Happiness Consists in Contentment

Daughter of a Border General

Chapter 62 Daughter of a Border General


On the other side, Tuoba Jiu, who was fighting Liu Fang, gradually felt a little dizzy. He was suddenly startled. Has the opponent drugged him?


Liu Fang watched Tuoba Jiu’s pupils start to be unfocused. She smiled secretly in her heart. The biggest shortcoming of the ancients was that they did not understand the importance of science.


For example, the nomads who were skilled in horseback riding and archery most afraid of were spinning around (this was a high probability, not all of them).


It was not unusual to ride a horse in a circle.


But what if they keep going like this?


Not to mention riding a horse, just spinning around in circles will make your head dizzy. Regardless of whether they were nomads or not, anyone can get dizzy.


Remember, only certain trained people were not afraid of turning in circles.


Therefore, Liu Fang intentionally spun around while fighting with Tuoba Jiu. Didn’t he start to feel dizzy while fighting?


Then why didn’t Liu Fang feel dizzy?


Turning in circles also required skill. While riding a horse, Liu Fang was spinning in a wider circle, and occasionally widening the distance. In this way, she was not always turning in circles!


Therefore, she will not feel dizzy.


Tuoba Jiu thought Liu Fang had drugged him, and felt his body getting weaker and weaker. He was anxious and his moves became more and more messy. If it wasn’t for Liu Fang needed to buy time, she would have shot him down long ago.


Liu Fang had been paying attention to Tuoba Jiu’s movements. Seeing that he seemed to be about to faint, she stepped back to let him take a break and not let him lose too quickly.


Otherwise, the fight with barbarians will never stop!


Besides, Liu Fang has to leave some spare energy to deal with the coming events.


Therefore, unbeknownst to Tuoba Gangzheng, they fought like crazy in his eyes.


Tuoba Gangzheng was so nervous when he saw it!


But this simple delay cannot always deceive Tuoba Gangzheng.


As time passed and the sun rose higher and higher, he finally discovered the problem. The two people were fighting until the smoke was billowing, but they kept spinning in circles, and there was no actual victory or defeat at all.


Tuoba Gangzheng’s heart suddenly sank: The other party did it on purpose!


Thinking of this, he didn’t care so much anymore and quickly shouted: “Tuoba Jiu, hurry up and cut her off!”


Although Liu Fang kept fighting, she was also paying attention to the movements of the barbarian troops.


When Tuoba Gangzheng shouted, Tuoba Jiu froze for a moment before reacting, but Liu Fang immediately knew that the other party had seen through her trick.


She couldn’t understand the words of the barbarians, but the were only a few intentions ones would shout at this time. She could guess the meanings.


Therefore, just when Tuoba Jiu was about to change his tactics and cut off Liu Fang’s horse, Liu Fang shook the spear with all her strength, stabbed him in the chest twice as fast as lightning, and directly nailed him to the horse.


Tuoba Gangzheng was looking over with a binocular. In the smoke, two people stood motionless on horseback facing each other.


There was a slight smile on his face: It seems that the female generals of the Dayan Kingdom were nothing more than this.


After a while, he saw the man in silver armor move, and then Tuoba Jiu opposite her fell off his horse with a “boom” and fell to the ground!


Tuoba Gangzheng was suddenly shocked: (⊙o⊙)! ! This is impossible!


Liu Fang held a spear in her hand and glanced at Tuoba Jiu, who fell to the ground and still couldn’t close his eyes, with a calm expression.


Then, she turned to look at the barbarian troops and said loudly: “If you only have this strength, I would advise you to turn around and go back quickly, lest you won’t be able to escape even if you want to.”


The barbarian’s troops could not understand Liu Fang’s words, but Tuoba Gangzheng did.


His face turned blue with anger, he gritted his teeth, turned to the deputy general beside him and said, “Go, kill her!”




Lieutenant General Xigong Lie bowed in response, urged his horse forward, and said to Liu Fang: “Xigong Lie is here to learn from you!”


What he spoke was the Dayan language.


After hearing this, Liu Fang raised her eyebrows slightly, raised her spear, and stepped forward to fight with him.


Xigong Lie used a scimitar that the barbarians were accustomed to. It looked ordinary, but it weighed a thousand pounds. His sword skills were exquisite, much better than Tuoba Jiu who only knew how to fight brutally.


Liu Fang held the spear with both hands and fought with him with great speed. If it weren’t for her deep internal strength, the weight of the opponent’s slash alone was enough to shatter the tiger’s mouth.


The barbarian generals were indeed worthy of their reputation, they were indeed powerful!


But Liu Fang didn’t know that when she sighed at the barbarian’s power in her heart, Xigong Lie was also shocked. Is this a female general from the Dayan Kingdom? How could it be so terrible?


He used to fight against the generals of the Dayan Kingdom, but after only three or five blows, the opponent could no longer hold back. But now, this female general fought against him with hundreds of blows. What kind of terrifying force was this?


Moreover, Xigong Lie frowned and looked at Liu Fang’s calm face. She seemed to have some energy left.


How can this be? !


In a duel between masters, the worst thing was being distracted.


Xigong Lie was shocked by the speculation in his heart and was slightly distracted. In just a short moment, Liu Fang seized the opportunity, raised her hand, and stabbed him in the shoulder.


It was aimed at the chest, but Xigonf Lie reacted quickly and dodged slightly, but he was still stabbed and injured.


Liu Fang withdrew her spear, quickly changed her moves, and struck at Xigong Lie’s face as fast as lightning, firing like a machine gun at the same time, each move was fatal. If Xigong Lie had not been careful, he might have been stabbed in the forehead by Liu Fang and died.


Xigong Lie had never been exposed to this kind of attack. He could withstand one or two attacks at first, but as time passed, he became increasingly unable to keep up with Liu Fang’s speed.


With a “pop” sound, Liu Fang stabbed him again. This time he still narrowly escaped. What was supposed to be a stab in the eye was avoided by him, and he was stabbed in another shoulder again.


Later, Xigong Lie was stabbed several times, and each time it was extremely dangerous. If he hadn’t evaded quickly enough, he would have died long ago.


The fight between the two people this time made Tuoba Gangzheng find it very arduous. They were evenly matched.


But as time passed little by little, Tuoba Gangzheng remembered. No! There’s something wrong with the opponent’s way of fighting!


He looked up at the sky. The sun was scorching in the sky, and it was already past noon.


In other words, their group has been dragged here for a long time by Liu Fang alone!


Tuoba Gangzheng looked at the two fighting on the road, frowned and thought for a long time, and then shouted: “Xigong Lie, hurry up, kill her!”


When Xigong Lie heard this, the scimitar under his hand suddenly changed direction and slashed directly toward Liu Fang’s neck, completely ignoring the spear that Liu Fang aimed at his forehead.


Did this mean he was going to trade his life for a life?


Liu Fang raised her eyebrows. Unfortunately, she didn’t want to die yet.


Liu Fand set free her left hand and grabbed Xigong Lie’s scimitar with her bare hand. She stabbed out the spear with her right hand at the same time, hitting Xigong Lie between the eyebrows, and the tip of the spear penetrated his head.


Xigong Lie’s eyes widened and he looked at Liu Fang’s left hand which was still bleeding while holding the scimitar in disbelief.


This woman, this woman, is so cruel!


Unfortunately, no one can hear his voice.


Liu Fang released her left hand, withdrew the spear, and watched Xigong Lie’s body fall to the ground.


Then she looked up at Tuoba Gangzheng in the barbarian army. She had discovered this man a long time ago, he was the one giving orders.


It seemed that he had come to his senses.


After thinking about it, Liu Fang casually tore off the cloak on her body, bandaged her left hand, then turned her horse around and ran forward quickly.


When Tuoba Gangzheng saw Xigong Lie die in battle, he was about to ask everyone to go forward and besiege Liu Fang. He has been led by the nose by the other person. It was his mistake, no matter whether the other party was alone or in a group, he should just swarmed forward, then the other party was no match for them.


But, the other party actually turned around and ran away? !


Tuoba Gangzheng was stunned: What’s going on? Is she afraid?


Feng Zhi’s speed was really fast. When Tuoba Gangzheng came back to his senses, Liu Fang had already disappeared in the blink of an eye.


He was immediately shocked. Did she really run away like that? !


However, there was no time for him to think too much now. He ordered the troops to move forward quickly. They had been delayed for a long time, and he didn’t know if he could catch up. He wondered if there would be any changes in Liangcheng.


Now he really regretted it. He shouldn’t have let that female general fool him.


Unfortunately, there was no regret medicine in the world, so he could only urge the troops to move forward faster.


So, did Liu Fang really leave?


Of course not.


She just turned around and went up the mountain to join Chen Fang’s team.




“Yes, Miss.”


The mountains on both sides of this trail were indeed not high, and there were no particularly large trees or dense bushes, but there were still grasses.


It was these grasses that Liu Fang took advantage of.


When the barbarian troops officially passed the first trap, Liu Fang raised her hand and waved!


The road at the foot of the mountain suddenly trembled, and with a “boom”, a huge pit suddenly appeared in the middle of the barbarian army!


In an instant, many barbarian infantrymen fell in, and the soldiers in front and behind were all in a mess.


“Fire the arrow!”


Liu Fang gave an order, and the soldiers hiding under the grasses suddenly fired arrows from the mountain. The barbarian troops on the mountain road were stunned by this wave of attacks. Where did this enemy army come from?


Tuoba Gangzheng was furious!


He finally remembered that he had to quickly support Tuoba Yaohong, but he didn’t expect that the road would collapse before they had gone very far? !


What’s even more incredible was that there were enemy troops ambushing on the mountains on both sides!


Why can’t he see it at all?


Tuoba Gangzheng really couldn’t figure out how Liu Fang did it.


As for Liu Fang, she rushed down the mountain alone, heading straight for Tuoba Gangzheng!


Tuoba Gangzheng was suddenly shocked. It’s her! I see!


All of this was arranged by her.


But how did the other party do it? Also, was she planning to capture him alive now?


Haha, Tuoba Gangzheng shook his head. She was still young and vigorous. As the commander-in-chief of an army, how could he have no one to protect him? How could she alone be able to capture him alive among thousands of soldiers?



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