How Can You Pay Back The Kindness I Raised With Obsession?

She glanced at the Grand Duke. Was he relating a social media article right now? If he only said ‘the end’ at the end, was it a fairy tale? The Grand Duke continued with the next sentence whether or not she gave him a glare.

“Bad parents had to go to prison, but without parents, the children had to go to an orphanage, so they were released only after receiving a sentence.”

“It’s a fairy tale. Fairytale.”

She covered his mouth with one hand and whispered to the Grand Duke who kept breaking away from the literary genre.

“Hmm, the parents who were sorry for their mistake came home and apologized to the children.”

No, but what if they already regret it! That’s the ending! Now her head was all pounding and she was resting her forehead on it, but the Grand Duke leaned his head towards her and whispered.

“Is it a fairy tale that begins when parents abandon their children?”


She just brought the classic of this fairy tale as it was, but she was misunderstood. While she was embarrassed and kept her mouth shut, Luna took over the story.

“But Hansel and Gretel left home because they didn’t want to live with their parents.”

When Luna forced the main characters to run away, the Grand Duke’s eyes narrowed. He seemed to be remembering the last time his two children had run away. As Luna pondered over her second sentence, the Grand Duke asked with a smile, raising only the corner of her mouth.

“Where did you go after you left?”

“Hiding in a wagon, then to the farm.”

Now, the play had become their affair.

“Then they went to the woods in case people recognized them and sent them home, but the children who were cold and hungry ended up…”

Luna paused, looked at them, smiled, and exclaimed, spreading her arms wide.

“They met a witch at a candy house!”

“Oh, that’s Hazel.”

Then, when it was Luca’s turn, this last-minute investigation suddenly turned into a harmonious and cute fairy tale.

“The witch gave them carrot cake to eat.”

“It’s not us, Luca.”

Luna corrected him.

“Then Luca…”

“Isn’t it Luca?”

Now it seems that it was Luna’s turn to touch her forehead. Hazel laughed watching the two of them arguing. Glancing to the side, the Grand Duke was also covering his mouth with the back of his hand, perhaps holding back his laughter.

“And live happily with Luca, Luna, big brother and Hazel.”

“Luca, I’m not talking about that.”

“Yes, they said they lived happily ever after. The end! Tnd!”

Also, whether it’s a cruel fairy tale, a social story, or an interrogation, she quickly ended the story with a happy ending before going in a strange direction.

“Then shall we finish talking now?”

It was also a time when she suggested the next game for children who would get bored easily.


A roar came from outside the carriage. At the same moment, the carriage stopped, and shouts and neighing of horses echoed through the forest.

“Take off the yeti!”

The moment he heard the cry, the Grand Duke pulled back the curtains covering the window, and immediately got up and opened the carriage door.

“What I will do is…”

The Grand Duke jumped out of the carriage and shook his head as he pulled out his longsword.

“A Yeti is simple, so Miss Hazel stays in the wagon with the children.”

As soon as the door closed, a strange energy invisible to the naked eye began to surround the carriage. What? Holy power? Someone must have put a shield on the wagon.

“Gather the non-combatants immediately in the middle of the procession!”

As the Grand Duke’s cry was heard, she moved to the children with uneasy eyes. Luna asked as she sat Luca, who started sucking his thumb, on her lap.

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s a yeti.”

“If it’s a yeti, isn’t it a monster like a giant white monkey?”


“Don’t be afraid, Luca. Your older brother said it was simple. He will put an end to it soon.”

“I! I’ll do it first!”

Luna raised her hand.

“Ok, fine.”


“You… Didn’t you say you were going to do this first?”

“Um… um…”

“There are no words that start with that name, Luca.”

“Sheesh, sister is bad.”

“Hee hee.”

While the children were distracted by the easy ending, the sound of arrows cutting through the sky and cheers echoed outside the wagon.

“Victor, to the rear!”

The voice of the Grand Duke who commanded the knights could also be heard from time to time. He peeked out through a crack in the curtains. The Grand Duke stood on a white horse not far from the carriage, holding his longsword high in the air.

“Victor! Go to the rear now!”

It seemed that the knight did not hear the instructions because the spear and the cry of the beast were so loud. It was at that moment that the Grand Duke turned his head to the left and shouted loudly.


A huge white mass fell from a tall fir tree onto the Grand Duke.


What she thought was a white snowball was the moment it spread its limbs and rushed at the Grand Duke. The silver blade sharpened the winter sunlight. Her eyes were dazzled and as soon as she closed them tight, she was dazed. Drops of blood dripped from the sword that slanted downward as the yeti rolled over the snowy ground. Still undisturbed, the Grand Duke, riding on the white horse, brushed the blood from his shoulder and cast his gaze behind him. At that moment, their eyes met.

“Don’t go! Snowman!”

“Ah, what! What Hazel teaches you is cheating! Luca, you!”

“Heh heh…”

She couldn’t take her eyes off the window while the children kept repeating their endings.

“Then… the doll! Hazel?”


“It’s Hazel’s turn. Doll!”


“Brother, you are cool.”

“All, all…”

“Hazel, that’s not a word!”

Whoa, what did they just say? Startled, she took her eyes off the window and pretended not to.

“Brother! I said brother Luca, what words start with ‘er’?”

It was as the Grand Duke said. The battle was over in an instant. However, it seemed that the follow-up took longer than the battle. In case it might attract monsters, the smoke from gathering and burning the yeti’s corpses rose black above the clear sky. The knights and soldiers wiped their blood-soaked bodies with hot spring water and changed their clothes. While waiting in the carriage, Luca began twisting her body.

“I need to rest and do po.”

She flinched as she was about to take Luca out of the carriage.


She was trying to get past the curtain of holy power that was still covering the wagon without even realizing it. She read in a book that holy power and magical power have the same root, but were opposite powers. So, those with magical powers could not pass through places that were shielded by holy power like ordinary humans.


She called the guards in front of the carriage.

“The Grand Duke is in a hurry. Can you come with me?”

The guard nodded happily and took Luca out.


Everywhere she touched the shield was tingling. She rubbed her hand where she still felt the tingling sensation and tilted her head. Did any of the Grand Dukes have holy power? Come to think of it, when the Grand Duke and the knights first came to the cabin, she felt the holy power, albeit slightly. Should she ask the other guards at the door? Just as she was about to open her mouth, Luna dozed off.

“I want to go too!”

It was just a bit sore.


She called the guards again.

“It is safe now? The Grand Princess wants to get out of the carriage for a while.”

“Well, yes. The yetis seem to have retreated now. And you don’t have to worry because we are there.”

She turned her head to Luna.

“Then we will only play around here. You have to stick close to the guardsman at all times.”


Luna took her guardsman’s hand and went out, and she stood on the side of the road about five steps from the carriage and began to roll her eyes together.


She wanted to go out too. Who the hell put a barrier on it and disappeared without removing it? As she watched Luna build a snowman, she heard the driver’s voice in front of the wagon and pulled her up.


She opened the small window leading to the driver’s seat.

“Yes, Nanny.”

The coachman, who was standing next to the horse and feeding him carrots, turned his head this way.

“Are there frequent raids like this every time you go to Jedo Island?”

She remembered that someone was after the Grand Princess, so she asked.

“Not really. It seems that the snowmen have come down here because there is nothing to eat this winter because it snowed early.”

‘Ah, so it’s not something that was done by someone who was aiming for the grand duke’s family.’

“Are you giving me snacks?”

“Yes. Guys, I’m trying to calm you down because you seemed pretty startled a moment ago…”

It was a time when she was laughing and chatting with the coachman.



Screams and groans were heard from the road ahead. When she looked up, she saw something whitish moving between the carriage and the horses, coming this way. It was a baby yeti.

“Luna! Come in quickly!”

It was the moment she shouted at Luna standing on the side of the road. A small beast the size of Luca jumped swiftly from the roof of the carriage directly ahead and galloped toward the horses nibbling on carrots.


The horses, startled by the monster that rushed to eat the carrots in their mouths, raised their front legs and ran wild.

“Catch her! Get a horse!”

Someone shouted, but the terrified coachman had already run away. She tried to remove the foal from the horse’s leg with magic, but it was too heavy for her. Eventually, the moment the yeti mounted the head of one of the two horses, there was a thud, and the ground shook and the carriage began to move.


Translator Note:

As I promised, this week there will be double released 😉

Hello there! This is RJR. Thank you very much for reading! 😀

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Next post will be released tomorrow. See you then!

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