His Majesty's Cupid

HMC | Chapter- 04

“.… It’s not funny, Your Majesty.”

Frederick sighed with a salty expression.

“Oh, really? That’s regrettable”, Lucas shrugged.

The atmosphere instantly changed. Lucas said mischievously, “But at least you still have your head attached. It’s an achievement in itself.”

“If it were someone else, they would have fainted. Anyone who has witnessed His Majesty severing the enemy’s neck on the battlefield would understand.”

“I only joked because the opponent is you.”

Frederick smiled softly at Lucas’s words.


Seeing that Frederick had relaxed, Lucas spoke up.

“I know you’re not the only one involved in this matter.”

“Y-Your Majesty. It was a matter of principle…”

“You don’t need to cover for them. I already know the elder council members are in cahoots”

“Y-Your Maj…”

Frederick, at a loss for words, lowered his head. Lucas ruffled his hair with a tired look.

“I understand what you’re worried about. The war finally ended, and securing a successor will cement the peace we’ve finally achieved.”


“But this time, you’ve gone too far. Many are already looking down on me as the young Emperor. If we’re not careful, it could even undermine the status of our Everia.”

War could break out again at any moment.

The consequences of the long-lasting war had weakened the empire’s defense, and other countries were likely aware of it.

If the Emperor were to be underestimated, the security of the Empire would be threatened. We cannot afford to inflict such pain on our people, who have finally found stability.

“It’s my fault for acting too hasty, Your Majesty,” Duke Frederick bit his lip while saying.

Lucas stared at him in silence, then looked away.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to respond to every single one of your love games.”


“Right now, we should be focusing on restoring our nation’s strength rather than the imperial succession.”

Lucas cut off Frederick’s words, coming out firmly.

“I will turn a blind eye to this, for I know your loyalty, but only this once.”

“…I understand, Your Majesty.”

Frederick could say no more as Lucas shifted his gaze.

Lucas slid back into his chair, grabbed a pen, and turned back to his papers as if nothing had happened.

“Trade was an excuse anyway, so you’ll just have to submit a brief report.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After Frederick left, Rosedale was still in front of Lucas.

Now was the perfect time to shoot an arrow. After getting hit by the golden arrow, he would fall in love with the first person he glances on. I just have to find a suitable woman for him.

But Rosedale hesitated. Lucas’s words, ‘love games,’ haunted her.

How could he compare love to a game?

As a messenger of the God of Love, it was truly unacceptable. Rosedale glared at Lucas.

The look in his eyes, devoid of any knowledge or interest in love, was very familiar.

She had seen it so many times over the past twenty years in Elpis.

I didn’t want to bestow my blessing of love on a man who seemed so heartless. But that didn’t mean she could abandon the task Eros had given her.

Caught in a dilemma, Rosedale stood there silently, and then, a knock resounded.

“Your Majesty. It’s Cain.”

“Come in.”

As Cain entered the study, he stood in front of Lucas, looking around cautiously.

“Did you have a good conversation with Duke Frederick?”

“You knew about it too, didn’t you?”

Lucas scoffed, shifting his gaze to Cain.

“You know everything happening in this palace.”

“I apologise for not informing you beforehand. The truth is, I’m one of those who can’t wait for you to marry.”

Cain admitted dryly.

Haa. That’s ridiculous.”

Lucas chuckled while leaning back in his chair. However, despite his blunt tone, his face had unexpectedly softened.

Dumbfounded, Rosedale blinked twice in disbelief. The heavy expression that Lucas had shown earlier seemed like a lie.

Humans are too complex to understand. For now, all she could do was observe.

Unaware of Rosedale’s observations, Lucas and Cain’s conversation continued.

“When the hell are you going to get married? I’m going to die of old age before you do!”

“Cain, we’re the same age. You’ve got at least 60 more years before dying of old age.”

The corner of Lucas’s mouth drew a mischievous arc.

“You still have 60 years to get married. Don’t you think so?”

“Are you serious?”

Cain asked, leaning closer to the desk.

“You do realise that how precious Everian Imperial lineage has been. Right now, there’s no suitable successor to follow His Majesty, and if you keep rejecting incoming proposals, what will happen in the future?”

“Then should I blame the previous emperors for not producing more successors?”

Lucas crossed his arms at Cain’s rant.

“The reason behind this are the Emperors who didn’t take in multiple wives. Should I blame the pure hearts of the Emperors who loved only their Empress through generations? Is that right for us to do?”

“How can you say that?”

Cain thumped his chest in frustration.

Lucas smirked at him. He didn’t seem to be offended that Cain was treating him like this.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Rosedale’s mouth as she watched.

‘I think I know what this is called. It’s friendship.”

I read about it in the books. The relationship that forms among humans, second only to family- Friendship.

The warm emotions shared between equals. Rosedale had envied it so much.

In the fairy realm, friendship was something she’d always wanted to have.

Maybe Rosedale’s fondness for humans began with those feelings.

For her, who had never experienced the love between parents and children, the camaraderie between siblings, and the friendship between friends, those emotions shared for no reason.

With a gaze filled with envy, Rosedale looked at Lucas and Cain.


Lucas, with a serious expression, called Cain in a heavy voice.

“I have no intention of taking a concubine.”

“Well, that’s obvious!”

“I just want to marry a woman whom I can love and respect for a lifetime. Moreover, my wife will be the one to take the Empress’s seat. Being cautious is only natural.”


It was a response that left no room for further comments.

However, unable to dispel his unease, Cain stared at Lucas as if trying to confirm the truth. But Lucas still maintained a confident attitude.

“Your Majesty, then please meet Marquis Duarte’s daughter for once. I will ask for nothing more than that.”


“What? Why?”

The answer was so flat that Cain gave him a wistful look. Lucas turned his attention back to the papers.

“Marquis Duarte already has too much power within the nobility. To favor the Marquis would only add to his power.”

“Well, then, what about Viscount Eugene? The Viscount is from a lower rank of nobility and dislikes politics.”

“Also rejected.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“You said it yourself, the Viscount is from lower nobility. Aren’t high ranking aristocrats more suitable for wielding authority?”

“S-Since when did you care about family ranks..!”

Cain gritted his teeth and barely contained his anger.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit contradictory that you say you want to find the love of your life, but don’t bother meeting the Young Ladies?”

“Does it?”

Lucas asked nonchalantly. And Cain’s face scrunched up.

“It’s because of Majesty’s behaviour that strange rumours keep circulating!”

“What rumours? Ah… That I’m in love with you.”

“Your Majesty!!!”

Watching Cain, who finally let out his suppressed frustration, Lucas let out a faint, deflated laugh.

It, almost too small to be called a laughter, but he was clearly at ease.

But a moment later, Lucas’s face was as dry as desert again.

“Cain. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m only twenty-three years old. You guys don’t have to be so persistent about this.”


“I can’t stand the sight of you people jumping around like that anymore.”

Even Cain recognized that expression. It was Lucas’s final act of kindness accumulated through their friendship.

A polite nod was all Cain, who had returned from a friend to an aide, could offer.

“I’ll keep that in mind and inform the others.”

“Then, go out and do your work.”


As Cain left the office, a stillness filled the room. The genuine thoughts leaked from Lucas’ lips.

“Just continuing this life is already sinful, to afford love is… impossible.”

Can I not be happy alone?

After a mix of self-reflection and self-pity, Lucas’ bitter smile echoed softly.

On the other side, Rosedale thought, ‘Why do you look so sad?’

‘Humans have a short life span. Mostly up to 100 years. But why did the human in front of her seem to bear such deep pain in his fragile life? What happened to him?’

The complex expression on Rosedale’s face soon resolved into a determined one.

“…I still have a lot to learn about humans.”

When Rosedale spread her left hand, a large bow appeared.

“I don’t understand why you’re in so much pain, or why you’re pretending to be so emotionless.”

Next, a sparkling golden arrow emerged on her right hand.

“But I know that love gives humans the courage to overcome fear and provides happiness enough to conquer death.”

As she nocked the arrow on the bow, a brilliant golden light enveloped Rosedale.

She knew Lucas feared love. But just because he felt afraid, should he give up and abandon the chance to experience the small yet great happiness that love could bring in his short life?

“…I am still ignorant about humans.”

“They say that a newborn needs a great deal of strength to take its first breath. They have to overcome the trial of expanding lungs and make their hearts beat, resulting in breathing so naturally like you all do.”

So be brave, just like taking that first breath.

To face your fears, so that the happiness of love can reach you naturally.

So that there may be an end to your inexplicable sorrow.

Rosedale pulled the bowstring with determination.

A warm breeze blew her hair. Her pink hair fluttered like cotton candy.

Concentrating on the bowstring, before she realized it, Rosedale’s arrow flew towards Lucas.

Directly into the center of his heart.


  1. Vicky says:

    Did I misunderstand something? Why doesn’t she wait until she finds a suitable partner to use the arrow? Makes no sense in my opinion 🤔

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