Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

In addition to these, there were also the military supplies and armaments she forcefully brought back from Liangcheng, Huicheng, and the main city, which obviously completely offended them.


There was even an imperial envoy sent by the emperor. She didn’t know what would happen.


The barbarian army was still stationed a hundred miles away and had not completely retreated. After all, the commander-in-chief, the main generals and three princes who led the army this time were all captured by Liu Fang. Even if the barbarian army wanted to leave, they didn’t dare to leave!


If one of these intrigues wasn’t dealt with, all Liu Fang’s previous efforts will be in vain!


Therefore, she really has no extra energy to take care of Liu Feng and the two children.


Liu Fang waited until Liu Feng fell asleep from crying, changed his clothes, wiped his face with warm water, applied antifreeze facial ointment, put a new pillow on him, covered him with a quilt, and after looking at them, she stood up and quietly left the room.


Chen Fang and his wife stood waiting outside the room. When they saw Liu Fang coming out, they both bowed respectfully.


Liu Fang said to Chen Fang: “Let them stay in your house. I feel at ease because sister-in-law is taking care of them. Thank you brother and sister-in-law.”


After that, Liu Fang solemnly bowed and thanked Chen Fang and his wife.


Chen Fang and his wife quickly saluted and said: “I’m faltered. It is my great honor to have your trust. My wife will definitely take good care of the three young masters. Please rest assured, Miss.”


Liu Fang nodded and saluted again: “Thank you!”


Chen Fang quickly returned the courtesy again. Seeing this, Liu Fang stopped being polite and said, “Let’s go and see Liu Zhi.”


“Yes, Miss.”


Chen Fang’s wife watched the two people walking away and sighed in her heart: Miss is still so young, but she has already shouldered the burden of the entire Liucheng. It’s really…


She remembered the clothes Liu Fang was wearing just now. It was so shabby that it was hard to believe that it was worn by the leader of a city.


She pondered and decided to talk to the others tomorrow. Miss was working so hard, so she couldn’t be allowed to worry about trivial matters anymore. The people in the military camp were all rough guys, and they were used to it, but it was not good for a young lady.


There must be someone to take care of her daily life.




Liu Zhi lived in the city government office and was imprisoned in a cell like a prisoner.


That’s right, in jail.


After what Liu Zhi did, she deserved to be there.


However, Liu Fang still cared about her being a member of the Liu family and had someone prepare a clean cell, treat her injuries, and provide her with food.


Other than that, there was nothing.


Liu Fang and Chen Fang walked into the cell slowly.


The clothes Liu Zhi was wearing were still clean. As soon as he saw Liu Fang, she stood up excitedly, rushed to her, and said loudly: “You finally come to see me. Why are you keeping me locked up? Why did you lock me here? Do you know, this is a prison cell! I’m not a prisoner! I am also a young lady from the Liu family, and I am a direct descendant! A daughter born from a concubine, how dare you have the audacity to imprison me? Did you know that this is illegal? ! ”


In the laws of the Dayan Kingdom, there was a provision that children born from a concubine cannot go against the children born from the main wife. That’s why Liu Zhi was so confident.


In this world, or rather, in ancient times, the status of the children born from the main wife was indeed superior and could not be shaken at will. Because once the status of direct descendants was questioned, it would trigger the collapse of the feudal system. if the distinction between the children born from the main wife and the children born from a concubine was blurred, order would cease to exist.


This was the so-called collapse of etiquette.


However, Liu Fang found it quite amusing as she looked at Liu Zhi in front of her. I never saw you act like a direct descendant of the Liu family before. Now, you’re waving the tiger skin as your flag, acting as if you’re right just because you say so.

[虎皮 (hu pi) a metaphor to describe someone who is pretending or putting on a false appearance, particularly someone assuming a self-important or authoritative demeanor without the substance to support it]


It’s really annoying!


Chen Fang’s face turned red with anger and wanted to step forward to teach her a lesson, but Liu Fang raised her hand to stop him and even said: “you go outside and wait for now.”


After hearing this, Chen Fang had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart, glared at Liu Zhi before bowing and withdrawing, standing outside and watching.


Liu Zhi stiffened from Chen Fang’s glare.


Suddenly Liu Zhi remembered the viciously look Madam Liu and the others had given her that night. She suddenly became dejected, shrank her neck, and stood there with her head lowered, not daring to speak.


Liu Fang looked at Liu Zhi indifferently. Not surprisingly, this Liu Zhi was just a coward, a paper tiger, with no abilities, but exceptional at causing trouble.


However, it doesn’t matter anymore.


Liu Fang calmly looked at Liu Zhi and said with a calm voice.


“Did you know? I actually really want to cut you into pieces.”


When Liu Zhi heard Liu Fang’s words, she was so frightened that she raised her head in disbelief. Her face was pale and she looked at Liu Fang in fear.


Liu Fang stared straight into her eyes and said, “I’m serious.”


Liu Zhi: Σ⊙▃⊙川


She knew that what Liu Fang said was true!


After a while, Liu Zhi swallowed, shrank her neck, looked at Liu Fang with fear, and asked cautiously: “Then, you, now…”


Liu Fang smiled slightly, which was so beautiful that it made Liu Zhi feel cold all over and shuddered: This younger sister has become so scary! (ㄒoㄒ)


“Now is not the time. So, you are still alive.”


Liu Fang said it casually, just like when Liu Zhi provoked her every day, she never cared and laughed it off.


But Liu Zhi understood that now was different. Liu Fang really thought so and planned to do it!


She was almost scared to death!


Liu Zhi shook her head with red eyes and said: “No, you can’t kill me, we are sisters! I’m your elder sister. By the way, I am a direct descendant and you are a child born from a concubine. If you kill me, you will also go to jail…”


Liu Fang looked at her flustered look and suddenly felt angry. She raised her hand and slapped her: “Pah!”


Liu Zhi’s face was knocked askew and swollen, but she was also beaten awake.


“Are you awake?”


Liu Fang suppressed the anger in her heart and said calmly: “Do you think you still have the face to tell me about direct descendants and concubine children? Sisterly love?!”


Liu Fang eased her anger in her heart, looked at Liu Zhi with her head tilted and said: “Have you forgotten what you did? Have you forgotten the people who died in Liucheng that night and the blood they shed? You……”


Liu Fang paused, and then continued: “Have you forgotten what happened to mother and the others? Did you forget……Father and elder brothers… you still have the nerve to call me sisters now? ! ”


The more Liu Fang spoke, the more angry she became: “You still have the nerve to live?! Why don’t you die!”


Following Liu Fang’s words, everything about that night flashed through Liu Zhi’s mind again. Her face was pale, her whole body trembled, she couldn’t move, and couldn’t feel the pain on her face.


She regretted it!


She really regretted it!


But, but… everything was too late!


When Madam Liu was killed in front of her eyes, when the blood of those people splashed on her face, when she felt the smell of blood in the air, and the chaotic screams all around…


All of this finally made her understand that she was wrong!


She was so completely wrong! There was no room for redemption!


But, what can she do?


After she got the space, she thought that she could be like the heroine in the novel. She could make her family glorious, she could make them live longer, she could do many, many things that she had only dreamed of doing…


But the reality was, she killed them!


Not only did she kill her family, she also became a traitor, foolishly bringing those demons into her country and watching them slaughter her compatriots…




Liu Zhi covered her head and shouted!


She hated it!


She hated herself!


She wanted to kill herself!


But she was a coward. She was greedy for life and afraid of death, she…


Liu Zhi knelt on the ground, held her head, and cried loudly: “I also want to die! But I dare not! I am afraid of death! I am afraid of death! Ah…”


She finally knew that this was not a novel or a game, this was real life. A lost life could not be resurrected, and everything she had done could not be reversed.


She regret! She hated!


Regret, for her self-righteousness.


Hate, her self-righteousness.


Liu Zhi raised her head, rushed over, and grabbed Liu Fang’s hand: “Come kill me! Don’t you want to cut me into pieces? come! kill me! It’s all my fault! It’s all my fault! If it weren’t for me, Mother wouldn’t have died. Eldest sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, eldest brother, second brother, and father… and many more people… None of them will die. It’s me who deserves to die, you kill me! kill me! ! ”


Liu Fang quietly watched Liu Zhi collapse into madness. Liu Fang kept silent and just watched until Liu Zhi got tired from going crazy, collapsed to the ground with a dull expression.


Liu Fang knelt down and looked at Liu Zhi, her voice soft and calm: “So, what did you get? Why did you leave the city at that time?”


Liu Zhi was in daze and immersed in self-remorse. She subconsciously replied: “I got a space. There are spiritual springs, martial arts secrets, many precious medicinal materials, silver and gold treasures in it. I was very excited. I wanted to take a closer look at what I could do in my space, so I went out of the city and hid in the mountains. After I came out of the space, I realized that it was getting dark and I was lost ……”


Needless to say, the situation that Liu Zhi encountered was similar to what Liu Fang had guessed: Tuoba Yaoheng’s guards captured Liu Zhi and were about to kill her, but Tuoba Yaoheng wanted to take a gamble. He wanted to see if the girl knew the path to the city in the mountains—unexpectedly, it was the right bet.


But what Liu Fang cared about was the space on Liu Zhi.


It seemed that this bastard was overly excited after getting such a treasure, so she ran out of the city.


But Liu Fang still couldn’t understand, “Why don’t you do it at home?”


Only Liu Zhi can use the space, and others can’t steal it, let alone rob it, so why does she have to run out of the city?


“Because when I got the space, I got some gifts, thirty years of internal energy was injected into my body, which made me capable of martial arts. I can even fly.”


Liu Fang:…(ー_ー)!!


She remembered this guy’s so-called “martial art” that night.


Liu Zhi continued: “I’m so happy. I don’t have to endure hardship or horse stance, and I don’t have to practice in all season. I can do everything all of a sudden! But you woke me up. My martial arts skills were so mysterious. If parents knew about it, they would definitely not let it go. They would definitely investigate it and get to the bottom of it… But I was afraid, and I couldn’t explain it at all, so I thought that no one would know if I went out of the city to the mountains. After I completely understand the space, I will tell them…”


There’s no need to say more. A momentary recklessness caused severe consequences for Liucheng and the Liu family.


Liu Fang looked at Liu Zhi. She had a beautiful appearance and clear eyes. Because of her personality, she looked like a simple, silly, and sweet child.


She suddenly felt that it was meaningless to hate her.


Liu Fang raised her hand and pressed the back of Liu Zhi’s head. Immediately Liu Zhi closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Liu Fang used some medicine and some tricks to force her to have a mental breakdown just to ask these things.


Her feelings for Liu Zhi were really complicated, but these complicated feelings will not affect her arrangements and handling situation regarding her.


She carried Liu Zhi and placed her on the hay-covered ground, then walked out of the cell and said to Chen Fang who was waiting, “Did you hear everything she said tonight?”


Chen Fang nodded, and Liu Fang continued: “Remember to pass this on and make sure it doesn’t affect the subsequent arrangements.”


“Yes, Miss, I understand.”


Liu Fang nodded slightly and walked away. Chen Fang glanced at Liu Zhi in the cell, then turned around and followed.




It was a long journey from the Capital to western border. Liu Fang’s urgent report took eight days to reach the capital. Then Emperor Yanqing issued an order for the crown prince to prepare and set off early the next morning. It would take half a month to reach western border.


Of course, the crown prince was not in a hurry. After all, he was an absurd crown prince and an incompetent heir. Wasn’t it normal to travel while indulging with beautiful women, wine and merriment?


Therefore, this half-month journey was turned into a month by him.


However, this gave Liu Fang time to make arrangements. It could be considered a twist of fate.


During this month and a half, the barbarian on the other side has also been active. They had made several attempts to come over and rescue Tuoba Ganzheng and his party.


Unfortunately, Liu Fang was here, and she had already prepared for it. Therefore, those barbarian elites had no chance to return, and were all wiped out by Liu Fang.


On this day, a subordinate came to report that the imperial envoy’s entourage was not far from here, and it would take at most two days to arrive.


Liu Fang smiled slightly and said to Chen Fang: “The show is about to be staged. Let’s go and see those ‘distinguished guests’. After so many days, we have neglected them.”



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