His Majesty's Cupid

HMC | Chapter- 03

“Please have mercy…”

The heavy voice echoed in the council chamber.

“I’ve said it before.”

Thick muscles capable of wielding a sword with ease, contrasting with a sleek and clean physique. His towering height gave his perfect proportions an overwhelming aura.

In his firm grip, the sword glowed with an eerie light.

“There is no mercy for those who threaten the peace of my empire.”

“Y-Your Majesty, please spare me!”

The man, with his head bowed, trembled in fear. It was a pitiful sight. Yet, Lucas’s gaze towards him remained unwavering.

“In accordance to the imperial authority, I hereby execute the spy from Robia.”

“Your Majesty, please..!!!”

Before the man could finish his plea, Lucas’s sword slashed across his neck.

A single stroke and the man’s life was extinguished, releasing a gush of blood.


Gasps and cries of horror erupted from the onlookers.

Several of the assembled deputies gagged and freaked out.

The dead man’s blood soaked the floor and dripped to Lucas’s shoes. The sticky blood clung to his feet like a trap.

Nevertheless, Lucas maintained his expressionless and dry face.

“Clean this up.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

With a casual motion, Lucas dropped the blood-stained sword on the floor and turned away.

In the meantime, his aide Cain signaled the knights to tidy up the hall.

While the lifeless body was being removed and the blood on the floor wiped away, Lucas took his seat on the imperial throne. Crossing his long legs and tilting his head slightly, his gaze fell upon the assembly.

“Among you, there must be vultures working as spies.”


“It’s been three years since the war ended, yet why do I still feel like I’m on the battlefield?”

Due to the recent events, Lucas’s demeanour became excessively cynical, causing the temperature in the conference hall to drop.

The hot breath of the people filled the air, but the overwhelming fear enveloped them, making them feel a chilling cold.

“Find and eliminate all the weeds still lurking in the imperial palace.”

With a sigh, Lucas rose from his seat.

“All will be dealt with strictly by the Imperial law.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cain followed Lucas out of the council chamber. His gaze sank with a touch of sadness.

Eight years ago, a war erupted abruptly due to the invasion of the Continental Coalition which lasted for five years.

The tug-of-war had finally ended three years ago with Everia’s victory and the continent united under his rule.

Under Lucas’s reign, stability and peace quickly returned to the war-torn lives of the people, but…

Lucas’s back still seemed stained with blood.

“Your Majesty. Why don’t you get some rest?”

Cain sighed as he observed Lucas’s fatigued appearance in the office chair.

“His Majesty didn’t get any sleep last night and stayed in the office. I’m afraid you might collapse at this rate.”

“Why? Are you afraid the empire will be gone as there’s no successor to inherit the throne?”

“Your Majesty!”

“It was a joke. You really have a loud voice.”

Lucas gripped his pen with a smirk.

His mischievous grin finally made him look a little like a man my age. It was only possible because Commander Cain was a close friend who grew up with him since childhood.

“I heard that Duke Frederick is returning from the Geliers Kingdom across the continent. It seems to be related to the trade matter he reported earlier.”



For a moment, Cain’s body stiffened.

“Well, another interesting rumour has been going around.”

Lucas’s fingertips flipped through the papers.

“It seems that Duke Frederick not only neglected trade but went to pray to the God of love worshipped in Geliers.”


“There is no way the Duke, who has seen his grandchildren, would pray for the fulfilment of his love.”

“Y-Your Majesty, that’s…”

“A duke like him wouldn’t just go sightseeing at the Temple of God of love.”


Lucas’s hand stopped signing the papers.

His fierce eyes met Cain’s and he quivered once again.

“Send a messenger to the gates of the capital. Have Duke Frederick enter the palace as soon as he reaches the capital and have an audience.”

“…Yes, Your Majesty.”

Poor Duke Frederick. Looks like he’s about to be thrown to the wolves.

As Cain left the office and entertained such thoughts, Lucas leaned back in his chair. He closed his eyes for a moment with a tired expression.

How many days has it been since he last slept?

He couldn’t control the cruel memories that came rushing in. The souls of those he couldn’t protect and those he killed with his own hands haunted him.

Why are you the only one left alive, they whisper in my ear, bringing tears of blood.

Just like now.


A helpless mockery escaped his tired lips.

In the stifling silence, Lucas was still in the middle of the battlefield, alone.



“At last…”

Rosedale’s eyes lit up with excitement as he arrived in the capital of Everia.

“Finally a human village!”

Humans here, humans there!

She cheered as she mingled with the cute humans.

Following Duke Frederick’s entourage out of the Temple of Eros, Rosedale embarked on an unexpectedly long journey.

For the first ten days, she saw only the sea as she followed Frederick’s ship to the continent.

After reaching the continent, she hoped to finally see humans, but after passing through a harbour, she saw nothing but wooded trails for another 14 days.

The only humans I could see were Frederick and his group, and all I could see was the grass, water, and trees I had seen so many times in the fairy realm.

As if repaying the long hardship, she reached a nest where many humans gathered after a whopping 24 days.

“Oh my! Is that a tiny human?”

Rosedale let out a squeak, seeing a child barely reaching her knee.

“How can they be so round and cute? Is that the shop I read about in the book?”

Due to the invisibility spell, Rosedale hid among the humans and explored the city to her heart’s content.

The bustling streets were filled with a cacophony, and the unfamiliar scents and strange objects were scattered everywhere.

Parents followed behind their running children, and friends gathered, laughing heartily.

This is what ‘living’ meant, Rosedale thought in these moments.

My heart was pounding in my chest and I couldn’t calm down. She could feel the hot blood rushing through her body, as if she had turned into a human.

For the first time in his life, Rosedale felt alive.

“Duke Frederick!”

Just then, a knight on horseback rode up to Frederick.

“A massage from His Majesty. He has ordered me to summon you as soon as you return to the capital.”

“Understood. I’ll go right away.”

Frederick, who had intended to report to the Emperor as soon as possible, did not hesitate and headed straight for the palace.

“I’d love to see more, but I suppose duty comes first..”

Since I didn’t know the face of the man I was supposed to be shooting arrows at, I thought it best to follow Frederick for now.

After finishing everything, let’s enjoy sightseeing to our heart’s content, Rosedale consoled herself and followed Frederick.

After another long ride, Frederick’s party arrived at the palace.

Through the massive gates, they entered a world maintained gardens and ornate buildings. Artificial fountains sparkled in the sunlight, reassured her that this was not the fairy realm.

However, amid the serenity, the humans walking inside the palace showed a familiarly boring mannerism.

“Whether humans or fairies, they are meticulous about their etiquette and rules.”

She shook her head at the sight she had seen so many times as the daughter and heir of the Fairy King.

‘Let’s get on with our duties and leave.’

Rosedale followed Frederick to the centre of the palace.

The luxurious chandelier, seen only in books, first caught Rosedale’s eyes. Large paintings hanging in the long corridor seemed to come to life and move at any moment.

While Rosedale was gaping in admiration at the unfamiliar cultural artifacts, they already reached the Emperor’s office.

“Your Majesty, Duke Frederick has arrived!”

“Let him enter.”

As the knight guarding the door shouted, a pleasant voice flowed out from the inside.

It sounded like the clear song that fairies sang when they were in a good mood, Rosedale thought. Along with Frederick she stepped in.


Rosedale exclaimed as she spotted the man seated in front of her.

“How is it possible for a human to be more handsome than a fairy?

Fairies are said to be the most beautiful of all races. But Rosedale swore she had never seen one as beautiful as the human before her.

His black hair was brighter than the starry night sky, and his emerald eyes were deeper than the greenest forest.

The graceful lines of his face could make the flower fairies sing praises for days, and his tall stature seemed unmatched even against the King of the Elves.

“Greetings to the glory of Everia. May God bless us with infinite light.”

As Rosedale stood in mesmerised admiration, Frederick bowed.


The man’s lips parted as he flipped through the papers.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Frederick stood in front of his desk with a slightly awkward movement.

‘Ah, so that’s the human Emperor Lucas.’

Suddenly, Rosedale realised that the handsome man was the target of this mission.

I’ve heard that peacocks adorn themselves for courtship, humans who enjoy dressing up might be similar.

But why did this human Lucas cause concern for the other humans in the empire by not finding a mate?

‘With such a handsome appearance, he could attract potential partners without bothering to dress up.’

As Rosedale shook her head, Lucas’s said, “Lord Frederick.”

Lucas, whose gaze shifted from the documents, looked directly at Frederick.

His expression was cold.

He sighed loudly and crossed his arms, “The Duke stopped by the Temple of Eros.”


“Trade was an excuse.”


Frederick, who lowered his head in silence, saw Lucas approaching slowly. A heavy intimidation filled the air.

“Was it so important to you to see an heir that you wanted to turn to a God that didn’t exist?”

“W-What blasphemy…”

Rosedale’s lips parted at Lucas dismissing the presence of Eros.

Brush passing the invisible Rosedale, he in front of Frederick.

“A famous Duke visited the Temple of Eros. His earnest prayers were for the succession to the imperial throne.”


“Rumours of such have begun to circulate. Even in the Kingdom of Geliers.”

Frederick gulped at Lucas’s words.

“Who would have thought that you, the one who never used age as an excuse to go out, the one who supported me, the one who used to give me candy as a child, would now stab me in the back.”

“…I apologise.”

With a gloomy expression, Duke Frederick bowed his head. Lucas sighed and sat back in his chair, glaring at Frederick with arms crossed.

Furrowing his brow he showed a defiant smile.

“I wonder if killing you would end this embarrassment.”

Soon after, a cold silence settled in the office.


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