Hopefully, at Your Mercy

Episode 2

But even at this moment where everything was ambiguous, there was one thing that was certain.

‘This guy somehow makes me feel uncomfortable.’

The man in front of me, Lord Kabila, was a fraud from the start.

There was a need to look into it more closely.

‘Furthermore, when signing a contract, you have to determine the upper hand in terms of atmosphere. You need to take the lead and take the top spot! I have to take a picture, If you are pushed to take a picture, you start off looking down on the other person from the beginning.’

Therefore, in her opinion, now was not the right time to sign the contract.

But unfortunately, the duke did not understand Delinda’s meaning properly.

“That’s right, Delinda. It is clear that glory is about to return to our family.”

“Wouldn’t it be an honor? If I pray more… … .”

“I think the answer to your prayers is today, Delinda.”

Lord Kabila, perhaps sensing a sense of crisis at Delinda’s words, rubbed his hands together and shouted.

“That’s right! Isn’t this the moment when the Shultz family is about to walk the path to glory again?

“I am glad that I could share in that shining moment, Your Highness.”

“haha… … Is that so?”

“Yes! In fact, there were many suggestions from other nobles, I have rejected them all and came here out of my own free will. How often do you get the opportunity to be welcomed by Duke Shultz, a great contributor to the founding of the nation?”

The skillful deceiver’s tongue was deceiving Duke Schultz.

“So, I hope that Your Highness will take it kindly to my respect for the Shultz family.”

Sir Kabila gently moved his mouth as he bowed his head politely.

As soon as he finished speaking, Delinda had an intuitive feeling.

Its passed. The duke was manipulated. The words like noble honor, A great contributor to the founding of the country.

The words the conman uttered were suitable to shake the proud duke’s heart.

As the situation progressed like that, Delinda eventually decided to say something.

“It’s fake, Dad! This looks fake! It’s a fake gem!”

It didn’t matter if this was real or fake. It was just a comment to kill time.

Lord Kabila grabbed the spirit stone with an expression of resentment.

“It’s fake. Even if a person has no magical power or holy power, if he wears these gloves and tries hard to destroy them… Now, look! Doesn’t it burn perfectly?”

The effect of the spirit stone was certain. When he broke it with force, a fireball began to burn in the air.

The fire really started to burn brightly. Now the problem was what happened next.

What do we do?

Even as she was struggling, the fireball in the air was fluttering as if teasing Delinda.

After a short period of thought, Delinda made a simple decision.

Damn it!

Let’s make a fuss and destroy this place!

After making up her mind, Delinda suddenly got up and went near the fireball and grabbed it.

“Oh! Princess!”

“Kyaa! It’s hot!”

Then she threw it at the seat next to Lord Kabila, whose eyes were wide open in surprise.

A lively fireball crashed down next to Lord Kabila and began to burn his cloth.

“No, there’s fire here! Ahh! It was originally a low-grade product, so it didn’t grow this big, but this!”

Sir Kabila shouted incoherently, took out magic sand from his arms and sprinkled it wildly.

Users who recognized the severity flocked in.

“Miss! Are you okay!”

Philip, the manor’s chamberlain, ran towards Delinda.

“No! The Duke’s favorite sofa!”

The mansion’s butler, Barmo, hugged the sofa.

Everything was confusing. It was noisy and hectic. It was exactly the atmosphere Delinda wanted.

Sir Kabila, who had turned off the lights, was muttering as if he had lost his mind.

“How on earth did the princess touch this with her hands…? Ordinary people can’t hold it… … .”

Delinda stood there in the middle of the living room, which was as bustling as a market floor.

Then she took a deep breath and shouted with the loudest voice in the mansion.

“I don’t like things that are that dangerous! I don’t like being hot, I also hate that person who showed me something scary! Tell him to get out of my house right now, father!”

* * *
It was good. It was stupid enough. It looked very stupid.

Delinda smiled all the way to her room with her maid, Rose.

She was ruminating on what she had just done.

What kind of situation unfolded in the ducal parlor?

The sofa was burned, people were panicking, and the contract was soaked with water.

During the commotion, the teacup fell over and the ink spread.

The writing was so illegible that the contract had to be postponed to a later date.

When the princess seemed very surprised, Duke Schulz sent Lord Kabila back, telling him to rewrite the contract and bring it back. In any case, there was now a reprieve. Allow time to carefully review this contract.

Delinda was happy about her foolish behavior, but as the room got closer, she carefully wiped away her laughter.

‘… Wait for a sec. Is it okay like this?’

In other words, isn’t that what happened today?

A terrible incident that made Delinda’s reputation as an idiot shine even more foolishly.

“… … .”

She remained gloomily silent and soon decided to adapt to reality.

‘No way. What do you know? It’s not even my body anyway. It would be nice to be a fool for a moment and protect the family’s money. I’m not going back anyway.’

Thinking like that, I immediately felt at ease.

Moreover, I had faith that in a few years we would be able to return to reality like before.

‘Rest assured, the true princess, who will return to this body someday. I will help you both materially and spiritually so that your father will not be defrauded.’

How many years will it last this time?

But this time, I was fortunate that I was the daughter of a rich family. Even though she is falling apart.

I muttered to myself and belatedly tried to remember what happened during the first possession. but….

‘As expected, nothing comes to my mind.’

I couldn’t remember much from the first possession.

Everything was blurry. It was as if there was a thick fog in front of my eyes.

‘Let’s revise everything once again.’

Delinda pieced together the clues and began to unravel them step by step.

First of all, it was clear that she had lived here in the past.

It was also clear that she lived in a body other than that of Princess Delinda.

But the problem was that I couldn’t remember whose body I lived in and how I lived.

When I was in the real world, I guess I just escaped from the book and lost my memory… … I did, but

Once this place became a reality again, it became a problem.

Because what she doesn’t remember is her previous life.

The accent of the official language of the Bakyan Empire, the price of a flower sold in the market, The taste of the cherries I ate as a snack was vivid, but everything else was unknown.

‘Now that I think about it, who was the main character of this novel?’

It is clear that this body is not even a side character.

I barely moved my feet with a blank expression, trying to remember a past I couldn’t even remember.

As I was walking so frantically, I didn’t even notice that Rose, who was ahead of me, had stopped walking.

It hit Rose hard as she stopped to open the door.

Delinda struggled to keep her balance. But rose was trying to catch her… Instead, I dodged to the side and ended up rushing straight into the wall.

Bang! and Delinda hit her face. There was no blood, but it was quite tingling.

“Ahh… … .”

The tip of my nose was sore and I felt like crying physiologically, so I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

As I was rubbing it, I felt something strange.

Why is this pain so strange? What on earth… … .

Meanwhile, Rose was gesturing to open the door wide and got inside first.

“You have a precious body, so you have to be careful, princess. Why do you always act carelessly like this?”

… … huh?

Delinda lowered the hand that was rubbing the bridge of her nose.

This is because the other person’s tone or nuance did not seem like a general concern.

If you think the other person is sick, isn’t the first thing to worry about them? Am I mistaken? Is it paranoia?

I even stopped walking and looked at Rose’s face.

Rose continued to sigh, feeling pathetic, as if it wasn’t an illusion.

“Please go in. If you act so slowly, everyone will think you are stupid.”

“… … .”

“It’s the same as before. You troubled the duke by saying that you wanted to welcome an important guest together. In the end… … .”

“… … .”

“Your strength is that you have always been pure, but now you must learn how to behave like a noble. The things you do lightly can seriously tarnish the honor of the noble Schultz family. You understand that, right?”

It was a quiet and a soft rebuke. Delinda narrowed her eyes.

What? What is this irreverent tone?

The expression disappeared from Delinda’s face.

Unlike the idiot princess Delinda, Han Jian’s angry temperament rose up.

Was it always like this for Princess Delinda?

No, if your child has been lacking since birth, you should understand.

Are you putting emotional pressure on me like this behind my back?

A child who is already lacking is even more dispirited… … .

Delinda looked back at Rose. Rose held her chin upright, staring at Delinda as if she were looking down at her.

“Rose. State the meaning of your expressions clearly.”


“What is that vague statement that is neither a concern nor a sarcasm? Don’t pretend to be worried to confuse people, but rather tell them your true feelings.”
“Princess Delinda was acting like a fool as usual and completely ruined the job. Say that clearly if you want to say it.”

Then I felt refreshed inside.

Rose was surprised, so she squeezed her dress and let it go again.

“What on earth do you mean by that, princess? How could someone like me dare say something like that to the princess? You’re mistaken.”

Contrary to Delinda’s expectations, Rose instead opened her eyes wide and denied it as if it was absurd.

“Of course. It was a misunderstanding. Then you should have spoken better in the first place so you wouldn’t be misunderstood like this.”


“I thought you were pretending to care about me but actually you were treating me like a fool.”

“Is that possible, princess? I am the princess’s faithful maid.”

Rose, who had a perplexed expression on her face, quickly calmed down.

Her gentle smile, as if she had suddenly become emotional, showed her usual composure.

‘oh… … . Rose seems like a true noblewoman. I’m really unlucky, I guess?’

She had a truly noble appearance.

A trained composure that allows you to hide your true feelings and put a masked smile on your face.

What kind of person is this maid?

As soon as I became curious, unfamiliar information started flooding into my head.


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