Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Boorder General

Tuoba Gangzheng and his party were escorted to stand on the city wall to watch this special funeral.


Tuoba Yaoheng drooped his eyelids, Tuoba Gangzheng frowned, and Tuoba Yaohong had a serious face. Only Tuoba Yaocheng didn’t care about it, instead showed scornful disdain.


After the funeral, they were blindfolded again and escorted back to the military camp.


Liu Fang specially gave them a medicine to block the five senses today, so they could only watch and think to themselves.


They couldn’t speak, couldn’t hear, and couldn’t feel.


It wasn’t until they returned to the cell where they were held that someone gave them the antidote. They took it and regained their senses.


Tuoba Yaocheng sighed, took a sip of hot water, and then said after a while: “This poison from Miss Liu is so powerful, it can actually make one lose all the five senses. It’s really terrifying!”


After saying that, he patted his chest with a lingering fear on his face.


Even if they had intended to memorize the route on the way, without the five senses, it’s all in vain.


Liu Fang was really guarding them tightly.


Tuoba Yaoheng was frowning, his eyes flickering as he was thinking in silence.


Tuoba Gangzheng and Tuoba Yaohong looked at each other, and then Tuoba Gangzheng said slowly: “Yaoheng, what is Liu Fang’s intention in making such a scene today?”


Tuoba Yaoheng sighed, “She wants to tell us — that they will eventually seek revenge for these people!”


Tuoba Gangzheng raised his eyebrows, Tuoba Yaohong frowned, but Tuoba Yaocheng sneered and said, “Then let’s just wait and see how she leads a group of trash to take revenge.”


Tuoba Yaoheng said worriedly: “What makes me feel terrible is the way of a funeral today.”


Tuoba Yaocheng was puzzled and asked, “Isn’t it just a city-wide funeral? What’s so special about it?”


Tuoba Yaoheng frowned and said, “It’s not strange for the whole city to attend the funeral, but the strange thing is that no one cried.”


Tuoba Gangzheng and the other two looked at each other, not understanding what he meant.


Tuoba Yaoheng did not explain, but thought to himself: Why? Why is no one crying? No. Not that no one cried, but rather, no one cried out loud. Why is that? What’s the purpose?


Tuoba Yaoheng couldn’t understand the strangeness of this despite much thought. But he always felt uneasy if he thought that Liu Fang’s funeral was just for a burial like Tuoba Yaocheng.


Tuoba Yaocheng saw that Tuoba Yaoheng’s brows were furrowed and he still had no clue. He couldn’t help but said: “Third brother, don’t think too much. Maybe this girl from the Liu family is just holding a funeral procession. As for making such a big fuss, it was just to establish her own prestige, what else could it be? ”


Tuoba Gangzheng said: “And try to intimidate us.”


Tuoba Yaocheng nodded, “That’s right. Apart from these, there’s nothing else she can do. Our large army is still stationed outside the city. She has not killed us, isn’t it because she can get more benefits in the future? ?”


Tuoba Yaoheng shook his head, “I always think it won’t be that simple.”


Tuoba Yaocheng rolled his eyes and said: “Third brother, you overestimate her too much. In the final analysis, she is just a thirteen-year-old girl. Even in our tribe, What can a girl at this age accomplish?”


Tuoba Yaoheng looked at the guards outside the cell and said calmly: “But she is different. She is the one who can control our life and death.”


No matter how much they discussed Liu Fang or how they viewed her in their hearts, it was undeniable that her words could easily end their lives.


When the other three heard this, they immediately fell silent.




Tuoba Yaoheng looked at the vast snow outside the cell, “What exactly are you trying to do?”


So, what exactly was Liu Fang trying to do? What was the purpose of this funeral procession?


The Buddha said: “I can’t tell you!”




Liu Fang rode Feng Zhi back to the military camp. Chen Fang came up and whispered: “Miss, everything has been arranged.”


“Good.” Liu Fang nodded slightly and then ordered: “Have Liu Ping take people to settle the imperial envoy party. In addition, send people to guard and don’t let them move around at will, so as not to affect our plan.”




Liu Fang entered the camp and confirmed the arrangements with the commanders of Team A for the last time. Then everyone dispersed and went to have their meals and rest, waiting for the night.


Chen Fang dined with Liu Fang, and there was a little girl named Lin Ya waiting beside her. This was the maid Chen Fang’s wife insisted on sending to take care of Liu Fang’s daily life. Liu Fang couldn’t refuse, so she had no choice but to accept it.


And she really didn’t have time to take care of her clothes and such, so it would be nice to have someone to help her.


“By the way, send a military doctor over to take a look at the imperial envoy later. He’s had a cold today. Don’t let him get sick. That would be bad.”


Liu Fang was almost done eating before she remembered Murong Zhuo so she instructed Chen Fang.


“Yes, Miss.”


After the meal, Liu Fang put on her armor and took her spear, left the camp to meet Chen Fang, then rode Feng Zhi and led her people away.


In the darkness, someone released a signal, and then someone silently appeared outside the cell where Tuoba Yaoheng and his party were imprisoned.


After the brief fighting sound passed, one person led a group of people in and said to Tuoba Yaoheng and the other three: “Quick! Let’s leave while no one is around!”


Tuoba Yaoheng and the others nodded silently upon seeing the visitors, then changed into the clothes of the Liucheng guards and followed him out.


After leaving the cell and getting on their horses, the group quickly left the military camp and headed toward the barbarian troops stationed outside the city.


The man sent Tuoba Yaoheng to a mountain road not far from the barbarian army, stopped and said: “I can only send you until here. I have to rush back, otherwise it will be discovered by others.”


Tuoba Yaoheng nodded, “Okay. Thank you very much this time.”


But the man snorted coldly and said: “No need for thanks. This is what I owe you. If we meet again in the future, there is no need to show mercy, and I will not spare you either. I hope you’ll take care of yourself!”


Tuoba Yaoheng smiled faintly, “Heh. you said, what would the Liu family girl think if she knew your identity?”


“Are you threatening me?”


The man said with a cold face: “Humph, the worst case scenario is death. What am I afraid of?”


Tuoba Yaoheng sighed, “What a pity, you would rather be a native of the Dayan Kingdom than stay in our tribe.”


The man sneered, “Stay with you? Oh, do you want me to be a cow or a horse for you? Even if my blood is not pure, I can at least live like a human being in the Dayan Kingdom! If it wasn’t for you letting me live so that I could be here today, I’d rather kill you than save you!.”


He paused and then said: “Young lady is a talented girl. With her in Liucheng, the people of Liucheng will be able to enjoy peace and happiness forever. If I die, then so be it. It’s just a pity that I let you leave alive. It’s my fault for letting the young lady down!”


After speaking, the man turned the horse’s head and said: “So, hurry up and get lost! Don’t fall into the young lady’s hands again, and don’t fall into my hands again, otherwise, I will definitely kill you!”


After saying that, the man urged his horse to leave and disappeared in an instant.


Tuoba Yaoheng looked at his leaving figure and sighed secretly. He also knows that this is the only time he’ll ever be lucky.


If he was captured again, he would really die!


No longer thinking about it, Tuoba Yaoheng and his party quickly rode back to the barbarian army!


However, when they approached the military camp where they were stationed, they realized something was wrong: Why was it so quiet?


The further inside, the more uneasy Tuoba Yaoheng felt: Something wasn’t right!


Just as he was about to urge his horse to turn back and tell Tuoba Gangzheng and the others to run away, fire suddenly lit up around him!


The sudden burst of light caused the four people to squint their eyes, and it took them a while to get used to it.


And Liu Fang, riding atop the snow-white Fengzhi, stood in front. Beside her was Chen Fang, surrounded by the guards of Liucheng holding torches!


Tuoba Yaoheng’s pupils shrank!


Tuoba Gangzheng and the other two were also shocked: (⊙o⊙)! !


Why is she here? !


Liu Fang was wearing silver armor with a leisurely expression. She smiled slightly and said to Tuoba Yaoheng and the others: “It’s so late, and the four of you have wandered quite far.”


Tuoba Yaoheng closed his eyes and said weakly: “When did you find out?”


Liu Fang smiled, her voice very calm and leisurely: “I’ve always known.”


Tuoba Yaoheng was speechless, “So, you did it on purpose?”


Liu Fang raised her eyebrows, “Well, not exactly. It’s just that some things are better dealt with all at once. Don’t you think??”


Tuoba Yaoheng:……


He felt like he was being driven crazy by the woman in front of him! What else did she know? !


Why did he know nothing about her, but she knew everything about him!


What a terrifying mind is this?


How could there be such a terrifying person in this world?


Moreover, she was only thirteen years old!


She was still young, even one might say very young, and she still had a lot of time on her hand.


But now she made him feel powerless!


In front of her, all his strategies and schemes were in vain.


No matter how hard he struggled, there was only one result⎯⎯getting caught by her!


Tuoba Yaoheng was truly worn out by the blows, both physically and mentally, “This time, can you tell me how you found out? And how did you know about our plans and movements? Also, this place…”


He looked at the barbarian army camp, which was still as quiet as if there was no one around, and asked, “What on earth happened here?”


Liu Fang smiled lightly and said: “There is no rush. We will have plenty of time to chat in the future. It is too late today and I have something to do. You go back to the camp first. When I am free, I will go find you and explain your doubts, okay?”


Tuoba Yaoheng:……


Tuoba Gangzheng and the two others: …


Doesn’t this imply that she doesn’t take them seriously at all?


Tuoba Yaocheng couldn’t help but say: “If you have the ability, just kill us now. What’s with all this pretense? Isn’t it just because you are afraid of our army? Since you are afraid, let us go quickly, otherwise, you wait until I lead my men to destroy Liucheng and kill all the people!”


Tuoba Yaoheng was startled when he heard Touba Yaocheng’s words, and immediately tried to stop him!


However, Liu Fang smiled slightly, waved her left hand, and a cold light flashed. Tuoba Yaocheng still opened his mouth, stared at her in disbelief. A willow leaf knife was nailed to his forehead, only a little bit of sharpness was exposed, and then he suddenly fell, fell off his horse, and lay on the ground, dead!


Tuoba Gangzheng and Tuoba Yaohong’s eyes stiffened, their expressions frozen, while Tuoba Yaoheng slowly turned his head, his body stiff and looked at Liu Fang, who was still smiling gracefully and charmingly.


“I don’t like others to challenge me. Especially…” Liu Fang looked directly into Tuoba Yaoheng’s eyes and smiled, her voice as calm as chatting with a friend: “Those who can’t beat me but are still blabbering in front of me. I really dislike it! ”


Tuoba Yaoheng’s eyes narrowed. He looked at the woman in front of him. She was not tall, even a bit frail, yet she exuded such a chilling aura!


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