Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General



The chief eunuch standing beside the emperor quickly bowed in response, turned around and took a bright yellow imperial edict from the tray held by the eunuch standing behind him, and read aloud: “By the grace of Heaven, the Emperor decrees. Today, the daughter of the General of Liucheng in the Western Border⎯⎯Liu Fang. a young talent, brave and wise, diligent and self-disciplined. With her own strength, she has saved the Western Border from peril and rescued the people of three cities. She has killed one barbarian general and two powerful warriors, annihilating over twenty thousand elite barbarian troops. She has captured the eldest prince⎯⎯Tuoba Yaohong, the third prince⎯⎯Tuoba Yaoheng, the seventh prince⎯⎯Tuoba Yaocheng, and the barbarian commander⎯⎯Tuoba Gangzheng. Additionally, she has subdued an army of five hundred thousand barbarians. This is truly a great achievement, unprecedented in history, marking the beginning of the annals of the Dayan Kingdom. We are greatly pleased by this. Therefore, I hereby confer upon Liu Fang the title of Princess Rongning of Zhenguo, with the rank of first class, equivalent to a prince. She shall be included in the imperial genealogy, enjoying the salary, honor, and respect of a prince. I grant her a princess mansion, three imperial estates, one hundred thousand gold, two hundred thousand silver (and numerous other treasures omitted here. In addition, Princess Rongning was given the title of Noble Marquis, a first-rank official, and bestowed upon her a marquis mansion (list of items omitted here). I also promote her father, Liu Da, to the title of Duke of Zhen Xi, and her brother shall be appointed as Grand General of the West. They shall enter the Hall of Distinguished Officials and enjoy eternal reverence in the Dayan Kingdom. Their descendants shall inherit the ancestral glory. Liu Feng, the eldest grandson, shall inherit the title of Count of Zhenxi. For three generations, he shall receive a count mansion and a certain amount of land and wealth. So decreed. Thanks be to the Emperor!.”


Liu Fang kowtowed respectfully, “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your great favor!”


Afterwards, Chen Fang and others were rewarded with minor titles, mostly receiving the title of “Viscount,” which could be inherited for three generations.


Then there was a promotion in official ranks. Previously, Liu Fang had no official status. Her mention of bringing Chen Fang along was merely in the capacity of an attendant, without any formal official position.


Now Chen Fang had a legitimate official position – Deputy General of Liucheng and Commander of Liu Fang’s personal guards.


The other three commanders were similarly promoted and each became a Deputy General.


Another person, Luo Zheng, was also promoted to Deputy General.


Thus, the positions of Deputy General in Liucheng were all filled.


As for the position of General, Emperor Yanqing naturally assigned it to Liu Fang. There was no other way, even if he wanted to keep Liu Fang in the capital, the current situation did not allow it.


After reading through the entire decree of rewards, Emperor Yanqing said with a smile: “Rongning. From today on, you are also the princess of our Dayan Kingdom, guarding the western border for our Dayan Kingdom. I hope you remain true to your original intention, and uphold the honor of our imperial family and the prestige of our Dayan Kingdom.”


Liu Fang bowed once more and said, “I will carefully follow Your Majesty’s instructions and will never forget them for all time!”


Emperor Yanqing nodded with satisfaction, “Rise, Rongning.”


“Yes. Thank you, Your Majesty.”


Liu Fang stood up, remained respectfully standing, and kept her head bowed in silence.


Emperor Yanqing also asked Chen Fang and the others to rise, then he smiled and asked, “I heard that Rongning brought the memorial stone with the names of the fallen soldiers from the Western Border into the capital. What is its purpose?”


Liu Fang bowed respectfully and said, “Your Majesty, I only wish for Your Majesty to see the names of the soldiers who have sacrificed their lives in the Western Border. I also hope to seek a grace from Your Majesty for these heroes who used their blood to defend the Western Border of our Dayan Kingdom”


Emperor Yanqing raised an eyebrow, “Oh? What kind of grace does Rongning wish to request?”


Liu Fang replied respectfully: “I request that Your Majesty grant a decree to exempt the families of these fallen soldiers from taxes.”


Upon hearing this, Emperor Yanqing raised his eyebrows and said, “Our Dayan Kingdom’s laws do not provide for special exemptions from taxes.”


Except for natural disasters, everyone here must pay taxes, just like in the Jin Dynasty.


Liu Fang nodded and said, “I understand. However, these fallen soldiers were sons and fathers in their families, with elderly parents and young wives and children depending on them. My own power is limited, so I respectfully request Your Majesty to grant these families of the fallen soldiers a one-year exemption from taxes to ease their burden. After that, with peace between the two countries, the people of the Western Border should be able to live in relative stability, and their livelihoods will improve ”


These words left everyone in the hall at a loss for words.


Murong Zhuo also gave a thumbs up in his heart: Miss Liu really dares to speak her mind!


With such words, wasn’t it implying that His Majesty has not been considerate enough towards the people of the Western Border, and that the officials in the capital were disregarding the lives of the people in the Western Border?


Why should the families of such martyrs have to struggle after their sacrifice?


Wasn’t it due to the corruption of the officials in the capital and Emperor Yanqing’s inaction?


Where did the compensation funds go? Where was the policy of tax exemption for three months that was in the national laws?


The grace that Liu Fang asked for was clearly a slap in the face of the emperor and all the ministers in the hall!


Sure enough, Emperor Yanqing’s face darkened after hearing Liu Fang’s words.


However, in just a moment, he regained his smile and said, “Rongning’s heart is indeed admirable. I am greatly comforted. Very well, I grant this grace. Someone, come in”


The Minister of the Ministry of Revenue stepped out of the line, bowed and said, “Your Majesty, I am here.”


Emperor Yanqing nodded slightly with satisfaction and said, “Immediately issue a decree. The families of the fallen guards who have defended the Western Border throughout the years shall be exempt from taxes for one year. Additionally, grant that their descendants shall inherit the salary of a Captain for three generations”


Upon hearing this, the Minister of the Ministry of War quickly stepped forward, followed by the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel


The three ministers bowed and said, “Yes. Your Majesty. Your Majesty is most wise!”


Liu Fang also knelt down again and said, “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your great favor!”


Chen Fang and his men followed suit, kneeling in unison and saying, “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your great favor!”


Emperor Yanqing looked at Liu Fang with cold eyes, but smiled and said, “Okay, Rongning. Are you satisfied with today’s reward?”


Liu Fang smiled slightly, bowed, and said, “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your generosity. I am deeply grateful!”


Emperor Yanqing: …He did not intend to be generous (¬_¬)


Murong Zhuo lowered his head and smiled silently. If he didn’t smile now, he might burst from holding it in.


Emperor Yanqing also felt the need to calm his anger, so he maintained a smile and said, “In that case, let’s proceed with this. The court is adjourned. Rongning, you should go to the princess mansion and the marquis mansion to see if everything is to your satisfaction”


Liu Fang remained kneeling on the ground, bowed again, and said, “Thank you, Your Majesty. I respectfully bid you farewell!”


Everyone knelt and bowed, saying, “We respectfully bid you farewell, Your Majesty!”


Emperor Yanqing left the Zhenghe Hall with a stiff smile on his face. As soon as he returned to the imperial study at the back, he could not help but grab the teacup on the table and threw it hard on the ground. With a loud crash, the priceless jade teacup shattered.


The attendants and palace servants following behind were as quiet as chickens, standing to the side as if they were not there.


Damn it, damn it, damn it!


This Liu family girl was so hateful at such a young age! She actually dared to force him, the emperor, to issue a decree in front of everyone. It was truly detestable!


Emperor Yanqing’s eyes turned slightly cold. Humph, he wanted to see how this Liu family girl would handle herself at the upcoming banquet.


Presumably, the barbarian delegation would have plenty of schemes to make things difficult for her. He would wait and see.




During the entire awarding ceremony, everyone’s attention was on Liu Fang, and no one remembered the barbarian envoys present in the hall.


This left Tuoba Gangyou feeling extremely frustrated.


However, he was also powerless. His own forces had been defeated, and this battle had nearly wiped out the fighting strength of the barbarian tribes, although not all the soldiers had been killed.


But after being captured, the treatment they received was no better than death. It can be said that they were facing death every moment in Western Border. Perhaps many of them have already died over these days.


So, now, it was the barbarians who were anxious, not the Dayan Kingdom, let alone Liu Fang.


He really didn’t have the confidence to speak up and reveal his presence.


However, this situation was very unfavorable for their upcoming plans, such as peace negotiation.


Moreover, as soon as they left Zhenghe Hall, Liu Fang had Tuoba Yaoheng and the other two taken away without even acknowledging them, completely disregarding their presence. This was truly infuriating for them.


But he couldn’t act on impulse. He had to swallow his frustration and discomfort, maintaining a forced smile as he quickly intercepted Liu Fang, saying, “Miss Liu, since the three princes have already arrived in the capital, shouldn’t they be returned to us? After all, as members of our barbarian royal family, it is inappropriate for them to remain in your custody. ”


Liu Fang raised her eyebrows, smiled, and said, “Lord Envoy, have you discussed this with our official? Have the terms of the negotiations been settled?”


Tuoba Gangyou: …


Where would he have had the time for that?


As soon as they set foot in Dayan Kingdom, they were detained by the person in front of them and followed her to the capital.


Moreover, just now, the emperor of the Dayan Kingdom didn’t even mention them. He didn’t say a word about them.


Settled the terms? Haha.


Who could he possibly negotiate with?


Seeing that he was silent with a stiff expression, Liu Fang smiled and said, “Since nothing has been settled yet, please don’t be too anxious. Please wait until you have everything sorted out and then let me know. As for me, I will definitely cooperate. But now…ha, the three princes still have to be guarded by my people. After all, they are prisoners!”


How dare an envoy from a defeated country complain in front of her? He really didn’t know his own weight.


After saying that, Liu Fang smiled at him, walked past him, and left with Chen Fang and others.


Tuoba Gangyou frowned and watched the other party leave in silence.


One of the deputy envoys came forward and said to him, “Fourth Prince, what should we do?”


Tuoba Gangyou said coldly, “Proceeding according to plan, I don’t believe that she dares to be impudent at the banquet!”


The deputy envoy heard this and responded respectfully, “Yes, Fourth Prince.”




The decree conferring titles on Liu Fang and the others quickly spread throughout the capital and began to extend to various regions of the Dayan Kingdom.


As soon as Liu Fang and her party left the palace, there were still many people waiting outside the palace. When the crowd saw them coming out, the crowd erupted in enthusiastic cheers once again!


Liu Fang smiled and mounted her horse, and under the protection of Liucheng soldiers and the imperial guards, she headed towards the Princess Mansion and the Marquis Mansion in the imperial city.


This time, Emperor Yanqing was extremely generous. Even if he didn’t want to, he had no choice.


The Count Mansion, the Marquis Mansion and the Princess Mansion were all connected, occupying an entire street. The vast expanse left the soldiers from Liucheng staring in astonishment.


Chen Fang’s mouth dropped open as he looked at the grand and magnificent residence before him: (⊙o⊙)! ! Is this place where Miss will live alone? Isn’t this too big?!


Liu Fang only smiled faintly. She knew full well the Emperor’s intentions. To praise her highly now, so that he could let her fall heavily in the future!


However, this did make things easier for Liu Fang. The mansion was large enough that the soldiers who accompanied her to the capital could all stay there.


In addition, as a princess with the same status as a prince, she was entitled to three thousand private soldiers. Not to mention the estates and all the servants within the residence, the numbers were quite substantial.


However, Liu Fang also knew that Emperor Yanqing would certainly not allow her to use her own people. Therefore, she still had a lot to face next and could not afford to be complacent.


These were all things for later. For now, she would first explore her new home, then have a hearty meal, take a hot bath, change into new clothes, and prepare for the upcoming palace banquet.


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