Hopefully, at Your Mercy

Hopefully, at your mercy [Early Flower]

Episode 1 〈Prologue〉

“Princess Delinda! Have you really betrayed me? How could you do such a shameless thing to me?!”

A vicious vein appeared on the nape of Count Dewell’s neck.

The distorted face that could not suppress its emotions looked very ugly.

Delinda looked alternately at the two men standing in front of her.

She looked at both the man, one whose face was red with anger and another man who was insensitive and standing as if he was observing the situation.

Delinda first looked at the man who was shaking with anger.

Count Dewell. He was her very own fiancé.

No, my soon-to-be ex-fiancé.

How could someone who always mocked herself and whispered about being in love with her cheats her with another woman, make such a statement?

Did you really think that I wouldn’t know about your affair?

[You have really betrayed me!]

That’s probably something I should have said.

Delinda dismissed her misunderstanding as a misunderstanding and made no excuses.

If her fiancé, Count Duwell, felt humiliated by misunderstanding that he had been deceived, then she planned to leave it alone.

A weak smile appeared on Delinda’s face. And the moment her smile deepens,  The man who was watching them slowly approached.


A low voice calling out loudly. That is, the person who was misunderstood as the person I was having an affair with.

Despite this, he is a person who is observing the situation expressionlessly without providing any explanation or excuse.

“Did you really betray your fiancé?”

There was no emotion behind the seemingly friendly question.

What is the purpose of asking a person who is being treated as an affair partner whether he or she betrayed them?

When she did not respond easily, the man slowly lowered his head and made eye contact.

The clear gaze penetrated as if it were digging into the shaking inner thoughts.

“If you haven’t betrayed him yet, then… you will do it so now.”

“… … yes?”

He lowered his head and placed his lips close to her ear.

And it was at a distance so close that each other’s body heat touched, and it looked like they whispered a secret proposal.

“Use me.”

Delinda took a step back in confusion.

A large hand grabbed her arm tightly and oppressed her. It’s as if he can’t tolerate the distance she’s trying to put herself from him.

The distance between the two, which had been widening, became closer again, and their separated bodies came together again.

This time his chin was lifted by his hand. I was deeply captured by the red gaze again.

“Maybe… … it will be our favorite thing.”

“… … .”

His pitchless voice sounded like a gentle charm.

But to her, it sounded like an arrogant and overbearing command.

Delinda could not easily answer.

My lips were trembling slightly due to tension.

… … Is it a trap? I couldn’t bear it so I averted my eyes.

It was difficult to bear the sight of his eyes shining so clearly in the darkness.

A shimmering madness that was hidden in those red eyes.

She knew that madness.

Prince Iskahn Anagrok.

A noble lineage of the Bakyan Empire and a murderer who rules the land of demonic beasts.

Because he is the one who tried to kill her before…

[Delinda Schultz]

It was a time when two red moons overlapped into one.

Delinda Schultz. This is the name that a woman named Han Ji-an, who lived in Korea, got when she became possessed by a novel.

She has just possessed the body of ‘Delinda Schultz’.

This is the second time in a row in a novel that I have been possessed once before.

And now that she has come to her senses,  Delinda’s father, Duke Schulz, was talking to a man who looked like a conman.

“As you know, Duke, the status of spirit stones has increased significantly recently. If you miss the last opportunity to become a supporter of the spirit stone mine development this time then….”

Lord Kabila, who looked like a fraud, played with his rat-like moustache.

Anyone could easily guess the afterword he omitted without having to use his mouth for a long time.

‘If you miss this last opportunity, the great dukedom will eventually sink!’

The Schultz family was a great family that enjoyed wealth and honor for generations.

However, when it came to this operation, the momentum began to gradually decline.

After going through big and small incidents, all that was left of the Duke’s house was, The plains near the Royac River and the capital’s mansions were all that existed.

Of course, it would have been enough if they were an ordinary noble family, but unfortunately, they are a great noble family with a long history.

It was not large enough to take responsibility for the huge mansion, castle, and also the vassals attached to it.

“The first person with whom I shared this secret was the Duke, and this is only because I have always respected the Duke’s noble character. The sun is setting now. I’m planning to go to a dinner party held at the Sublio family soon….”

Lord Kabila glanced at the window and cried out.

I respect you and gave you a chance first, but if you don’t decide here… It meant that he could go to the dinner party and share this opportunity with others.


Duke Schultz looked at the spirit stone in the light of the setting sun.

Warm light streaming through huge stained glass.

The bright, sparkling light felt like the light of glory that would once again shine upon his family.

‘Good. A decision has to be made. A chance to rebuild our family and cure Delinda’s illness.’

The duke held the jewel tightly. He was planning to make a last-ditch investment, even if it meant mortgaging the mansion.

At that moment, Delinda… …

So, ‘Delinda’, occupied by a woman named Jian Han, has been working hard since a while ago.

‘What. Am I possessed by a novel again? But why does these words and this atmosphere sound so familiar? Is this the same place that I came last time?’

And soon she realized that her analogy was true.

I was now possessed for the second time. That too, again in a novel that I had been possessed once before.

‘Why did I come here again? The novel was completed and I should have returned to reality, but why?’

She lived here for 6 years at the time of her first possession.

Then she should have returned to reality, but after that, my memories of this world became strange.

Some memories were dark, like a curtain had fallen, and nothing came to mind.

Some things were clearly reproduced. I couldn’t think of anything related to myself or my life, but I remembered meaningless things as clearly as if they happened yesterday.

‘Therefore… … Where am I? I need to know that first.’

Delinda just rolled her eyes and tried to understand the current situation.

The place where she is sitting is the luxurious ducal residence.

Judging by the name I heard in the conversation just now,

The person next to me is Duke Schultz, who is considered the father of ‘this body’.

I had heard rumors about him during the first possession.

The reason why the Shultz family was particularly memorable was… It was not because this family was one of the great founding contributors to the Bakyan Empire.

But mainly because the family was collapsing.

That’s because the princess, who was supposed to carry on the family, was an idiot.

Anyway, I remembered it clearly.

‘The fortunes of the family began to decline probably right after the birth of the ‘Idiot Princess’, right?

She has a beautiful face, but she is said to have become a disgrace to the family… … .’

Did they said that she couldn’t speak until she was six years old?

According to rumors, I heard that she is not human, but closer to a beast full of instincts.

It is said that through the efforts of the duke, who educated the princess with love, she was barely able to function as a human being.

The princess was always confined to the duchy.

It seemed like it was to prevent the rumor from spreading that she was an idiot.

‘I remember hearing that the fortunes of the Duke declined while doing various things to cure her condition… … .’

They also said that he called an ancient witch and bought an expensive medicine to cure the soul.

It was also said that in return for seeking advice from a dragon, he was bewitched by a conman and lost a large amount of money.

The biggest blow to the Duke family was that they started a business to compensate for various losses and then suffered a major failure.

Delinda diligently rolled out prior information in her head.

I looked at her father who was sitting next to me who was holding my hand tightly, I turned my attention to Sir Kabila, who was smiling wickedly across from me. And I realized it too late.

… … wait a sec. Are you saying that the idiot princess is me? The owner of this body now is that idiot princess!

I came to my senses in an instant, as if I had just woken up from a nap.

‘So in the end, this means that while trying to cure the condition of ‘me’, i.e. ‘this body’, the work in front of me will be ruined, right?

Besides, it looks like you’re on the verge of being scammed by some strange guy right now?’

I just possessed this body?!

No! My Possessed Life! My Possessed Future!

Delinda, with her fists clenched, blindly opened her mouth to the two people who were about to sign a contract.

“By the way, father. Isn’t it so strange?”

“What do you mean, Delinda?”

“It’s a cave that is said to pour out spirit stones if you dig into it… How did such a great investment opportunity come to us?”

After saying that, I looked at the duke’s expression.

I thought I spoke too smartly for an idiot princess, but

The duke didn’t seem to find it very strange. It looks like she can talk to this extent.

I need to know how stupid you are to decide on the public.

Is it just that they can communicate roughly, but their actions are sloppy and their thoughts are stupid?

“Our family has no money anymore.”

“A few days ago, I prayed to God to give me more money again. I think he heard me..”

High return, high risk. The higher the return, the higher the risk.

I wanted to properly understand the situation, but I had no prior information.

Isn’t it natural? I just got possessed. She didn’t even know what a spirit stone was.

You mean this is a substance that didn’t exist when I first possessed it? What on earth is a spirit stone?


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