Hopefully, at Your Mercy

Episode 3

Rose Rocher. Delinda Schultz’s maid. She is the second daughter of artist Roche Nam.

Rose had blazing red lips and It was a very sensual image, perhaps because of the plump lips with slightly raised corners of the mouth.

‘First of all, it looks very nice.’

Delinda objectively judged the opponent’s appearance as it appeared before her.

Rose was Delinda’s maid, but she was also a noblewoman.

In the first place, it was customary to select a duke’s maid from a vassal family that served the duke.

After finishing assessing the situation, Delinda sat down on the sofa.

Although Rose was annoyed, it wasn’t enough to cause her to act viciously.

Delinda clearly distinguished between when to endure and when to push forward.

Rose soon stood behind Delinda and began to undo her headdress.

Delinda looked at her unfamiliar self in the mirror and tried to understand the reality.

‘Okay. This is a different world.’

Although she may have been confused by the irrational situation, she was resolutely recognizing the situation.

That’s because she had the same experience in the past.

This is my second time being possessed. Even being possessed in the same novel.

‘It’s my job to adapt to this world and survive well. Then what should I do next?’

The duke’s daughter to whom she possessed is now on the verge of being defrauded. Atleast in the upcoming few days

It was clear that if we got caught up in the mistake of taking the contract to mine the spirit stone mine, we could be completely ruined.

First, I thought I needed to know the identity of the spirit stone.

“Rose. What is a spirit stone?”

“Don’t you know?”

“Huh. Obviously I’m asking because I don’t know. Do you think I would ask about it to you despite knowing what it is?”


Rose was perplexed and asked what on earth that meant.

“What on earth is a spirit stone? I felt bad because my hands were too hot earlier. Why did my father say that he was investing in something like that? Is it because he just needs to buy pretty and beautiful things?”

I deliberately, only chose words that would make me look like an idiot.

Only then did Rose’s expression relax, as if she were acting like a normal princess.

“Spirit stones are the ores that first appeared five years ago. They say there was a crack somewhere in the border… I don’t know the details. Anyway, I heard it that it was created back then.”
Five years ago was when I disappeared. So I don’t know much about it.

But isn’t it a coincidence that the timing overlaps?

“Is that expensive?”

“Yes, it is expensive.”

“Not just anyone can have it, right?”

“Yes. Unless you have a reasonable amount of spiritual power or magical power, you cannot handle it properly. Spirit stone accessories are also sold expensively. Sand that can extinguish a spirit stone fire, A water bottle that can hold spirit water. Things like that.”

Delinda’s expression became strange as she listened to the story.

Didn’t she throw the fire from the spirit stone onto the sofa earlier?

“But I touched it? I threw the fire.”

“Well, you must have brought a low-level spirit stone or something. Or it could be defective.”

“I see.”

Nodding, Delinda waited for Rose’s follow-up explanation.

However, after saying that, Rose just stared at Delinda.

It seemed like the explanation given to the fool would end at this level.

“And? Is there anything else?”

I needed some more information.

For example, it may never, never, never happen, but the fraudster may not be a fraudster.

For example, if the conman really is someone who passionately respects the Schultz family… So, the investment in the spirit stone mine will allow the Schultz family to make a dramatic revival… … .

“What else do you need? I don’t know anything else either.”

“Spirit stones are very expensive and rare, right?

“Because I’m only around the princess, I can’t easily see that precious thing.”

Delinda laughed at Rose’s harsh answer. Isn’t that what Rose means now?

Since the duke’s mansion is in ruins, such ‘expensive’ and ‘precious’ spirit stones cannot be kept.

She, who was confined to the duke’s residence as a maid, also did not have a chance to see the spirit stone.

It was maddening, but it was true.

“I know. If Rose had been born as a princess like me, she wouldn’t have become a maid and would have lived luxuriously  just like me.”


“You should have become the duke’s daughter, too.”

The back of Rose’s neck turned red as Delinda answered brightly, like an idiot who doesn’t know anything.

Anyway, it seemed like there wasn’t much more that could be found out from Rose now.

Delinda lay sprawled out on the sofa.
“Okay. Go now, Rose.”

Rose frowned as if she didn’t like the noble princess’s not-so-noble demeanor, but that was it.

Rose soon relaxed her expression, bowed her head, and turned around.

* * *
Delinda changed her clothes when the surroundings became quiet.

It was a shabby dress taken from an empty maid’s room that she found while exploring the mansion alone after Rose left.

I buttoned the buttons carefully and took a ring from the dresser drawer.

This was to secure funds for back alley activities. I was thinking of doing something rather than just wasting time in my room.

‘If this were the capital, there would be a tavern in the back alley of the square where many merchants would frequent. Let’s go there and find out more about the spirit stone.’

I couldn’t quite remember what happened during the first possession, but I remembered it now.

People were laughing and talking in a bar. Delicious fruit candy was sold next to a small tavern.

“Why do I remember this when I can’t remember anything else, That’s funny. But wait a minute. There are a lot of gems here, this one… … .”

Even if it’s rotten, it’s a junche, and even if it’s ruined, she still belonged to the duke’s.

Even if you collect only the shards of the duke’s jewels and run away, You will be able to live a luxurious life alone until you return to the real world.

It was a tempting delusion, but Delinda shook her head.

“Let’s try that method at last.”

I have a conscience.

When I remembered the Duke’s kind face as he held my hand tightly, I couldn’t bear to run away.

I felt sorry for taking his daughter’s body, but I really can’t let him lose her.
I shrugged my shoulders and put the ring on my necklace and hid it under my dress.

I could feel the presence of people outside the door. Delinda, who was startled, lay down as if she would jump straight into the bed.

The heavy door slowly opened and someone came in through it.

Delinda didn’t want the maid’s changed clothes caught, so she covered herself with a blanket up to her neck.

“Delinda. Are you sleeping?”

The person who came in was my father, Duke Schultz.

In the darkness, Delinda only twitched her eyelids and pretended to sleep.

Duke Schultz sat at the bedside, stroked Delinda’s head, and then slightly lifted the blanket.

Warmth wrapped around Delinda’s hand.

“It doesn’t hurt right… … .”

A worried voice rang from overhead. Delinda kept her eyes closed.

This is because I already missed the timing to wake up. Perhaps you were worried that you grabbed the spirit stone with your bare hands?

The duke examined Delinda’s hand here and there and pressed it.

Even though anyone could tell just by looking at it that she wasn’t hurt, but he kept looking at her with concern.

Delinda felt strange. Something like this… Do you really feel like this if you have parents?

Delinda, or rather ‘Jian Han’, who possessed Delinda’s body, had never enjoyed this kind of affection.

Because I was an orphan from birth and no one in the real world gave me affection.

No one was interested in me.

As if the person named Han Jian was just a trace without substance.

“I’m always sorry, Delinda. This father will do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

“… … .”

“Sleep well. My beloved daughter.”

After a friendly greeting, the Duke stood up.

The warm affection went away with the sound of footsteps. Delinda clenched her fists inside her blanket.


It was really strange.

‘Why do I feel like this… … .’

Why does my heart hurt so much? It’s not like he was worried about me.

Delinda curled up under the blanket for a while, biting her lip.

* * *

Delinda groaned and climbed over the wall.

The only guards guarding the vast mansion were the two knights at the entrance.

It was perfect conditions for a nighttime escape.

“After all, we can’t let Delinda’s father fail. So then I’m going to be ruined too, right?

“It’s a temporary residence, but you still have to live happily.”

As I left the ducal residence, I glanced back and saw the tall spire of the ducal residence.

I kept thinking about my father.

The reason why Duke Schultz feels sorry for no reason is because he loves his daughter so much.

Is that really what parents are like? I can’t believe the other person’s unconditional affection was so warm.

Do other people live with this kind of affection?

…He is really happy with his daughter. I can’t take his daughter away from him like that.

“I’ll do whatever it takes until his real daughter gets back into this body! And for that the first thing that I have to do is to gather information on spirit stones!”

The capital of the Bakyan Empire was well managed, even down to the back alleys.

The capital’s guards are excellent at maintaining public order.

The level of awareness among the people was high, so it was a safe place for women to walk alone late at night.

The lights of restaurants and shops that were visible in every alley was warm.

There were smiles on the faces of people who were passing by.

Delinda pulled back her robe and walked happily down the street.

“Perhaps there is a shortcut if I turn around the curve here and pass through the alley… There was a bar there where merchants often gathered.”

It was when my body naturally turned towards that path it knew before.

There was a tall wall blocking the passage that was clearly supposed to be there.

“uh? There wasn’t a dead end like this at this place, right?”

Has the road changed without me knowing? Well, it’s been 5 years.

Delinda tilted her head and fumbled with the wall.

But what her hand touched was not a solid wall.

The hand went right through the wall. As if the wall she was stepping on had turned into soft pudding.


My body stumbled as I lost my balance.

Delinda, who was dragged into the wall, swung her arms in panic.

When I grabbed something nearby to support my falling body, I found that it was an empty tin can.


Delinda rolled on the floor with a loud noise.

Empty… … . The sound of empty tin cans rolling followed.

“ah… … .”

Delinda fell flat like a frog and groaned.

I tried to raise my upper body by stepping on the ground with both hands.

I felt something squishy under my palm.

what… … .

It was wet and didn’t feel good. Delinda frowned and tensed his fingertips.

‘… … Something’s not right.’

The surroundings was eerily quiet.

There was a strange silence, as if time had stopped and everything was asleep.

It was a place where exciting music was playing until just a moment ago, but why?
There was a smell of wet dirt from the ground that touched my back.

And at the same time, a fishy smell.

“… … .”

Delinda’s breathing stopped for a moment.

Blood. It’s blood.

It was clear that the sticky wetness on my hands a moment ago was also the blood that had pooled on the floor.

Delinda closed her eyes tightly, afraid to see the reality.

It was my first time experiencing such a scary experience. My body became increasingly stiff.

My fingertips began to tremble with instinctive fear.

Soon, through the tingling tension, unfamiliar footsteps began to be heard.

Jeopuk, Jeopuk, Jeopuk.

Calm and quiet steps. Someone was approaching.

Delinda had a stiff face and barely moved her eyes.

She saw blood-stained shoes slowly approaching towards her.

She couldn’t quite figure out what this scary situation was,

She knew for certain that the blood at her feet was not hers.

Delinda closed her eyes again. She was afraid to check on the other person.

In the suffocating fear, the only sound was the low pounding sound of my heartbeat.

The sound of footsteps in my ears suddenly stopped. Delinda could tell.

The other person was now standing in front of her, who is lying face down on the floor.

I could instinctively feel the shadow cast over my head. The momentary silence lasted for eternity.

Delinda couldn’t even breathe properly due to fear.

Then, when I couldn’t hold back the tension and barely exhaled.
“Whose dog are you?”

A bass sound that seemed to shake the deep forest weighed heavily on Delinda.



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