.
‘What should I do? I already got rid of that.’
While Daniel was checking the yard through the gap in the side door leading outside, Elliot, who was watching, asked Giselle.
“Why did you decide to go with me?”
“It wasn’t me who decided, it was Daniel who ordered it.”
Giselle asked as Daniel raised his head.
“You told me not to come, but now why are you asking me to come with you?”
“You said you couldn’t concentrate because of me. Because I’m so pretty?”
At that moment, Elliot’s expression became even more distorted than when he saw the mountain of her corpse outside the castle.
“I need to end this war quickly, even though I’m sick of you two.”
The three people came out of the central tower and crossed the yard, hiding between the barracks where the sound of snoring was loud. When we reached the northern wall, we re-checked the location of the wizards here. Everyone was motionless, as if they were resting at the top of the castle tower. He entered through the door in the castle tower and climbed the spiral staircase.
“Damn wizards…”
“Shh, what if they hear it? They say wizards can hear through portraits.”
“Everyone is sleeping, so what can they hear?”
He heard talking and footsteps coming down from the top of the stairs. Because it was between floors, there was no place to hide. Elliot, who was ahead, motioned for them to go down, but Giselle firmly shook her head and pushed the two against the wall.
“Just stand here like a pillar.”
Just as Giselle was whispering, two soldiers in armor appeared at the top of the stairs.
“If I had been born a wizard, I wouldn’t have had to stand guard on the castle walls on this cold day.”
The soldiers just passed by the three and went down. This was thanks to Giselle using an illusion to make the three appear as pillars.
“What’s this…”
The three of them reached the top floor and became helpless. The wizards were rolling around with bottles of alcohol in a room as if they were holding a banquet.
“It’s so easy that it’s boring.”
The three, who instantly killed the unconscious enemy, let alone resisted, with their holy power, headed to their respective locations. The next task was to open the castle gate. While Giselle and Daniel searched the top floor of the castle tower for a device that raised the iron bars on the castle wall and lowered the ramp over the moat, Elliot went down to the castle gate alone. In the meantime, the other members of the group seemed to have succeeded in their operation, and I could feel the magical power felt throughout the castle disappearing one by one due to the holy power. It was the moment he left the tower. At least twenty heavily armed knights appeared in front of him. Elliot looked up at her and his eyes met Giselle’s, who was sticking her head out of the window at the top of the castle tower. It was an illusion. Billund’s soldiers guarding the castle gate froze when they saw the enemy army appearing silently inside the castle. Those who were deceived by the illusion began to run away without even thinking about attacking the knights who appeared in droves.
“Um, the enemy…”
They fell to Elliot’s sword before they could shout that the enemy had invaded. Eliot, who killed all the fleeing soldiers so as not to let anyone know that there were enemies inside, opened the castle gate.
A huge gate made of thick wood opened inward. Outside, the iron bar door was already half way up, and the ramp also crashed down on the other side of the moat with a dull thud. Elliot picked up the torch hanging in front of the castle gate and waved it outside three times. Soon after, a light appeared in the distance and she was shaken three times in the same manner. It was an imperial army lying in ambush in the northern forest. The monster army was no more. Now his only job was to guard this gate until the imperial army stormed into the castle.
‘It’s simple.’
The Billund soldiers who came after hearing the sound of the castle gate opening became mesmerized and ran away when they saw the fake knights standing in front of the gate. Since the imperial army was already advancing, it did not matter if it was known that the castle was on the verge of falling to the Billund army.
“It’s an enemy raid!”
“The gates are open!”
Hearing the sounds of the enemies panicking, he drew his sword, which he had briefly put away, and went back inside after passing under the arch of the castle gate.
Something fell on the stone floor. It was a necklace with Hazel’s portrait on it.
‘Why did this break?’
It was the moment when I stopped walking and picked up the necklace.
Translator Note:
Hazel’s locket saved his head this time and naturally, his life
What happened?