Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

“Your Highness, His Majesty has sent a message.”


Hong Bao, the personal eunuch, respectfully saluted the crown prince⎯⎯Murong Zhuo.


Murong Zhuo opened his drunken eyes, glanced at the eunuch delivering the order, smiled, and said, “Then pass it on. I am listening.”


Everyone present was not surprised, and the eunuch who delivered the order was also calm and respectfully told Emperor Yanqing’s words.


Murong Zhuo smiled and nodded, “Well, asking me to go to western border, right? Okay, I know. You can go back. Hongbao, remember to reward him.”


“Yes, Your Highness.”


“Thank you Your Highness for the reward.”


Murong Zhuo smiled and watched them go away, then he pulled the beauty next to him and kissed her!


His slightly narrowed eyes were filled with coldness: Father, are you so impatient? After repeatedly probing, you don’t feel tired?


He suddenly felt that the world was really boring and everyone was so hypocritical that it made people sick.


This filled him with the urge to destroy it.


But when he thought of his mother who died when he was young, his eyes started to become teary, he endured the sourness: He couldn’t.


He promised his mother that he would become a good emperor!


He can definitely do it!




Let’s not talk about what happened in the capital for the time being, let’s just talk about Liu Fang’s side.


The memorial sent to the capital was written by Liu Fang herself, she also deliberately exaggerated it.


Most of them were true, except for Liangcheng and Huicheng’s armaments problem: Because Liangcheng’s general came from a wealthy family in the capital, he was naturally able to get the necessary armaments and military supplies every year. The situation in Huicheng was similar to this.


However, the general in these two cities all had the problem of eating empty pay.


Liu Fang took the opportunity to hold their handle, letting them make the best of a bad bargain and shift all the responsibilities to the capital.


In this way, she can take advantage of the chaos and tidy up Liucheng – conveniently tricking the emperor.


Of course, she wanted to show the nobles in the capital that Liucheng was at the end of its rope. If they continued like this, it would force them to rebel.


Presumably, His Majesty the Emperor would not like such a thing to happen.


In officialdom, only one strategy was needed to deal with the political situation and power of an imperial government, one just needed to be brazen!


It can be throwing a tantrum and rolling on the ground. Just cried and made a fuss.


This was all told to Liu Fang by her elder sisters in the first mission world.


Especially the fifth elder sister⎯⎯Anfei. She was a slick person who was proficient in acting!


Liu Fang thought she couldn’t reach that level, but it was still OK to learn the basics.


Anyway, Liucheng was indeed poor.


They were almost out of food, she didn’t lie.


However, Liu Fang also knew that the emperor would not completely believe her words just because of her memorial, and would definitely send an imperial envoy to investigate.


Before that, she had to take care of Liucheng’s affairs.


The teams sent to support Liangcheng and Huicheng had returned to camp, but the entire Liucheng’s armaments were completely depleted by this support.


There was no other choice. Liu Fang couldn’t let those soldiers carry those rags to support, right? Wasn’t that sending free food?


The only option was to give all the best armaments in the army to those soldiers. There was nothing left after the fight.


She really couldn’t find a decent sword.


With no money, no weapons, and almost running out of food, Liucheng’s situation was still difficult.


But Liu Fang’s wait was not waiting idly.


Now that the danger of the barbarians has been resolved, it will be others’ turn to bleed to fill the gap in Liucheng.


First of all, Liu Fang took people to Liangcheng in a very “friendly” manner. Weren’t you already missing more than half of your men? Just in time, she would take the excess armaments.


As for their willingness? Ah.


After Liu Fang smashed a stone table, Liangcheng’s general was very “happy” and gave her 20,000 stones of provisions and 10,000 armaments.


The same goes for Huicheng. Liu Fang brought back 30,000 stones of provisions and 20,000 pieces of military equipment.


At least the soldiers guarding the city had something to use and also allowed everyone to have a full meal.


After these two cities were plundered by Liu Fang, it was the main city’s turn. Liu Fang also had a “friendly” communication with the general of the main city and brought over 50,000 stones of provision and 30,000 armaments.


In this way, Liucheng has enough food, and military equipment to continue to defend the city for the time being.


During this period, Liu Fang also reformed the training programs. Adding training to improve individual combat capabilities.


After a period of busy schedule, half a month had passed before Liu Fang finally had time to take a break.


At this time, Chen Fang came to Liu Fang to talk about Liu Zhi’s situation.


That day Liu Zhi was thrown out as a hostage by the barbarians and was seriously injured by Liu Fang. Later, when the battle subsided, the Liucheng garrison went to clean up the battlefield and picked up Liu Zhi, who had fainted and been dumped on the roadside.


Then she stayed in Liucheng to recuperate. Now that she has recovered, she has the strength to fuss.


“Miss, Liu Zhi wants to see you.”


Liu Fang was reviewing military affairs when Chen Fang walked in and said. She raised her eyebrows and continued writing, “What’s going on?”


She still keeps Liu Zhi and has not dealt with her. It was not because she was soft-hearted or intended to let her go, but because the time was not right.


Liu Fang knew Liu Zhi’s origins, and was very curious about what incredible adventure the other party had experienced that gave her the confidence to act recklessly.


But, she was always like that, so there was no need to deal with Liu Zhi too hastily. Otherwise, Liu Zhi would consider herself so important that the world couldn’t function without her.


Chen Fang lowered his head and said respectfully: “She didn’t say anything, she just insisted on seeing you. Moreover, she also said that you will definitely meet her, otherwise, you will definitely regret it.”


Liu Fang finished reviewing the report in her hand, put down her brush, relaxed her body, rubbed her shoulders, and then said slowly: “Okay, I will see her in the evening. If she makes trouble again, don’t give her food. So as not to waste it.”


Liu Zhi seemed to be in good spirits, look like her injuries had completely healed. With her fickle temperament, she would definitely be capable of knocking over food.


Liucheng’s food supply was tight now, and not a single grain of rice could be wasted. Since Liu Zhi was so capable, let’s starve her for a few meals first. It saved her from wasting food. Others can’t even get enough to eat.


After spending most of the day studying the map carefully and discussing it with the commanders. Liu Fang thoroughly arranged all the affairs of Liucheng. Only then did Liu Fang have time to eat and think about other things.


The three children⎯⎯Liu Feng, Liu Zheng, and Liu Rong were still at Chen Fang’s house.


Chen Fang was already married. He only has one wife and a five-year-old son, Chen Luo.


After dinner, Liu Fang went to the Chen family’s house with Chen Fang and visited the three children.


Liu Rong was only two years old, a time when he needed his mother, but now…


These days, the child wakes up from nightmares every day. Liu Fang was focused on the safety of Liucheng and had no way to take care of them.


Fortunately, Chen Fang’s wife was gentle and patient. She accompanied Liu Rong and slowly helped him recover from the shock of that night.


Liu Feng was six years old, so what happened that night left a deep impression on him.


Although he woke up from nightmares every night with tears streaming down his face. He already understood that now, apart from his aunt, only the three brothers were left to depend on each other. As the eldest brother, he must take good care of his two younger brothers.


As for Liu Zheng, he was only three years old. Although he also experienced the chaotic battle that night, he followed his elder brother in a daze. Although he was also frightened and missed his mother very much, he was not so panicked when his elder brother was beside him. So, he managed to recover relatively quickly.


Liu Fang arrived at Chen’s house, solemnly thanked Madam Chen, and then went to see them in the children’s room.


Liu Zheng was sleeping soundly, and Liu Rong had recovered from his shock in the past two days. Today, he rarely agreed to sleep with his older brothers and was now peacefully asleep as well.


There was only Liu Feng, and he woke up as soon as Liu Fang entered the room.


Liu Fang raised her eyebrows and looked at Liu Feng, who was looking at her with his eyes open.




Liu Fang sighed secretly in her heart, walked slowly over, sat on the edge of the bed, gently looked into Liu Feng’s disbelieving eyes, and whispered slowly: “Was Feng’er awakened by auntie?”


After hearing this, Liu Feng’s eyes suddenly turned red, and his tears flowed down uncontrollably, soaking the pillow underneath.


Liu Fang raised her hand, stroked his hair slowly, and said calmly: “Feng’er, it’s okay. Auntie is here, so everything will be fine.”


“Auntie!” Liu Feng suppressed his voice, choked up and called out: “Auntie, mother, grandmother, aunt… and others… , they are all dead… I saw it… Uncle Ping took us to hide and covered my mouth to prevent me from making any sound, but I saw it all…I saw it all…wuwuwu…”


Liu Feng held Liu Fang’s waist, buried himself in her embrace, and cried depressedly, intermittently narrating about the fear and sadness he experienced that night…


Liu Fang hugged him and patted his back slowly and gently, letting him cry freely and letting him completely release the fear that he had accumulated since that night and had not been vented until now.


Liu Feng was still young, so when he saw something like that, it was natural to be afraid. Being able to suppress it until now. This child was already very strong, incredibly strong!


Liu Fang raised her head, blinked, and suppressed the pain in her heart.


She used to be a mother.


In the first two mission worlds, she was married and had children, so she naturally understood a mother’s responsibilities.


But now, she was not only the aunt of Liu Feng but also the leader of Liucheng. Even though the court has not given her a title or determined her official position.


But she knew that most of her time in the future would have to be spent in strengthening and defending Liucheng.


She has no time to discipline them, even though they were her only relatives and the only hope for the future of the Liu family.


But she really couldn’t take care of them in a short time.


Think about it, half a month has passed since the battle that night, but only now was she able to visit them for the first time.


It’s not that she didn’t care, but she really truly had no time. She had to completely take control of the entire Liucheng in the shortest possible time and also arrange the follow-up affairs swiftly.


Because, what Liucheng faced next was not just guarding the barbarians.


The armaments issue in the entire borderland was directly exposed by Liu Fang, and everyone related to it would never let her go.


In addition, she, a thirteen years old girl, single-handedly led Liucheng to resist the barbarian army of 500,000. She also supported Liangcheng and Huicheng, assisting them in annihilating 20,000 barbarian elites.


Not to mention, she came out of nowhere and killed nearly two thousand elite barbarians in Liucheng alone. She also shot down barbarian generals and beheaded two strong barbarians…


Liu Fang has to face the series of consequences caused by these events one after another, and she has to personally handle each of them. Otherwise, she will not be able to truly control Liucheng and proceed with her plan to defend Liucheng with peace of mind.


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