How Can You Pay Back The Kindness I Raised With Obsession?

She carefully raised herself so as not to wake the sleeping children.


She managed to get up, but it took her a while to get out of bed because all four bodies were tightly packed from the sides to between her legs.

In the meantime, outside the bedroom, it became so noisy that it was possible to hear the shouting and crackling of men.

‘Could it be that the guards drink and have a gang fight? On duty? At work too?’

She had to tell Sir Daniel. She drew the bed curtains so the children wouldn’t wake up and went to the door.

“Excuse me.”

She couldn’t even open her sleepy eyes properly and poked her head out into the dark hallway. She called quietly, but no one heard, and a fight was still going on somewhere in the hallway.

“Get some sleep. What is the fuss about tonight?”

As soon as she raised her voice a little higher, bang! Something jumped out of Luna’s door with a roar.


“Ugh! This bastard!”

After confirming the identity of what was thrown into the hallway, she opened her half-closed eyes. He was a man three times her size. A man with a dangerous looking dagger in his hand. She had never seen anyone like that in the Grand Duchy. Even the attire was not the uniform of a servant of the Grand Duke’s residence.

“Oh, look at this?”

The man straightened up and their eyes met. He grinned, mischievously, and strode towards her. At the end of the corridor, only the faint light of a candle was shining, but the tip of the sword leaning towards me was terrifyingly clear.

“This woman is the babysitter. Where are the children?”

Weren’t they from here? The accent was unique.

“Tell me right now!”

The moment the man tried to reach her head with a hand the size of a bear’s paw, she teased her fingers.


Just before he thrust his hand into the bedroom, the door slammed shut and locked.

“My… That was close.”

She turned around and saw Daisy and Lady at her feet. Lady arched her back and asked with a menacing hiss at the thumping door.

[what’s the matter?] [I do not know. Anyway, I have to hide it from the children.]

No matter how you look at it, he was the one who came to harm the children. There was no ironclad security enchantment in that room. The door she sealed with her little magic would soon be broken by that man’s power, and that room didn’t know how to spit out an intruder. So the only way to protect children was to hide them.

“Guys, wake up. We have to run away.”

However, no matter how much she shook them to wake them up, the children who have fallen into a sweet sleep only frown and do not wake up. On the day they first met, she could lift them easily because they were thin from starvation, but these days they had become plump and heavy. She couldn’t lift both of them at once and run, but behind her back the door slammed as if it were about to break.

“I can’t. There is no time.”

With a snap of her fingers, two small bottles of pink potion appeared in my palm.

Soinin Potion.

The children thought it was strawberry juice and kept begging for it, so she hid it high up in the corner of the cabin.

“Luna, you said you wanted to be Thumbelina, right? Shall we play Thumbelina?”

“Yes? Yes…”

She poured the potion into the child’s mouth as Luna rubbed her sleepy eyes and nodded her head.

“Luca will also drink strawberry juice and she will become Thumbelina.”

She hurriedly woke Luca and passed the potion bottle to his mouth. It was the ‘juice’ that both children wanted to drink so much that they drank it in one gulp without hesitation.

“Hey, these aren’t strawberries… what?”

Lulu fell out of Luca’s arms, who complained that it didn’t taste like strawberries. Luca shrunk, shrunk, and fell into Lulu’s soft embrace.

“Wow, you’ve become a real Thumbelina!”

Luna climbed up the rabbit doll’s long ears, and he jumped around like she did on the bed. He looked happy but she didn’t have time to let him play.

Thum, thump.

A wild curse was heard from behind the door that was shaking violently.

“Let’s go now.”

She ‘picked up’ the children, who had grown as small as thumbs, and put them in her pajama pockets.

“Are we going to the forest?”

“Are we going to sleep on a bed of walnut shells with a blanket of petals?”

“That’s right.”

“But what about Lulu?”

“Shh, be quiet from now on…”

It was the moment she picked up the rabbit doll. With a crackling sound, the lock broke and the door swung open. The moment the giant man appeared from the darkness, Daisy and Lady groaned and took an attacking stance.

However, the man laughed at the animals and stepped into the room fearlessly. When that wasn’t enough, he even pointed my sword at her, so she covered the faces of the children sticking their heads out of my pocket with her hand.

“Nanny, I asked where the children were!”

“Shouldn’t the children be in the children’s room?”

The man snorted as if he didn’t like her answer, then twisted the corner of his mouth up and smiled fiercely.

“Because I am on my way from there now? Look, I’m not very patient.”

The man swung his sword menacingly to scare her. The sharper the whistle cutting through the air sharpened her nerves, which had always been soft.

“If you don’t want to end your life here at a bright age, tell me where your kids are right now.”

Just as he was about to take a step closer, someone in the hallway urgently called out to me.

“Hazel! Never hand over the children!”

It was Sir Daniel’s voice that broke through the clashing of spears and shouts. But the figure was not visible. Behind the gate blocked by strangers, one could tell just by hearing the sound of the royal guards of the Grand Duke’s family fighting with all their might to break through the siege. Even the children must have heard all the terrifying noises. When she felt the chestnuts trembling one by one from the fingers she kept in her pocket, she started to get angry.

‘Dangerous, really! That, too, in front of the children!’

A rude man threw a large piece of firewood at her as she was about to boil like a kettle on a roaring fire.

“Don’t my words reach you? I told you to tell me right away where you hid the litter!”

‘Li… litter? Did you call my angels with such bad words just now?’


Something broke inside her.

“Aaaaaa! Get ready! I can’t stand it anymore! I can’t stand it!”

The moment the man shook off Daisy and Lady and jumped at her, he screamed and pointed at her involuntarily.

A ray of green light came out like lightning from the tip of her index finger, a mistake she made because she couldn’t stand it.

“You have to taste blood to be obedient, frog?”

A man the size of a bear turned into a frog the size of a palm in an instant. She could clearly see the pupils of the frog leaping in the air and shaking greatly.

“Get out now!”

She kicked the frog that was about to land at her feet and threw it out the door like when playing soccer.

“Hey, try calling my cuties that way again! I won’t let you go, really. Hehe…”

My… She swore she would never do what the Wicked Witch did, but to break her resolve.


She couldn’t stand the anger and sadness, so she continued to point her finger in anger even while crying. Still, the moment she met the eyes of the ‘frog’, she didn’t turn the rest of them into frogs.


“What is this?”

The two men who came into her room and engaged in sword fighting stopped fighting and hardened like stones. It wasn’t that she had turned them to stone, it was because the intruder’s knife cut away like a sausage the instant they clashed.

Because it was real sausage.

She switched to whatever weapon the intruders had in their hands. They went crazy trying to stab the guards with the sausages in the kitchen.

[sausage! Hehe, it looks delicious!]

“Ouch! What else is this cat!”

Her room quickly turned into mayhem.

“Aaaaaa! Still pissed off! Get out! All out! What are you doing in bedtime! How hard did I try to put them to sleep, huh?”

Seeing the green leaf in the hand of a man, she became contemplative.

‘Why do I have to be in the greenhouse over there…’

There was nothing visible, so she changed it randomly, and in the end she made a mistake. Wasn’t that the broccoli that children raise with all their heart?

‘Oh! It’s still a little too little! Chestnuts will cry if they find out. Sorry!’

While she was lost for a while, the intruders in the hallway poured in at once.

‘How many people have come? My… Don’t waste my sausage.’

She sighed and changed all their weapons to sausages, and now they tried to attack her with their bare hands. As she was about to fetch a frying pan from the kitchen, Lady pointed her nose at the dresser and shouted.

[We’ll take care of this now. You go!] [Thanks! I’ll repay you with homemade beef jerky!] [Do not forget. Bye then!]

She sprinted into the closet as Lady added and Daisy made a strong sound as she lunged at the intruder.


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. Thank you very much for reading! 😀

Well, since this novel was thought to be released once a week, here we end the daily posts. For chapters in advance please support me on Ko-fi or Patreon 😉

Next post will be released on February, 11. See you then!

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  1. Liedral says:

    Ehh…. she turned an intruder into a frog…

    1. RJR says:

      Lol I loved it while translating hahaha

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