Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughte of a Border General

“It’s not that I don’t dare to kill you, but you are still useful to me. But, that use is not very significant. At least, it is not as important as you think. So…”


Liu Fang raised her finger, shook it slightly, and said, “Don’t challenge my patience. I’m very busy and don’t have time for you. Do you understand?”


Tuoba Gangzheng and Tuoba Yaohong both understood. Tuoba Yaoheng understood it even more. The three of them stiffened their bodies and nodded.


“Very good. Now, go back to sleep obediently. Also, don’t think about escaping.. Next time I catch you again, you will be dead. Do you understand?”


They nodded again in silence. Liu Fang waved with satisfaction and asked someone to escort them back.


She sneered in her heart: They probably forgot that they still carry her poison in their bodies.


“Give them a bowl of rehmannia decoction.”

[Dihuang (地黄) is a traditional Chinese herbal remedy made from the root of Rehmannia glutinosa, a flowering plant native to China. It is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the Yin, clear heat, and promote the production of bodily fluids. This decoction is often used to treat conditions such as fever, thirst, night sweats, and dry mouth or throat]


Chen Fang looked at Liu Fang in confusion. Liu Fang smiled coldly and said, “Let them wake up their mind!”


Although he still didn’t understand, Chen Fang still respectfully accepted and asked people to prepare.


“Has everyone been tied up?”


“They’re all tied up.”


“Then take them all away. In addition, drag back everything that can be used. Don’t waste it.”


“Yes, Miss.” Chen Fang thought for a moment and said, “How about Luo Zheng.”


Liu Fang remained calm and said lightly: “First, let him go and see Tuo Ba Yaoheng and the other two, then have him come to see me.”


“Yes, Miss.”


“There is no need to dwell on his matter. Just give the instructions.”


“Yes. I understand.”


After that, Liu Fang rode Feng Zhi back to the military camp to deal with the follow-up.


Tonight, it was still a sleepless night.




Liucheng government office.


Murong Zhuo and his party were arranged to stay here.


He caught a chill during the day and started running a fever as soon as he returned. If Liu Fang hadn’t remembered him later and sent a military doctor over, he might be lying in bed wrapped in blankets by now.


“Your Highness, drink the medicine.”


Murong Zhuo frowned, took the medicine bowl from Hongbao’s hand, and drank the extremely bitter medicine in one gulp.


“Although this medicine doesn’t taste good, it’s very effective. This servant also drank a dose and immediately felt much better…”


Murong Zhuo twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at him babbling, “Is it because the people here don’t let you dump it at will?”


Hongbao choked and looked at Murong Zhuo resentfully, “Your Highness, you are afraid of hardship, this servant is also afraid of it.”


Murong Zhuo sneered, “Huh, if we were in the capital, would you be so honest?”


Hongbao had no word to respond. The guards here are so fierce. They’re always banging on tables in front of him. They can break the table with just one slap. He was a delicate man, what was wrong with being afraid of getting hit?


Murong Zhuo didn’t dwell too much on this and asked him, “Did the Liu family young lady come to visit?”


Hongbao shook his head, “Your Highness, what time is it now? How could a young lady come here at this time?”


Murong Zhuo thought about it, and it was true.


“Hey, by the way, you went out to see Liucheng today. Are the people okay?”


Hongbao shook his head and said, “This servant is not going out today. Moreover, we are not allowed to go out here!”


When Murong Zhuo heard this, he immediately sat up straight, “What did you say? None of you have been out today?”


Hongbao nodded, “Yes. The officials from the Ministry of Rites wanted to visit the military camp or investigate the street, but the soldiers guarding the door wouldn’t let them go out. Even if they wanted meals, they had to be brought in by them. Our people are not allowed to move around at will.”


Murong Zhuo frowned, “It seems that they are guarding against us. But, why is this?”


Today’s funeral procession was an attempt to intimidate them! Let them take a good look at how many people died in this battle in Liucheng!


This was the second young lady from the Liu family striving for initiative, and Murong Zhuo understood it.


However, shouldn’t she strike while the iron is hot and let them conduct a thorough investigation in the city and then deal with the subsequent matters?


But now, she strictly prohibits them from moving around to investigate. Why was this?


Murong Zhuo didn’t think that the other party would treat them specially because they were imperial envoys, or that she would easily dislike them. The former would be to curry favor, while the latter would be to rely on her current reputation in Liucheng to suppress them in order to achieve her goal.


Judging from Liu Fang’s previous great achievements, she was not a short-sighted person. Everything she thought was profound, even to the extent of killing two birds with one stone.


If she were to show such a casual attitude towards their group, she would disappoint him greatly.


Murong Zhuo looked at the moonlight outside, so what did she want to do? What on earth was she doing?


He thought for a while and said to Hongbao: “You keep an eye on things outside.”


Hongbao looked confused, “Your Highness, How do we keep an eye on it?”


Murong Zhuo was not angry, “Can’t you listen at the corner of the wall?”


If they were not allowed to move around at will, then they just don’t move. If they sit next to the wall and listen to the noise, they won’t be in the way of anyone.


Hongbao suddenly understood, quickly agreed and went out to make arrangements.


Murong Zhuo watched Hongbao left, layed down, and looked at the curtain on the top of the bed: I hope she won’t let him down.


Early the next morning, Hongbao came over to report, “Your Highness, there was a lot of excitement outside last night.”


Murong Zhuo suddenly became energetic. He sat up, looked at Hongbao, and said, “Speak quickly.”


“Our people didn’t see what happened specifically. However, they all heard the sound of carriages and horses, as if someone was arrested. It didn’t stop all night.”


Murong Zhuo suddenly understood: I knew it! Why didn’t they do the funeral procession earlier and have to wait until he arrived? So that’s it! So that’s it!


He grinned, this second young lady from the Liu family was really amazing!


The funeral procession not only completely shocked the imperial envoys, but also made the barbarian troops outside the city relax their vigilance, thereby allowing her to take advantage of the situation…


She was indeed a heroine who dared to go into battle alone at the age of thirteen, kill the elites of the barbarian tribe, resist the five hundred thousand barbarian army, and defend three cities on the frontier!


It certainly lived up to its reputation!


Murong Zhuo still didn’t know that Liu Fang not only did that. She also took the opportunity to clean up the spies among the Liucheng guards, and once again captured Tuoba Yaoheng and others, completely defeating their escape hope!


It even destroyed Tuoba Yaoheng’s confidence!


Or rather, the last one was Liu Fang’s ultimate goal.


Even though he didn’t know all of Liu Fang’s plans, Murong Zhuo was still excited and said to Hongbao: “Quick, help me wash and serve the meal. I want to meet our heroine as soon as possible!”


Hongbao quickly accepted and asked someone to come in to help him wash and change clothes. After breakfast, he briskly walked out.


Unfortunately, when he reached the door, he was stopped by the guarding soldiers.


Murong Zhuo was not unhappy, he just said to the guard who stopped him: “I want to meet your young lady, go and report it quickly.”


The guarding soldier said with a cold face: “The young lady is resting, no one is allowed to disturb her! Wait!”


Murong Zhuo:……


Hongbao looked at his master’s face and was about to step forward to scold the guard when Murong Zhuo raised his hand to stop him.


“Okay, I’ll wait.”


After he finished speaking, he turned around and went back.


On the way, Hongbao looked at him and said cautiously: “Your Highness, these soldiers are rough men. Don’t stoop to their level and anger yourself..”


Murong Zhuo shook his head and said: “I’m not angry. I’m just feeling…”


He stopped and looked up at this distant sky that was completely different from the capital. Feeling the biting cold wind.


“I just feel that they are so simple-minded and pure.”


Just because the other party saved Liucheng and the frontier, they admired and respected her from the bottom of their hearts, always considering her, even at the risk of offending high-ranking officials and nobles, at the risk of sacrificing their own lives!


Such emotions shocked him!


It also made him feel ashamed: as the crown prince of this kingdom, he seemed to have never done anything for these simple people.


They were right to treat him with disdain, and they were right to admire her from the bottom of their heart. Because it was her who saved them in times of crisis!


And him? Oh, he was still far away in the capital at that time, with a high bed and soft pillows, and living a dreamlike existence!

[高床软枕 (gāo chuáng ruǎn zhěn) literally translates to “high bed, soft pillow.” This phrase is often used to describe a comfortable and luxurious lifestyle. It implies a life of leisure and indulgence, where one enjoys the comforts of a wealthy or privileged existence] [醉生梦死 (zuì shēng mèng sǐ) literally translates to “drunken life, dreamlike death.” This phrase describes a life of indulgence, where one lives recklessly and carelessly, often indulging in pleasures without regard for consequences]


So, what right does he have to be angry?


It’s him, the crown prince of this kingdom, who didn’t do well!


He was ashamed to face his people! He’s ashamed of them!




Liu Fang’s body had really reached its limit. After a busy night, she couldn’t bear it anymore and fell asleep on the couch.


When Chen Fang and Lin Ya saw it, they couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. They didn’t dare to disturb her, so they covered her with a quilt and lit a charcoal fire. Lin Ya stayed inside to take care of Liu Fang, while Chen Fang left first to arrange the follow-up arrangements.


When Liu Fang woke up, it was already afternoon. Lin Ya was heating the food. Seeing Liu Fang waking up, she quickly said: “Miss, the food is still hot, hurry up and eat.”


Liu Fang raised her hand and rubbed her forehead, “What time is it now?”


“It’s time to eat.” Lin Ya handed the hot cotton handkerchief angrily, “Miss, don’t think so much, and eat quickly. You can do whatever you want after eating.”


Liu Fang’s heart warmed, she reluctantly took the cotton handkerchief, wiped her face, and obediently ate the meal.


“It would be great if Miss was this obedient in the future.”


Lin Ya looked at Liu Fang and said with emotion, which made Liu Fang almost spit out the food in her mouth.


“You seem to be younger than me, right?.”


Lin Ya curled her lips and said, “Yes, I am one year younger than Miss, but Miss is more disobedient than my four-year-old brother when you are busy.”


Liu Fang shook her head and laughed, “I’m busy with something.”


“I understand. But, Miss, you can’t just noy eat, drink, or sleep, can you? You are also a human being, and you can get tired. If you collapse from exhaustion, what will we do? What will happen to Liucheng?”


Lin Ya’s eyes turned red as she spoke, “Miss, if it weren’t for you, my brother and I might have died. So, you must not collapse from exhaustion. I’m afraid!”


Liu Fang looked at Lin Ya, sighed, and nodded solemnly, “Okay, I will listen to you from now on. Is this okay?”


Lin Ya finally smiled through her tears, wiped her eyes and said, “Un, just be obedient.”


Liu Fang smiled and quickly finished the rice in her bowl, then drank a large bowl of mutton soup. It was specially prepared by the camp cooks to nourish Liu Fang.


After finishing the mutton soup, Liu Fang said to Lin Ya: “Didn’t we bring back the provisions from the barbarians last night? Was there any lamb among them?”


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