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HIFH | Chapter 13

Episode 13

He helped Sharan up and quickly checked her body.

“What happened? Are you okay?”

But there was no need to ask—Sharan clearly wasn’t okay.

Her palms were covered in blood, as if she had grabbed a sharp blade with her bare hands, and blood was also flowing from her thigh.

Lu felt his heart drop.

No way… Was Sharan going to die?

“Ugh, it hurts so much.”

But the way she whined immediately put an end to his worries.

Sigh. Lou exhaled in relief and shook his head.

“Of course, it hurts. You’re bleeding so much.”

“Did you have to put it that way?”

“Yes. So shut up. You’ll reopen your wounds.”

“You’re so mean.”

Ignoring her pouting, Lu quickly tore the hem of his shirt and began tightly bandaging her thigh.

“Isn’t that shirt expensive?”

“What does that matter right now—!”

Lu snapped, then quickly caught himself. Right, Sharan was the injured one here.

Fortunately, the wound had missed a major artery. It was a deep cut, but not life-threatening.


Lu let out a relieved sigh and leaned his head back.

His pounding heart was finally beginning to settle.

“Tell me.”


“Tell me what happened. Why is Themis dead, and why are you hurt?”


Charles subtly rolled her eyes.

The reason Adrian had given her the sword before leaving was simple.

“We were attacked.”

To make it look like they had been ambushed.

“I don’t know who it was. They were masked. They suddenly appeared, killed Themis, and then came for me.”

If Charles had come out of this unscathed, it would have raised suspicions.

That’s why Adrian had naturally suggested that she injure herself.

And she had complied, just as naturally.

“I should’ve caught them. I’m sorry.”

Lu stared at Charles.

Blood was still dripping from her unhealed wounds.

Her pale face looked like she could collapse at any moment.

And yet, the first thing she said was sorry? Instead of worrying about herself?

Irritation flared up inside him.

It was an old feeling, a frustration born from the fear and anxiety he could no longer suppress.

“Why do you keep doing this?”

Lu roughly ran a hand through his hair, glaring at Charles.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

She looked genuinely confused, which only made her more infuriating.

Lu’s brows furrowed deeper.

“I’m asking why you never take care of yourself first.”

Charles blinked several times, then glanced down at herself.

Sure, it hurt, but it wasn’t unbearable.

She had been through worse. A wound like this wasn’t worth whining about.

“It’s not a big deal, so—”

Lu’s face went completely pale.

“What do you mean it’s not a big deal?! You’re bleeding everywhere!”

Well, of course. She had cut herself deep enough to make it convincing…

But she couldn’t say that out loud, so she pressed her lips together.

Lu continued.

“This isn’t just about today. Don’t you remember when you went undercover as the Grand Duke’s maid? One of the new recruits messed up, got caught, and you stepped in to take the hit for them?”

“If I hadn’t, they would have died.”

“And what about when we were tracking the heretics? You knew it was a trap, and you still drank the poison on purpose.”

“If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t have found their base.”

“That’s exactly the problem!”

Lu finally lost control and shouted.

“Why don’t you ever take care of yourself?! What if you end up dead?!”


Charles looked at him calmly.

“I’m not afraid of dying.”

There wasn’t even a hint of hesitation in her voice.

“If dying is what it takes to do what I need to do, then so be it.”

“Is your mission really that important?”

“It’s more important than me.”

Lu’s eyes trembled.

He stared at her, then abruptly turned away and stood up.

“I’ve stopped the bleeding for now. Stay put. I’ll go get the marquis’s soldiers.”

“I can get up and go too.”

“You said your mission is important, right?”

Lu’s tone dripped with sarcasm.

“You should act like a helpless woman who was suddenly attacked in the marquis’s territory.”

He nudged the dagger lying on the ground with his foot.

“That way, you’ll owe the marquis a favor, won’t you?”


Charles blinked up at him.

He wasn’t wrong.

This would help the Guardians’ mission and keep Catacle’s involvement hidden.

After all, both of them were sacrificing for their missions.

So why was Lu so irritated?

As if he couldn’t control his emotions?

‘He’s usually impossible to read.’

Why now?

Charles pondered for a moment as she watched Lou disappear into the distance.

Then she furrowed her brows and muttered under her breath.

“What a drama queen.”

Oh well.

As the kind one, she’d play along.

So she lay down in the grass, pretending to be gravely injured.


“Oh my goodness! Lady Charles!”

The Marquis of Bydon arrived late, gasping in shock.

“What on earth happened here?!”

As Lu helped me out of the forest, I lowered my head and coughed weakly.

“I heard gunshots… When I went to check, I found someone had been shot. I tried to escape with them, but… they didn’t make it…”

The marquis’s face turned pale. I sniffled and put on a remorseful expression.

“I tried to stop the attacker, but… I’m so sorry…”

I bowed deeply—then intentionally staggered.


At that, Lu dramatically pulled me into his embrace. Pressing my cheek against his firm chest, I took a deep breath.

“No, no! What do you have to apologize for, Lady Charles?! It was our failure to maintain proper security! Damn it, send out the soldiers immediately! We must capture the intruder, no matter what!”

Perhaps my acting was too convincing, as the marquis was utterly taken in and raged with fury.

“I swear, we will catch that wretched bastard and make him kneel before you, Lady Charles!”

Panting heavily, the marquis stepped toward me.

He had the imposing build of a former soldier, so I naturally had to tilt my head up to meet his gaze.

“Lady Charles.”

Bending his knees slightly, he looked into my eyes and spoke.

“If it weren’t for you, that intruder might have barged into the banquet hall itself.”

…That wouldn’t have happened.

Adrian’s only target was Themis.

“Thanks to you, everyone was able to return home safely. I am truly grateful.”

With him expressing such gratitude, I couldn’t exactly refute it. So, I offered a small smile and nodded.

“I will not let your deeds go unrecognized, Lady Charles.”

But his next words were a bit strange.

“I will ensure that everyone knows of your sacrifice!”

Why would you do that?

I quickly waved my hands in protest.

“Ah, no. That really won’t be necessa—”

“We are deeply grateful for your kind words, Your Grace.”

But Lou was faster than me.

“The thought of her frail, delicate body struggling to hold off an intruder… It pains me deeply. But at least, thanks to her, we were able to avoid even greater danger.”

His expression darkened dramatically as he dropped his shoulders.

“I truly am an unworthy fiancé.”

“How could you say such a thing?!”

The marquis looked at Lu with admiration, shaking his head.

“You are both incredibly kind-hearted souls. True paragons of virtue in this era!”

…Who’s a paragon of virtue?

If I had to pick someone least suited for that title, it would be Lu.

I sniffled and pressed my lips together.

“Lady Charles, once again, I thank you and apologize. I’m not sure how I can possibly repay you, but I will make sure to find a way soon.”

The marquis gave me a respectful bow.

I knew Lu had deliberately stepped forward to manipulate the marquis.

I knew this entire situation stemmed from Catacle.

But there was only one response I could give.

“I… am just relieved that everyone made it home safely.”

Playing the role of the saint.

“I’m truly fine.”

Cough, cough!

Of course, I didn’t forget to let out a few deliberate coughs.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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