Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

A group of palace servants sent by the Inner Court Bureau were waiting in front of the mansion. When they saw Liu Fang, they immediately knelt and bowed: “Greetings to Her Royal Highness Princess Rongning!”

[内廷司 (nei ting si) It refers to the administrative department responsible for managing the personal affairs and household management of the emperor and his family]


When Liu Fang heard their address, she suddenly remembered that in the first mission world, her eighth sister’s mother-in-law was also titled Princess Rongning. At the same time, she also recalled that her own Marquis title was also Marquis Jinguo.


Ha, what a coincidence. (Actually, it’s because the lazy author didn’t want to come up with new titles╮(︶﹏︶)╭)


Liu Fang said calmly, “Rise. I’m busy today. We’ll talk about the details later. Now, who is the housekeeper?”


In the first mission world, Liu Fang came from a prominent family and has been by her mother, Madam Liu side for a long time. She has long been accustomed to the life of a top aristocrat.


Therefore, now encountering these situations again, she still handled them with ease, composure, and calm.


A middle-aged eunuch stood up, walked to Liu Fang, knelt down and said, “This servant, Hong Cang, has been commanded by His Majesty to serve the Princess.”


Liu Fang raised her eyebrows.


Hong Cang? It sounded similar to Hong Bao who was serving the Crown Prince, but it sounded like he was sent by the Emperor?


So, was this person on the crown prince’s side or the emperor’s side?


But it didn’t matter.


Liu Fang said calmly, “Arrange accommodations for these gentlemen. I need to take a bath and have a meal. I have to go to the palace for a banquet later.”


Hong Cang bowed and said, “Yes, Your Highness, this servant will arrange it immediately.”


Liu Fang nodded slightly, “Hmm, go ahead.”


After saying that, she urged her horse into the mansion and rode around the entire mansion.


She was experienced in this. From the vastness of the Duke’s residence in the first task world, she knew that riding a horse was much quicker for touring her own estate. If she relied solely on walking, well, she wouldn’t finish exploring in a day.


Have you ever been to a national park? You’ve definitely seen People’s Park or something similar.

[People park  (人民公园 ren mín gong yuan) is a public park in Huangpu District of central Shanghai. It is located south of Nanjing Road. With a total area of 98,200 square meters (24.3 acres). With several major museums and Shanghai’s main shopping street nearby, it is one of the top tourist destinations in the city]


Just imagine that your home was of that size.


Now, Liu Fang’s estate was composed of three connected courtyards, and its area was much larger than that of the Duke Mansion.


It was probably equivalent to the size of ​​two or even three parks.


Liu Fang felt a surge of jealousy once more. In ancient times, the land was vast and the population was sparse! The noble residences were unimaginably vast.


Chen Fang and others looked like country bumpkins coming to the city, following Liu Fang as they toured the vast estate.


The lakes and artificial mountains, pavilions and towers, deep courtyards and winding corridors, trees and flowers—its scale and beauty truly opened the eyes of the group and stirred their spirits.


Liu Fang had never expected the emperor would go to such lengths with superficial details. The layout and arrangement of this mansion were completely beyond the normal scope of a princess’s or marquis’s mansion.


Clearly, this was also a very obvious trap!


In the future, it might also become one of her charges. The crime of overstepping.


Heh, it really took a lot of effort.


If she pointed it out now, the emperor would probably say it’s a special favor for her, a young heroine from Western Border.


After all, her achievements were great. The imperial edict even said ‘Unprecedented in history, creating the first in the annals of the Dayan Kingdom.’ It’s normal for someone of her stature to receive some special honors or exceptions.


Liu Fang looked at the luxury and exquisiteness of the mansion with just a slight raise of her eyebrowed, then sent Chen Fang and the others to rest.


She also rode her horse to the main courtyard, took a bath, changed her clothes, and then had her meal.


No matter who these slaves and palace maids belong to, they all served Liu Fang with utmost dedication, allowing Liu Fang to once again enjoy the leisurely life of a top nobles.


Well, no matter what, the emperor’s arrangements have certainly benefited her. At least now she has everything provided for her, with clothes handed to her and meals served.


The meal was very lavish, but Liu Fang frowned as she looked at the exquisite and varied dishes covering the entire long table. She said to Hong Cang who stood nearby, “From now on, each meal only needs three dishes and one soup. There’s no need to be so extravagant.”


Hong Cang bowed respectfully and responded, “Yes. This servant will remember that.”


Liu Fang nodded, sat down, calmly and leisurely enjoyed her meal.


Hong Cang glanced up briefly and then lowered his head.


This girl from the Liu family didn’t look like a girl from the Western Border or the daughter of a military general. Instead, she looked more like a young lady from a noble family in the capital.


In this regard, Liu Fang could only helplessly shrug ╮(︶﹏︶)╭.


She had stayed in the first task world for so long, and her natal family was too prominent. Even though her husband’s family was only a scholar’s family, she had always lived a life of wealth and splendor, mingling with top nobles.


Therefore, her noble etiquette was truly engraved in her bones and soul and cannot be easily erased.


If she were in Western Borde or in Liucheng, she set aside these etiquettes and did as she pleased.


Just like in the second mission world, she could go to the fields to farm, wear coarse cloth clothes, and eat simple meals.


But now she was back in that environment, it was only natural that she had picked up those habits again.


The meal was delicious. According to Hong Cang, it was prepared by the imperial chef sent specially by Emperor Yanqing.


Hong Cang bowed and said, “His Majesty said the princess is a hero of our Dayan Kingdom, a benefactor of Western Border, as well as a benefactor of the emperor. If it weren’t for the princess’ efforts to turn the tide, the people of the Western Border might have suffered greatly. Therefore, no matter what the princess desires, as long as it does not violate the law, the princess may simply state her wishes, and His Majesty will use all the resources of the realm to fulfill them. ”


After hearing this, Liu Fang raised her eyebrows and looked at him indifferently for a moment. That look made Hong Cang’s heart tremble slightly and a bead of sweat appeared on his forehead.


Liu Fang turned her gaze away and continued to eat. However, while eating, she said to Hong Cang: “I think, Hong Cang, what you’ve said might tarnish His Majesty’s reputation. How could such a wise and enlightened ruler encourage indulgence and luxury?”


She sipped her soup leisurely and said calmly, “All the resources of the realm? Ah, what you said sounds more like something Emperor Wei Hong of the previous dynasty would say, rather than the current Emperor.”


Emperor Wei Hong of the previous dynasty was a notoriously incompetent ruler, known for being an eccentric and tyrannical king. More importantly, he had executed the renowned minister Liang Bi’an, which incited public outrage and led to widespread chaos, causing the five-century legacy of the previous dynasty to collapse.


Although there were constant wars and chaos in various regions during Emperor Wei Hong’s reign, it did not affect his enjoyment of imperial honor in the capital. In fact, he lived to the age of seventy before he finally passed away.


However, it was precisely because of his actions that the previous dynasty was doomed to fall.


Therefore, the name of this emperor really left a deep impression on later generations, even leaving them speechless.


Now that Liu Fang has mentioned this former emperor and compared him with the current Emperor Yanqing, it’s almost as if she’s setting Hong Cang up for disaster.


It was as if she didn’t notice that Hong Cang’s face was growing paler and that beads of cold sweat were increasing, soaking his clothes through.


Liu Fang put down the soup bowl and saw that the palace maids who were serving her were frightened by her words, standing frozen in place with their heads bowed and their bodies trembling slightly.


She raised her eyebrows, unconcerned, picked up the chopsticks to serve herself some food, and continued leisurely: “So, Hong Cang, forget it this time. Next time, you should think carefully before speaking to avoid bringing trouble upon yourself.”


Liu Fang took a bite of the food before continuing, “Otherwise, even if I have the title of princess and the status of a marquis, I won’t stand up for or come to the aid of someone as reckless and ignorant as you.”


She calmly took another bite of food, and then, looking at Hong Cang who was about to faint, she said: “On the contrary, I might just have to deal with you first.”


Upon hearing this, Hong Cang collapsed to the ground, kneeling and lying prostrate as he said: “Your Highness, this servant dare not. It was my mistake in speaking. Please forgive me!”


Liu Fang kept eating, as if she didn’t hear his words.


Hong Zang didn’t dare to get up, but became more and more afraid in his heart. Would this Liu family girl really kill him just because of this?


The other palace servants were all trembling and as quiet as chickens.

They didn’t expect that this newly crowned princess was so scary. (ㄒoㄒ)


After finishing her meal, Liu Fang set down her chopsticks and said to Hong Cang, “Get up. Didn’t you hear what I said? I said this time it’s forgiven, but there won’t be a next time.”


Hong Cang seemed as if he had been pulled out of water, realizing that Liu Fang genuinely had no intention of harming him.


He finally breathed a sigh of relief, wearily straightened up, barely holding on to salute Liu Fang, “Thank you for Your Highness’s grace!”


Liu Fang stood up and said to the palace maids who were still shivering with their heads down, “Where is my dress?”


What she was wearing now was the spare clothes she brought with her. Since the Emperor wanted to show his favor towards her, it was likely that the luxurious and exquisite robes sent to her would be plentiful.


After hearing what Liu Fang said, the maid quickly regained her composure, suppressed her trembling body, and replied respectfully: “Your Highness, the dress is ready and in the inner room.”


Liu Fang nodded slightly.


In ancient residences, the main courtyard was the largest and most elaborately decorated part of the estate.


The main courtyard where Liu Fang was currently residing was even more so.


The entire main courtyard consisted of five sections. The first section was the flower hall and main hall. The second section included the side hall and dining hall. The third section was for the study and other rooms. The fourth section contained the bedrooms, including separate inner and outer quarters, living rooms, and warm chambers. The final section was where her servants reside and includes her private treasury.


Each section was separated by gardens, pavilions, and other features, making it more like a complete estate than just a single courtyard.


However, Liu Fang quite liked such a spacious residence and easily accustomed herself to it.


In Liucheng, the entire Liu Mansion was probably only this large.


Therefore, one can imagine how generous and grand Emperor Yanqing’s gesture was this time!


However, the hidden danger behind such an honor was also extremely deadly.


Liu Fang walked out of the side hall and said to Hong Cang, who was still kneeling, “Take all this food outside the estate and give it to those in poverty to try.”


No matter how much Liu Fang could eat, it was impossible for her to finish all the dishes on the table. There was still a large portion left, with some even untouched.


It’s not that she didn’t want to give it to Chen Fang and the others,but with someone like Hong Cang, they would never be neglected. They would definitely receive meals similar to Liu Fang’s, though perhaps in smaller quantities.


Therefore, Liu Fang couldn’t be bothered to give the leftover food to them. It was more appropriate to give it to the impoverished families outside..


Hong Cang immediately understood and responded respectfully, “Yes, Your Highness, this servant will take care of it right away.”


After saying this, he saw Liu Fang off until she was out of sight. Only then did he rise, taking the hand of the attendant who came to help him up. He slowly said, “Go and find a few people to pack up this food and take it to North City. There are refugees there, after all. It would be good to have the estate’s kitchen prepare some dry rations to send along with it.”




The attendant helped Hong Cang sit down on the couch in the side hall, then went out to call others in. They packed up all the leftover food from the table, with each person carrying two large food containers as they left.


Hong Cang watched as the remaining palace servants cleaned the table and washed the dishes. He was still frightened by what had just happened.


It seems that this Princess Rongning was no pushover!


No wonder His Highness told him to put aside his little thoughts and do his job properly, or else he would only end up bringing trouble upon himself.


The fact proved that he had indeed been overly clever and self-assured.


However, Hong Cang narrowed his eyes slightly and thought. Perhaps His Majesty might be misjudging this time.


In fact, what he said was indeed from Emperor Yanqing. However, the danger in it was also very obvious.


If an ordinary thirteen-year-old girl heard such words,she would likely become so conceited that she would be floating on air.


Unfortunately, Princess Rongning not only saw through everything, but was also able to react immediately and suppressed him.


No matter who he belonged to, after this incident, unless he really didn’t want to live, he would have to restrain himself and not dare to be reckless!


This was Liu Fang’s method, and it was also the reason why Hong Cang was still frightened.


Princess Rongning was truly terrifying!


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