Hopefully, at Your Mercy

Episode 4


Delinda didn’t answer. She didn’t even raise her head to check on the other person.


She was just lying on the ground like she was dead.


There’s a saying that she heard somewhere.


If you are involved in a criminal act, don’t even think about checking the other person’s face; just close your eyes.


The reason was that, the criminals would really let a person whose face they had identified live.


“Who sent you?”


“… … .”


The man who looked down at Delinda for a while, He began to rub the soles of his shoes on the edge of Delinda’s cloak, which was rolling around on the floor.


Delinda was outraged by his behavior of treating her cloak like a rag, but Delinda didn’t even make a sound.


After wiping off the blood from his shoes, he lifted her chin up


with the toe of his shoes.


“How did you get in here?”


The cold voice that asked calmly and weakly contained no emotion.


It was so quiet that you wouldn’t think he had just killed someone.


Delinda, who was lying face down on the floor, only raised her head at his footsteps. Delinda kept her eyes closed.


The other person lifted her chin as if to check her face, but she did not check the other person’s face.


‘This crazy guy is really… … . In what country is it polite to put your foot on someone’s face?’


Since she was from the country of courtesy in the East, she was angry at her opponent’s actions, but her weak anger was replaced by great fear.


Delinda declared firmly with her eyes tightly closed.


“Help me. I did not see anything.”


“… What?”


“If you just let me live, I will just go away quietly by myself, sir.”


The other person remained silent as if he had not expected such an answer from Delinda.


“I didn’t see anything. Even now, my eyes are closed. I am just a passerby. I will behave really well.”


Words of respect came out naturally.


Being a princess and duke’s daughter was not something that could help her in this situation, so she used a different approach of pretending to be meek and scared.


“I just fell while walking. Then I came in here. I’ll keep my eyes closed until you disappear.”


So just let it go, you crazy idiot.


The man just quietly listened to Delinda’s fumbling words with his eyes closed.


As if he was trying to figure out her inner thoughts.


Delinda felt aggrieved. She was just walking down the street and touched the wall,


Who could have guessed that it was this crazy inside?


The only fault I had was walking around in the middle of the night to find out some information about the spirit stone.


The man removed the foot that had lifted Delinda’s head.


Delinda’s face fell to the floor again. A sharp wind rose above Delinda’s head.


As the hair fluttered in the air, the cold sound of metal meeting metal was heard.


The man brushed off the blood from the sword body and put the sword away.


The man bent down and grabbed something lying around Delinda’s neck.


It was a ring she had hung on the chain of her necklace. A ring that was picked up for the purpose of raising funds for her.


The ring was shining alone in the dark. Tuk. When the man applied force, her necklace string broke easily.


When the ring fell from her body and was placed onto the man’s hand, it stopped glowing as if it were a lie.


The man smiled faintly, as if mocking her.


“A wizard…”


The voice that was muttering to itself did not reach Delinda.


Soon a ring was thrown next to Delinda’s face. It was returned by to her by that man.


Delinda looked at the ring, then quietly reached out and held it.


‘My precious funds.’


However, the attempt to recapture the ring failed. This is because the man gently pressed down on the edge of the ring and stepped on it.






She asked back, fidgeting with her outstretched hand towards the ring.


“I asked what your name was.”


His pitchless voice seemed to say that if she made him ask again one more question, he would kill her.


“Del! It’s Del!”


Delinda shouted with all her might. At most, saying a pseudonym meant saying a name that was similar to my real name.


If possible, say something like Francesca. The man pressed the ring under his feet even more tightly.



“Whom do you belong to…”


“I don’t know much about affiliation, I’m just a maid to a noble family!”


He seemed to be asking about her identity, but she could never say that she was Duke Schultz’s daughter.


What fool in the world would expose their true identity to a murderer?


When she answered that she was just a maid for a noble family, the man laughed as if it was absurd.


Until then, Delinda had only focused on the sound to understand


the situation.


The man, who took his eyes off her, took the jewel out of his pocket and threw it towards the wall.


Crispy. In the air, the broken gem began to emit white light and draw a circle.



– Yes. Lowton.



Someone’s voice came from the circle.



“28 Clancy Street. Three in the left corner.”


– Are they dead?



The voice that came out of the light asked Death casually.



“Yeah. Dead.”


― Are you maintaining the space?


“I plan to leave it like this.”


– Yes. I’ll go right away and take care of it.



As soon as the clear answer was heard, the man grabbed the light.


The light that was caught by the collar in a large hand split apart and exploded.


Delinda was just rolling her eyes until then. What is going on above her head?


Is there something like a walkie-talkie in this world?


At that moment, when I was lost in my thoughts, my body was suddenly lifted.




As she was lying flat on her stomach, she was grabbed by the neck of her robe and was lifted up.


The man simply lifted the adult woman’s body as if he were lifting a puppy.


Then he started walking towards somewhere.


Delinda’s toes were dangling in the air.


‘Am I dying? Am I going to die? Are you going to kill me? Now is it my turn?!’


Delinda covered her mouth with both hands. Because she felt that yelling would provoke him more.


Meanwhile, the body fell down as if it had reached somewhere.


Delinda looked at the dirt on the floor in despair. She never even thought about checking her opponent’s face.


She heard footsteps moving away from her ear. It was the sound of a man’s footsteps.


He threw her somewhere and was walking out on the street alone.



“… … .”



Even after the man’s presence disappeared, Delinda sat in the same position for a long time.



Then, after some time had passed, I put down my robe’s hat.


Finally, I opened my eyes. There was no one around.


The noise came in all at once, as if I had been sinking in deep water and had come to land.


The sound of laughter coming from inside the window and the singing of a bard outside the square.


No one will know about the tragedy that occurred within those secret walls.


Delinda strengthened her legs and walked slowly. She felt more suspicious than relieved.


Why did you save me?


Even though the other person generously sent it to me, doubts arose.


The man had no reason to spare her life.


Isn’t this a man who had the power to kill someone and the justification to kill a witness who witnessed the incident?


“Is it something good? Is it okay because I lived? Something feels uncomfortable.”


Delinda tightened the lapels of her robe.


Perhaps because of what happened a little while ago, even the gently brushing air felt cold.


‘But if I die here, will I return to my original world?’


After stopping and thinking, she walked again.


If I die, it might just end like that. There is no need to risk your life on a hypothesis that cannot be confirmed.


“Let’s not die. Don’t ruin it either. It’s dangerous today, so it’s better to look for the spirit stone tomorrow.”


After making a promise to herself, Delinda walked around the square.


After mingling with the crowd of people, I entered the alley after a while.


I went into a tavern I didn’t know, drank a beer, and walked along the narrow path.


I wasted time wandering on the street in vain.


Then, when the moon rose high in the sky, she finally headed to the Duke’s house.


For fear of being exposed as a member of the duke family, she deliberately spent time on the streets to ensure her safety.


Before she knew it, she was getting closer to the duke’s mansion. Luckily she didn’t seem to be followed.


In front of the entrance to the duke’s residence, there were two knights, just like before.


Delinda naturally avoided them and headed toward the wall in the back street.


‘Isn’t there anyone here?’


After looking around, she climbed the tree.


The end of a thick branch was in contact with the inside of the wall, so it seemed like she could jump from there.


Groaning, she climbed up and jumped towards the wall. But…





I hit something and fell back towards the tree branch.




I clung to the branch like a koala to avoid falling. I felt like I had just caught something.


I thought there was nothing, but it looks like there was a branch under the bridge.


After thinking for a moment, Delinda stood on the tree branch again.


Then she looked around and ran again.


But, I got caught again.


“Ah! What, really!”


This time, she fell completely off the branch and rolled on the ground.


Delinda, who was huffing and puffing, got up like a roly-poly and started climbing the tree.


Then she stood on the tree branch again and launched herself


towards the wall.


And just as Delinda’s body was about to hit the defensive wall,




A rock flew from somewhere and collapsed the corner of the defensive wall.


Delinda silently entered the Duke’s residence through the broken crack.


But in reality she didn’t know that someone let her in, she hummed in admiration for her fence-climbing skills.


The sound of Delinda’s song receded beyond the wall.



“… … .”


The target that broke the defensive wall.


The man who had met Delinda in the alley earlier stared beyond the wall where she had disappeared.


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