How Can There Be A Divorce When We Haven't Even Married, Your Majesty?

The secret marriage between you and I (2)


The young Emperor of the Empire clenched his teeth at the stubborn attitude of the High Priest Norva. He barely managed to suppress the urge to immediately leave and rubbed his forehead in frustration.

“The marriage register… Isn’t there a priest who prepared the marriage register? If we call him and hold a three-person meeting…”

“Not possible.”

The High Priest, unlike his usual ambivalent attitude, refused all of the Emperor’s proposals without leaving a single ounce of room for reconsideration.

The Emperor, speechless at his immediate refusal, stared at the High Priest for a moment. Then he spoke as he chewed on each word as if he was chewing them out with the last bit of his patience.

“The most certain way to verify the ‘truth’ you claim is to call the priest who prepared the marriage register for a three-person meeting. Why isn’t that an option? Even a lowly commoner…. might be susceptible, but a priest of the temple surely would succumb to power, wouldn’t they?”

The old priest stretched out his arm and slowly poured tea in the teacup.

“The priest Lewis, who was responsible for the records….. passed away into the embrace of the Divine Creator last summer. It’s unfortunate, considering his young age.”

“… He died?”


The elderly priest, setting down his teacup, continued with a somewhat regretful expression.

“This matter isn’t connected to the death of the priest.”

“You’re saying that now….”

“Forgive me, Your Majesty, but the marriage register at the temple only confirms that the two of you were wed before the Gods over three years ago. Even if you now wish to invalidate or nullify it, there is nothing the temple can do at this point.”


“I apologize, Your Majesty.”


The teacup that the High Priest Norva had put down cracked.

Perhaps the elaborately crafted glass cup couldn’t withstand the Emperor’s murderous intent.

The Emperor, who had been glaring at the old priest with a cold gaze that seemed capable of freezing even the heart, left the main hall of the Genesis Temple without looking back.

When the High Priest Norva lowered his gaze with a bitter smile on his wrinkled face, he saw that the water flowing from the broken teacup had frozen solid. The Emperor’s rune. It governs everything in space…

The High Priest raised his finger and slowly swept the frozen table and tea, muttering faintly.

“This must be God’s will, Your Majesty. Please consider it.”

* * *

The Emperor’s demeanor, after he returned from his visit to the Great Temple, was fierce.

Deep in his eyes, which resembled a winter lake, a blue flame flickered.

It has been ten years since Perza IV ascended to the throne.

The 『Imperial Annals』contains an unusualy brief account of Emperor Ian Felixion de Perza’s ascension, a result of the young Emperor’s disdain for tedious and unnecessary details.

The Emperor was born in May of the year 612 of the Imperial Calendar as the eldest son of his father, who was the Crown Prince of the time and mother, who was the Princess of the Lecanois Dukedom.

In June of the same year, he inherited the title of Duke of Lecanois and the territory under his command from his mother.

In May 622, he ascended to the throne of Crown Prince at the age of ten. He then inherited the southern part of the Empire, the region of Schmarin and Huis from his uncle, the Grand Duke of Pelas.

In December 627, as the territorial war reached its climax and chaos intensified, the Crown Prince, at the age of fifteen, led an army of one hundred thousand soldiers into battle.

In February 628, he suppressed the Servan Empire’s disruptive warfare, recovered the territory and restored control of the northwestern region. He declared himself Lord of Tasseir Lecanois.

In August 628, he conquered the Duchy of George and declared it a vassal state. He stripped the Duke of George of his title and captured him and his family.

In July 629, the Crown Prince undertook a mission to infiltrate enemy territory. Issac Mezerine, a knight from the Sacred Knight Order, rescued the Crown Prince and earned the nickname ‘The Red Lion of Schmarin’.

In December of the same year, he achieved a decisive victory at the Battle of Karion. The Crown Prince himself beheaded the enemy Servan Emperor and his successor.

In January 630, the Crown Prince declared the end of the war on behalf of the ailing Perza III.

The Crown Prince was only seventeen when the war ended.

At the age when an ordinary boy would be entering the academy, he had already lived a life of considerable hardship despite his noble status.

The situation after the war was not easy either, as was well expressed in the editorial column of the 『Daily Polly』, a government-sponsored media outlet published three years ago to celebrate the victory.

「...When the young hero returned to the capital Zekrit, the Emperor had already passed away, and the central political world had long been in turmoil, using the prolonged war as an excuse. As the oppression and exploitation of the nobles spread throughout the Empire, all the people of the Empire lamented repeatedly.

The Crown Prince, who was indifferent to bloodshed, did not hesitate to draw his sword internally. He wiped out the corrupt nobles in one fell swoop and promoted a large number of new nobles, earning the fervent acclaim of the people.

This was a notable example of the outstanding intelligence and meticulous planning of the vassals of the Duke of Lecanois, who had a long history of standing in the Empire. Despite the fact that the Emperor passed away before the Crown Prince’s return, all power within the Empire was transferred to the new Emperor without any leakage.

Thus, the great empire of Perza welcomed the youngest ruler in the history of the continent.

Ten years after the war ended.

The political situation quickly stabilized.

Emperor Ian appointed individuals renowned as geniuses in various fields within the Empire as the Emperor’s lifetime vassals, assigning them to key positions.

He has lived a hectic life since he was born.

Becoming the Crown Prince at a young age, he had to receive successor education, master martial arts, govern the inherited territories, and engage in wars. How could such a life have been anything but busy?

After about ten years, he thought he could finally rest.

However, the foolish aides’ sudden blunders and administrative errors resulted in the creation of a ‘wife whose face I don’t even know’.

In reality, Ian did not expect the High Priest to reject his request out of hand.

Even if we set aside his high position and status, given the circumstances, the High Priest should have known better.

‘Ha. I’m getting mad, really. But I can’t just kill them all either.’

The Emperor’s eyes gleamed fiercely.

* * *

With the Emperor’s icy demeanor like a northern wind, no one dared to open the door to the Third Office.

At this point, it was clear that the long-standing conflict between imperial power and ecclesiastical power, which had been tolerated by both sides, had become apparent.

Although the Empire had not officially designated a state religion under the pretext of religious freedom, the Genesis Temple effectively served as the state religion and stood as the spiritual pillar of the people.

Even beyond the Empire, the Genesis Temple was respected in most parts of the Asha Continent.

The main temple of the Genesis Temple was located in the capital of the Great Empire, Zekrit, and since it had absolute dominance in the celebration of weddings, funerals, and ancestral rites among the people, the growing power of the new religion was not the outcome the Royal Family desired.

“Well, Even if it is a temple, isn’t this going too far? Who is our Majesty? How can anyone ignore our Majesty’s request, huh?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Our Majesty beheaded that evil Servan Emperor!”

“…That sounds like bloodshed.”

“Beheaded the vicious and corrupt official!”

“…Sounds like bloodshed again.”

“Destroyed the three generations of the wicked traitors!”

“…mass bloodshed?”

“Ahem. Nevertheless, isn’t it true that the bloodshed done again and again saved the Empire from darkness?”

The aides, who had been loitering in the hallway, casted sympathetic glances at the External Cooperation Officer, Mirhi, who was shouting with a red face as if the hallway was about to collapse.

“Count Mirhi… have you been participating in a speech contest or something?”

“If you keep mentioning beheading people, you’ll certainly be very much appreciated by the Temple with whom we already have a strained relationship.”

“Count. No matter how loudly you shout here, His Majesty won’t hear.”

“Don’t fret excessively. The Temple certainly caused a disturbance, but surely His Majesty wouldn’t go so far as to kill the Count.”

“Absolutely. If His Majesty kills the External Cooperation Officer because the Ministry of Foreign Affairs failed, there would be no one willing to be an External Cooperation Officer in the future.”

Count Mirhi’s shoulders slumped as he received consolation, not comfort, from the other aides.

Death… he could see it approaching closer.

Count Yuton, who had been pondering the situation, spoke up.

“Even though His Majesty visited in person, showing his respect. I didn’t expect the High Priest to refuse without any room for reconsideration.”

“It truly is a bit surprising. I thought it would work.”

“It seems a bit excessive to say that principles are that important. After all, this is related to the Emperor’s marriage. Even if he’s the High Priest, how can he dismiss it so carelessly?”

“He doesn’t have any other intentions, does he?”

“…Do you suspect the Viscount?”

Knight Lian, who was admiring the large statues decorating the hallway without joining the conversation, opened his mouth this time.

“It can not be Viscount Mezerine. I know the Viscount’s character better than you. In any case, he’s also the benefactor of His Majesty.”


Count Duran furrowed his brows and spoke.

“Then we need to find out the intentions of the Great Temple. However, no matter how much Lord Lian assures me, I am still a bit concerned about the Viscount’s origins. Do not forget he was the Vice Captain of the temple’s Sacred Knight Order.”

“What are you….”


Minister of State, Count Yuton, stepped forward to mediate the situation.

“Let’s discuss the rest in the palace…. even walls have ears.”


“In any case, weren’t we supposed to visit His Majesty?”

The faces of the rest of the aides, including Count Mirhi, turned grave.

“Why, why do you have to invite suffering?”


Count Yuton placed his hand on the Emperor’s office door and said quietly.

“It’s… It’s better to face the storm than to stall.”

Knock. Knock.

Count Yuton stood in front of the large door of the Third Office and knocked very softly, barely audible.

“Uh, Your Majesty. May we come in–.”


Oh my. This is surprising.

Before Count Yuton could even take half a step in, an ominous dark aura, covering the wall of the office, was drawn at them.

The Emperor, with his sword unsheathed, was leaning against the desk and smiling brightly.

“Come in. You were making noise in the hallway like wet cats. I was wondering when you would come in.”


Perhaps. The great young Emperor had decided to make today ‘the day’.

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