Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chen Fang also smiled and said, “Miss is absolutely right.”


After that, they looked at each other and smiled. They went to the prison cell where Tuoba Gangzheng and his group were imprisoned.


Liu Fang did not imprison Tuoba Gangzheng and the others separately. Instead, she made them live in the same room, sharing meals, and sleeping together.


Of course, they were only given water and a bowl of porridge every day.They weren’t treated very well, let alone having any plans to provide them with delicious food.


They were able to shower once every three days, making them look pretty decent, but their faces were haggard and their bodies had little strength. They had been starving for a month and a half, they were lucky to be alive.


In addition, they all took Liu Fang’s poison, which made it impossible for them to resist and escape.


Therefore, they were pretty well-behaved during this period. At least they were not beaten every three days like the other prisoners: Liu Fang had said that they could beat other prisoners, but they could not be beaten to death. But Tuoba Gangzheng and the other princes could not be beaten, they were more valuable.


As a result, the other barbarian prisoners were having a hard time.


When Liu Fang arrived, Tuoba Gangzheng and the other three were still discussing how to escape, but still unable to do so. They remained silent, dejectedly hanging their heads.


Seeing Liu Fang coming over, Tuoba Gangzheng’s eyes turned cold, Tuoba Yaoheng stiffened as he remembered the previous encounter with Liu Fang


That time they met this woman, they all lost and four of them were captured. What did she want to do this time?


Tuoba Yaohong and Tuoba Yaocheng have never met Liu Fang. They were captured by the captain sent by Liu Fang with medicine and were imprisoned here that day, so they never had the chance to meet Liu Fang.


But they had also heard Tuoba Gangzheng and Tuoba Yaoheng talking about her during this time, so both of them were very familiar with Liu Fang’s name.


When they saw her, they were all stunned.


Unexpectedly, the other party was so beautiful, with a delicate and gentle appearance. It didn’t look like someone who was powerful enough that could easily exterminate the strongest members of their tribe.


However, neither of them were naive people. When they saw Liu Fang’s appearance, they became more and more fearful in their hearts and finally understood why Tuoba Gangzheng and Tuoba Yaoheng were so afraid of this person.


Liu Fang didn’t care what they thought. They were enemies, and all they thought about was how to kill each other. There can never be any friendly thoughts.


So, why bother?


Liu Fang walked to the couch and sat down as if no one was around. Tuoba Yaocheng, who was sitting next to her, was frightened so he got up in a hurry and changed his position.


Sit across from her and hide behind Tuoba Yaoheng.


Tuoba Gangzheng and Tuoba Yaohong also stood up voluntarily and sat behind Tuoba Yaoheng. The four of them, led by Tuoba Yaoheng, sat in front of Liu Fang.


Liu Fang raised her eyebrows. Oh, it seems that the third prince’s status in the barbarian tribe was much more important than she thought!


When Tuoba Yaoheng saw Liu Fang raising her eyebrows, his heart sank instantly: What was the other party planning to do? Did she see something?


He was really shocked by Liu Fang’s tactic, and was a little scared: because he never knew where the other party would see through something, and how this could be used by her…


The other party’s thoughts were too deep!


It gave him a terrible feeling more than his father.


Liu Fang smiled, she just liked it when these people were afraid of her. The more afraid they were, the better!


To say that she was particularly cunning.


Actually, it’s not.


It’s just that she has gained some more knowledge. After all, she has memories of her past life and has experienced two mission worlds, so it was not a problem to put on air.


Actually, it was not difficult to see through Tuoba Yaoheng’s tricks. How many nomadic peoples in history have wanted to change their living environment? And how many countless wars had this sparked?


Wasn’t this obvious?


As long as Liu Fang has studied history, even if she was not an expert, just thinking  about it and she would know what the other party wanted to do.


Then combine it with the actual situation. The army attacking Liucheng was too powerful, it was evident they were elite. The barbarian tribe sent troops all year round and she had a rough idea of the specific situation. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have survived until now. If these elites came every time, she would have long been cannon fodder.


And the number of these elite soldiers wasn’t small—four thousand. For the barbarian tribes, it might not be much, but if they were all elites, then no matter who it was, they would be especially cherished and valued.. The elites were not cabbage. They can’t be trained casually. It took careful selection, only one in a thousand, or even ten thousand.

[大白菜 (da bai cai] is also used as a slang term to indicate that something is very common, easily available, or lacking in value]


Even if all the barbarian tribesmen were fully armed, there wouldn’t be too many.


But they sent four thousand troops, indicating that they’re not just looking to skirmish this time; they have a purpose to occupy the city..


Why do they want to occupy the city?


Let’s go back to what we said at the beginning: Why did nomads start wars?


Wasn’t it just to be able to live in the city and avoid having to wander around?


From this, Liu Fang fully understood their purpose.


Knowing their purpose, then putting herself in their shoes. How do you think they will proceed?


Wouldn’t they need to swiftly seize control of border territories to gain time? Even if they believed their military strength could defeat the long-relaxed army of the Dayan Kingdom, the reality was that their numbers were limited.


Ant biting the elephant. They were also afraid that the Dayan Kingdom would react and mobilized the entire nation’s strength to resist. In that case, even if they win, it would be meaningless. After all, if all the young and strong were depleted in battle, could the elderly, weak, women, and children left behind defend these cities?

[蚂蚁咬死象 (mǎyǐ yǎosǐ xiàng) is used to describe a situation where a small, seemingly insignificant force or action gradually wears down or overwhelms a much larger and more powerful opponent through persistence, determination, or strategic advantage]


Therefore, they had to take a preemptive strike, capture and occupy the border areas with minimal losses. Only then could they achieve their goal – occupy the city and end their wandering life.


After giving it some thought, it’s actually quite simple to understand how the opponent intends to make their move.


Therefore, Tuoba Yaoheng felt that Liu Fang’s ability to guess their plan with just a few words showcased her deep cunning.


Actually not. She just got more knowledge than the people here.


However, this did not diminish Liu Fang’s ability to exploit their ignorance of the situation and instill fear in them. As long as they were afraid, she would have loopholes to exploit.


That’s all she wants.


Liu Fang looked at Tuoba Yaoheng’s nervous look and said calmly: “It seems that the third prince is doing well?”


After hearing her words, Tuoba Yaoheng did not dare to lower his guard and replied cautiously: “Thanks to Miss, Myself, my elder brother, my seventh younger brother, and my uncle are all safe.”


Liu Fang smiled slightly, but her beautiful smile made the four people across from her shiver in their hearts.


“You guys are here as guests in my Dayan Kingdom. Naturally, I must entertain you. The Third Prince need not be so polite.”


Tuoba Yaoheng: …Haha.


“Miss, are you just here to mock us?”


Tuoba Yaoheng was really afraid of her and didn’t want to talk in circles anymore, so he couldn’t help but speak out to probe.


Liu Fang smiled and shook her head, “Of course not. I would like to invite you to watch a show in the next two days.”


Tuoba Yaoheng suddenly became stiff and his hair stood on end!


Watching a show? What kind of show is there to watch? !


Tuoba Gangzheng, Tuoba Yaohong, and Tuoba Yaocheng looked at each other in confusion.


But they saw Tuoba Yaoheng clenching his fists and said with extreme nervousness: “Miss we are prisoners. I’m afraid it will be inconvenient for you. It’s better not to cause any trouble for you.”


Liu Fang looked at them and admired Tuoba Yaoheng’s intelligence from the bottom of her heart. What right do modern people have to look down on the ancients? Among the ancients, the intelligent ones were far more powerful than many modern people who grew up in comfort!


She looked into Tuoba Yaoheng’s eyes and calmly said: “Third prince, I am here to inform you, not to discuss with you. ”


As soon as these words were uttered, Tuoba Yaoheng understood immediately. He closed his eyes dejectedly, and then asked weakly: “Miss, you promised me not to kill me, right?”


Liu Fang nodded, “That’s right.”


“So, now…”


Liu Fang smiled when she saw his resigned acceptance expression and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. I just want to invite you to watch a good show.”


Tuoba Yaoheng opened his eyes and looked at her, “Then, can Miss guarantee our safety?”


Liu Fang looked at him steadily, and Tuoba Yaoheng’s eyes were firm and unyielding.


After a while, Liu Fang smiled faintly and said: “Well, I promise. None of you will die. At least, not this time. ”


She stood up and gave a slight nod to the four of them, then turned around and left with Chen Fang.


Tuoba Yaoheng watched her leave, finally exhaling a sigh of relief, feeling his body went weak as he sat.


Tuoba Gangzheng frowned and asked, “Yaoheng, is she going to kill us?”


Tuoba Yaoheng smiled bitterly, “There is nothing she would not dare to do.”


Tuoba Gangzheng was silent, but Tuoba Yaocheng couldn’t believe it, “If she kills us, it will only lead to crazy revenge from our tribe. With just her alone, how can she resist an army of five hundred thousand? We don’t need to look to know what Liucheng’s situation was like now, it was beaten so badly that its armaments and personnel were in disarray. How dare she touch us? Isn’t she just seeking death? ”


Tuoba Yaoheng looked at him and said firmly: “You are wrong. If she wants to kill, no one will stop her! Instead, because she killed us, she was able to gain everyone’s support. At that time, even the emperor of the Dayan Kingdom could not stop her! You know how much the people of the Dayan Kingdom hate us. As long as she kills us, she will be the hero of the entire Dayan Kingdom! What can’t she do? Half a million troops? Oh, what is she afraid of? Behind her are the entire people of Dayan Kingdom! Believe it or not, as long as she gives the order, the whole world will defect to her, and countless people will fight for her! Moreover, they are all brave and fearless, moving forward and filling the void left by fallen comrades! As long as she is here, let alone five hundred thousand, even one million or ten million, cannot withstand her fame and prestige! ”


In every era, there will be no shortage of passionate and brave people, and there will be no shortage of heroes to serve their family and country!


And as long as Liu Fang becomes the hero of the Dayan Kingdom, then she will be the most respected person in the entire Dayan Kingdom next to the emperor!


Such characters can rally a hundred responses with ease, effortlessly leading a group of fearless individuals to fight to the death.


As for the barbarian tribes, what they feared most was the desperate efforts of the Dayan people, because they were fewer in number!


Tuoba Yaoheng would never engage in a fight that was doomed to fail.


That’s why he was cautious, that’s why he was so afraid of Liu Fang, and that’s why he stayed here so obediently. As long as Liu Fang didn’t kill him, he had nothing to fear.


He will always go back, and one day he will be able to make a comeback!


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