Hardboiled Scenario

Chapter 6


It was clearly a moan that burst from her mouth, but it was a sound so faint that it felt unfamiliar to call it her own.

Ah, it’s strange.

Those bizarre sensations spreading through the crevice between her legs stirred her insides while simultaneously boiling up. She had a premonition that if she kept holding this in, her brain might melt.

Tens, hundreds, thousands of grains began gathering in the deepest part of her inner walls, trembling and spreading open to their limit.

Jae-in opened her mouth wide and trembled.

It’s really weird. What is it? Is something wrong?

At the moment when the grains that had clearly swelled their presence were driven to the point of colliding with each other and bursting, the inside of the vagina convulsed and clenched with a beep of tinnitus.

Ugh! If you squeeze like that, I might come too.”

Muyoung, who frowned at the pressure of the vaginal opening biting the shaft of his cock, grabbed her buttocks so hard it left handprints.

Ha, fuck!”

Rough breaths overflowed through his teeth. Swallowing curses in a suppressed voice, he repeatedly slammed his lower body and glued their crotches together without gaps.

At the same time, thousands of grains bloomed and popped in Jae-in’s belly. In her dazed mind, the image of hundreds and thousands of popcorn scattering in the air came to mind.


By the time Muyoung came out of the bathroom after washing and putting on a robe, Jae-in was already fully dressed.

“Are you leaving?”

“Yes. I’m going to go. Aren’t we done?”

“You’re quite cool about it. I thought we’d stay together until morning.”

“I’m the type that needs to sleep at home.”

“Ah, I see.”

Muyoung roughly wiped the water from his wet hair with a towel and untied the waistband.

“Wait a minute. I’ll take you.”

“It’s okay. I can take a taxi.”

“That’s not manners, you must have overexerted yourself today. If it’s a bit awkward to tell me your address, I’ll just drop you off somewhere close.”

“Really, it’s fine. And how much was the hotel fee?”

Muyoung, who was putting on his pants, stopped dead in his tracks while fastening the buckle. Then, as if gauging something, he rolled his tongue against his cheek. His face looked as if the good mood from a little while ago had plummeted to the bottom in an instant.

“Why are you asking that?”

“I’ll pay half.”

Muyoung tossed the shirt in his hand onto the armrest of the sofa. He brushed back the hair covering his forehead with an indifferent touch and stood in front of Jae-in.

“Did you not like me by any chance? Did I do poorly? Even after holding you twice?”

“That’s not it.”

Muyoung’s broad shoulders cast a shadow over her body like an awning. His calmly lowered eyes examine Jae-in’s face.

“If I didn’t do poorly, then why did you suddenly turn cold?”


“I’m asking because I don’t understand the current situation, weren’t we quite good together, no?”

“Yes. That’s right. It was good.”


How should I explain it?

For Jae-in, sex wasn’t an act with special meaning that you should do with someone you love.

In her mind, sex was just a type of skinship. You do it if you want to, and don’t if you don’t want to.

Of course, the weight of the memory left by the first experience would be different, but it seemed like she made a pretty good choice.

From an evolutionary perspective, the man’s appearance belonged to superior genes, and so did his physique. A higher-grade individual, above average.

She wasn’t sure to what degree the act with him was, as she had no experience to compare it to.

However, according to a study by a female medical specialist, only 5-8% of women feel vaginal orgasms from penetrative intercourse.

Based on that percentage, the man and I were quite compatible. I felt the penetrative orgasm that is said to be so difficult on the first try.

The convulsions and contractions of the vaginal muscles, the afterglow from the climax. The three elements combined to create a pleasurable sensation. It was a willing feeling to the point of not having to refuse being exhausted.

My curiosity was satisfied. So that’s the end of it. There was no need to go further. It was no exaggeration to say that I derived approximate results from the first sex I had.

“Thank you.”

I was lucky.

If I hadn’t met him, I would have had to find another man, but now I don’t have to go through that hassle again.

“Saying thank you here just makes it weirder. It’s not like I came as a male prostitute to provide service.”

“I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Then what did you mean?”

“I meant that this meeting today is enough, so you don’t need to treat me any better than this.”

She knew well that explaining the situation in detail would not make the man understand. It was a result acquired through numerous past experiences. Everyone who knew her badmouthed her behind her back. Saying she lacked social skills.

Jae-in also acknowledged it to some extent. Because she chose to become socially isolated herself. Jae-in, who had lived without forming deep relationships with anyone, was quite satisfied with her current life.

Instead, she gained peace. It was the result of working tirelessly to make everything turn out that way.

“We met to enjoy each other’s company, so let’s not cross any lines.”


So this is it. It was a good encounter, but don’t cross the line anymore.

“Alright. Let’s do that.”

What more was there to say when she said no? However, contrary to his easy answer, Muyoung felt a bit of a letdown.

He had impulsively slept with the woman who absurdly said she came to have sex, but it was good throughout.

He also liked the reversal charm of showing a completely different side when her consistently calm face contorted with pleasure. The woman who shattered his nerves every time she opened her mouth was also cute.

So he wanted to know more about her. Rather than meeting idiotic bastards through the app, how about meeting me instead?

But before he could even bring it up, he got harshly dumped.

“Then. I’ll get going first.”

The woman bowed deeply at the waist and politely bid farewell. A snicker escaped from Muyoung’s mouth again.

Really. She’s just going to leave like this?

Somehow it felt like he was being used and thrown away.

That thing called pride, if it was visible to the eyes, it would have been crumpled up like a piece of paper, it was such a dirty feeling.

Since he was already used, at the moment he was about to grab her stubbornly and lay her back down on the bed to eat her one more time, the woman holding the doorknob looked back.

A faint smile resembling a sigh appeared on her lips and then disappeared.

“It’s Jeong Jae-in.”

Why now, what for, why is she telling me her name when she said not to cross the line? Muyoung glared coldly.

“I know Seo Muyoung-ssi’s name, but Seo Muyoung-ssi doesn’t know my name, and that bothered me.”

That shouldn’t be the thing that bothers her, but the woman left only her name behind.

They say animals leave their hide when they die, and people leave their name, she was exactly that.

Fuck, if you were going to let me know anyway, you should have given me your phone number.


In the Labor Standards Act, there was something called working hours. 40 hours a week, 5 days a week. The so-called nine to six. It meant starting work at nine and leaving at six.

Recently, many companies have implemented flexible commutes and work hours, working from home, etc., but that’s the law of that country, and this country has this country’s laws.

The law of this country was that you couldn’t even dream of leaving at 6, and there were hardly any windows where the lights went out before 9.

Of course, the opposite situation was possible.

6 o’clock start, 9 o’clock finish.

Muyoung was like that too.

The sun that rose from the east had long ago set in the west and been devoured by darkness, but the light from the window of the office where he sat was brighter than the sun that had heroically sacrificed itself.

In the evening, after the working-level officials and investigators had left work, Muyoung’s eyes were soaked with fatigue as he sat like a boulder, reading documents.

The cases assigned to him were a mountain, but the cases he had yet to pass on were an even bigger mountain. The investigation materials related to the cases were definitely multiplying infinitely.

The documents that couldn’t be reduced that way piled up like a mountain, filling the cabinets and desks, and even forming a tower on the window frame.

“The waves never end. There’s no windfall.”

Muyoung put down the pen in his hand, stopping mid-read of the document, and washed his face without water. A long sigh escaped through his teeth.

The case he needed to handle today was a death caused by an overdose of medical drugs. He wasn’t sure if it could be called an accident, but the victim had died while being administered propofol. The autopsy revealed acute heart failure due to drug overdose.

“Fuck. I don’t know if he had the ambition to study his brains out and turn the entire nation into drug offenders, but this’s not mercy, what else would be mercy.”

Drugs that were only dealt with by those involved in criminal organizations were gradually becoming more common. Recently, even fentanyl, the so-called zombie drug, has been causing problems here and there.

Narcotic medicines that should be carefully managed at the national level were passing through people’s throats all too easily with just a doctor’s prescription.

The biggest reason why people who didn’t know anything became addicted to drugs without anyone knowing was accessibility.

That case was that case, and this case was this case. Everyone was saying the same thing.

Because the body was sick, because the mind was sick, they just took it as prescribed by the doctor.

Should they crush the doctor who prescribed it again even though he clearly knew it was prescribed elsewhere, or should they crush the addict who went around to hospitals here and there to get prescriptions?

The Hippocratic Oath was nothing but an empty recitation to those who sold their conscience for money.

Muyoung’s deliberation wasn’t that long.

Although they lament that the drug management system is virtually useless due to effectiveness issues despite being blatantly there, those bastard doctors have no sense of alertness at all.

“The one who knowingly sold it and the one who knowingly took it are the same.”

For now, since the dead guy will be resentful alone, let’s crush the remaining guy too. He decided to indict the doctor who prescribed the narcotic painkiller for occupational negligent homicide.

Muyoung, who got up from his chair after slamming the seal on the indictment, looked back for a moment while catching his breath. The paper tower piled up on the window frame that he had been trying hard to ignore catches his eye.

He twisted his wrist to glance at his watch. The hour hand was past 10 pm.

It was already late even if he hurried to leave work. He couldn’t remember the last time he left work on time.

“It’s not like I have anything to do when I go home anyway…”

In the midst of pondering for a moment while gauging the height of the paper tower, an unexpected memory flashed through his mind.


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading! ♡ Feel free to check my other novel on my carrd!


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