Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Getting back on track, Liu Fang and Chen Fang, along with the others, left the main courtyard and made their way out.


By the time they reached the second gate, Hong Cang, who had returned to normal and dressed in different clothes, was waiting for them.


Upon seeing Liu Fang, he bowed and said, “Your Highness, I have prepared the carriage and the ceremonial procession.”


Liu Fang looked at the lavish and spacious carriage in front of her and nodded slowly, “Un, very good. Let’s go.”


Seeing the grandeur of the carriage and ceremonial procession, Chen Fang and the others looked astonished and gathered around to inspect it. They even touched the carriage, the umbrella, the fan, and other items with curiosity.


Liu Fang held the hand of Bi Yan, who had finished her meal and changed into new clothes, and boarded the imperial carriage.

[鸾车 (luan che) also known as Phoenix Carriage is a type of ceremonial or imperial carriage, often richly decorated and associated with high rank or important occasions]


The imperial ceremonial system of the Dayan Kingdom was strictly hierarchical. Liu Fang, as a princess of the first rank with the status equivalent to a prince, had a very grand ceremonial procession. There were several hundred people accompanying her, both ahead and behind.


The carriage was also specially made. Not only was it spacious and magnificent, but the interior was also extremely luxurious and comfortable.


The most important thing was that the carriage was a four wheel vehicle, it had side-opening doors that slide open and shut, making it very convenient to get in and out.


Liu Fang sat down in the carriage, Bi Yan closed the door. She then tapped the carriage, signaling to the driver at the front, who promptly urged the horses to move forward.


The carriage moved forward slowly, with the others in formation. those clearing the way did so, and those following kept in line. The entire procession advanced at a measured pace, exuding an air of solemnity and grandeur.


The ceremonial escort responsible for the journey was also specially trained, so Chen Fang and the others looked on with astonishment once again.


It was not until they were almost out of the second gate that they came to their senses, quickly mounted on their horses, and lined up to follow.


In fact, Liu Fang’s princess procession not only included her personal guards and private soldiers, but also Chen Fang and others. Altogether, the entourage was quite grand and imposing.


As they proceeded, all the carriages they encountered made way for them.


The name of Princess Rongning has already spread throughout the entire capital today. How could the nobles living in the imperial city be unaware of it?


Therefore, everyone was well-informed and considerate. When they saw Liu Fang’s procession, they moved aside to let her pass first.


This was only natural. After all, Liu Fang’s current title was higher than those of most people.


The carriage of the Second Prince also encountered Liu Fang.


Originally, as a prince and a pawn elevated by Emperor Yanqing to compete with Murong Zhuo. He was treated with great favor on the surface. He also held a princely title, placing him at the same rank as Liu Fang.


If they met on the street, given his status, Liu Fang should have given way and let him go first.


But the Second Prince ordered people in the carriage to yield to Liu Fang, which made his personal attendant confused.


“Your Highness, although Princess Rongning holds a rank higher than a prince, she should not be compared to you. It is truly excessive for you to yield to her. This is going beyond propriety.”


The second prince⎯⎯Murong Yue smiled faintly, closed his eyes, and said with a calm demeanor. “What’s the big deal? Today, even His Majesty the Emperor must yield to this talented heroine of the Dayan Kingdom.”


Emperor Yanqing has been on the throne for many years, and no one has ever dared to force him in the hall in front of so many people.


Even the emperor’s teacher, Grand Tutor Yang, did not dare to be so bold.


Even those so-called imperial censors who had once tried to make a name for themselves by challenging the authority have become tactful over the years and no longer dared to provoke him recklessly.


Otherwise, like the predecessors before, they would die in vain, leaving no lasting reputation behind.


Why bother?


Instead, they would be burdened with the emperor’s wrath, left in disgrace and poverty, with no chance of ever rising again.


But today, Princess Rongning, by using a stone tablet was able to force Emperor Yanqing to issue an edict, forcing Emperor Yanqing to yield to her authority.


It could be seen that this Lady Heroine was no ordinary person!


He might have a prestigious title, but in reality he was merely a pawn. Wasn’t it only natural for him to give way to her carriage?


Murong Yue smiled and thought to himself. I’m afraid it’s Father who is truly enraged today.


Truly interesting.


The capital hasn’t been this lively in a long time!




The palace banquet was also held in the Zhenghe Hall. As the lanterns were lit, the palace was adorned with exquisite palace lanterns, making it as bright as day.


There were also festive arrangements outside the palace for the common people to enjoy, making the whole area quite lively as one walked along.


At first, the common people did not know that this was Liu Fang’s carriage. However, once someone recognized it, it Immediately attracted a large crowd of common people to follow


They watched with great interest while discussing enthusiastically about Liu Fang’s breathtaking beauty, marveling at her youth, and expressing astonishment at the grand award bestowed upon her by Emperor Yanqing today.


Liu Fang has actually done a lot of things during this period of time.


After the deployment, a group of soldiers with extraordinary combat capabilities were trained to deal with all kinds of situations.


——They all used her medicinal soup to strengthen their muscles and bones, which improved their fighting power.


——After all, at that time, Liucheng had enough food and grass, so they could have enough to eat, and even have the luxury of four meals a day, with snacks.


Liu Fang also found a way to obtain the necessary supplements and medicinal tonics, allowing these people to achieve a qualitative leap in a very short time.


This time, when entering the capital, she specifically brought these three thousand soldiers selected from Liucheng.


The purpose was to show the envoys, His Majesty the Emperor and the many ministers and nobles, that Liucheng has changed dramatically and is no longer what it used to be!


She was now the legitimate commander of Liucheng and the general of the entire city. These were her trump cards and sources of  confidence.


Liu Fang looked at the common people surrounding the carriage.


She also has the support of the entire Dayan Kingdom!


Even Emperor Yanqing would not dare to move against her until he found enough incrimination against her.


On the contrary, he had to suppress his anger and continue to support her.


The higher he praises her, the easier it will be for him to find fault with her in the future, right?


The more she was admired by the people, the less she could afford to make mistakes.


Just like modern celebrities, even the slightest flaw could ruin their reputation and career.


Liu Fang was facing the same situation now – the admiration of the people was both her support and her shackles.


She couldn’t afford to make mistakes!


The emperor would not allow it, and the people of the world could not accept it either.


Liu Fang smiled faintly, but unfortunately, she was different from those renowned Confucian scholars.


As long as she kept winning battles, even if she behaved recklessly in her daily life, His Majesty the Emperor would not be able to do anything to her.


Therefore, the enemies must be strong enough, and they must live long enough.


Otherwise, if her opponents were gone and the threat from the western border was eliminated, her value would vanish, and her life would come to an end.


However, these were all matters for the future.


Today, let them show them what she’s made of and shut them up first.


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