Hopefully, at Your Mercy

Episode 5

After watching the Duke’s residence for a while, he immediately broke the stone with his bare hands and turned around without hesitation.

[Help me. I’ll do better. I didn’t see anything. I’m just a passerby.]

A servile sentence uttered in a confident voice. Del’s voice rang in his head subconsciously.

A slight wrinkle appeared between the man’s eyebrows, as if something was bothering him.

Seeing the magic amplification ring shining in a critical situation, it was clear that she was a wizard.

Judging by the density of the ring color, the magical power is quite strong.

It was so strong that it could come in and destroy even the space distortion magic created by Calot’s power,

It meant that her magical power exceeded Calot’s.

Originally, wizards were the beings who were full of pride and ego.

Rather than begging for life, it’s better to stick out your neck to get killed, that was evey wizard’s policy.

The man knew from experience that this was their habit.

However, this wizard begged for her life, claiming that she was a maid.

I thought it was some kind of foolish move. So I saved it first.

I followed behind and tried to find out who was behind it.

The girl who had been circling the alley for a while as if trying to hide her whereabouts actually entered the nobleman’s mansion.

It is also the Shultz family, that was one of the five major ducal families of the Bakyan Empire.

A magic defense wall is always in operation outside the royal castle and the mansions of dukes who contributed to the founding of the castle.

That was the reason why two knights were formally guarding the entrance to the huge ducal residence.

Although it was possible to go outside from the inside, it was difficult to enter from the outside.

But the wizard thoughtlessly rushed towards the defensive wall.

Instead of breaking through the defense wall with magical power, she used her bare body and was ignorant.

‘We’ll be able to confirm her identity soon.’

The man remembered Delinda’s last appearance and disappeared into the darkness.

* * *

Meanwhile, Rose, a maid who arrived at someone’s quarters, took off her robe and shouted.

“What if it was caught being a fake? What are you going to do if we get caught?”

This was the lodgings of Lord Kabila, who visited the Duke’s residence to discuss the development of a spirit stone mine.

“What do you mean by it’s fake?”

“That idiot caught it and started a fire. I heard that ordinary people can’t even hold a spirit stone properly?

They were supposed to sign the contract today, but something like that happened…

“I am very disappointed!”

“No, that’s… It was real! Did you see that the fire was successfully started? However, was there some kind of variable or was it defective… Anyway, not everything is known about spirit stones yet.”

Lord Kabila, the investment proposer who was at Duke Schultz’s residence earlier, made an excuse with an aggrieved look on his face.

Rose let out an exasperated sigh and sat down on her chair.

As she shook her hair, a hairpin hidden among the puffy hair fell out. It was Delinda’s.

‘Stupid Delinda won’t even notice that her headdress is gone.’

Even if they knew, they would probably think she was a fool and lost it.

Foolish Delinda did not deserve expensive gifts or noble positions.

She was lucky enough to be born into a duke’s family.

“If you’re going to cheat, do it right. No matter how foolish the duke’s family is, the assortment should be right.”

Lord Kabila pursed his lips with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

It was clear that the woman in front of her, thought of themselves as a fraud.

Of course, not everything was true, but it wasn’t a complete fraud where everything was a lie.

It was unfair, but they endured it first. Aren’t they about to make a good deal with the duke?

Until then, she had planned to obediently follow the wishes of the woman who connected them with the Duke.

“Is it so. Next time, prepare a proper spirit stone. That’s what I came to talk about today.


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