Harmless Obsession for the Captivating Male Lead

Chapter 112


Scott Lovitz crossed his arms with a shameless expression, his complexion not changing at all. If that was acting, it would be truly amazing, and if he really went crazy and did that, it would give me goosebumps.


Why on earth does Scott Lovitz do that? It will be revealed when you go to Northwood, where Margrave Lovitz is, that Llewellyn is the real Duke of Rasiane. Even the Margrave Lovitz couldn’t pretend not to recognize the Duke of Rasiane just because he was crazy.


‘… … Wait, maybe that’s why?’


Are you taking Llewellyn and our group to the Northwoods?


‘Do you plan to isolate us in the Northwood and then attack us? Lovitz finally decides to take over the Hill family… … .’


No, no. That can’t be possible. No matter how much Lovitz hates the Hill family, the Margrave Lovitz is not foolish enough to make such a revealing move.


‘Then I think we should see this as something Scott Lovitz did alone… … .’


Why should Scott Lovitz take us to Northwood instead of coming to his city of Luton? … What is it?


As I was thinking about it, Scott Lovitz spoke again.


“I am not sure whether you are truly the Duke of Rasiane, so I must accompany you to Northwood, where my father, the Margrave Lovitz, resides. I’m reluctant to take the Magic Tower guys with me, but… … I will make special concessions.”


After speaking, Scott Lovitz looked at me again and smiled bitterly. The intention behind that gaze was so clear that it gave me goosebumps. Crazy bastard.


‘This guy must be acting now. As I expected, they’re taking us to the Northwoods… … .’


As expected, there is something to hide. Probably in Luton. What is it?


‘We can’t go all the way to Northwood like this, as he intended. Did Llewellyn notice?’


‘Scott Lovitz is hiding something.’


I glanced at Llewellyn. He was sarcastic. Perhaps because a frost-like energy was creeping out of him, the four people except


Scott Lovitz hesitated as if they were frightened.


“…Are you not understanding what I’m saying?”




Llewelyn muttered quietly. What he said was something no one expected.


“How dare you look at my fiancee?”


“… … !”


“I have told you to not to look at her like that.”


Llewellyn walked towards Scott Lovitz and grabbed him by the collar. At the same time, four of Scott Lovitz’s men drew their swords and aimed them at Llewellyn. It was truly an imminent situation. I quickly looked around nervously.


‘Where on earth is Sir Hayden and Alex at a time like this? Now that I think about it, I can’t see Enrique either… … There’s only half of Rosamund’s mercenaries left, right?’


Apparently, the people who weren’t here had gone out to scout the surrounding area. There may be more hordes of demonic beasts coming down from the northern mountain.



‘The timing really sucks… … .’


I thought bitterly to myself and repeatedly clenched and unclenched my hands. There was no way such a ragtag group could hurt Llewellyn, but I was still worried that he might get even a small wound.


However, it was not a situation where a member of the Hill family could step forward. If you attack Scott Lovitz and the four people first, there is a risk that it will escalate into a big fight between families.


‘How should… … .’


It was then. Llewellyn smiled coldly, and out of nowhere, his divine power exploded. The air trembled in the wake of the force, and the four people surrounding Llewellyn were knocked out in the blink of an eye.


Only then did a look of embarrassment cross Scott Lovitz’s face. Llewellyn grabbed him by the neck so tightly that it seemed like he was strangling him and scolded him in a brutal voice.


“Even after seeing this divine power, would you say that I am not Llewellyn Rasiane?”


“Poetry and divine power can be possessed even if one is not the Duke of Rasiane.”


“Stop your nonsense, Scott Lovitz. There is a limit to what we can tolerate. I’m still having a hard time holding back the desire to break your neck and kill you.”


Llewellyn, with his spooky aura, seemed like a different person. He was completely different from the cute and lovely man I knew, like a big puppy.


I tensed without realizing it and looked at him with my hands clasped together. The reason Llewellyn was so angry was probably because Scott Lovitz was looking at me with his sinister eyes.


It was surprising to me, but I felt that my existence was anathema to Llewellyn.


“If you plan on continuing to spout nonsense… … .”


It was the moment Llewellyn tried to warn Scott Lovitz.


“This, this… What on earth is going on?”


Sierra appeared from nowhere and asked in a trembling voice with her eyes wide open.



She was wearing a therapist’s gown, and judging by the amount of blood on it, she must have been treating the injured.


Besides, she wasn’t alone. I was startled to immediately recognize the person standing next to her. It was the same man I saw at the bookstore in Galantea.


The man’s appearance was not much different from then. The only thing that changed was the clothes. Long blond hair down to his shoulders and very pale gray eyes. The thick glasses were making his already blurry eyes even more blurry.


‘Why is that man here?’


I looked at Sierra curiously, but she wasn’t looking at me. Her eyes were glued to Llewellyn and Scott Lovitz.


“Ha ha ha… … Your Excellency, Duke of Rasiane, you seem very angry. Please calm down first. There are many eyes watching…”


Scott Lovitz said in a trembling voice to Llewellyn, who was glaring at me as if he were going to kill me.


‘Because there are so many eyes watching’ was a funny thing to say. So what about him? He committed so many misdeeds, while there were many eyes watching…



“Your Excellency the Duke of Rasiane? Didn’t you just treat me like an imposter?”


When Llewellyn asked coldly and sarcastically, Scott Lovitz raised his hands with a servile expression.


“Because I have facial recognition impairment… … . I didn’t realize it before. Please forgive me generously… … .”


It was obvious why that idiot changed his attitude and became servile. Even if he tried in vain, he would not get through to Llewellyn, so he probably decided that it would be better to avoid the anger if he couldn’t even get his money back.


‘But… … Now Llewellyn is really… … .’


Because he’s about to kill Scott Lovitz.


Even Adrian seemed surprised and just watched the situation without saying anything. Looking at Adrian’s expression, it seemed that Llewellyn looked unusual in his eyes.


‘I never thought the day would come when Adrian would look at Llewellyn like that.’


Perhaps by now, the image of Llewellyn as an uncontrollable


crazy person had formed into Adrian’s mind.


“Facial recognition disorder?”


Llewellyn’s voice mixed with a cold sneer was heard. He threw Scott Lovitz’s body on the floor and stomped on his back.


“If that were true, Margrave Lovitz would not have entrusted you with the city of Luton. Stop this nonsense.”


Well, it looks like Llewellyn is so angry right now that he can’t see anything.


‘He was even stepping on Scott! First of all, that idiot is also the heir to the Count Lovitz…’


Of course, it’s refreshing on the inside. Still, if this matter had reached Margrave Lovitz’s ears, he could have raised an issue with it later.


Although it is not comparable to the Duke of Rasiane, it is said that the Count Lovitz family is also increasing in power.


Even so, the Lovitz family’s judgment would have been distorted by my engagement to Llewellyn, but I didn’t want to add to the problem.


‘It would be best to stop Llewellyn at this point.’


Since no one is trying to stop him, I have no choice but to step forward. I sighed and walked over to Llewellyn’s side and hugged him tightly.


Then Llewellyn stopped and looked back at me with a blank expression on his face. As soon as my image was captured, the deep anger in his eyes gradually faded. I quietly called him.




“… … .”


“Anyway, what this town needs is relief, this idiot… No, it would be better to speak to Count Lovitz.”


Currently, the villagers were in dire need of relief supplies.


There was a shortage of barracks to shelter from the rain and wind, and many things were desperately needed to rebuild the village, including materials, manpower, food, water, and clothing.


The problem was whether that bastard Scott Lovitz would really help the village people.


However, this place is too close to the Lovitz territory for the Hill


family to step forward… … Political problems could arise.


Alternatively, there was a way to help from the Rasiane duchy, but it would take several days to procure the supplies.


Therefore, it was best to supply relief supplies from the nearby city of Luton.


‘If we just use the large-scale movement magic a few times, we could easily procure relief supplies. After all, it is close to Lovitz Territory… … .’


I looked at Llewellyn with a sad expression. He blinked his eyes quietly, then sighed and removed his foot from Scott Lovitz’s back.


“All right. I will do as Rosenia wishes.”


As I smiled brightly, Llewellyn wrapped one arm around my shoulder and hugged me. It was a big deal for him because he was so angry, like a crazy person, but I was glad he came back to his senses quickly.


“Then, Count Lovitz.”


“… … !”


As soon as he got up from the floor, Scott Lovitz, who was standing far away from Llewellyn, trembled.


How could someone so ambitious and deceptive be on such a trivial topic? I clicked my tongue and glanced at Scott Lovitz.


“Let’s get relief supplies to this village as soon as possible. The items needed are… What should we do? Write it down.”


“Ah, I understand, His Excellency Duke Rasiane.”


The sight of Scott Lovitz as he hurriedly took out a pen and notebook from his arms and began writing down was extremely servile.


However, the occasional twinkle in the eye was unusual, so I thought I should check out the city of Luton.


‘There’s definitely something to hide.’


Scott Lovitz, who wrote down the list recited by Llewellyn, had his men deliver it to Luton City.


Now we have to make sure the relief supplies arrive properly… … One annoying situation came to an end and I settled down for an hour.


As I leaned into Llewellyn’s arms and sighed, I was startled unconsciously by the sight of a person who suddenly entered my field of vision.


‘I forgot. That man… … .’


A man with long golden hair standing side by side with Sierra and talking.


He slowly looked this way, as if he felt my gaze. Nothing could be read in the blurry eyes behind his thick glasses.


Scott Lovitz and that guy… … .


There was more than one suspicious thing.


‘… … Well, shall we slowly dig in from now on?’


I got out of Llewellyn’s arms and slowly approached him.


The pale-blooded lips of an unknown man who saw me getting closer drew a long line.


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