Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 63 Daughter of a Border General


Did she think she was a god?


Liu Fang told him vividly. She was not a god, but she can still catch someone.


As Liu Fang swung her spear, all the barbarians who came into contact with her, whether they were soldiers or generals, were all killed with one blow, completely unable to resist her advance.


Tuoba Gangzheng was really shocked at this moment. Has this person been hiding her strength?


Liu Fang said. That’s right! She did so many things, including tricks and surprise attacks, just to capture the commander-in-chief who led the army this time. To capture the enemy, capture the king first. Once the leader was captured, everything would be easy.


She had been observing the movements of the barbarian troops and found that the old man Tuoba Gangzheng was the real commander. So why not catch him quickly? 


Liu Fang was extremely fast, and she tried her best to rush toward Tuoba Gangzheng, regardless of her own safety, even if she exchanged injuries for injuries!


Tuoba Gangzheng felt it was just a flash and Liu Fang was already in front of him and wanted to catch him.


Tuoba Gangzheng sneered. He was indeed shocked by this female general, but he was not an unknown person! He was also a general of the barbarian tribe!


Tuoba Gangzheng swung the sword in his hand toward Liu Fang, preparing to cut off Liu Fang’s arm.


However, when Liu Fang actually showed her skill, the speed was not something Tuoba Gangzheng could keep up with.


Tuoba Gangzhend saw Liu Fang flipping her palm, and in an instant, Liu Fang slapped Tuoba Gangzheng’s sword away!


The shock caused him to spurt blood!


At this moment, Tuoba Gangzheng was really shocked to the point of being unable to react: (⊙o⊙)! ! Is there really such incredible martial arts in this world?


He looked in a daze, completely ignoring that he was grabbed by the neck by Liu Fang, pressed into the horse’s back, and ran up the mountain.


The surrounding barbarian soldiers who saw Tuoba Gangzheng being captured were shocked and hurriedly stepped forward to block Liu Fang’s way.


However, Liu Fang was unwilling to fight with them at this moment. It would be endless!


She touched her waist with her left hand, and then waved her hand, scattering a wave of powder. The oncoming barbarian soldiers all fell off their horses to the ground, completely weak.


Liu Fang used medicine to blocked the barbarian soldiers who blocked her way. Riding Feng Zhi and carrying Tuoba Gang Zheng, Liu Fang galloped away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Only the barbarian troops were left scattered, wandering on the mountain road in a mess. A group without a leader. At a loss.


As for Liucheng guards ambushing on the mountain?


Oh, they had already received Liu Fang’s signal and retreated to Liucheng.


A magnificent siege battle ended in this mountain forest.


Liu Fang no longer cares about what will happen to the barbarian troops in the future. Unless the other party completely ignores the few chips in her hand, otherwise, her plan has been completed, and the three border towns in the borderland can all be safe and sound!




Liu Fang galloped all the way and soon returned to the Liucheng military camp. Before entering the city, she knocked Tuoba Gangzheng unconscious, then took him into the military camp and ordered Chen Fang to send someone to guard him. Above all, she also gave him medicine to prevent him from escaping.


“By the way, locked him up with that Prince Tuoba.”


Liu Fang thought for a while and said to Chen Fang.


Chen Fang was a little worried and said: “Miss, is it okay to lock these two together? What if they…”


Liu Fang smiled slightly, looked at Chen Fang, and said, “I did it on purpose. I just wanted to see how they going to do ‘that’.”


When Chen Fang heard this, he pondered and understood immediately, “Yes, miss, I understand.”


Liu Fang nodded, turned around, and entered the tent. Chen Fang paused for a moment then followed her, and said to Liu Fang who was taking off her armor: “Miss, your injuries…”


Liu Fang said calmly: “It’s okay. Go and make arrangements. Also, bring me the report of the situation in Liangcheng and Huicheng.”


This time she was lucky. Liangcheng held on for a day and a night without being broken. Huicheng also blocked the attack of the elite barbarians due to landslides.


When the soldiers sent by Liu Fang to support arrived at Huicheng, the elite barbarian troops only began to attack, moreover their spirits were low. Apparently they were cowed by natural disasters blocking their way.


Ancient warfare was all about the right place, the right time, and the right people. The barbarian elite troops on Huicheng’s side encountered a landslide on the way, which was bad luck and it was normal for their morale to be affected.


After Liu Fang cleaned up briefly and treated her injuries, she picked up the military report and read it.


Liangcheng suffered heavy losses, while Huicheng was almost unscathed. As for Liucheng, because it defended the city for another night and supported the other two cities, there were still some losses, but compared to the previous night of defending the city, it was not bad. Only three thousand people were killed or injured.


Liu Fang breathed a sigh of relief. It was impossible to fight a war without people dying. She could only try her best to reduce the number of casualties. Other than that, there was nothing she could do.


In addition, the two barbarian generals who led the attack on Huicheng and Liangcheng, Tuoba Yaohong and Tuoba Yaocheng were both captured alive.


Liu Fang smiled with satisfaction. It seems the medicine she made was quite good.


After reviewing the trivial military affairs in Liucheng and making arrangements, Liu Fang officially lay down and took a nap. She could finally get some sleep.


They were truly safe!




Dayan Kingdom’s capital was the most prosperous place in the entire Dayan Kingdom.


Winter was long, and for wealthy families, it was popular to hold snow-viewing banquets. Inside the house with floor heating, it was warm and cozy, with good wine and delicious food, accompanied by beautiful women, and it was a scene of prosperity and harmony.


And in the midst of this, the person sitting at the main seat was a handsome young man with face as white as jade.


He was wearing a light yellow brocade robe and a jade crown on his head. A faint smile on his face. He was holding a wine glass and leaning in the arms of a stunning beauty. He was watching the people below talking, laughing. Leading a befuddled life.


Ha, this is Dayan Kingdom!


The man sneered sarcastically in his heart. Focusing solely on extravagance and couldn’t see that the country was already in the twilight and crumbling!


He lowered his eyelids. Even if it was him, he had to hide his capacities and bide his time, and display this disgusting behavior.


Sometimes, he really wanted someone to break everything, completely breaking the comfort of this country, and let these so-called gentlemen who are aloof and ignorant of the suffering of the people take a look at what kind of mess the Dayan Kingdom has become!


The man squeezed the wine glass in his hand slightly, feeling sad in his heart. However, he couldn’t.


Even if this country was in such a bad state, how can he, who was born in Dayan, watch the people become homeless and without a country?


He could only endure it until one day he was strong enough and could change this world!


The man raised his hand and drank all the wine in the glass. He squinted his eyes and watched the beauty behind him pour the wine for him.


Suddenly, a personal attendant came over and whispered into his ear. The man immediately sat up straight and pushed the beauty next to him aside.


The beauty was stunned, looked at the man coquettishly, and said: “Your Highness?”


The man glanced at her coldly, and the beauty suddenly turned pale, bowed her head, and retreated respectfully.


The man turned to look at the attendant who came to deliver the message, and asked in a low voice: “Is the message accurate?”


The eunuch lowered his head and said respectfully: “Answer Your Highness, the news is absolutely true! Your Majesty has also received the news.”


The man was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head and grinned: “Hahaha…”


Good! Good!


God finally opened his eyes!


This time, he would see what these people in the imperial court who always sang praises and showed off their virtues every day would say this times!




In the imperial study room of Dayan Kingdom Palace.


The current Emperor⎯⎯Yanqing looked coldly at the ministers kneeling below, as well as the Ministry of War, Ministry of Revenue, and other relevant ministers.


“Take a good look, this is an urgent report from Liucheng!”


Emperor Yanqing raised his hand, threw the memorial in his hand in front of these ministers, and said coldly: “An army of half a million and nearly 30,000 elite barbarians arrived at the border of Dayan overnight, but no one noticed it. Not only this, take a look at what’s written above. Liucheng has not had sufficient supplies, food, pay, and military supplies in ten years, and there are not even enough generals and deputy generals to defend the city. As for Liangcheng, oh, it’s very good. The military and armaments are still the same as the year before. Huicheng is even worse! No new armaments have been allocated in eight years! Also, there was a fierce battle in the three border cities for two days and one night. What was the main city behind doing? Where are my millions of soldiers? Hah? You say! Could it be all the people in the main city are dead? In the end, it needs a mere thirteen-year-old girl to go into action to win the battle. Nevertheless, 40,000 dead and wounded at Liucheng, and half of the people in Liangcheng were dead and wounded. If Huicheng had not been lucky, they would have all been wiped out. Are the military expenses that I have earned through self-restraint and frugality every year just lost by you? Then what do I need you for? What does the Dayan Kingdom need you for? Hah! “


All the ministers trembled and kowtowed to the ground, saying in unison: “I deserve to die!”


Emperor Yanqing said coldly: “Yes, you deserve to die! I don’t care what you are up to, check it out immediately. If you dare to condone those traitors, I won’t spare you! It has been a long time since a minister’s family was exterminad. I will start the killing spree this time! “


All the ministers were suddenly sweating like rain, trembling and not daring to move.


Emperor Yanqing looked at them coldly for a while. When he saw they almost fainted with fright he said compassionately: “Declare Duke Xuan to enters the palace.”


When Duke Xuan entered the palace and came to the imperial study, Emperor Yanqing still had a cold face.


“I pay homage to Your Majesty.”


“Get up.”


“Thank you, Your Majesty.”


Emperor Yanqing asked someone to hand the memorial to Duke Xuan to read it, and said, “You have a clear understanding of the western border. What do you think of this memorial?”


Duke Xuan turned a blind eye to the ministers who were still kneeling. After reading the memorial, he said very calmly: “Your Majesty, since this matter has been reported, it must be true. If your Majesty is not at ease, you can send an imperial envoy to verify it.”


Emperor Yanqing nodded slightly. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe it, but that he couldn’t believe it.


“In this case, you will be responsible for investigating the armaments for the western border. As for the western border, isn’t the eldest still idle? Let him go and take a look.”


Duke Xuan lowered his eyelids and saluted respectfully: “The eldest prince is the crown prince of a country. Isn’t it too dangerous to go to the western border?”


Emperor Yanqing waved his hand and said: “It doesn’t matter. Anyway, he is still young and it is time to gain experience. Otherwise, he will be ridiculous all day long.”


Duke Xuan saluted respectfully, “Yes, Your Majesty, I accept the order.”


Emperor Yanqing nodded with satisfaction, then asked Duke Zhen to step aside first, and then sent the eunuch to inform the crown prince.




The East Palace of Dayan Kingdom was outside the imperial palace. Therefore, when the eunuch delivering the decree arrived at the East Palace, it looked like a banquet was in full swing.


  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    Thanks for update 🐢

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